Is this a fair representative of Christianity?

Sure it does.

oh----its the avatar------oh----now I get it. to be honest,
kosherg your avatar is startling ------I am not sure who
should be insulted-----Nazis, homosexuals, or the color spectrum ---
I am a bit insulted because my all time fave TV program
for my kid was-----READING RAINBOW. Everytime I see
a rainbow------levar burton comes to mind---~~~la la "take a
look, it's in a book la la la READING RAINBOW
Well if you're offended, you should call 911.

I will not tell you where I live-----but----well----I will tell you a story-----
I woke one day and went into my son's room to wake him for school
(he was six)------the window was right next to his bed -----and it was OPENED---
the kid opened his eyes and said "why is the window opened"? ----
"it wasn't last nite" I went to the kitchen and notice my handbag was gone---
and some other stuff was missing and the front door was ajar. -----uhm----
someone came into the apartment --STEPPED OVER MY SLEEPING KID---
and burglarized the joint ------I called the cops-------they said----"come in later or
tomorrow and make a report" In my town ----report a dead body in the hallway
and they will say----"ok ---how about you call the coroner?" really----all true. There is a reason-------the cops are trying to keep the CRIME STATS DOWN---
you think they need you and your swastika rainbow ON THE BOOKS?

What the hell are you talking about?

I don't want to know where you live, wtf?

I did not suggest that you wanted to know where I live----
I related an interesting story related to calling 911
-----I hesitate to bug the cops in my town-----THEY DON't want
to know--------just do not want to know. it UPS their stats

I was being facetious.
oh----its the avatar------oh----now I get it. to be honest,
kosherg your avatar is startling ------I am not sure who
should be insulted-----Nazis, homosexuals, or the color spectrum ---
I am a bit insulted because my all time fave TV program
for my kid was-----READING RAINBOW. Everytime I see
a rainbow------levar burton comes to mind---~~~la la "take a
look, it's in a book la la la READING RAINBOW
Well if you're offended, you should call 911.

I will not tell you where I live-----but----well----I will tell you a story-----
I woke one day and went into my son's room to wake him for school
(he was six)------the window was right next to his bed -----and it was OPENED---
the kid opened his eyes and said "why is the window opened"? ----
"it wasn't last nite" I went to the kitchen and notice my handbag was gone---
and some other stuff was missing and the front door was ajar. -----uhm----
someone came into the apartment --STEPPED OVER MY SLEEPING KID---
and burglarized the joint ------I called the cops-------they said----"come in later or
tomorrow and make a report" In my town ----report a dead body in the hallway
and they will say----"ok ---how about you call the coroner?" really----all true. There is a reason-------the cops are trying to keep the CRIME STATS DOWN---
you think they need you and your swastika rainbow ON THE BOOKS?

What the hell are you talking about?

I don't want to know where you live, wtf?

I did not suggest that you wanted to know where I live----
I related an interesting story related to calling 911
-----I hesitate to bug the cops in my town-----THEY DON't want
to know--------just do not want to know. it UPS their stats

I was being facetious.

oh---that explains your avatar-------now for more news---
facetious does not work with the general population
Well if you're offended, you should call 911.

I will not tell you where I live-----but----well----I will tell you a story-----
I woke one day and went into my son's room to wake him for school
(he was six)------the window was right next to his bed -----and it was OPENED---
the kid opened his eyes and said "why is the window opened"? ----
"it wasn't last nite" I went to the kitchen and notice my handbag was gone---
and some other stuff was missing and the front door was ajar. -----uhm----
someone came into the apartment --STEPPED OVER MY SLEEPING KID---
and burglarized the joint ------I called the cops-------they said----"come in later or
tomorrow and make a report" In my town ----report a dead body in the hallway
and they will say----"ok ---how about you call the coroner?" really----all true. There is a reason-------the cops are trying to keep the CRIME STATS DOWN---
you think they need you and your swastika rainbow ON THE BOOKS?

What the hell are you talking about?

I don't want to know where you live, wtf?

