Is this really the type of information you care enough about to want your POTUS/WH to highlight?


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Watch this video and then read the rest of the post.

No policy making discussion. Was there a noteworthy action the President took between the 20th and and 21st?
Spicer opens his press conference not with the most important things going on in Trumps recent schedule -- signing executive orders, upcoming meetings with foreign leaders, etc. -- but with ranting about "soft news" coverage of the inauguration: crowd size, grass and ground coverings, minor redecorating in the Oval office, and artwork. Really? Content better suited to an op-ed on "Page 6" is what the White House thinks is important enough to call in reporters and discuss?

The fact is that the press will say whatever it wants to say; they have freedom of speech rights too. More importantly, however, the press will talk about whatever the president is talking about. Why on earth does Trump insist on making something out of nothing?

Crowd Size:
As for Spicer's claims about the crowd size, well, judge for yourself. (click the photos for the related articles)

2009 Obama Inauguration on the left and Trump's inauguration on the right. (Time magazine)

Trump on the left and Obama 2009 on the right (The Telegraph)

B. Scott


If the 750K people it'd take to reach Trump's claim of a million people in attendance for his inauguration showed up after 12 noon, well, guess what, they missed the inauguration. Say what you want, but that's that's more people "late to the party" than one can reasonably assume just were late. You see, if at nine a.m. one commenced to walk from the far northwestern corner of DC to the National Mall, one would get there before 11:30 with time to spare, and nobody in their right mind would have thought they could drive on down to The Mall and park.




What about the inaugural parade?

Josh Rogin

Evening Standard

Associated Press

Mediate (there's live video there too)




I suppose the crowds were "photoshopped" out of the bleachers? Not. You can watch the parade on video here. Watch it. It's CSPAN coverage. I can assure you that if there were a million people even in the vicinity of The Mall, that route would not look that empty.

For comparison, here is a shot of the crowd for the 2009 inaugural parade.


The mall with no crowds



Other large events on the national Mall:

Million Man March on the left and the 20th anniversary rally to commemorate it on the right


1997 Promise Keeper's rally



Here's some discussion that can put the whole thing in perspective.

Here are the widely cited estimates for recent inaugurations:
  • President Bill Clinton, 1993: 800,000 people
  • President Bill Clinton, 1997: 250,000 people
  • President George W. Bush, 2001: 300,000 people
  • President George W. Bush, 2005: 400,000 people
  • President Barack Obama, 2009: 1.8 million people
  • President Barack Obama, 2013: 1 million people
Just looking at the pictures, I don't see anything that resembles millions of people on The Mall for Trump's inauguration.​
MLK Artwork:
Trump is right. The reporter for Time magazine made an error. The White House said Trump never removed the King bust from the Oval Office. The error about the bust was first transmitted in a pool report distributed among reporters. The White House often uses a pool system when not all reporters who want to attend an event can be accommodated in a space.

At 7:30 p.m., reporter Zeke Miller wrote a pool report saying, “The MLK bust was no longer on display.” Once Miller realized his error, an update was sent to the pool. “The MLK bust remains in the Oval Office, in addition to the Churchill bust, per a WH aide. It was apparently obscured by a door and an agent during the spray. Your pool offers sincerest apologies.”

Miller also corrected the error on Twitter, and Time magazine corrected its story based on his report. “Correction: An earlier version of the story said that a bust of Martin Luther King had been moved. It is still in the Oval Office,” it reads.
It is worth noting that unlike Donald Trump, credible people and organizations simply admit their were wrong/mistaken and move on. That is a mark of integrity and character that eludes Trump.

And in truly irrelevant news....
Whose suit did Sean Spicer borrow to deliver his press conference? Surely the RNC paid him enough that he could afford a property fitted suit.


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You fascist democrats have nothing to's quite sad.....
I'll admit, until 5:30 yesterday afternoon, I'd been rolling my eyes a bit about all the hysterical "fear" among some on the left about this Presidency. Then I watched the Press Briefing.
It actually gave me a chill when I heard Spicer making angry pronouncements that were obviously untrue, such as "This was the largest audience to witness an inauguration, ever. Period." And then stalking out without taking any questions. Pronouncement from Our Leader. Period.

Everything we have been warned against since childhood, from The Emperor's New Clothes to Animal Farm, front and center on day one of this Presidency. This is not a totalitarian country and we will not be fed fake news and propaganda by the ruling administration. Fuck that.
I'm scared, Auntie Em, and I don't mind admitting it.
Liberals always gotta have something to whine about. ...... :cool:

In reality, it doesn't matter if only 3 people showed up for the inauguration.

Trump is our new president!!

Deal with it lefty loons........ :thup:
Liberals always gotta have something to whine about. ...... :cool:

In reality, it doesn't matter if only 3 people showed up for the inauguration.

