Is This The Country We Want To Live In? Senator Al Franken

Blu.....Franken writes a book called ..."Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations"....and this is supposed to be the work of an intelligent guy?...i am supposed to be impressed?......and then theres....." I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!: Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley".....give me a the jerk all you want,he is a fucking lousey comic,and a failed radio host....and as soon as he becomes one of the DC crowd,which he will in time,he then becomes just another politician....
He's not even a real author. The various chapters of "his" books were written by college journalism students and merely coallated and edited by Frankenstein.
Blu.....Franken writes a book called ..."Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations"....and this is supposed to be the work of an intelligent guy?...i am supposed to be impressed?......and then theres....." I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!: Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley".....give me a the jerk all you want,he is a fucking lousey comic,and a failed radio host....and as soon as he becomes one of the DC crowd,which he will in time,he then becomes just another politician....
He's not even a real author. The various chapters of "his" books were written by college journalism students and merely coallated and edited by Frankenstein.

So it's merely a 'Collage' of sorts with not necessarily HIS thoughts?

Interesting. He was feeding off of others. Typical. And why he FAILED at SNL, and had to leave.
i think it says a lot that you call franken a 'fucking retard' while claiming sarah palin is intelligent. Have you compared their intellectual achievements? What about their books? Who seems to have the higher education and greater intelligence?

p a l i n

Franken...Harvard degree

Palin....Podunk University

What University does Bush have a Degree from again? And you call him stupid.
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Blu.....Franken writes a book called ..."Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations"....and this is supposed to be the work of an intelligent guy?...i am supposed to be impressed?......and then theres....." I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!: Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley".....give me a the jerk all you want,he is a fucking lousey comic,and a failed radio host....and as soon as he becomes one of the DC crowd,which he will in time,he then becomes just another politician....
He's not even a real author. The various chapters of "his" books were written by college journalism students and merely coallated and edited by Frankenstein.

Hmmm...not even a ghost writer huh?
I'll be there with you and millions of us clammoring to get onboard that train...

millions? are you joking?

Pay Attention. There are MORE of us than you realise. Or didn;'t the massive layoffs across many Media Outlets give you a clue? NO ONE is buying it...or YOU.

for some reason I don't see millions of people leaving the country over al franken is that not proof that extreme cold freezes peoples brain cells. How else can you explain the people of Minnesota voting in this k00k. is that not proof that extreme cold freezes peoples brain cells. How else can you explain the people of Minnesota voting in this k00k.

please try to make useful contributions in the future
Great job by Franken

:lol::lol: Is this the same "great Al Franken" that decided he would go against Minnisota State law & not cover his employees under Workman's compensation?" & was taken to court over it & forced by the state to pay up." Is this the same Al Franken that did not give his employees any medical benefits"?--:lol::lol:

Holy Shit--what a teleprompter can cover up--:lol::lol: Now he's a senator--:lol::lol:
Great job by Franken

:lol::lol: Is this the same "great Al Franken" that decided he would go against Minnisota State law & not cover his employees under Workman's compensation?" & was taken to court over it & forced by the state to pay up." Is this the same Al Franken that did not give his employees any medical benefits"?--:lol::lol:

Holy Shit--what a teleprompter can cover up--:lol::lol: Now he's a senator--:lol::lol:

And Notice it took a HUGE effort to procalim him the WINNER with a hugely contested effort?

IF Franken was so loved? WHY did it take so LONG to confirm the LOVE?
America is absolutely NOT the country I wish for Al fuckstain Franken to live in.

The fact that he is a U.S. Senator (even if it did come via voter fraud and theft) is a huge national disgrace.
America is absolutely NOT the country I wish for Al fuckstain Franken to live in.

The fact that he is a U.S. Senator (even if it did come via voter fraud and theft) is a huge national disgrace.

Agreed. And THUS my ultimate point.
i think it says a lot that you call franken a 'fucking retard' while claiming sarah palin is intelligent. Have you compared their intellectual achievements? What about their books? Who seems to have the higher education and greater intelligence?

p a l i n

Franken...Harvard degree

Palin....Podunk University

rightwinger....grade school dropout

Given your educational level you're in no position to be calling anyone but yourself stupid.

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