I did not suggest that you wanted to know where I live----
I related an interesting story related to calling 911
-----I hesitate to bug the cops in my town-----THEY DON't want
to know--------just do not want to know. it UPS their stats

I was being facetious.

oh---that explains your avatar-------now for more news---
facetious does not work with the general population

It doesn't work to what end? Didn't I already explain that I don't give a crap what morons think? And the Nazi homo flag is my siggy, not my avatar. My avatar is my dog, Mylo.
I will not tell you where I live-----but----well----I will tell you a story-----
I woke one day and went into my son's room to wake him for school
(he was six)------the window was right next to his bed -----and it was OPENED---
the kid opened his eyes and said "why is the window opened"? ----
"it wasn't last nite" I went to the kitchen and notice my handbag was gone---
and some other stuff was missing and the front door was ajar. -----uhm----
someone came into the apartment --STEPPED OVER MY SLEEPING KID---
and burglarized the joint ------I called the cops-------they said----"come in later or
tomorrow and make a report" In my town ----report a dead body in the hallway
and they will say----"ok ---how about you call the coroner?" really----all true. There is a reason-------the cops are trying to keep the CRIME STATS DOWN---
you think they need you and your swastika rainbow ON THE BOOKS?

What the hell are you talking about?

I don't want to know where you live, wtf?

I did not suggest that you wanted to know where I live----
I related an interesting story related to calling 911
-----I hesitate to bug the cops in my town-----THEY DON't want
to know--------just do not want to know. it UPS their stats

I was being facetious.

oh---that explains your avatar-------now for more news---
facetious does not work with the general population

It doesn't work to what end? Didn't I already explain that I don't give a crap what morons think? And the Nazi homo flag is my siggy, not my avatar. My avatar is my dog, Mylo.

ok my mistake. Play with my fragile moronic emotions to your heart's content
If we are all clean for the last 2000 years, why do we need some corrupted religion? Why the hate of other people that don't walk into the same church as you?

We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis

Sure it does.

oh----its the avatar------oh----now I get it. to be honest,
kosherg your avatar is startling ------I am not sure who
should be insulted-----Nazis, homosexuals, or the color spectrum ---
I am a bit insulted because my all time fave TV program
for my kid was-----READING RAINBOW. Everytime I see
a rainbow------levar burton comes to mind---~~~la la "take a
look, it's in a book la la la READING RAINBOW
Well if you're offended, you should call 911.
Wow! So defensive. You know that only those people who are insecure will attack anyone they come across with the viciousness of the likes of Koshergirl and Jeremiah. Both of you should really examine your love walk with the Lord, when you do you will realize that the shadow of a dog will not bite you
We aren't all clean for 2000 years, and I don't hate people who don't walk into my church. More bigotry and ignorance.
Just a FYI...your signature makes it appear that you are supporting homosexuals and nazis

Sure it does.

oh----its the avatar------oh----now I get it. to be honest,
kosherg your avatar is startling ------I am not sure who
should be insulted-----Nazis, homosexuals, or the color spectrum ---
I am a bit insulted because my all time fave TV program
for my kid was-----READING RAINBOW. Everytime I see
a rainbow------levar burton comes to mind---~~~la la "take a
look, it's in a book la la la READING RAINBOW
Well if you're offended, you should call 911.
Wow! So defensive. You know that only those people who are insecure will attack anyone they come across with the viciousness of the likes of Koshergirl and Jeremiah. Both of you should really examine your love walk with the Lord, when you do you will realize that the shadow of a dog will not bite you
How is it defensive of me to tell you to call 911 for terminal butthurt? You're the one who is tweaking over the fact you're too stupid to understand what my symbol means. Were you wrong about the symbolism of the confederate battle flag as well, I wonder? Actually, I don't wonder. I know.
You are such a fair representation of Christianity. Here is a quote from the late Roger are a legend in your own mind
Great avatar, TP. I should listen more to you about what best represents Christianity, because obviously you are someone who has given it lots of thought.
You are such a fair representation of Christianity. Here is a quote from the late Roger are a legend in your own mind
Great avatar, TP. I should listen more to you about what best represents Christianity, because obviously you are someone who has given it lots of thought.
I agree that the motivation for the avatar choice did take a lot of thought, thanks for the compliment
Please allow me to share:

If Christian people want to attract others to their faith be an attraction for it. How many people want to be a part of a church that does nothing but tell people God is going to beat their brains out? A good number of people have been disillusioned with Christianity not because of Christ but because of people who claim they are acting on His behalf. Many Christians have lost or never had a passion for God nor sought God in how to use the grace (gift) He has given them to minister to people. I am just now realizing that my unique gift is my wit and humor and it brings me joy as well as ministering to others. I have excuses to be downtrodden but I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I don't set up and build a house there. Let me illustrate an example of someone who set many on fire with his passion...

