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Is this the tipping point for Cosby?

He admits to ONE case of giving a woman a drug of some kind, a Benedryl, and you feminazis turn it into drug induced rape. Sorry, it doesn't work.
Me no femnazi, me no likey Cosby sticking that pudding pop where it does not belong.

What a minute do you condone rape?

What a stupid fucking question, ass hole.

That I think a person innocent until actual evidence is provided does not mean I condone crime of any kind,.

But you apparently condone witch hunts and Stalin show trials.
There you go with the name calling. Just because your hero got caught with his peepee in the wrong place no reason for you to go ape shit on me.

He is now unrepresented, "Bill Cosby was quietly dumped by CAA, which represented him since 2012, and he is now without talent representation in Hollywood. Cosby, accused of drugging and raping more than two dozen women, was dropped by the talent agency late last year per insiders at the agency – long before the latest revelation surfaced that he’d admitted in a deposition to having obtained Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with."

Cos And Effect Dropped Months Ago By CAA Bill Cosby Is Un-Repped In Hollywood Deadline

It isn't 'name calling' if it is true, and it is a demonstrated fact in this thread that you are a liar and a dimwit. You seem to think that lots of people agreeing makes Cosby guilty and you repeatedly imply Cosby has confessed to multiple rapes.

In short, your just another typical libtard ass hole. FACT

JimBowie1958: "you are a liar and a dimwit":uhoh3::laugh::laugh::rofl:

Lol, and I have provided the link to the manuscript for the deposition and I have done a number of searches and cannot find anything more than what I found. N o admission by Cosby he raped anyone, not at all.

And you bring nothing more than unsupported accusations and stupidity.

Don't see what else needs to be said; you are an ass hat and I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow.
Me no femnazi, me no likey Cosby sticking that pudding pop where it does not belong.

What a minute do you condone rape?

What a stupid fucking question, ass hole.

That I think a person innocent until actual evidence is provided does not mean I condone crime of any kind,.

But you apparently condone witch hunts and Stalin show trials.
There you go with the name calling. Just because your hero got caught with his peepee in the wrong place no reason for you to go ape shit on me.

He is now unrepresented, "Bill Cosby was quietly dumped by CAA, which represented him since 2012, and he is now without talent representation in Hollywood. Cosby, accused of drugging and raping more than two dozen women, was dropped by the talent agency late last year per insiders at the agency – long before the latest revelation surfaced that he’d admitted in a deposition to having obtained Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with."

Cos And Effect Dropped Months Ago By CAA Bill Cosby Is Un-Repped In Hollywood Deadline

It isn't 'name calling' if it is true, and it is a demonstrated fact in this thread that you are a liar and a dimwit. You seem to think that lots of people agreeing makes Cosby guilty and you repeatedly imply Cosby has confessed to multiple rapes.

In short, your just another typical libtard ass hole. FACT

JimBowie1958: "you are a liar and a dimwit":uhoh3::laugh::laugh::rofl:

Lol, and I have provided the link to the manuscript for the deposition and I have done a number of searches and cannot find anything more than what I found. N o admission by Cosby he raped anyone, not at all.

And you bring nothing more than unsupported accusations and stupidity.

Don't see what else needs to be said; you are an ass hat and I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow.

"I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow."

You are butthurt I get that, the whole hero worship thing. I am responding to the OP there is no reason to wish me any ill will.
Because these acts occurred so long ago, the tendency for the under 40 crowd is to connect the drug to something they already know, like GHB which renders a person totally unconscious.

GHB didn't exist when these acts allegedy happened. He used quaaludes which was the bar drug of the day. In 40 years someone will complain of the turn of the century ecstacy.
Aside from marijuana, which I used conservatively throughout the '70s (when it was decriminalized in New York City), the only other recreational drug I ever tried was quaalude -- once. As I recall the effect was rather pleasing, Relaxing, but not at all disabling. Presumably the tablet I took was a relatively low dose. The effect was so pleasing I would have used it again but it seemed to have dropped out of existence.

