Is This the Moment Where the Revolution Eats Its Own?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Is This the Moment Where the Revolution Eats Its Own ...

Is This the Moment Where the Revolution Eats Its Own?
6 hours ago · We solved this problem 200 years ago, right before the train wreck of the French Revolution. Why are we having to go through it again? You know why. It’s because the Good Little Boys and Good Little Girls of Google or Harvard and BU have been carefully taught not to know it. Source: Is This the Moment Where the Revolution Eats Its Own?

When do the Dems led by the 'squad of four' roll out the guillotines?
Compared with the rest of the (nationally representative) polling sample, progressive activists are much more likely to be rich, highly educated — and white. Very significantly, they're still living with their parents, which IMO should cause liability from criminal actions to inure to the parents as well. Supporting a terrorist so they can wreak havoc on society can’t be left unpunished.
The question remains how many losers/parasites can the "squad" convince to commit suicide to advance their Progress Marxist Socialist revolution.
AOC and her 'Socialist Squad' of four stepped in it big league. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi welcomed the petulant children into the DNC, now the 'Squad' is defining the DNC party platform with an extreme Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA agenda. Join or you are a racist!
When you give someone a powerful tool, expect them to use it to further or defend their own power.
This is why SJW students tear down professors and administrators well before the activists these liberals in power trained to tear down society are out in public.
This is why young liberal politicians are tearing down their OWN leadership using the tools and techniques they were taught by said liberals.
They're “eating their own”. The young they’ve trained are using the tactics they were taught, the reasoning they learned from Socialist bullies in power and logic against their leadership ... because said leaders are guilty of being as old, white and not with the program as most of those they’re trained to hate.
I've been saying it for a couple of years now - The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left is in the process of taking over the Democratic party at the expense of its liberals.

The gaping middle just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
I used to think Pinochet was a bad guy for the Helicopter rides, then you see 'The Squad' and Lizzy Cheekbones
The squad is the new face of the democrats, commies, haters, racists, always playing the victim, always wanting free shit, its always the wealthy who are to blame for their poverty. Coxuckers should never have been elected in the first place, says a lot for their districts....

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