Is this more an Iraqi Culture thing, or an Islam thing?

Have a Nice Fucking Day.



Do you think gays should be allowed to marry?

Nope... But I Support Civil Unions for them and not Laws making their Deviancy or ANY Deviancy Amongst Consenting Adults a Crime as it was not that long ago.

But they weren't Executed for it, even then.

In Islamic Nations they are FUCKING KILLED FOR IT!... TODAY!

Why the Fuck do you People so Obsessively Excuse the Brutality of that Religion and it's Governments that it Controls?...

I Hope the Fuck to God that those of you who are, are Middle Eastern Islamists getting Paid to do this...

If you are Americans, then you Hate Homosexuals MORE than Phelps.

Think about that as you Continue to Run Static for this Animalistic Behavior in by Islam.


Was Harvey Milk killed by Muslims? Ditto Matt Shepard?

As has already been Addressed in this Thread...

Harvey Milk was not Sentenced to Death by a Christian American Government, nor was Matthew Sheppard.

At least Milk was Killed because he was a Homosexual, as for the "Gay Rage" Defense that came after the Fact...

Not so much with Sheppard.

Either way, you can't Compare Individuals to Ilsamic Law Ruled ME Countries like Iran.

Try again.

Allah is Rooting for you while Homosexuals Die as you Try and Try to Find Excuses for the Islamists!

This is Classic!



From your link:
"The campaign has been largely blamed on Shiite extremists who have long targeted behavior deemed un-Islamic, beating and even killing women for not wearing veils and bombing liquor stores."

Hardly govt sanctioned. Try again..

..and where have I said I was defending anybody?
Was Harvey Milk killed by Muslims? Ditto Matt Shepard?

As has already been Addressed in this Thread...

Harvey Milk was not Sentenced to Death by a Christian American Government, nor was Matthew Sheppard.

At least Milk was Killed because he was a Homosexual, as for the "Gay Rage" Defense that came after the Fact...

Not so much with Sheppard.

Either way, you can't Compare Individuals to Ilsamic Law Ruled ME Countries like Iran.

Try again.

Allah is Rooting for you while Homosexuals Die as you Try and Try to Find Excuses for the Islamists!

This is Classic!



From your link:
"The campaign has been largely blamed on Shiite extremists who have long targeted behavior deemed un-Islamic, beating and even killing women for not wearing veils and bombing liquor stores."

Hardly govt sanctioned. Try again..

..and where have I said I was defending anybody?

I was Speaking to Iran... We control Iraq, you Fucking Hammerhead...

And those Parts and People we don't Control, do what Iran does, as this Story Illustrates.

Are you Denying that Islamic Nations such as Iran Execute Homosexuals for Homosexuality?... Stone Women for Accusations of Infidelity?...

As a Matter of State and Islamic Law?...

Please, tell me you are that Fucked up!


I am Curious as Shit as to how long these Fuckstains can Run Static for the Brutality of Islam...

It's Fucking Mindblowing the levels they will Sink to Excuse and Deflect for this Animalistic Behavior that IS THE FUCKING LAW IN COUNTRIES LIKE IRAN!

How can you guys not just Concede that Fact instead of Attempting to Deflect away from it with anything and everything you can?...

Is it Cowardice in the Face of the Islamist, or Sympathy to their Tyranny?...

The only other Option is Blind Ignorance and Regurgitating Canned Responses from Guilty White Liberals who Feel they are only Brutal to their own Homosexual Population because we are so Favorable to the Zionists...


I am Curious as Shit as to how long these Fuckstains can Run Static for the Brutality of Islam...

It's Fucking Mindblowing the levels they will Sink to Excuse and Deflect for this Animalistic Behavior that IS THE FUCKING LAW IN COUNTRIES LIKE IRAN!

How can you guys not just Concede that Fact instead of Attempting to Deflect away from it with anything and everything you can?...

Is it Cowardice in the Face of the Islamist, or Sympathy to their Tyranny?...

The only other Option is Blind Ignorance and Regurgitating Canned Responses from Guilty White Liberals who Feel they are only Brutal to their own Homosexual Population because we are so Favorable to the Zionists...



you should consider reading the responses instead of taking counsel of the voices in your head.
Was Harvey Milk killed by Muslims? Ditto Matt Shepard?

I am going back to this...

You Honestly don't Understand the Distinction between Iran's Islamic Run Country and others like it Executing Homosexuals for being Homosexuals and the Supposed Actions of Individuals in ANY Country?...

Please, DG, Answer that for me and try to do it with some Coherent Thought.


I am Curious as Shit as to how long these Fuckstains can Run Static for the Brutality of Islam...

It's Fucking Mindblowing the levels they will Sink to Excuse and Deflect for this Animalistic Behavior that IS THE FUCKING LAW IN COUNTRIES LIKE IRAN!

How can you guys not just Concede that Fact instead of Attempting to Deflect away from it with anything and everything you can?...