I understand Nancy Reagan, Ronald Reagan's ditzy ("Just say no!") wife, was addicted to quaalude. Actually it was pretty obvious in the way her facial expression seemed frozen in place and she had to be moved about like a mannequin on wheels.
With as many women out there accusing him of rape, it's been obvious for a long time that he is a serial rapist.

This is amazing. So you think the number of accusations means that he is necesarily guilty.

You are a real stupid ass fucked dweeb.

You really are that stupid if you think that many women decided to make this shit up. What planet do you come from anyway? BTW, there wasn't much more evidence against Jerry Sandusky. I bet you think he is innocent too. What a dumb fuck.
And I agree he deserves to be dragged from his velvet couch and tossed into cold torment for the rest of his life, which is very unlikely. The very fact he's been willing to talk about his actions at all is clear evidence his lawyer(s) have advised that he's protected by expired statutes of limitation. .

You say that based on what evidence?
Can you suggest another reason why he would be willing to openly confess to the crime of rape? Do you doubt he was acting under the advice of his lawyer(s)?
What did he do with the children? What evidence do you have that he did anything at all?

I find it interesting that so many find Cosby's reputation being slandered as such a funny topic.
And I find it interesting, and surprising, that you seem to be defending a slimy cockroach like Cosby.
Lol, and I have provided the link to the manuscript for the deposition and I have done a number of searches and cannot find anything more than what I found. N o admission by Cosby he raped anyone, not at all.

And you bring nothing more than unsupported accusations and stupidity.

Don't see what else needs to be said; you are an ass hat and I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow.
Cosby admitted that he premeditatedly administered drugs to women for the purpose of having sex with them. Which is to say he planned to have sex with women whom he first made unconscious and/or unable to resist, and he then carried out that plan.

That is rape.
What a stupid fucking question, ass hole.

That I think a person innocent until actual evidence is provided does not mean I condone crime of any kind,.

But you apparently condone witch hunts and Stalin show trials.
There you go with the name calling. Just because your hero got caught with his peepee in the wrong place no reason for you to go ape shit on me.

He is now unrepresented, "Bill Cosby was quietly dumped by CAA, which represented him since 2012, and he is now without talent representation in Hollywood. Cosby, accused of drugging and raping more than two dozen women, was dropped by the talent agency late last year per insiders at the agency – long before the latest revelation surfaced that he’d admitted in a deposition to having obtained Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with."

Cos And Effect Dropped Months Ago By CAA Bill Cosby Is Un-Repped In Hollywood Deadline

It isn't 'name calling' if it is true, and it is a demonstrated fact in this thread that you are a liar and a dimwit. You seem to think that lots of people agreeing makes Cosby guilty and you repeatedly imply Cosby has confessed to multiple rapes.

In short, your just another typical libtard ass hole. FACT

JimBowie1958: "you are a liar and a dimwit":uhoh3::laugh::laugh::rofl:

Lol, and I have provided the link to the manuscript for the deposition and I have done a number of searches and cannot find anything more than what I found. N o admission by Cosby he raped anyone, not at all.

And you bring nothing more than unsupported accusations and stupidity.

Don't see what else needs to be said; you are an ass hat and I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow.

"I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow."

You are butthurt I get that, the whole hero worship thing. I am responding to the OP there is no reason to wish me any ill will.

Back to your sarcastic bullshit, slandering a person that is a much better human being than you, judging by all available evidence today.

And I am not wishing you ill, but merely pointing out a fact I have learned through my life and that is this. How you treat other people is not an isolated thing. You have a tendency to slam on people without justification, obviously, and most likely the people in your personal life see this. And so you dehumanize yourself to a degree and make yourself less sympathetic to them.

Honestly, if you stopped being such a libtard, how many friends would you still have? My bet is none at all. That's all I am saying. 'What goes around comes around' is said because it is far more often true than not.

