Is Trump trying to get assassinated?

To the OP - no.

To the RWNJs who always have to go for the drama, no lib has called for his death. Its certainly the last thing I would want. Not because I want drumpf the idiot in the WH but because, as bad as he is, the assassination of ANY US prez would be even more catastrophic as drumpf.

drumpf thrives on chaos and so do his fans. The rest of us need to rise above that.
no death but can we hope his businesses go under water? or that he gets impeached?
absolutely, I might hold off on the business going underwater just because of the number of innocent people that would lose their jobs, however, and, I dont agree, since you evidently dont like him, I think that you wishing impeachment is a non-violent wish to see him out of office.
Personally, I hope he gets to stay in office and continue doing what he is doing.
To the OP - no.

To the RWNJs who always have to go for the drama, no lib has called for his death. Its certainly the last thing I would want. Not because I want drumpf the idiot in the WH but because, as bad as he is, the assassination of ANY US prez would be even more catastrophic as drumpf.

drumpf thrives on chaos and so do his fans. The rest of us need to rise above that.
no death but can we hope his businesses go under water? or that he gets impeached?
absolutely, I might hold off on the business going underwater just because of the number of innocent people that would lose their jobs, however, and, I dont agree, since you evidently dont like him, I think that you wishing impeachment is a non-violent wish to see him out of office.
Personally, I hope he gets to stay in office and continue doing what he is doing.
and now he's tested by not only Iran but NKorea too ...hope he doesn't embarrass us' but I think he will ,,,again
To the OP - no.

To the RWNJs who always have to go for the drama, no lib has called for his death. Its certainly the last thing I would want. Not because I want drumpf the idiot in the WH but because, as bad as he is, the assassination of ANY US prez would be even more catastrophic as drumpf.

drumpf thrives on chaos and so do his fans. The rest of us need to rise above that.
no death but can we hope his businesses go under water? or that he gets impeached?
absolutely, I might hold off on the business going underwater just because of the number of innocent people that would lose their jobs, however, and, I dont agree, since you evidently dont like him, I think that you wishing impeachment is a non-violent wish to see him out of office.
Personally, I hope he gets to stay in office and continue doing what he is doing.
and now he's tested by not only Iran but NKorea too ...hope he doesn't embarrass us' but I think he will ,,,again
I think he is going to surprise North Korea, for the last 8 years they had a scared child in the white house, obama was afraid to say or do anything at all, Kim Jong-un is going to try rattling Trump and he is going to find out that he has someone not willing to play his game. He is going to have to either back his words or back down. one or the other, but he is not going to intimidate Trump like he did obama.
OP likes to play with fire I see.

The Jew in the OP lacks the brains and/or wisdom to recognize Trump is "more jewish" than any POUS in our history.

He is not only "rethinking his promise to move the United States Embassy to Jerusalem" but he also "...told an Israeli newspaper that settlements “don’t help the process” and that he did not believe that “going forward with these settlements is a good thing for peace.”

Libs might get their wish after all.
Trump Adopts a Harder Line on Israeli Settlements

My my, that sure is a bunch of pre-made, professionally printed signs they have there. How did they come to have all of those with such spontanaety?
why would you think that would get him killed?

he's not messing with the hamas terrorists.

Were "hamas terrorists" in the US government and when JFK was shot multiple times after he demanded certain things in regards to the idiotic Jewish state?
I really dont understand why the Israelis need Trumps permission to do anything in their own country.
If I were them I would say Fuck Trump and move on with what they want to do.
This is the problem with fake news and schools that suck. Good people get programmed to believe falsehoods.

Jerusalem is NOT PART OF ISRAEL and continuing the ongoing bulldozing of houses on other peoples land to build white only Jewish towns surely CANNOT BODE WELL FOR WORLD PEACE.
Jerusalem, depending on how far back you go and depending on what you (you being generic) want to think can be considered as part of Israel.
The U.N broke up Israel and Palistine in 1947 and used Jerusalem as a divider.
If you go back to the earliest recorded lines, Jerusalem without a is Israeli. Its where Jesus was born, and taking into consideration that he was king of the Jews,
Jerusalem, depending on how far back you go and depending on what you (you being generic) want to think can be considered as part of Israel.
I know our schools suck, but please, now! This is absolutely FALSE!

The U.N broke up Israel and Palistine in 1947 and used Jerusalem as a divider
Again, NO!

There was no Israel. The UN gave a portion of Palestine to European Jews. This is as stupid as the UN giving Dallas to a religious cult in Mexico. Guess how well that would go over.

If you go back to the earliest recorded lines, Jerusalem without a is Israeli. Its where Jesus was born, and taking into consideration that he was king of the Jews,
No and No!

Jerusalem was never part of Israel at any point in history and Jesus was born in Bethlehem and moved to Nazareth.

All of this of course relies on the bible being an historical reference tool WHICH IT IS NOT!

Most Israelis prefer Trump over Hussein Obama. Relations will improve.
ignorant goy

Christian Fundamentalists Are Irrelevant: Only Jews Matter On Israel

It's true, most Israelis prefer Trump over Hussein Obama. Obama set the relationship back a bit. He constantly undermined Israel. I believe he's Antisemitic.

