Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

So you don't trust Ratliffe because he doesn't agree with the agencies that have already been caught lying? Yes, they have been caught lying and have been shown to be partisan. You know this. You have read the texts and notes from the top brass at these agencies. You know they altered the paperwork to the FISA court. I am not sure why you think they are trustworthy. What gives you that confidence?

The swamp is protecting themselves. Trump can't just snap his fingers and get rid of all these bad actors. It doesn't work that way.

The emails are easily traceable from account to account. The same emails from the laptop appear in the accounts of the recipients they have contacted. I am not sure why you would expect the FBI to be on the up and up with this given their previous PROVEN, VERIFIED indiscretions.
Lots of people don't trust Ratcliffe for a lot of reasons. First, who is this guy anyway? He's a personal injury lawyer turned politician with a few years in Congress and a brief (very, like less than a year) stint on the intelligence committee. He has next to no relevant experience in managing a sprawling intelligence apparatus. What he does have experience in is defending Trump extensively and not being exactly honest with facts given to him. Just look at the list of DNIs since it was founded. Admirlas, diplomats and NSA advisors. Then we get a straight up politician. Yeah, it's a downgrade, for sure.

So if people don't trust this guy, it's not necessarily our fault.

Then you add in Ratcliffe's releasing unverified Russian intelligence about Clinton's plan to smear Trump, as if a political campaign smearing an opponent is news worthy. Just throws it out there, no commentary or context and not even any confirmation it's even true. Selective declassification is such a blatant political weapon, this should itself be it's own scandal and would in any rational government.

Then you add the rewording of the intelligence analysis about election interference, the refusal for in person briefings of Congress, and the resignation of Dan Coates who at least demonstrated some independence from Trump, it's pretty obvious who Ratcliffe is and where Trump is going with our intelligence aparatus.

As for not believing the analysis, blaming the "top brass", they're all gone. The top brass you're complaining about is gone. Any analysis that comes out of the intelligence agencies now comes from the Trump administration filtered through his appointees. If the analysis is disfavorable towards Trump, then it speaks to the strength because otherwise their politicians would have filtered it out.

You're waving your hands about "the swamp" but ignoring that Trump runs the government. There is no one to blame for "protecting democrats" anymore. Every indictment now comes from a Trump appointee. The fact that there haven't been is evidence that it just doesn't exist like you've been promising. You telling me that some low level line prosecutors are outsmarting Bill Barr? No. It doesn't work that way.

So who confirmed the emails?

Trump promoted people who were in the CIA and FBI under Brennan and Comey. The swamp is much deeper than even he thought. Gena Haspel and Wray are covering for the agencies' indiscretions and even for themselves. They are hoping Biden wins and sweeps all of this under the rug, which he will. Yes, they are corrupt to the core.

It is very easy to verify emails simply based on the recipients. If you aren't going to believe any of the recipients and you are only going to believe the corrupt FBI, then they can literally get away with anything. There could be video of Joe and Hunter openly extorting the Ukraine and the left could simply call it a fake and the media could censor it. If people are too stupid to use common sense, which is where we are at this point, then all hope is lost. It is unfortunate that we have a dishonest media who will build elaborate stories based on speculation against Trump and won't even report opposing views.

Russia, Russia, Russia and people actually believe it despite a large amount of evidence to the contrary and a multi-million dollar investigation. The mere fact that the FBI would alter documents given to the FISA court should be a HUGE red flag. The texts from Strzok should be a HUGE red flag. The notes from Brennan should be a HUGE red flag. The unequal censorship of information for the last 4 years and particularly now by the MSM and social media should be a HUGE red flag. None of these are setting off alarms for Democrats because they are too steeped in hate for Trump, the man, not really his policies, to see what is right in front of them.

If Biden/Harris win, our country will never be the same and NOT in a good way. The swamp will get deeper and deeper, freedoms will be less and less, taxes will get higher and higher, violence will get much worse, secularism will thrive and Christians in particular will be persecuted, government dependency and control will become greater and our overall wealth as a country will decrease dramatically. I can see the writing on the wall, but unfortunately, many can't.
Yes it is. You didn't question anonymous "sources" when they had something bad to say about Trump. But bad about Biden? All of a sudden you want all kinds of verification.
Don’t you?

Given the threat of disinformation, this is especially important.
The fact that no one has said the emails are fake is all you need to know. Also the attorney for hunter has asked for the computer and hard drives back. That verifies the computer was hunters.
How do you know the attorney asked for the laptops back?
What about disinformation regarding Trump? You don't seem to care about that?
Russians ain’t launching disinformation campaigns to hurt their favorite candidate, I know that much.
The fact that no one has said the emails are fake is all you need to know. Also the attorney for hunter has asked for the computer and hard drives back. That verifies the computer was hunters.
How do you know the attorney asked for the laptops back?

He did send the shop owner a letter. Let me guess, it is a fake too? I mean, you can call everything a fake to justify your beliefs.
He did send the shop owner a letter. Let me guess, it is a fake too? I mean, you can call everything a fake to justify your beliefs.
Can you show me the letter?

I’m not calling anything fake yet, just looking for confirmation.
The only thing the FBI is hiding is their laughter at your crazy assed theories. They're trying to be polite.
Because it's been linked ad nausum at least a half dozen times.
Ah, the old “say it enough times it becomes true” play.

You don’t actually know if it’s true, do you?

How do you know Trump's tax returns are true? Maybe they are fake? How do you know the transcript from the call Trump had with the Ukraine that led to his bogus impeachment was true? Maybe that was made up? We don't know for certain anything is true, but we have to apply some common sense.
China LOVES Biden. Ever think of that?
I think China wants a rational person in office, so does Europe. Russia wants chaos.

No, China and Europe want what is best for their respective countries, not the USA. Democrats in particular are just dumb enough to allow our politicians to give them what they want in exchange for personal gain and at the expense of the USA.
Since a guy that was part of the emails distribution as verified the legitimacy and accuracy of the emails, I'd say it's no longer a theory.

"A Guy"? What's his name?

"A Guy" knows the exact contents of an email that he was copied on six years ago? That's some incredible memory.
If a guy comes out and says something about Trump you automatically believe him. I remember some guy said Romney didn't pay his taxes and the media ran with it 24/7. Which turned out to be false.
We said he paid less in taxes than he should. Which was true. We said he sat up overseas she’ll companies to avoid taxes. It’s also true.
He obeyed the tax laws Biden helped put into place. Anything that is alleged by an anonymous source against Trump. Gets reported as true by the media.

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