You are slandering Cosby on zero evidence, and that is probably typical behavior for you that you repeat in your personal life on a daily basis. You are probably the biggest gossip at the water cooler and that sort of thing. And one day when you are at your most vulnerable, I would bet that multiple people will twist the knife in your back like they have seen you do to thers.

That's all. My wishing one thing or another is irrelevant.

You bring it on yourself.
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With as many women out there accusing him of rape, it's been obvious for a long time that he is a serial rapist.

This is amazing. So you think the number of accusations means that he is necesarily guilty.

You are a real stupid ass fucked dweeb.

You really are that stupid if you think that many women decided to make this shit up. What planet do you come from anyway? BTW, there wasn't much more evidence against Jerry Sandusky. I bet you think he is innocent too. What a dumb fuck.

We are talking about literally tens of millions of women that are the subject pool here.

The idea that 40 schizoid bitches cant be found to slander the man under oath is just you mentally jacking off.
What did he do with the children? What evidence do you have that he did anything at all?

I find it interesting that so many find Cosby's reputation being slandered as such a funny topic.
And I find it interesting, and surprising, that you seem to be defending a slimy cockroach like Cosby.

Only because there is no convincing evidence of his guilt.

Cosby admitted that he premeditatedly administered drugs to women for the purpose of having sex with them. Which is to say he planned to have sex with women whom he first made unconscious and/or unable to resist, and he then carried out that plan.
That is rape.

And that is not what he said. I got the deposition and put the link to it on an earlier page in this thread. If you can find where he specifically said that, then I will agree with you, but he did not say that.

Back in your weed smoking days, did you or a buddy ever buy weed to share with a speculative woman you might want to go to bed with? I have known guys that did that a lot, bought weed or coke or ecstasy and various other things. The drug was not used to knock them out and rape them, but to offer as a recreational drug and part of a seduction. 'You like that? I got more...lets go back here where its more comfortable' kind of shit. Set the scene for the move and all. I doubt a star like Cosby had to do a lot of maneuvering, but that is likely what he meant when he said he got the Quaaludes for giving to young women he wanted to have sex with. A Quaalude wouldn't knock a person out or 'unable to resist'.

He did admit to giving a drug to a specific woman, and it was not a Quaalude but a Benedryl.

I posted the link, so if there is a smoking gun I missed, you would make my day to show it to me because no one else has as of yet.

People just keep repeating that Cosby is guilty, that he has ruined his career and his legacy, blah, blah, blah.

No Cosby has not ruined his career, gossiping liars have.
Lol, and I have provided the link to the manuscript for the deposition and I have done a number of searches and cannot find anything more than what I found. N o admission by Cosby he raped anyone, not at all.

And you bring nothing more than unsupported accusations and stupidity.

Don't see what else needs to be said; you are an ass hat and I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow.
Cosby admitted that he premeditatedly administered drugs to women for the purpose of having sex with them. Which is to say he planned to have sex with women whom he first made unconscious and/or unable to resist, and he then carried out that plan.

That is rape.

Another thing; are women supposed to be tough as men and able to roll with the adversity of life or are they these fragile little flowers as depicted in the Age of Chivalry? Which is it?

oh, I know the storyline goes that any woman can be an astronaut, a boxer, a football player, because she is just as tough as any guy, right? But oh, don't ask her if she wants to fuck if she has had a beer. That is rape. This makes sense to anyone with a functioning mind? Or is it that people are just too afraid in this Stalinistic age to speak the Truth any more? To ask the obvious questions?

roflmao, you liberals cant seem to keep your narratives from getting all entangled with the others.
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What is it about the human herd that makes the most evil things come out of them that wouldn't if they were only by their own individual selves? There are so many cases of this, from a gang of normal men with a few beers getting into a gang rape of a woman at a bar, to the Hutus killing what was previously thought of as beloved Tutsi neighbors and friends for decades. During the witch trials of old, one of the things most noted was how willing people were to lie under oath about some one else they barely knew. 'Oh, yes, your honor, I saw that witch get on her knees and give Satan himself a blow job, then swing around and drink blood from the babies corpse.' that kind of absolute nonsense.

