Is Wikipedia politically biased? You tell me

“The election was stolen” is a “factual” claim that cannot be supported with actual facts.

It is not opinion. And even opinions to have any validity, need to be supported by facts.

You have none in either case
Would you say that there were absolutely no irregularities in the 2020 election?

If you were to say that, that would be a factual statement, that would either be true or false. If it were false, but you believed it was true, that would not be a lie. If false, and you knew it to be false, that would be a lie.

If you would say that there were, or may have been irregularities, but not enough to invalidate the election, that would be opinion. If I said that you were lying for giving an opinion I disagreed with, I would look as foolish as people who keep saying that Trump is lying when he says the election was stolen.
Here is what it says about McCarthy (biog)

After Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, McCarthy supported Trump's false denial of Biden's victory and participated in efforts to overturn the results,[7][8] and while he condemned the January 6 United States Capitol attack in its immediate aftermath, blaming Trump for the riot and saying the 2020 election was legitimate,[9][10] he would later walk back these comments and reconcile with Trump.


Bias? What bias?
Here come the liberals saying I'm crazy (like all conservatives)
fact and reality based, super duper. What obvious fact do you have a problem with?
liberals don't have to worry about this because they rarely post facts, if ever

Conservatives thrive on alternative facts and conspiracy theories. Anyone who doesn’t support them must be politically biased.

Watch this

Hey notmyfault2020…….Who won the 2020 election?
You said I need to ask what wasn't stated. Concerning the OP's post, what wasn't stated?

Okay ... Now I get it ... You would rather fight about something specifically stated in the OP ... Rely on what you have been told ...
And aren't really interested in investigating the topic or idea of whether or not whatever you have been told ... Could be affected by something they didn't tell you.

My bad ... I didn't address or express it properly the first time ...
I now better understand your faith in validation ... And a lack of a desire to question much of anything.
No problem ... Someone else will be more than willing to tell you what to think ... You could probably wiki it ... :thup:


Okay ... Now I get it ... You would rather fight about something specifically stated OP ... And rely on what you have been told​

I saw what Wiki stated happened with my own eyes.

And aren't really interested in investigating the topic or idea of whether or not whatever you have been told ... Could be affected by something they didn't tell you.

My bad ... I didn't address or express it properly the first ...
I now better understand your faith in validation ... And a lack of a desire to question much of anything.
No problem ... Someone else will be more than willing to tell you what to think ... You could probably wiki it ... :thup:


What didn't they tell me?
I saw what Wiki stated happened with my own eyes.

What didn't they tell me?

Do you think I work for "them" ... And if so ... Why would you think I would tell you now ... If I already have decided not to?
Think hard on that one ... And you may arrive at the point I was making in my first post.


Do you think I work for them ... And if so ... Why would you think I would tell you if I already decided not to?
Think hard on that one ... And you may arrive at the point I was making in my first post.


Does every single WIKI article have every fact? No.

Is what was posted here, factual? Yes.
LoL! I read about astrology when I was in late elementary through Junior High. My mom never went to a day of college, but she was very smart and loved to read. She bought books on astrology, UFO's building the pyramids, pop psychology, all that seventies suff. I was a real Watergate buff and read all the books by all the crooks. Those books seem silly now, but they made me a reader and taught me critical thinking.

Much better than today's comic books featuring explicit child sex.

Funny you ask because my mother, my sister, my wife and my daughter are all libras. Makes it easy to remember birthdays, because they all happen at the beginning of the school year.

It is ironic that they have even started calling questioning the election "the big lie." That people who question the election are lying is itself a lie, and they have repeated it over and over again to the point that folks like Bulldog assume that it must be true. In other words the exact process of the Big Lie.

I'll check out the book.
Wow.. so strange allthose relatives are Libras and I was just talking off the cuff!

anyhow, yeh.. I guess you can tell I'm very cynical about the motives of liberals, those who keep screaming (sounds like screaming to me anyhow) about what a LIE it is that the election was stolen. You make a great point that it cannot be called Lying because (at least in theory) it is an opinion. I say it is a FACT. I'm 100% convinced of that and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with my political bias (which I am more than ready to admit to any time but not on the Steal because it has nothing to do with bias). I have read just about every book and seen just about every video on the topic. I guess my problem is that I cannot even conceive of anyone... at least not admitting there were irregularities..

that's what is inexcusable to me.. not even admitting that the Rs could be onto something. That is deception.. I mean people here just ACT like they don't have a clue, act like they don't see serious problems with 2020
Left / Right, what does it matter? If you don't care for a particular media source, the solution is simple, don't use it.

