Is this really not offensive??

Better choice how?

Economy? Trump by a mile.
Border? Trump by a mile.
Stock market? Trump by a mile.
International affairs? Trump by a mile.
Energy prices? Trump by a mile.
Sorry. Economic, job growth, stock market growth..all began under Obama. All Trump did was ride the wave.
Border?....sure..walls keep people out...or they're just a complete waste of money. :rolleyes:

You know, look, I know you pine for the Trump days. But the fact is, had he taken COVID seriously from the word go, the lockdowns and restrictions..would have largely been unnecessary. And, he would have sown his re-election up before ONE vote was cast in a Democratic primary. But he didn't care and chose to ignore the pandemic for two solid months. So the voters showed him the door.

Biden was the better choice.
Of course you want it the law of the land. What would the Democrat party be without stupid voters? Like the last presidential election, they'd win each and every one and we'd always be in the decline we are in today.
Put up better candidates with ideas that appeal to a majority of voters and I suspect you'll find your candidates winning elections.

Just a hunch.
Let's see here - we have political hacks proffering the notion that all a person has to do is vote Democrat to be considered smart.

One group here cheers and says "See - I'm smart after all! Nyah nyah nyah."

Another group says " hmmm, let's analyze this a wee bit and ask questions regarding the claim."

Which group is actually acting intelligently, here, and which isn't, folks?

All educated voters voting Democrat only proves one thing: weak minds. They have been indoctrinated and can't think for themselves.

There is a vast difference between education and logic. You really can't teach logic. It's sort of a gift you have or don't have.

I never went to college. I became a truck driver. I can't tell you how many other drivers I ran across with a college degree. They chose driving because of job availability and money. They wasted tens of thousands of dollars for an education they couldn't use. I didn't do that, I went right out into the workforce with no debt. Now who is the smart one?
Put up better candidates with ideas that appeal to a majority of voters and I suspect you'll find your candidates winning elections.

Just a hunch.

Never work because mail-in voters are lazy. They only know one thing: vote Democrat. They use the same criteria to vote for a rep that they used for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress...... but nothing on the issues.
Sorry. Economic, job growth, stock market growth..all began under Obama. All Trump did was ride the wave.
Border?....sure..walls keep people out...or they're just a complete waste of money. :rolleyes:

You know, look, I know you pine for the Trump days. But the fact is, had he taken COVID seriously from the word go, the lockdowns and restrictions..would have largely been unnecessary. And, he would have sown his re-election up before ONE vote was cast in a Democratic primary. But he didn't care and chose to ignore the pandemic for two solid months. So the voters showed him the door.

Biden was the better choice.

It had nothing to do with covid. Trump addressed covid early on and the left called him a racist. He allowed Dr. Fauci to address the public at many of his press conferences. You know, Fauci with don't wear a mask, wear a mask, wear two masks?

It all boils down to a personality contest which I stated. Dementia is a frail old man and Trump is a brute with meanie Tweets.

It was more than just a wall. Trump created several border policies that kept people out. Dementia reversed every one of his successful policies, and now we have a major problem on our hands.
When the media breaks down voter by education. When they say Trump gets a bigger percentage of those that didn't go to college than did, insinuates those that did go to college may have a better understanding of politics. Is that a fair break down?
Some of the wealthiest people in the world both history and in the modern era did not get a college degree. Think of Henry Ford, Harry Truman, Bill Gates.

Henry Ford one of the American pioneers one of the American men who built this country …left high school at the age of 15.

Let’s see George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Grover Cleveland, and Harry Truman did not get a college degree.

These days a college education in many areas of the country it’s not even worth it. There’s way too much college debt and who would want to go to one of those campuses that’s filled with racism filled with anti-Americanism ….it’s actually a violent place where conservative speakers can be attacked and they have to get police escorts out of some of these colleges.

Some of the most successful people in the country and the world did not attend college.
It had nothing to do with covid. Trump addressed covid early on and the left called him a racist. He allowed Dr. Fauci to address the public at many of his press conferences. You know, Fauci with don't wear a mask, wear a mask, wear two masks?

It all boils down to a personality contest which I stated. Dementia is a frail old man and Trump is a brute with meanie Tweets.

It was more than just a wall. Trump created several border policies that kept people out. Dementia reversed every one of his successful policies, and now we have a major problem on our hands.
No one called Trump a racist. I'm surprised you're still repeating that lie after it was debunked so many times on these boards, I lost count.
Trump IGNORED the immigration debacle. That's not solving a problem. That's kicking the can down the road.

There was no personality contest. Trump was seen (rightfully) as callous and indifferent...while the dead bodies were piling up. So the voters showed him the door.
When the media breaks down voter by education. When they say Trump gets a bigger percentage of those that didn't go to college than did, insinuates those that did go to college may have a better understanding of politics. Is that a fair break down?
Actually democrats have a lower IQ than Republicans.
Republicans are less indoctrinated than democrats.
Nope. No one could have achieved that. Again, as I've said over and over, I do not blame Trump for COVID. He didn't cause it. He wasn't the reason it made it to our shores.
But..I do blame him for the RESPONSE to COVID. For two solid months, all he did was tweet, golf, and hold pep rallies trying to bully..erm...shadow the Democratic primaries in states where they were being held.
It was his fatal mistake. It's why he lost his re-election bid. Not some silly-assed phantom conspiracy theories. He was seen as not caring...and worse, bumbling and the voters showed him the door.
Oh, I see…While your armchair analysis is pure bs, Trump acted swiftly to get everything from ventilators, to vaccines developed, and out to those in need…He ordered the hospital ship Comfort to NY harbor, as Cuomo was stuffing the sick into nursing homes killing the elderly.

There was NO response you’d have given him credit for doing a good job, while at the same time bestowing saint hood onto FaucI, who was advising him…

Trump did as good as anyone could have done considering the total obstruction dems, and reps put in his way.

Biden has had more covid death on his watch than Trump did, but I don’t see you criticizing his performance, why is that?
No one called Trump a racist. I'm surprised you're still repeating that lie after it was debunked so many times on these boards, I lost count.
Trump IGNORED the immigration debacle. That's not solving a problem. That's kicking the can down the road.

There was no personality contest. Trump was seen (rightfully) as callous and indifferent...while the dead bodies were piling up. So the voters showed him the door.
Bull freakin Shit!
No one called Trump a racist. I'm surprised you're still repeating that lie after it was debunked so many times on these boards, I lost count.
Trump IGNORED the immigration debacle. That's not solving a problem. That's kicking the can down the road.

There was no personality contest. Trump was seen (rightfully) as callous and indifferent...while the dead bodies were piling up. So the voters showed him the door.

Trump did more for the border than the last four Presidents combined. He created the Stay in Mexico policy and got rid of catch and release. He created the policy that if you want to apply for US asylum, do so in your own country at a US embassy. He told Mexico if they want to keep their US foreign aid, they better stop migrants crossing their country to get to ours, and the Mexican military did exactly that. Another policy of his was if you do make it to our border, you will be automatically disqualified for US asylum if you were offered asylum by another country along the way. He reduced the anchor baby problem by not allowing pregnant women to get a VISA to enter the country. In spite of the commies and commie judges fighting him along the way, once all his policies were in place, it reduced border crossings by records amounts.


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