But here with Cosby it is easier to stretch the Truth and to jump on the bandwagon and call for his burning at the stake. We have been conditioned to think all men are capable of drugging a woman into unconsciousness then taking her out and raping her. I doubt that anything more than 10% of the male population would actually do that in real life, but it is depicted all the time in the mass media. Of course, the very reason it is so often a story in the mass media is because it is rare, but people forget that. People forget that if you read one 'man bites dog' story after another after another for days, weeks, months years on end then after a while men biting dogs seems quite normal. But in truth, it is not normal at all, but we feel it is because we read of it so much, like some literary substitute for real life experience.

It is a simple fact that nowhere in that deposition did Cosby say he raped anyone. He said he obtained Quaaludes for the purpose of having sex with young women, and he used a Benedryl with one. Nowhere does he say that he gave those drugs to them without their consent or surreptitiously. Nowhere. If I have missed that factoid, then please show me. I have no dog in this fight and have never been a particular fan of his style of comedy. That 'whiplediffleooblydoogly' sort of nonsense never struck me as funny. He had some jokes that were funny, but they seemed to be like his humor high lights. I didn't 'grow up' with Cosby, as I am older than that. I think I saw him a few times when he was younger on some show like 'It takes a theif'. Not a fan.

But this libtard willingness, no, really it is a craving to scandalize, slander and vilify other people that deep down they know is innocent is a startling thing when you read about it and absolutely shocking to see it unfold in real time. Libtards in the Ukraine were making fun of starving Kulaks in town when the hungry folks would show up to beg for food. Imagine that. An entire starving family goes downtown among their old friends and begs for food to feed their children and libtards would mock them, spit on them, beat them and leave their corpses to rot in the street.


Kulak - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"As Vasily Grossman explained, the activists who helped the GPU (the secret police) with arrests and deportations,

were all people who know one another well, and knew their victims, but in carrying out this task they became dazed, stupefied. . . They would threaten people with guns, as if they were under a spell, calling small children ‘kulak bastards,’ screaming ‘bloodsuckers!’. . .They had sold themselves on the idea that that so-called ‘kulaks’ were pariahs, untouchables, vermin. They would not sit down at a ‘parasite’s’ table; the ‘kulak’ child was loathsome, the young ‘kulak’ girl was lower than a louse...

Party activists taking actions against the starving villagers found themselves confronting
cognitive dissonance as they processed realities of the day through the prism of ideology. Lev Kopelev, who later became a Soviet dissident, explained the conditions:

It was excruciating to see and hear all of this. And even worse to take part in it. . .And I persuaded myself, explained to myself. I mustn’t give in to debilitating pity. We were realizing historical necessity. We were performing our revolutionary duty. We were obtaining grain for the socialist fatherland. For the Five Year Plan...

Libtards are the lowest of human life. They are so quick to turn on each other, slander, ruin or kill anyone if convenient, but especially each other as they know that they actually deserve it..

When the dust settles and their conniving treacherous bullshit has gotten them into power, they start going at each other inevitably. They know what they are like and so they don't trust each other.

Who can blame them? When Bukharin was finally put on trial like so many other 'loyal' idealists before him, he had turned his face away and let it go instead of standing up to Stalin, and so there was no one left to defend him. And when Stalin's dogs threatened to tortur Bukharin's own infant son before him to make him confess, he finally caved in and was willing to sign anything at all. To save his son was his undoing and he was executed for one of the most basic human compassions.

Nikolai Bukharin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The irony of this particular example, the Cosby case is Whoopi Goldberg, a long time friend of Cosby's. She knows he isn't capable of this sort of thing, but the fascist system of false denunciation and lies that she herself has helped to set in place is finally starting to consume its own and she is helpless in her efforts to defend her old friend. It is sad, but it is also Karma, and the way the systematic use of lies and slander comes back to bite you where you love anyone else aside from yourself is Karma in motion. As one writer observed, 'I became less of a feminist when I remembered that I loved my father, my husband and my sons, too.'

