Is Woke Supremacy as bad as White Supremacy

Last month, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) said “Woke supremacy is as bad as White supremacy,” in an appearance on Fox News Channel. He was of course immediately attacked by many on the Left, and below we see his written response that ran in the WaPo: (parts were cut out for brevity)

I was criticized in this newspaper last week for saying that “woke supremacy” is as bad as white supremacy.
Interesting post,'re obviously a very rational sensible and wise man. :clap:

And I would think that “woke supremacy” would be every bit as bad as "white supremacy" except for the obvious fact that white supremacy doesn't exist.

Because if white supremacy was actually the existential threat the radical left claims it to be; it would never have allowed the Woke Movement to get off the ground!

Especially in the K-12 public school systems where their white children are being shamed and brainwashed to believe they are evil lowlife racists and 2nd class citizens.

Come on man.....this ain't rocket surgery! :lolly:
Interesting post,'re obviously a very rational sensible and wise man. :clap:

And I would think that “woke supremacy” would be every bit as bad as "white supremacy" except for the obvious fact that white supremacy doesn't exist.

Because if white supremacy was actually the existential threat the radical left claims it to be; it would never have allowed the Woke Movement to get off the ground!

Especially in the K-12 public school systems where their white children are being shamed and brainwashed to believe they are evil lowlife racists and 2nd class citizens.

Come on man.....this ain't rocket surgery! :lolly:

There are those who do believe in white supremacy IMHO, but not nearly in the numbers or strength that the Left thinks. Were they not there at the incident at Charlottesville where a woman was killed? And the idiot kid that killed some good and kind folks at a church in Charleston I think it was? I think it does exist but is basically a fringe group with no power or voice other than what the media gives them for political purposes.

"Especially in the K-12 public school systems where their white children are being shamed and brainwashed to believe they are evil lowlife racists and 2nd class citizens."

I would hope this is not true; I think you have overstated the cases somewhat. Wherever it exists, parents need to stand up and do something about it, like they did in Virginia.
The fact Jim Crow laws no longer are on the books, does not mean they are not still being implemented.
There is still job discrimination, school discrimination, discrimination by police, discrimination by judges, redlining by banks and mortgage companies, etc.
All these shootings by police of unarmed children show that race has to be playing a big factor.
Say what?
I read that AOC takes exception to folks using the term “woke” anymore. Or maybe it’s “wokeism.” I must go check the “big liberal book of proper use of and authority to use terms.”
Nietzsche said it best.........
Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster.
when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you

Or an old Cherokee proverb.......
"There is a battle of two wolves inside us all.
One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, lies and ego.
The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth.
Which wolf wins? The one you feed." -
Wokism and Progressivism is the new religion exactly as in Nietzsche's quote I wrote above. Only they have become the worst traits of religion, especially of old.

1) Demonize everyone who doesn't think like you do.
2) "Everyone is welcome here!!!"..... well... as long as you believe what we do, and you accept our way of thinking, if not see #1

And yes, exactly like White Supremacist, they are only tolerant of those just like them.
There are those who do believe in white supremacy IMHO, but not nearly in the numbers or strength that the Left thinks. Were they not there at the incident at Charlottesville where a woman was killed? And the idiot kid that killed some good and kind folks at a church in Charleston I think it was? I think it does exist but is basically a fringe group with no power or voice other than what the media gives them for political purposes.

"Especially in the K-12 public school systems where their white children are being shamed and brainwashed to believe they are evil lowlife racists and 2nd class citizens."

I would hope this is not true; I think you have overstated the cases somewhat. Wherever it exists, parents need to stand up and do something about it, like they did in Virginia.
White supremacist are nearing extinction and their only threat now is as a marxist tool to turn Americans against each other.....divide and conquer.

And yes I did overstate Wokeism; but it has taken root in a few Democrat controlled major urban school districts and the powerful teachers unions are working hard to spread it across the rest of the US.

So I figure it's better to overstate it now than to wait till when it will no longer be overstated...sort of a preemptive strike.....know what I mean, flyboy?
Interesting post,'re obviously a very rational sensible and wise man. :clap:

And I would think that “woke supremacy” would be every bit as bad as "white supremacy" except for the obvious fact that white supremacy doesn't exist.

Because if white supremacy was actually the existential threat the radical left claims it to be; it would never have allowed the Woke Movement to get off the ground!

Especially in the K-12 public school systems where their white children are being shamed and brainwashed to believe they are evil lowlife racists and 2nd class citizens.

Come on man.....this ain't rocket surgery! :lolly:

That is silly because for thousands of year, white supremacist fascists DID prevent Woke Movement.
It goes beyond Black slavery in the south, Spanish Conquistadors, the Roman Empire, the Hebrew claiming to be the Chosen People and massacring Canaanite women and children at Jericho, etc.

Woke is getting out of hand because it is not just political awareness, but censorship as well, which then can lead to ignorance.
Say what?

For example, 12 year old Tamir Rice playing with an air soft toy in a park, and the police drive right up to him on the grass, and gun him down.
No one would have gunned down a white child like that.
Look at the comparison with Kyle Rittenhouse, who had a 30 shot AR rifle, and the police still ignored him.
Nietzsche said it best.........
Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster.
when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you

Or an old Cherokee proverb.......
"There is a battle of two wolves inside us all.
One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, lies and ego.
The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth.
Which wolf wins? The one you feed." -

Good point, that no side is ever immune to becoming too extreme.
White supremacist are nearing extinction and their only threat now is as a marxist tool to turn Americans against each other.....divide and conquer.

And yes I did overstate Wokeism; but it has taken root in a few Democrat controlled major urban school districts and the powerful teachers unions are working hard to spread it across the rest of the US.

So I figure it's better to overstate it now than to wait till when it will no longer be overstated...sort of a preemptive strike.....know what I mean, flyboy?

I am far left, but I will agree censorship is bad.
I defend opinions I do not agree with.
Really loon? Should we start with jim crow laws, freak?

White supremacist scum love to say there’s no such thing as white supremacy.
Jim Crow was decades ago. It is long since dead. And no, voter ID laws are not examples of them today.
Jim Crow was decades ago. It is long since dead. And no, voter ID laws are not examples of them today.

Jim Crow laws live on in the unspoken racism against Blacks by employers, banks, politicians, police, judges, etc.
Jim Crow laws live on in the unspoken racism against Blacks by employers, banks, politicians, police, judges, etc.

If it is "unspoken" and I assume "unwritten" then it doesn't exist as any kind of system of official and systemic racism.

You can prevent racist laws.

You cannot prevent people from being jerks.
If it is "unspoken" and I assume "unwritten" then it doesn't exist as any kind of system of official and systemic racism.

You can prevent racist laws.

You cannot prevent people from being jerks.

True, but we should try.
For example, we should ensure Blacks get adequate health care access, college admissions, mortgage access, etc.

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