Even at the very end of his term, he took one more shot at Israel. His UN farce was a backstabbing disgrace. Trump will improve relations with Israel. It's already happening.
It's true, most Israelis prefer Trump over Hussein Obama. Obama set the relationship back a bit. He constantly undermined Israel. I believe he's Antisemitic.

Even at the very end of his term, he took one more shot at Israel. His UN farce was a backstabbing disgrace. Trump will improve relations with Israel. It's already happening.
This is total nonsense. One of Obidiot's last official acts was gifting Israel with the largest military aid package in the history of our country!

38 billion American dollars! Anti-Semitic my ass! Let alone for 8 years how he stood by and watched the havoc they wreaked on the indigenous people of that region.
My G-d, son, when they murdered in cold blood, an American peace activist, a beautiful young lady named Rachel Corrie... Obidiot did NOTHING.

Look it up.
Most Israelis prefer Trump over Hussein Obama. Relations will improve.
How do they feel about Trump's threat to dismantle NATO unless member nations contribute more?
I don't think he wants to dismantle NATO. He just wants to spend less for the allies. Or at least that's what I've read about it :)

I agree with Trump on that. But personally, i feel NATO is obsolete. There is no threat in the world the US and Western European powers can't face and defeat on their own. European powers like Great Britain and France have some of the most advanced militaries on the planet. And they possess nuclear weapons. They can defend themselves just fine. They don't need NATO for survival. The biggest threats to those nations are gonna come from within. There are no external threats they can't handle.
"Trying to get assassinated"? When did we ever see this stuff in modern history? Angry pop-star Madonna says that she is thinking about blowing up the White House. Is the angry left going so freaking crazy that they are now making excuses for assassination? If the FBI ever comes out of their Obama induced coma they need to monitor sites like this for craziness.
Most Israelis prefer Trump over Hussein Obama. Relations will improve.
How do they feel about Trump's threat to dismantle NATO unless member nations contribute more?
I don't think he wants to dismantle NATO. He just wants to spend less for the allies. Or at least that's what I've read about it :)

I agree with Trump on that. But personally, i feel NATO is obsolete. There is no threat in the world the US and Western European powers can't face and defeat on their own. European powers like Great Britain and France have some of the most advanced militaries on the planet. And they possess nuclear weapons. They can defend themselves just fine. They don't need NATO for survival. The biggest threats to those nations are gonna come from within. There are no external threats they can't handle.
I agree Dschrute3. I think NATO was useful when the USSR was alive. Now it's just a way to drain money from American and European taxpayers I guess :)
And maybe without NATO European government could feel more responsible in defending themselves ;)
"Trying to get assassinated"? When did we ever see this stuff in modern history? Angry pop-star Madonna says that she is thinking about blowing up the White House. Is the angry left going so freaking crazy that they are now making excuses for assassination? If the FBI ever comes out of their Obama induced coma they need to monitor sites like this for craziness.
Lighten up there, buddy. Do you know what "tongue-in-cheek" means?

It was sarcastic as no President since JFK stood up to these assholes. Furthermore, as this plays out, Trump won't either. The genocide continues as does the impossibility of bringing peace to the children of that region.
Most Israelis prefer Trump over Hussein Obama. Relations will improve.
How do they feel about Trump's threat to dismantle NATO unless member nations contribute more?
I don't think he wants to dismantle NATO. He just wants to spend less for the allies. Or at least that's what I've read about it :)

I agree with Trump on that. But personally, i feel NATO is obsolete. There is no threat in the world the US and Western European powers can't face and defeat on their own. European powers like Great Britain and France have some of the most advanced militaries on the planet. And they possess nuclear weapons. They can defend themselves just fine. They don't need NATO for survival. The biggest threats to those nations are gonna come from within. There are no external threats they can't handle.
I agree Dschrute3. I think NATO was useful when the USSR was alive. Now it's just a way to drain money from American and European taxpayers I guess :)
And maybe without NATO European government could feel more responsible in defending themselves ;)

Yeah it is obsolete. There are no threats in the world the US and European powers couldn't handle on their own. And NATO has become very aggressive. Rather then defending, it's now provoking and starting conflicts. I would support disbanding it all-together.
Most Israelis prefer Trump over Hussein Obama. Relations will improve.
How do they feel about Trump's threat to dismantle NATO unless member nations contribute more?
I don't think he wants to dismantle NATO. He just wants to spend less for the allies. Or at least that's what I've read about it :)

I agree with Trump on that. But personally, i feel NATO is obsolete. There is no threat in the world the US and Western European powers can't face and defeat on their own. European powers like Great Britain and France have some of the most advanced militaries on the planet. And they possess nuclear weapons. They can defend themselves just fine. They don't need NATO for survival. The biggest threats to those nations are gonna come from within. There are no external threats they can't handle.
I agree Dschrute3. I think NATO was useful when the USSR was alive. Now it's just a way to drain money from American and European taxpayers I guess :)
And maybe without NATO European government could feel more responsible in defending themselves ;)

Yeah it is obsolete. There are no threats in the world the US and European powers couldn't handle on their own. And NATO has become very aggressive. Rather then defending, it's now provoking and starting conflicts. I would support disbanding it all-together.
dschrute,,,,,,we now have made enemies of Australia Mexico ,,,,,Nkorea and Iran hate us ,Russia is playing dump for a fool ,,,how many more countries do you want laughing at dumps ineptitude?

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