Is this the last gasp for Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

She needs to retire. She cannot do her job. Have you seen a recent interview with her? She has been way worse than Biden is now for a long time. She is just a figurehead at this point that probably has surrogates write her opinions for her. It is time to impeach her since Dems refuse to let her step down.
Yeah, the Democrats are going to impeach her. How long have you been an idiot? Is it something new to you or are you experienced?
With all due respect, the Supreme Court really should have term limits.

Maybe 25 years should be the maximum.

And, of course, the House & Senate should also have term limits.

Now that we are on the brink of having a super woke administration taking over in a few months, perhaps some liberals will put their money where their mouth is and finally institute term limits for federal government positions.

C'mon! Give other people a chance to be "public servants."

Sure! Congress will vote to limit their terms.
She's "made of "mettle? That is improper use of the word.

While normally I'd not respond to a local internet agitator such as yourself, the modern grammatical lack of efficacy demonstrated by the average cyber fool online does lately tend to get my goat somewhat. Let us say, for the purposes of this "lesson", you ought to check the etymology and normative uses and meanings of a word, front to back, before attempting to "educate" a fellow human being on its improper usage and definition. In this particular case, you've put foot in mouth. But that's okay, I suppose. In this age of pixelated smart device dependency, everyone believes himself to be some expert lording over some base aspect of our existence. Why would you attempt to be more original than anyone else?

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