Is This LGBTQ Month Making You More Understanding?

Normal, clear thinking person: I don't agree with sexualizing 5 year olds.
Golfing Gator: You are filled with hate.

And then you double down and do it again

At least you are consistent in your dishonesty.
Yes I am tolerant. I tolerate Democrats and I tolerate Republicans. I don't like them but I do tolerate them.
I don't care either way. What 2 consenting adults do in their bedroom is nobody else's business. It doesn't affect anyone else.

You are largely correct here. But the problem here is their demand for glorification because of their sexual deviancy. There is a lot to be said for minding one's own beeswax and letting bygones by bygones.

But when the LGBTQ community expects to be recognized and honored because of their choice of lifestyle, that's a bridge too far.
I just keep remembering way back when they did the push for same-sex marriage. They swore up and down that they wouldn't eventually lead us into celebrating the trans community.

So basically....they lied.
The plus in lgbtq+ is for pedo
Normal Person: What two adults do in their own homes, is their business. I just don't want it splashed everywhere I look.
Golfing Gator" You are filled with hate".
yea, learned long ago that there are a billion shades of gray between black and white, yet some people who consider themselves intelligent only seem to be able to discuss and see in - black and white.
yea, learned long ago that there are a billion shades of gray between black and white, yet some people who consider themselves intelligent only seem to be able to discuss and see in - black and white.
Haha... yeah no.
Not at all.
But thanks for playing
Haha... yeah no.
Not at all.
But thanks for playing
the funny part is, these people love to act like they're the intelligent ones when their responses are in fact reactions, not the result of thought and analysis. who has time for that anymore?

you don't think like i do, you're a big meanie, full of hate.

n shit.
the funny part is, these people love to act like they're the intelligent ones when their responses are in fact reactions, not the result of thought and analysis. who has time for that anymore?

you don't think like i do, you're a big meanie, full of hate.

n shit.
I think I misunderstood you.
I thought you were insinuating that I think in black and white... nevermind.
I have not ready paid attention but, I seen Detroit's gay pride parade was this past Sunday and there was news clips about it this morning nothing weird going on there.
Secondly there has been a gay pride flag hanging in our inner lobby since the first of the month, and somebody wrote on it "this offends me" in black marker in 2" lettering and the plant manager went berserk. He replaced the flag and sat there in the lobby on a folding chair for over 3 hours. There is a full on investigation looking for the person responsible and the cameras in the lobby are now trained on that flag. That reaction seemed a little weird to me.
What is hate-filled is you making up things that I said when I have never posted such a thing, ever.

This topic just makes you all so unhinged
Since they have nothing themselves, they have to try and pretend that you said stuff...

What I think they should do it invite teacher(s) into the white house and show the US public exactly what a teacher would teach at different grades... Have a cross spectrum of parents there to discuss afterwards... Make it real, not some media driven plaything...
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The whole world apparently has turned LGBTQ.....but are they popular?

I don't think so.

I keep seeing kids on the side of the road waving rainbow flags at these parades with a blank look on their faces while they watch men walking down the street with ass-less leather chaps on.

But is this forced LGBTQ month really making everyone more understanding towards Gays?

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Lol, does not effect me in any way. Why does it effect you? I have been around gay people. Did nit make me want to smoke a cock. Let them fucking be what they wanna be and don't damn worry about it.

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