This man had a passion and fire so strong it was infectious. Even if one didn't care about his cause some wished they could just be around him for a vapor of time so that it would rub off on them. He drew people to his cause and changed many people's mind about the way in which certain species in nature were perceived. Am I talking about Paul? Jesus? David? No...I am describing Steve Irwin. This type of passion he had was so hot that if you were in the distance of his shadow it got all over you. Some didn't like him but no one can deny that he didn't believe in his cause.

That is the type of passion that Jesus has called Christians to have. Did people make fun of Steve? Sure but he never let that criticism touch him. Like David danced before the Lord on his balcony unashamed and full of passion for God, Steve acted in that same manner toward the world. Do I love crocs and want to kiss them on the nose? No but I respect their majesty in a new way because he shared his passion for them and when I see a croc on a nature show I always think of him and remember his teaching. People may not always remember what you look like or your name but they will remember your passion and your message if your spirit is on fire for the Lord.
david did not dance on his balcony----he danced right out there in the opened space----
in the vicinity of the ark------. The dancing was in Jerusalem. His wife Michal watched from the window. It's ok---most
Christians never read the bible. Penelope was not permitted to do so. Here is
another trivia point-----who was Michal?
david did not dance on his balcony----he danced right out there in the opened space----
in the vicinity of the ark------. The dancing was in Jerusalem. His wife Michal watched from the window. It's ok---most
Christians never read the bible. Penelope was not permitted to do so. Here is
another trivia point-----who was Michal?

There is a contemporary Christian song that says, "I will dance like David danced ." It cracks me up every time because David danced naked.
david did not dance on his balcony----he danced right out there in the opened space----
in the vicinity of the ark------. The dancing was in Jerusalem. His wife Michal watched from the window. It's ok---most
Christians never read the bible. Penelope was not permitted to do so. Here is
another trivia point-----who was Michal?

There is a contemporary Christian song that says, "I will dance like David danced ." It cracks me up every time because David danced naked.
No he had on a linen priestly robe that was probably very thin like cheese cloth.
david did not dance on his balcony----he danced right out there in the opened space----
in the vicinity of the ark------. The dancing was in Jerusalem. His wife Michal watched from the window. It's ok---most
Christians never read the bible. Penelope was not permitted to do so. Here is
another trivia point-----who was Michal?

There is a contemporary Christian song that says, "I will dance like David danced ." It cracks me up every time because David danced naked.
No he had on a linen priestly robe that was probably very thin like cheese cloth.

the story really is-----for those of us not Christian who did read the book-----He danced and the skirt of whatever he wore flew around and MICHAL complained that his
dancing like that in the presence of the girls (flirt that he was) was not nice and
his "thighs" got exposed. There is no way to say in Hebrew----YOUR WHOLE ASS WAS STICKING OUT. She said "bad king----you looked like a jerk" < loose translation. Probably nothing was actually sticking out------Michal was just being
a drag------after all------I think by then he had gone and married ABIGAIL-----damn
bigamist. Are we playing the "bible quiz game"??
david did not dance on his balcony----he danced right out there in the opened space----
in the vicinity of the ark------. The dancing was in Jerusalem. His wife Michal watched from the window. It's ok---most
Christians never read the bible. Penelope was not permitted to do so. Here is
another trivia point-----who was Michal?
Soooo...out of all said in that post this was the part that you singled out to glean understanding? Shallow and obviously missed the whole point of the lesson. Thanks for confirming my post in being a heckler trying to deter from the message.
david did not dance on his balcony----he danced right out there in the opened space----
in the vicinity of the ark------. The dancing was in Jerusalem. His wife Michal watched from the window. It's ok---most
Christians never read the bible. Penelope was not permitted to do so. Here is
another trivia point-----who was Michal?

