Is this the Mark Of The Beast?

Yes, this is the mark of the beast. And it doesn't surprise me that it is a British company that is developing it.
And you know what? The people who are poo-pooing this thread are the same ones who will gladly accept the mark. So sad.
True. I don't feel sorry for them if they want to be satan's children, but what I am afraid of is that they can corrupt the minds of children and women to accept the mark. This technology is not the only mark possible though.
True. I don't feel sorry for them if they want to be satan's children, but what I am afraid of is that they can corrupt the minds of children and women to accept the mark. This technology is not the only mark possible though.

Satin's Children?

Oh for the love of GOD .. suggest that you and Froggy Guy get a damn room.

True. I don't feel sorry for them if they want to be satan's children, but what I am afraid of is that they can corrupt the minds of children and women to accept the mark. This technology is not the only mark possible though.

Satin's Children?

Oh for the love of GOD .. suggest that you and Froggy Guy get a damn room.


If you accept a mark that single handedly controls your survival whilst starves everyone else, don't you think you have satan's logic clear enough?
If you accept a mark that single handedly controls your survival whilst starves everyone else,

Yes, this is the mark of the beast. And it doesn't surprise me that it is a British company that is developing it.
And you know what? The people who are poo-pooing this thread are the same ones who will gladly accept the mark. So sad.
True. I don't feel sorry for them if they want to be satan's children, but what I am afraid of is that they can corrupt the minds of children and women to accept the mark. This technology is not the only mark possible though.
There is really no way to know what the mark will be, but one thing is sure. Those who know Christ will know it when they see it, and avoid it like the plague.
That's nothing but your opinion. Why should I believe you?

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. There is no reason to take this figuratively. It says that a certain person will require everyone to have this mark. That indicates that it is a physical mark.

Do you need this simplified?
1) A chip implant isn't a mark. You don't take it literally, so stop being a hypocrite.
2) From Exodus, I've demonstrated the figurative use in the Bible of a mark on the hand and forehead.
3) Show me where in Revelation that Revelation takes itself literally. E.g. "the seven lampstands are the seven churches" is an example showing Revelation doesn't take literally the vision it presents.
4) Jesus says "soon" in 1:1. Why don't you take that literally?

5)You said "it says a certain person will require everyone have this mark"? What is that certain person? Answer, a "beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon." Why are you calling a beast, with horns and a voice of a dragon, that comes out of the ground "a person"? You don't take that literally, but you take the mark it imposes literally?

Given what I've told you, what reason should we take the mark literally (ignoring that you really don't take it literally)? You have nothing except pathetic whining that what I say is just my opinion.
That's nothing but your opinion. Why should I believe you?

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. There is no reason to take this figuratively. It says that a certain person will require everyone to have this mark. That indicates that it is a physical mark.

Do you need this simplified?
1) A chip implant isn't a mark. You don't take it literally, so stop being a hypocrite.
2) From Exodus, I've demonstrated the figurative use in the Bible of a mark on the hand and forehead.
3) Show me where in Revelation that Revelation takes itself literally. E.g. "the seven lampstands are the seven churches" is an example showing Revelation doesn't take literally the vision it presents.
4) Jesus says "soon" in 1:1. Why don't you take that literally?

5)You said "it says a certain person will require everyone have this mark"? What is that certain person? Answer, a "beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon." Why are you calling a beast, with horns and a voice of a dragon, that comes out of the ground "a person"? You don't take that literally, but you take the mark it imposes literally?

Given what I've told you, what reason should we take the mark literally (ignoring that you really don't take it literally)? You have nothing except pathetic whining that what I say is just my opinion.
At any rate if you can not see the slippery slope that no cash purchases offer you are nieve at best. I do not want people or governments to be able to track my every move.
it is no coincidence that the only other time that number is used in the entire Bible is when detailing Solomons yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, taken from the Temple treasury from the corrupt political/religious theocracy that he headed.

The mark of the beast on the forehead just represents what is foremost on the mind, submission to this corrupt system of worship and sacrifice which binds your hand, controls your actions, leaving an indelible mark.
'What or things/evil they do/done in my name not of/from/by me'...
it is no coincidence that the only other time that number is used in the entire Bible is when detailing Solomons yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, taken from the Temple treasury from the corrupt political/religious theocracy that he headed.

The mark of the beast on the forehead just represents what is foremost on the mind, submission to this corrupt system of worship and sacrifice which binds your hand, controls your actions, leaving an indelible mark.
'What or things/evil they do/done in my name not of/from/by me'...


The mark of the beast, the number 666, represents a man. 666 has to be a reference to Solomon the mark being anyone who thinks the way to holiness is slaughtering farm animals in a Temple and fleecing the population behind the veil of religious authority according to a corrupt perversion of Gods will...

"Give me all of your money, I'll kill and eat a farm animal, I toss you some scraps. Then you'll be guaranteed to have a great place of honor in the world to come"..

Sound familiar?

This whole ritual celebration of the killing and then eating of Jesus, an acceptable sacrifice, is the same exact thing.

