Is your skin colour important to you ?

No like this.


and this. A white hair lice removal party?

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No, it isn't except when I get too much sun. I worry about wrinkles at this point. I do think blacks have a stereotype to overcome and that's unfair but the stereotypes are totally without reason. many blacks do the exact opposite of what would make things better. Getting hostile and aggressive is not how they will solve racism.
i dont care that whites feel I should be passive in order to make things better for myself. You step out of line then you get dealt with aggressively. You act human and there is no issue. See how that works?
So, no jungle bunny civilization stories?
I have some cave chimp stories but you already have heard all of them I bet.
Tell Tammy your stories. He's Welsh so probably white and he'll eat 'em up. Throw in some stories about goat sex and he'll be your buddy for life.

Come on. This should be good!
i'd rather talk about the slavery thing you are trying to deflect on. Why did you abandon it when I showed your history?

we made you our bitches, so what? :whip::piss2::afro:
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Either she is in total denial, or you just don't actually know your daughter.
No. We are just a bit higher up the food chain than some.
So she is in denial.

Racial bullshit is drummed up by every university every single day.

I bet you don't even know the racial situation going on with the BBC either.
No it isnt. You make things up to support a load of bollox. In the UK people generally get along ok.

Sure thing dude. You can peddle your bullshit to the uninformed twits like yourself, but those of us who can read know otherwise. Why lookey here.... The Telegraph says you're full of shit too.

UK is violent crime capital of Europe

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
You are one sad fucker. You use a link on crime from 2009 to prove what ?

we can supply a recent inter-racial crime report if you like.

Doubt if it would change much esp here in the states
i dont care that whites feel I should be passive in order to make things better for myself. You step out of line then you get dealt with aggressively. You act human and there is no issue. See how that works?
So, no jungle bunny civilization stories?
I have some cave chimp stories but you already have heard all of them I bet.
Tell Tammy your stories. He's Welsh so probably white and he'll eat 'em up. Throw in some stories about goat sex and he'll be your buddy for life.

Come on. This should be good!
i'd rather talk about the slavery thing you are trying to deflect on. Why did you abandon it when I showed your history?

we made you our bitches, so what? :whip::piss2::afro:
I've made plenty of you bitches personally. Besides I wasnt talking to you unless you and Meat head are boyfriends.
So, no jungle bunny civilization stories?
I have some cave chimp stories but you already have heard all of them I bet.
Tell Tammy your stories. He's Welsh so probably white and he'll eat 'em up. Throw in some stories about goat sex and he'll be your buddy for life.

Come on. This should be good!
i'd rather talk about the slavery thing you are trying to deflect on. Why did you abandon it when I showed your history?

we made you our bitches, so what? :whip::piss2::afro:
I've made plenty of you bitches personally. Besides I wasnt talking to you unless you and Meat head are boyfriends.
Asc, how is the Michael Jackson Skin Whitening Treatment coming along?
I have some cave chimp stories but you already have heard all of them I bet.
Tell Tammy your stories. He's Welsh so probably white and he'll eat 'em up. Throw in some stories about goat sex and he'll be your buddy for life.

Come on. This should be good!
i'd rather talk about the slavery thing you are trying to deflect on. Why did you abandon it when I showed your history?

we made you our bitches, so what? :whip::piss2::afro:
I've made plenty of you bitches personally. Besides I wasnt talking to you unless you and Meat head are boyfriends.
Asc, how is the Michael Jackson Skin Whitening Treatment coming along?
You've lived with that disease your whole life. You tell me.
Tell Tammy your stories. He's Welsh so probably white and he'll eat 'em up. Throw in some stories about goat sex and he'll be your buddy for life.

Come on. This should be good!
i'd rather talk about the slavery thing you are trying to deflect on. Why did you abandon it when I showed your history?

we made you our bitches, so what? :whip::piss2::afro:
I've made plenty of you bitches personally. Besides I wasnt talking to you unless you and Meat head are boyfriends.
Asc, how is the Michael Jackson Skin Whitening Treatment coming along?
You've lived with that disease your whole life. You tell me.
I'm already white. You wish you were white, it's obvious to everyone here.
i'd rather talk about the slavery thing you are trying to deflect on. Why did you abandon it when I showed your history?

we made you our bitches, so what? :whip::piss2::afro:
I've made plenty of you bitches personally. Besides I wasnt talking to you unless you and Meat head are boyfriends.
Asc, how is the Michael Jackson Skin Whitening Treatment coming along?
You've lived with that disease your whole life. You tell me.
I'm already white. You wish you were white, it's obvious to everyone here.
I know you are already white. Sucks to be recessive like you. Yeah right. I too want to attract lice and smell like a wet dog. :laugh:
we made you our bitches, so what? :whip::piss2::afro:
I've made plenty of you bitches personally. Besides I wasnt talking to you unless you and Meat head are boyfriends.
Asc, how is the Michael Jackson Skin Whitening Treatment coming along?
You've lived with that disease your whole life. You tell me.
I'm already white. You wish you were white, it's obvious to everyone here.
I know you are already white. Sucks to be recessive like you. Yeah right. I too want to attract lice and smell like a wet dog. :laugh:
More nonsense to cover up your inability to deal with the fact that you're black.
So, no jungle bunny civilization stories?
I have some cave chimp stories but you already have heard all of them I bet.
Tell Tammy your stories. He's Welsh so probably white and he'll eat 'em up. Throw in some stories about goat sex and he'll be your buddy for life.

Come on. This should be good!
i'd rather talk about the slavery thing you are trying to deflect on. Why did you abandon it when I showed your history?

we made you our bitches, so what? :whip::piss2::afro:
I've made plenty of you bitches personally. Besides I wasnt talking to you unless you and Meat head are boyfriends.
I have some cave chimp stories but you already have heard all of them I bet.
Tell Tammy your stories. He's Welsh so probably white and he'll eat 'em up. Throw in some stories about goat sex and he'll be your buddy for life.

Come on. This should be good!
i'd rather talk about the slavery thing you are trying to deflect on. Why did you abandon it when I showed your history?

we made you our bitches, so what? :whip::piss2::afro:
I've made plenty of you bitches personally. Besides I wasnt talking to you unless you and Meat head are boyfriends.

My skin color, just is... what it is...I know it, it's's never thought about consciously, because every inch of me just knows it is what it is... that does sound whacky but I guess I am having a hard time explaining it in words...
In other words, you're a self hating white.

If you were black or brown, being the commie programmed shill you are, you would have proclaimed your minority status proudly.

But I'm sure you've taken a few of the "cultural humility" classes that the state likes us whiteys to take.
Yes, I remember as a child my grandmother telling me how lucky I was for being born white and Catholic. I sometimes have nightmares about waking up and not being able to speak proper English and a craving for watermelon and the raping of white women.
Why would that be ?

What is the attraction of "racial purity" ?

Tommy Says - It doesnt bother me at all.

You can cram your "racial purity" BS up your ass. Nobody is "racially pure." But you take what you have and work with it. Also, in my town we have a fairly well integrated negroid community. About 98% of the time that I see a negroid male out in public with a female, it is a white female. And I doubt if the "racial purity" of those white women are of any concern.

Next, there are far more differences between the different species of human rather than skin color. I will include a couple pictures of reconstructed Homo erectus heads. One is on a book called "Erectus walks amongst us." From what I remember, every page was loaded down with reference sources. Do the pictures look at all familiar to you?

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