When people were bitching about Google, I said that if you were really interested in the facts, you would use more than one source.
CIA controlled for many years, if not from inception . And by other three letter agencies .

Combination of straight forward lies , lots of mis direction and misinformation plus simple lying through omission .

Obviously this applies mainly to matters broadly falling into the areas of economics , politics and geo politics . But if they can fudge history they can and do .

Be warned .It's a basic necessity if you want to control information .

The only point of real interest would be if it wasn't being used for control
Wikipedia can be edited by anybody.

The democrat party represents the technocrats and globalist elites who work on myriad levels to control the dissemination of information. There is an extensive network in place to do so that involves anything from troll farms to the F.B.I and C.I.A. and other means of dictating what information people will see, and more importantly, what information they won't.

A person would have to be an utter idiot to think they aren't on top of Wikipedia just like they are the mainstream media, social media and everything else.
I edit Wikipedia all of the time.

But across a broad range of topical content.

A lot of the pages for public figures, particularly politicians, are largely maintained and protected by their supporters/special interest doners and staffers. So take that for what it's worth.
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Actually, I don't have to do that.

First of all, my point was that "stolen election" is an opinion, so it cannot be a lie. You don't disagree with that point, so that part's over. That's all my post was about.

Second, you make my point for me. If you can honestly say that you don't know what the evidence that the 2020 election was stolen is, then you have not informed yourself about all the irregularities. Which is fine.

I don't know what Stacy Abrams' evidence is that her election was stolen. I probably read it a time or two, but didn't bother to remember it or look into it further. I have better things to do with my time than research some election that happened in Georgia that the loser disputes.

What I don't do, though, is call Stacy Abrams' a liar. I don't have enough information to call her a liar. Since I don't have Abrams Derangment Syndrome, I don't have to constantly talk about what a liar she is.
No. You can believe anything you want, but facts and reality don't care about what you believe. Of course there were irregularities, just as there always have been, and always will be, Nobody has demonstrated irregularities that amount to a stolen election. You MAGAs just don't get that.
Does every single WIKI article have every fact? No.

Is what was posted here, factual? Yes.

Okay ... I can see what happened ... And am going to have to be more careful when using the words "didn't" and "don't" ...
Because you are going to do whatever you can think of to try to defend yourself and fight with me ...
And aren't interested in just understanding the point ... :auiqs.jpg:

No. You can believe anything you want, but facts and reality don't care about what you believe. Of course there were irregularities, just as there always have been, and always will be, Nobody has demonstrated irregularities that amount to a stolen election. You MAGAs just don't get that.
That is NOT true.. whether you are knowingly lying or not is for God to know and for us to assume

But that is not true.

Maybe you should read the book Rigged and then come back and tell us something...
CIA controlled for many years, if not from inception . And by other three letter agencies .

Combination of straight forward lies , lots of mis direction and misinformation plus simple lying through omission .

Obviously this applies mainly to matters broadly falling into the areas of economics , politics and geo politics . But if they can fudge history they can and do .

Be warned .It's a basic necessity if you want to control information .

The only point of real interest would be if it wasn't being used for control
that's basically how the left were able to Steal the election

they control or attempt to control all information. And when they couldn't control it enough, they just outright stole it. However, Americans will not be fooled again. Americans are not as stupid, not half as stupid as the elite think
You mean like the "facts" that men can get pregnant and have periods, that "Global warming" is going to kill everyone in 7 more years after the oceans wash over the seaboard cities, that an unborn child is a "growth", that Trump paid Russian hookers to piss on a bed where Obama slept, that Dick Cheney had a "Halliburton Weather Machine" that caused Hurricane Katrina, that GW planted charges in the World Trade Buildings, that Al Gore really won in 2000, that government creates wealth, raising taxes creates jobs, God doesn't exist, mankind evolved from pond scum, COVID came from a wet market in China, the vaccines are "safe and effective", the Iraq war was started by "Big Oil Companies", the Republican and Democrat parties somehow "exchanged places", inflation is "global", "28,000 of fentanyl can kill up to 1,000 people", and high gas prices are caused by the "Putin price hike"?

Yeah. Ok. Right, howler monkey.
Odd, but not surprising that you believe that going down a list of hannity rants will justify your silly remarks about phoney stolen election claims. Try to stay on one subject, you silly MAGA.
No. You can believe anything you want, but facts and reality don't care about what you believe. Of course there were irregularities, just as there always have been, and always will be, Nobody has demonstrated irregularities that amount to a stolen election. You MAGAs just don't get that.
What is the factual standard for irregularities to amount to a stolen election?

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