Why did the northern kingdom revolt and split from the southern kingdom after Solomon died?
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Christians won't be here for the MOTB, they will have been raptured.
You worship a three in one edible mangod that doesn't correspond to any real living being ever in existence and have the audacity to teach others to do the same.

You might has well have Satans signature like a giant black thumbprint right in the middle of your chin.
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This is interesting. A startup for a global identification system. If this ever became mandatory, it would be simple to then switch to a cashless society. Then no one would be able to buy or sell without this ID. This may be the precursor to the Mark of the Beast. It will use a smartphone, for now. But the technology already exist for RFID chips, as well as RFID tattoos, placed on the hand or the forehead.

Yoti aims to provide everyone with a biometric digital identity that works via a smartphone app
Yoti, a British start-up, is trying to establish a global identity system that protects users from both identity theft and having their data collected and exploited. All personal data remains within the Yoti ecosystem, where different elements – name, gender, date of birth etc – are encrypted and stored separately. Only the individual user can tie it all together.Yoti – derived from Your Own Trusted Identity – requires a smartphone, and there are apps for both Apple iOS and Android. The potential audience is in the billions.Yoti requires each user to create a digital identity. This involves providing biometric identifiers such as video and speech, plus an image of a government-backed identification document, such as a passport or a driving licence. Yoti discards these after the ID has been created. Yoti’s co-founder and CEO Robin Tombs says passport images are deleted after seven days.Users who have Android phones with NFC can read the chip in their digital passport. Tombs says Apple doesn’t allow this at the moment.If a company wants to verify a user, it presents them with a QR code that they can read with the Yoti app. They can verify their Yoti ID by entering a 5-digit pin or their biometrics: that is, by videoing themselves and by speaking random words displayed on the smartphone screen. If you’re holding your smartphone in the usual way, the video is easily captured: the app just turns on the front-facing camera.
The mark of the beast is in red on the upper right hand corner of you're birth certificate.........if you were unfortunate enough to be born into the great Satan inc
it is no coincidence that the only other time that number is used in the entire Bible is when detailing Solomons yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, taken from the Temple treasury from the corrupt political/religious theocracy that he headed.

The mark of the beast on the forehead just represents what is foremost on the mind, submission to this corrupt system of worship and sacrifice which binds your hand, controls your actions, leaving an indelible mark.
'What or things/evil they do/done in my name not of/from/by me'...


The mark of the beast, the number 666, represents a man. 666 has to be a reference to Solomon the mark being anyone who thinks the way to holiness is slaughtering farm animals in a Temple and fleecing the population behind the veil of religious authority according to a corrupt perversion of Gods will...

"Give me all of your money, I'll kill and eat a farm animal, I toss you some scraps. Then you'll be guaranteed to have a great place of honor in the world to come"..

Sound familiar?

Why did the northern kingdom revolt and split from the southern kingdom after Solomon died?
The carnal aspect verses the spiritual one concerning 666. A carnal human views peace and submission as theirs for the taking. The spiritual aspect works undisclosed to the carnal being and is ultimately revealed to a spiritual human. Jesus 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us' builds from within. Carnal human church buying and selling carnal precepts verses church made of spirit which deals in a spiritual realm. 'Buy from me' means different things to different peeps. Not that the flesh must not be maintained but.....heavenly doves cannot actually be bought, bribed, secured or sold with worldly cash. Animals- beastly portions within we give up or sacrifice along the way as we progress.

Why did the northern kingdom revolt and split from the southern kingdom after Solomon died?

Short answer. Illicit worship hasn't been fully given up.
Christians won't be here for the MOTB, they will have been raptured.
You worship a three in one edible mangod that doesn't correspond to any real living being ever in existence and have the audacity to teach others to do the same.

You might has well have Satans signature like a giant black thumbprint right in the middle of your chin.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Cor 2:14.
it is no coincidence that the only other time that number is used in the entire Bible is when detailing Solomons yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, taken from the Temple treasury from the corrupt political/religious theocracy that he headed.

The mark of the beast on the forehead just represents what is foremost on the mind, submission to this corrupt system of worship and sacrifice which binds your hand, controls your actions, leaving an indelible mark.
'What or things/evil they do/done in my name not of/from/by me'...


The mark of the beast, the number 666, represents a man. 666 has to be a reference to Solomon the mark being anyone who thinks the way to holiness is slaughtering farm animals in a Temple and fleecing the population behind the veil of religious authority according to a corrupt perversion of Gods will...

"Give me all of your money, I'll kill and eat a farm animal, I toss you some scraps. Then you'll be guaranteed to have a great place of honor in the world to come"..

Sound familiar?

Why did the northern kingdom revolt and split from the southern kingdom after Solomon died?
The carnal aspect verses the spiritual one concerning 666. A carnal human views peace and submission as theirs for the taking. The spiritual aspect works undisclosed to the carnal being and is ultimately revealed to a spiritual human. Jesus 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us' builds from within. Carnal human church buying and selling carnal precepts verses church made of spirit which deals in a spiritual realm. 'Buy from me' means different things to different peeps. Not that the flesh must not be maintained but.....heavenly doves cannot actually be bought, bribed, secured or sold with worldly cash. Animals- beastly portions within we give up or sacrifice along the way as we progress.

