Is this the "smoking gun"? Letter from Cohen stating Trump did not reimburse him for Stormy Daniels payment

Haha no nobody would mortgage their own home. It would be easier and faster to simply tell the client they need the money.

But please provide us some proof Cohen did this…
You mean beyond the checks, the loan papers, and the payback?
You mean beyond the checks, the loan papers, and the payback?

What loan papers? That’s what I am asking for, show us the proof he mortgaged his house

If true that makes his actions even more bizarre and lack credibility
You think it’s normal for a lawyer to mortgage their home to cover an expense for a client? Haha
Of course that’s not normal, but we are talking about Trump trying to hide a hush payment to a porn star he cheated on his wife with to save face during a run for president of the USA. So there’s a lot of not normal stuff going on
Of course that’s not normal, but we are talking about Trump trying to hide a hush payment to a porn star he cheated on his wife with to save face during a run for president of the USA. So there’s a lot of not normal stuff going on
If he was trying to hide a payment to Cohen he wouldn’t of written a check
Trump can legally pay money for her to not share details of intimacy
It is and always has been a lie that he can’t yet they click their heels and repeat it over and over and over…..
If so, Turn out the lights
The party's over
They say that all
Good things must end
Call it a night
The party's over
And tomorrow starts
The same old thing again.

EXCLUSIVE: Is this the smoking gun? Letter from Michael Cohen claiming Donald Trump did NOT reimburse him for hush money paid to Stormy Daniels appears to fly in the face of the star witness's grand jury testimony​

  • Bombshell document, exclusively obtained by, could cripple prosecutors pursuit of criminal charges against Trump over payments to Stormy Daniels
  • Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, is the star witness in the case over which Trump reportedly faces imminent arrest for campaign finance violations
  • But in a February 2018 letter Cohen’s attorney wrote that ‘Mr. Cohen used his own personal funds’ and that ‘neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign reimbursed Mr. Cohen'
Bombshell letter from Michael Cohen claims Trump didn't reimburse him

No because Cohen went to prison for writing that letter, which was part of his "lying to Congress" charge. In pleading guilty to the charge of lying to Congress, Cohen went back to Congress and testified truthfully that Trump had reimbursed him and provided copies of the invoices and checks used for that reimbursement.

Trump processed these checks through his business as legitimate tax deductible legal expenses for his corporation, which is why he's being charged with "falsifying business records in regards to these payments.
Trump can legally pay money for her to not share details of intimacy
It is and always has been a lie that he can’t yet they click their heels and repeat it over and over and over…..
No one has said he couldn't do that but he can't claim payments to his mistress as a tax deductible "business expense". That's falsifying business records and tax evasion. Which is what Trump has been charged with.
Trump can legally pay money for her to not share details of intimacy
It is and always has been a lie that he can’t yet they click their heels and repeat it over and over and over…..
Who said he couldn’t?!
No one has said he couldn't do that but he can't claim payments to his mistress as a tax deductible "business expense". That's falsifying business records and tax evasion. Which is what Trump has been charged with.
There is no evidence of that and since it is Legal for him to pay her , which the vast majority of you have stated it isn’t, the witch hunters have conjured up that he took it as a tax deduction
Haha no nobody would mortgage their own home. It would be easier and faster to simply tell the client they need the money.

But please provide us some proof Cohen did this…

Robert Khuzami, Attorney for the United States, Acting Under Authority Conferred by 28 U.S.C. § 515, William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and James D. Robnett, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (“IRS-CI”), announced today the guilty plea of MICHAEL COHEN to charges of tax evasion, making false statements to a federally-insured bank, and campaign finance violations. The plea was entered followed the filing of an eight-count criminal information, which alleged that COHEN concealed more than $4 million in personal income from the IRS, made false statements to a federally-insured financial institution in connection with a $500,000 home equity loan, and, in 2016, caused $280,000 in payments to be made to silence two women who otherwise planned to speak publicly about their alleged affairs with a presidential candidate, thereby intending to influence the 2016 presidential election. COHEN pled guilty today before U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley III.
What loan papers? That’s what I am asking for, show us the proof he mortgaged his house

If true that makes his actions even more bizarre and lack credibility

He admitted he used funds from an equity line to pay them.

Haha trump didn’t mortgage his home…the claim was Cohen did

Try keeping up with your dembot lies

They worked on these payments together.


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