For me it is a sad thing to see what is happening to Cosby, but everything has a silver lining; it is a signal that we are moving into the canableism mode of libtard hysteria. A beginning of an end phase, and I am glad to see it.
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There you go with the name calling. Just because your hero got caught with his peepee in the wrong place no reason for you to go ape shit on me.

He is now unrepresented, "Bill Cosby was quietly dumped by CAA, which represented him since 2012, and he is now without talent representation in Hollywood. Cosby, accused of drugging and raping more than two dozen women, was dropped by the talent agency late last year per insiders at the agency – long before the latest revelation surfaced that he’d admitted in a deposition to having obtained Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with."

Cos And Effect Dropped Months Ago By CAA Bill Cosby Is Un-Repped In Hollywood Deadline

It isn't 'name calling' if it is true, and it is a demonstrated fact in this thread that you are a liar and a dimwit. You seem to think that lots of people agreeing makes Cosby guilty and you repeatedly imply Cosby has confessed to multiple rapes.

In short, your just another typical libtard ass hole. FACT

JimBowie1958: "you are a liar and a dimwit":uhoh3::laugh::laugh::rofl:

Lol, and I have provided the link to the manuscript for the deposition and I have done a number of searches and cannot find anything more than what I found. N o admission by Cosby he raped anyone, not at all.

And you bring nothing more than unsupported accusations and stupidity.

Don't see what else needs to be said; you are an ass hat and I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow.

"I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow."

You are butthurt I get that, the whole hero worship thing. I am responding to the OP there is no reason to wish me any ill will.

Back to your sarcastic bullshit, slandering a person that is a much better human being than you, judging by all available evidence today.

And I am not wishing you ill, but merely pointing out a fact I have learned through my life and that is this. How you treat other people is not an isolated thing. You have a tendency to slam on people without justification, obviously, and most likely the people in your personal life see this. And so you dehumanize yourself to a degree and make yourself less sympathetic to them.

Honestly, if you stopped being such a libtard, how many friends would you still have? My bet is none at all. That's all I am saying. 'What goes around comes around' is said because it is far more often true than not.

You are slandering Cosby on zero evidence, and that is probably typical behavior for you that you repeat in your personal life on a daily basis. You are probably the biggest gossip at the water cooler and that sort of thing. And one day when you are at your most vulnerable, I would bet that multiple people will twist the knife in your back like they have seen you do to thers.

That's all. My wishing one thing or another is irrelevant.

You bring it on yourself.
I am happy and healthy so whatever I bring on myself is the fruits of my hard labor and clean living. You are a very, very angry man in your misguided efforts to show Mr. pudding pops in a positive light, I do understand that you are frustrated but attempting to make me the object of your unhappiness and wishing me harm does not even rise to a distraction in this thread.

Maybe you should go and watch a rerun of "The Cosby Show" you may feel better, oops I just recalled that his shows were taken off the air in his usual airing stations as a result of his acts, my bad.:oops:
That is because forced sex is the ultimate violation of a person's body and sovereignty. Men who rape women are displaying their "power and control" over these women. That's all there is to it.
Killing someone is the ultimate violation of a person's sovereignty. You take all they have and ever will have. Rape is still about sex, that's the definition of the word.

Nope, you are wrong. Men use rape as a way to "put a woman in her place." That is what rape is all about. It is not about love or sex.
No, I'm right. Here's the proof...

Rape Define Rape at Dictionary.com


unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.

I didn't say it was about love, just the opposite. You don't need to misrepresent what I said. I use the term the way it is defined in English.

Look buddy, I'm getting used to the dishonesty from those of you on the right here on this board, but I'm tired of it. The fact of the matter is that rape is a violation and violence against women. It is a tactic that men use to exert their power, control and physical superiority and strength over the weaker sex. It doesn't have much to do with sex.