Why did the northern kingdom revolt and split from the southern kingdom after Solomon died?

Short answer. Illicit worship hasn't been fully given up.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say about carnal vs spiritual mind related to 666. I don't see any relation. And I really don't subscribe to a belief in a carnal vs spiritual mind. If a person struggles between good and evil its going on in their one and only mind.

Nothing about the physical world or the human body is in and of itself sinful. The belief that it is intrinsically evil is detrimental to good mental health.

Sounds more like the type of severe austerity and self loathing practiced by believers in Mithras.

Jesus ate and drank and partied with sinners and kept all sorts of bad company, presumably doing whatever it is bad characters and sinners do, as if none of it was sinful.
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Christians won't be here for the MOTB, they will have been raptured.
You worship a three in one edible mangod that doesn't correspond to any real living being ever in existence and have the audacity to teach others to do the same.

You might has well have Satans signature like a giant black thumbprint right in the middle of your chin.

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Cor 2:14.

You believe in a three in one god made man, a false counterfeit Jesus who first started marking the foreheads of believers ever since it was conjured from the depths of hell by Rome and unleashed on the world in 325.ce.

The very antichrist that you fear, is the Jesus that you have always worshipped. The Jesus that actually existed was just a man.

You want to be raptured?

Stop groveling before the imposter on your knees like a worm, then stand up and walk like a man.
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it is no coincidence that the only other time that number is used in the entire Bible is when detailing Solomons yearly stipend of 666 talents of gold, 25 tons, taken from the Temple treasury from the corrupt political/religious theocracy that he headed.

The mark of the beast on the forehead just represents what is foremost on the mind, submission to this corrupt system of worship and sacrifice which binds your hand, controls your actions, leaving an indelible mark.
'What or things/evil they do/done in my name not of/from/by me'...


The mark of the beast, the number 666, represents a man. 666 has to be a reference to Solomon the mark being anyone who thinks the way to holiness is slaughtering farm animals in a Temple and fleecing the population behind the veil of religious authority according to a corrupt perversion of Gods will...

"Give me all of your money, I'll kill and eat a farm animal, I toss you some scraps. Then you'll be guaranteed to have a great place of honor in the world to come"..

Sound familiar?

Why did the northern kingdom revolt and split from the southern kingdom after Solomon died?
The carnal aspect verses the spiritual one concerning 666. A carnal human views peace and submission as theirs for the taking. The spiritual aspect works undisclosed to the carnal being and is ultimately revealed to a spiritual human. Jesus 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us' builds from within. Carnal human church buying and selling carnal precepts verses church made of spirit which deals in a spiritual realm. 'Buy from me' means different things to different peeps. Not that the flesh must not be maintained but.....heavenly doves cannot actually be bought, bribed, secured or sold with worldly cash. Animals- beastly portions within we give up or sacrifice along the way as we progress.

Why did the northern kingdom revolt and split from the southern kingdom after Solomon died?

Short answer. Illicit worship hasn't been fully given up.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say about carnal vs spiritual mind related to 666. I don't see any relation. And I really don't subscribe to a belief in a carnal vs spiritual mind. If a person struggles between good and evil its going on in their one and only mind.

Nothing about the physical world or the human body is in and of itself sinful. The belief that it is intrinsically evil is detrimental to good mental health.

Sounds more like the type of severe austerity and self loathing practiced by believers in Mithras.

Jesus ate and drank and partied with sinners and kept all sorts of bad company, presumably doing whatever it is bad characters and sinners do, as if none of it was sinful.
A very mixed up mish-mash mess you have going there.
Again for those unawares.....that which is done "in my name" not of/by me or one besides/instead (looks like/similar but not the real deal) of (seeking) me . Not by might but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts. Generation of hissing vipers......shall not pass......

Samekh or Simketh is the fifteenth letter of many Semitic abjads, including Phoenician Ṣāmek , Hebrew ˈSamekh ס, Aramaic Semkath , Syriac Semkaṯ ܣ, representing /s/. The Arabic alphabet, however, uses a letter based on Phoenician Šīn to represent /s/ (see there); however, that glyph takes Samekh's place in the traditional Abjadi order (i.e. in the name of alah) of the Arabic alphabet.

The Phoenician letter gave rise to the Greek Xi (Ξ, ξ).[1] However, its name gave rise to Sigma. Sigma is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a ... sigma was a Greek innovation that simply meant "hissing", based on a nominalization of a verb σίζω (sízō, from earlier *sig-jō, meaning 'I hiss')

666 Chi Xi Stigma.png

Seal of Muhammad - Wikipedia Just another fake (who worked with Catholic churches) claiming to be doing these sorry things in God's name, sorry Muslims that is the way it is.

Muhammad rasul allah_mark-seal.png

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