Is this really not offensive??

Because his opponent was a lying, grifting, hot bag of air whose callousness and indifference cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens.
It was an easy choice. In 2024 assuming the same two will be an even easier choice. People do not want a return to crazy.
People do not want a return to crazy.
They're going to kick Biden out?
Education and credentials play a role in politics? My first responses are:
  • What about all the black and brown urban voters who vote Democrat, some who can't speak English?
  • What about the diversity hires the Biden administration has brought on board that are producing no value in politics?
Why do most (IMO) voters know more about sports and pop-culture than they do about the people they vote into office?
Kameltoe is college educated and can't put together a cognitive sentence beyond third grade level.
It implies that people with a broader knowledge of the world are more likely to not see Trump in a positive light. Trump relies a lot on his listeners not being up on the nuances of the issues involved, The more educated you are, the less likely you are to be fooled.
Great, now tell us about Russia, Russia, Russia, inflation being transitory, and not getting COVID if you're vaccinated.
Because his opponent was a lying, grifting, hot bag of air whose callousness and indifference cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens.
It was an easy choice. In 2024 assuming the same two will be an even easier choice. People do not want a return to crazy.

So your solution was to put someone in office that can't remember where he is?
And you are a one trick pony.
Bullshit is all you got. Can't back it up worth a damn, but you still sell it.

do 90% of black vote democrat?

What percentage are college graduates?

one trick pony?

that means I know more tricks than you.
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Let's see here - we have political hacks proffering the notion that all a person has to do is vote Democrat to be considered smart.

One group here cheers and says "See - I'm smart after all! Nyah nyah nyah."

Another group says " hmmm, let's analyze this a wee bit and ask questions regarding the claim."

Which group is actually acting intelligently, here, and which isn't, folks?
Great, now tell us about Russia, Russia, Russia, inflation being transitory, and not getting COVID if you're vaccinated.
The first you'll have to ask small hands about, the second is a given and the third is something you'd never hear somebody who knew what they were talking about say. So, I can only imagine this is a comment filtered through the right wing echo chamber.
When pondering the dunderhead vote, consider this political fact: Every teensie weensie little "obstacle" that is placed in front of the voters impacts Democrats dramatically. For example, they FIGHT TO THE DEATH against voter ID. And where voter ID is required, Democrats suffer, because a disproportionate percentage of Democrats are un-engaged, unemployed, incompetent, and too stupid to follow even the most basic instructions.

Imagine a requirement that people registering to vote pass the same test that immigrants must pass in order to be naturalized. This would be an eminently reasonable requirement. Two things would be true: Democrats would fight it to the end of their powers, and no Democrat would ever win another national election.

Because the Democrat "base" is incompetent, ignorant people. People for whom that test would be an insurmountable hurdle. And Democrats know it.

Talk about who has college degrees is meaningless. In today's world, most kids go to college just to avoid the responsibilities of adulthood. They are not "smart." They are cowards.
When the media breaks down voter by education. When they say Trump gets a bigger percentage of those that didn't go to college than did, insinuates those that did go to college may have a better understanding of politics. Is that a fair break down?

Depends on who is making that statement.

If it's CNN or someone that's a democrat or whatever then it's intended that way. Meant as a back handed comment saying "trump supporters are uneducated dummies not qualified to make political decisions".

If it's a republican or someone else then it sends a different message. Meaning trump supporters are mostly blue collar people, the workers, the people who actually make this country run and love their country.

Any statement can be taken however the speaker wants it to sound or how any listener wants it to sound.

But going to college or not going to college makes no difference. Biden has a ton of supporters that went to college and a lot who hate him that went to college and vice versa, same thing with trump.

Me? I support trump and I left highschool before I graduated to join the army because I took the asvab and did my physical when I was 16, I turned 18 half way through my senior year so I got on the bus and never got a diploma. Years later I went through nursing school, but my career where I found my nitch is as a building engineer so I am a blue collar guy, isn't surprising since I grew up in the country. So for a trump supporter I'm allover the place.

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