Rape is not always directed at women. More often it is directed at men by other men.

More often? Bullshit. Lol. Obviously you NOTHING of the topic.
What is it about the human herd that makes the most evil things come out of them that wouldn't if they were only by their own individual selves? There are so many cases of this, from a gang of normal men with a few beers getting into a gang rape of a woman at a bar, to the Hutus killing what was previously thought of as beloved Tutsi neighbors and friends for decades. During the witch trials of old, one of the things most noted was how willing people were to lie under oath about some one else they barely knew. 'Oh, yes, your honor, I saw that witch get on her knees and give Satan himself a blow job, then swing around and drink blood from the babies corpse.' that kind of absolute nonsense.

But here with Cosby it is easier to stretch the Truth and to jump on the bandwagon and call for his burning at the stake. We have been conditioned to think all men are capable of drugging a woman into unconsciousness then taking her out and raping her. I doubt that anything more than 10% of the male population would actually do that in real life, but it is depicted all the time in the mass media. Of course, the very reason it is so often a story in the mass media is because it is rare, but people forget that. People forget that if you read one 'man bites dog' story after another after another for days, weeks, months years on end then after a while men biting dogs seems quite normal. But in truth, it is not normal at all, but we feel it is because we read of it so much, like some literary substitute for real life experience.

It is a simple fact that nowhere in that deposition did Cosby say he raped anyone. He said he obtained Quaaludes for the purpose of having sex with young women, and he used a Benedryl with one. Nowhere does he say that he gave those drugs to them without their consent or surreptitiously. Nowhere. If I have missed that factoid, then please show me. I have no dog in this fight and have never been a particular fan of his style of comedy. That 'whiplediffleooblydoogly' sort of nonsense never struck me as funny. He had some jokes that were funny, but they seemed to be like his humor high lights. I didn't 'grow up' with Cosby, as I am older than that. I think I saw him a few times when he was younger on some show like 'It takes a theif'. Not a fan.

But this libtard willingness, no, really it is a craving to scandalize, slander and vilify other people that deep down they know is innocent is a startling thing when you read about it and absolutely shocking to see it unfold in real time. Libtards in the Ukraine were making fun of starving Kulaks in town when the hungry folks would show up to beg for food. Imagine that. An entire starving family goes downtown among their old friends and begs for food to feed their children and libtards would mock them, spit on them, beat them and leave their corpses to rot in the street.


Kulak - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"As Vasily Grossman explained, the activists who helped the GPU (the secret police) with arrests and deportations,

were all people who know one another well, and knew their victims, but in carrying out this task they became dazed, stupefied. . . They would threaten people with guns, as if they were under a spell, calling small children ‘kulak bastards,’ screaming ‘bloodsuckers!’. . .They had sold themselves on the idea that that so-called ‘kulaks’ were pariahs, untouchables, vermin. They would not sit down at a ‘parasite’s’ table; the ‘kulak’ child was loathsome, the young ‘kulak’ girl was lower than a louse...

Party activists taking actions against the starving villagers found themselves confronting
cognitive dissonance as they processed realities of the day through the prism of ideology. Lev Kopelev, who later became a Soviet dissident, explained the conditions:

It was excruciating to see and hear all of this. And even worse to take part in it. . .And I persuaded myself, explained to myself. I mustn’t give in to debilitating pity. We were realizing historical necessity. We were performing our revolutionary duty. We were obtaining grain for the socialist fatherland. For the Five Year Plan...

Libtards are the lowest of human life. They are so quick to turn on each other, slander, ruin or kill anyone if convenient, but especially each other as they know that they actually deserve it..

When the dust settles and their conniving treacherous bullshit has gotten them into power, they start going at each other inevitably. They know what they are like and so they don't trust each other.