There is a contemporary Christian song that says, "I will dance like David danced ." It cracks me up every time because David danced naked.
No he had on a linen priestly robe that was probably very thin like cheese cloth.

I never saw linen that thin------cheesecloth is not linen---it is cotton. Linen is woven from linen fibers that just ----as far as I know----don't come that thin------HEMP FIBERS-----don't try to smoke the table cloth.
david did not dance on his balcony----he danced right out there in the opened space----
in the vicinity of the ark------. The dancing was in Jerusalem. His wife Michal watched from the window. It's ok---most
Christians never read the bible. Penelope was not permitted to do so. Here is
another trivia point-----who was Michal?

There is a contemporary Christian song that says, "I will dance like David danced ." It cracks me up every time because David danced naked.
No he had on a linen priestly robe that was probably very thin like cheese cloth.

the story really is-----for those of us not Christian who did read the book-----He danced and the skirt of whatever he wore flew around and MICHAL complained that his
dancing like that in the presence of the girls (flirt that he was) was not nice and
his "thighs" got exposed. There is no way to say in Hebrew----YOUR WHOLE ASS WAS STICKING OUT. She said "bad king----you looked like a jerk" < loose translation. Probably nothing was actually sticking out------Michal was just being
a drag------after all------I think by then he had gone and married ABIGAIL-----damn
bigamist. Are we playing the "bible quiz game"??
Why trample believers to promote your own version of superiority? You are assuming that is why Michal was upset. That passage doesn't say, it just says she despised him in her heart. Maybe that is the reason you would be upset but the passage doesn't go into detail
david did not dance on his balcony----he danced right out there in the opened space----
in the vicinity of the ark------. The dancing was in Jerusalem. His wife Michal watched from the window. It's ok---most
Christians never read the bible. Penelope was not permitted to do so. Here is
another trivia point-----who was Michal?
Soooo...out of all said in that post this was the part that you singled out to glean understanding? Shallow and obviously missed the whole point of the lesson. Thanks for confirming my post in being a heckler trying to deter from the message.

there is a lesson buried somewhere deep in this thread? -------I will let you know---since you are interested------who are the persons in the modern world who DANCE
LIKE DAVID DID---------never-mind you would not understand. on the other hand it is a very timely issue -------now that fucking francis has not only handed the city of david to meccaists ----------but even Hebron----david's first capital
david did not dance on his balcony----he danced right out there in the opened space----
in the vicinity of the ark------. The dancing was in Jerusalem. His wife Michal watched from the window. It's ok---most
Christians never read the bible. Penelope was not permitted to do so. Here is
another trivia point-----who was Michal?

There is a contemporary Christian song that says, "I will dance like David danced ." It cracks me up every time because David danced naked.
No he had on a linen priestly robe that was probably very thin like cheese cloth.

the story really is-----for those of us not Christian who did read the book-----He danced and the skirt of whatever he wore flew around and MICHAL complained that his
dancing like that in the presence of the girls (flirt that he was) was not nice and
his "thighs" got exposed. There is no way to say in Hebrew----YOUR WHOLE ASS WAS STICKING OUT. She said "bad king----you looked like a jerk" < loose translation. Probably nothing was actually sticking out------Michal was just being
a drag------after all------I think by then he had gone and married ABIGAIL-----damn
bigamist. Are we playing the "bible quiz game"??
Why trample believers to promote your own version of superiority? You are assuming that is why Michal was upset. That passage doesn't say, it just says she despised him in her heart. Maybe that is the reason you would be upset but the passage doesn't go into detail

my comment about ABIGAIL was conjecture-----in fact the verses do include ---comments by Michal about that which he did "in the presence of the girls"----it implies
a level of resentment on her part---------SHEEEEESH --- As it turned out----
later on-----the relationship between Michal and David did go downhill. What do "believers" have to do with anything?. So why do you think Michal was so upset that she criticized him -------and ------then they were estranged? Of course it could
have been the INFLUENCE of her father-----poor girl----she was in a really miserable position------HAVE YOU NO HEART?. I wonder where Abigail was during that event

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