Is it Cowardice in the Face of the Islamist, or Sympathy to their Tyranny?...

The only other Option is Blind Ignorance and Regurgitating Canned Responses from Guilty White Liberals who Feel they are only Brutal to their own Homosexual Population because we are so Favorable to the Zionists...



you should consider reading the responses instead of taking counsel of the voices in your head.

Read and Responded to each... But please, keep Trolling, del... It lets me Know you Care... ;)


I will let you all play with what's here... I'm crashin'.

Check back in the AM.


I am Curious as Shit as to how long these Fuckstains can Run Static for the Brutality of Islam...

It's Fucking Mindblowing the levels they will Sink to Excuse and Deflect for this Animalistic Behavior that IS THE FUCKING LAW IN COUNTRIES LIKE IRAN!

How can you guys not just Concede that Fact instead of Attempting to Deflect away from it with anything and everything you can?...

Is it Cowardice in the Face of the Islamist, or Sympathy to their Tyranny?...

The only other Option is Blind Ignorance and Regurgitating Canned Responses from Guilty White Liberals who Feel they are only Brutal to their own Homosexual Population because we are so Favorable to the Zionists...



you should consider reading the responses instead of taking counsel of the voices in your head.

Read and Responded to each... But please, keep Trolling, del... It lets me Know you Care... ;)



and we're back to the voices in your head

ignore them
Fundies hate the gays.

You're damn right they do!


So does God.

More Excusing Islam's Murder of Homosexuals... Good for you, xtxotoixoi! :clap2:

You make Allah Proud!




Sorry mal, but this post and this thread is yet another
I wonder how this is news? It was only a matter of time. Bush and the Republicans supported the creation of a constitutional theocracy in Iraq. it's in their constitution. Article II: All laws based on Islam.

What is Ironic are the American Christians who don't understand the Iraqis also kill Christians. Last month, 7 churches were bombed and 6 the month before. Remember when they voted with the "purple finger"? Oh, they gave us the finger all right.

The Christian population is half of what it was under Saddam and contrary to the lies that they were "tortured" under Saddam, they weren't "tortured" until after we destroyed their country.

The largest single group supporting Bush were the American Evangelicals, which still support him today. Since they came to power in this country, everything has gone to shit.

Look at the ones on this post saying "Good" and "God hates fags". Well if God hates them so much, why did he make them so smart and good looking and talented and so incredibly enticing to the evangelicals. And look what "God" did to the evangelicals. He made them fat and stupid and untalented. All you have to do is listen to that awful Christian musick. It sucks. The only thing they are good at is breeding. Ask Sarah Palin. Oink!
I wonder how this is news? It was only a matter of time. Bush and the Republicans supported the creation of a constitutional theocracy in Iraq. it's in their constitution. Article II: All laws based on Islam.

Ruh-roh... Somebody quoted the Story which is by a Sympathetic Liberal Journalist, and what you are saying seems to Negate that Person's point, which was to say that this not a Product of Iraq Proper or it's Laws, instead it is a Product of Indivual Iraqi's that are Comparible to Phelps...

I Guess we Know better, don't we.

Islam does this.


Goodness, the Douchebags who were so Quick to Excuse Islam in the Case of a Father Recently just seem to have their Tongue's Ass right now, don't they?...




what a pathetic troll you are. had to jump-start your stupid thread and now you did it again in the Iran forum.

you are worfress.
Goodness, the Douchebags who were so Quick to Excuse Islam in the Case of a Father Recently just seem to have their Tongue's Ass right now, don't they?...




what a pathetic troll you are. had to jump-start your stupid thread and now you did it again in the Iran forum.

you are worfress.

Don't Worry... Islam won't come get you.


Goodness, the Douchebags who were so Quick to Excuse Islam in the Case of a Father Recently just seem to have their Tongue's Ass right now, don't they?...




well, since islam had nothing to do with the *Case of a Father Recently*, maybe there's nothing to say.

you should consider adopting that as part of your lifestyle.

and what the fuck is a "Tongue's Ass", you jibbering donkey?

and why would somebody have it?


All things Considered, I don't Think you Want to know.
Goodness, the Douchebags who were so Quick to Excuse Islam in the Case of a Father Recently just seem to have their Tongue's Ass right now, don't they?...




well, since islam had nothing to do with the *Case of a Father Recently*, maybe there's nothing to say.

you should consider adopting that as part of your lifestyle.

and what the fuck is a "Tongue's Ass", you jibbering donkey?

and why would somebody have it?


All things Considered, I don't Think you Want to know.

LOL...I up, guys. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
well, since islam had nothing to do with the *Case of a Father Recently*, maybe there's nothing to say.

you should consider adopting that as part of your lifestyle.

and what the fuck is a "Tongue's Ass", you jibbering donkey?

and why would somebody have it?


All things Considered, I don't Think you Want to know.

LOL...I up, guys. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

And Know who you Are. :lol::lol:

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