Who can blame them? When Bukharin was finally put on trial like so many other 'loyal' idealists before him, he had turned his face away and let it go instead of standing up to Stalin, and so there was no one left to defend him. And when Stalin's dogs threatened to tortur Bukharin's own infant son before him to make him confess, he finally caved in and was willing to sign anything at all. To save his son was his undoing and he was executed for one of the most basic human compassions.

Nikolai Bukharin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The irony of this particular example, the Cosby case is Whoopi Goldberg, a long time friend of Cosby's. She knows he isn't capable of this sort of thing, but the fascist system of false denunciation and lies that she herself has helped to set in place is finally starting to consume its own and she is helpless in her efforts to defend her old friend. It is sad, but it is also Karma, and the way the systematic use of lies and slander comes back to bite you where you love anyone else aside from yourself is Karma in motion. As one writer observed, 'I became less of a feminist when I remembered that I loved my father, my husband and my sons, too.'

For me it is a sad thing to see what is happening to Cosby, but everything has a silver lining; it is a signal that we are moving into the canableism mode of libtard hysteria. A beginning of an end phase, and I am glad to see it.

Are you fucking insane or something?
It isn't 'name calling' if it is true, and it is a demonstrated fact in this thread that you are a liar and a dimwit. You seem to think that lots of people agreeing makes Cosby guilty and you repeatedly imply Cosby has confessed to multiple rapes.

In short, your just another typical libtard ass hole. FACT

JimBowie1958: "you are a liar and a dimwit":uhoh3::laugh::laugh::rofl:

Lol, and I have provided the link to the manuscript for the deposition and I have done a number of searches and cannot find anything more than what I found. N o admission by Cosby he raped anyone, not at all.

And you bring nothing more than unsupported accusations and stupidity.

Don't see what else needs to be said; you are an ass hat and I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow.

"I enjoy the thought that Karma will not let you go past this. It will come back on you somehow."

You are butthurt I get that, the whole hero worship thing. I am responding to the OP there is no reason to wish me any ill will.

Back to your sarcastic bullshit, slandering a person that is a much better human being than you, judging by all available evidence today.

And I am not wishing you ill, but merely pointing out a fact I have learned through my life and that is this. How you treat other people is not an isolated thing. You have a tendency to slam on people without justification, obviously, and most likely the people in your personal life see this. And so you dehumanize yourself to a degree and make yourself less sympathetic to them.

Honestly, if you stopped being such a libtard, how many friends would you still have? My bet is none at all. That's all I am saying. 'What goes around comes around' is said because it is far more often true than not.

You are slandering Cosby on zero evidence, and that is probably typical behavior for you that you repeat in your personal life on a daily basis. You are probably the biggest gossip at the water cooler and that sort of thing. And one day when you are at your most vulnerable, I would bet that multiple people will twist the knife in your back like they have seen you do to thers.

That's all. My wishing one thing or another is irrelevant.

You bring it on yourself.
I am happy and healthy so whatever I bring on myself is the fruits of my hard labor and clean living. You are a very, very angry man in your misguided efforts to show Mr. pudding pops in a positive light, I do understand that you are frustrated but attempting to make me the object of your unhappiness and wishing me harm does not even rise to a distraction in this thread.

Maybe you should go and watch a rerun of "The Cosby Show" you may feel better, oops I just recalled that his shows were taken off the air in his usual airing stations as a result of his acts, my bad.:oops:

Mr. Pudding Pops! That's hilarious! :lol:
Many experts in the field have long since agreed (and some studies have shown) that the crime of rape is far less about sexual gratification than it is about power (although in the minds of some of the offenders, those concepts are often confused and interlocked).

Offenders who later got subjected to chemical castration nevertheless found ways to subjugate their next victims. If they couldn't get an erection, they found other ways (tools or digits) to force penetration.

How could those instances have been about sexual gratification? They were clearly about force.

While some rapes are about power, some are about sadistic pleasure, and most I think are a bit about both sources of getting ones kicks.

Is there a requirement to reduce everything to one cause?

Oh, so you are reducing the crime of rape to "getting one's kicks?" Sounding awfully rapey there, bud.

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