Trump is our new president!!

Deal with it lefty loons........ :thup:
In reality, let's hear the truth out of the guy. "Looked like a million and a half to me" "Largest audience to witness an inauguration ever. Period." Those are lies. You should care.
This is ridiculous. CNN actually (surprise) posted a gigapixel img which you can zoom into to see those pics above are fake, or taken shortly after the gates opened, rather than when it had filled up. Check it out-

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump

Were that photo an aerial view, I'd think it relevant. It's not and it doesn't give the perspective that one gets from 500-1000 feet up.
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You obviously did not move around and zoom in on the picture.
This is ridiculous. CNN actually (surprise) posted a gigapixel img which you can zoom into to see those pics above are fake, or taken shortly after the gates opened, rather than when it had filled up. Check it out-

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump

Were that photo an aerial view, I'd think it relevant. It's not and it doesn't give the perspective that one gets from 100 feet up.
I went to your link but nothing happened.

That happened for me as well. I had to switch to a different browser (Firefox) to see the CNN photo. It should work if you do that. Just use the minus sign to zoom out and then use your mouse to drag-rotate the photo.
Liberals always gotta have something to whine about. ...... :cool:

In reality, it doesn't matter if only 3 people showed up for the inauguration.

Trump is our new president!!

Deal with it lefty loons........ :thup:
In reality, let's hear the truth out of the guy. "Looked like a million and a half to me" "Largest audience to witness an inauguration ever. Period." Those are lies. You should care.
It is all completely irrelevant, this thread included.
You obviously did not move around and zoom in on the picture.
This is ridiculous. CNN actually (surprise) posted a gigapixel img which you can zoom into to see those pics above are fake, or taken shortly after the gates opened, rather than when it had filled up. Check it out-

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump

Were that photo an aerial view, I'd think it relevant. It's not and it doesn't give the perspective that one gets from 100 feet up.

Actually I did. And I also made a typo when posting the quote above. I meant to say 500-1000 feet up. The perspective in CNN's photo is about 100 - 250 feet, at the most.

It's also worth noting that the CNN photo's perspective, in addition to being too low to discern the actual extent of ground that is covered by people standing on it, is from the Capitol. Here's a corresponding "down mall" shot from the Capitol.


See all that white space in the distance? That's not the street.
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You fascist democrats have nothing to's quite sad.....

Every Republican Administration since Nixon has essentially been the Republican Charlie Brown trying to kick the LSM/Lucy's football.

Spicer got up off the ground and kicked her in the pussy.

About time.

Facts? Since when does the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream get all worked up over 'facts'?

The crowd size is irrelevant. Right, wrong or indifferent...... Not the point. The point is, the DISGUSTING FILTH did everything they could to denigrate the Inauguration Ceremony.


It's on, dimocrap scum. And you're gonna lose
Click on the where it says -see the gigapixel-, then use your finger to (brush) scan left or right. Zoom out by using 2 fingers pushed toward the edges. Zoom in by using 2 fingers pushed in.
This is ridiculous. CNN actually (surprise) posted a gigapixel img which you can zoom into to see those pics above are fake, or taken shortly after the gates opened, rather than when it had filled up. Check it out-

Gigapixel: The inauguration of Donald Trump
They were both taken at noon from the same spot on the Washington Monument. I went to your link but nothing happened.
Liberals always gotta have something to whine about. ...... :cool:

In reality, it doesn't matter if only 3 people showed up for the inauguration.

Trump is our new president!!

Deal with it lefty loons........ :thup:

We are dealing with it. Trump and his supporters just don't like it.
In reality, let's hear the truth out of the guy. "Looked like a million and a half to me" "Largest audience to witness an inauguration ever. Period." Those are lies. You should care.
So what if it looked like millions to him? Maybe it did from where he was standing at the podium. ..... :cool:

You loony libs get wound up about the darndest things. ..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
In reality, let's hear the truth out of the guy. "Looked like a million and a half to me" "Largest audience to witness an inauguration ever. Period." Those are lies. You should care.
So what if it looked like millions to him? Maybe it did from where he was standing at the podium. ..... :cool:

You loony libs get wound up about the darndest things. ..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Loony Trump gets wound up about the darndest things. He's the president. Can't he look at the same pictures and time lapsed video as everyone else before he wrongly whines about something so dumb?
Liberals always gotta have something to whine about. ...... :cool:

In reality, it doesn't matter if only 3 people showed up for the inauguration.

Trump is our new president!!

Deal with it lefty loons........ :thup:
In reality, let's hear the truth out of the guy. "Looked like a million and a half to me" "Largest audience to witness an inauguration ever. Period." Those are lies. You should care.
It is all completely irrelevant, this thread included.

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