ISIS is not a huge power that can pose great risks to us

Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"
We've used 20,000 bombs and missiles in 15 months. We're actually going to run out at some point, munitions are fucking expensive.

we could break the bank for 10 years and the pussified RW's would still whine about not keeping them safe ..
I just love the liberal justifications of the failures of a man who has been proven to have been LYING about terrorism and ISIS since 2010, who has failed to prevent 4 successful terrorist attacks on US soil, who failed to prevent 20 US Embassies from being attacked, 4 being overrun, and 4 Americans from dying despite the massive warnings that caused EVERY other country to pull THEIR people out of harm's way in advance...

I just love the justifications and the defense of a man's latest moronic declarations after his last two (Paris/Containment and Widows and Orphans/Ca) have proven he doesn't have a freakin' clue what he's talking about.

Maybe if he would finally attend some of the WH Intel / Military briefings instead of trying to sneak them in on his ipad between rounds of golf and critical world-saving non-binding Climate Change conferences...?!
I just love the liberal justifications of the failures of a man who has been proven to have been LYING about terrorism and ISIS since 2010, who has failed to prevent 4 successful terrorist attacks on US soil, who failed to prevent 20 US Embassies from being attacked, 4 being overrun, and 4 Americans from dying despite the massive warnings that caused EVERY other country to pull THEIR people out of harm's way in advance...

I just love the justifications and the defense of a man's latest moronic declarations after his last two (Paris/Containment and Widows and Orphans/Ca) have proven he doesn't have a freakin' clue what he's talking about.

Maybe if he would finally attend some of the WH Intel / Military briefings instead of trying to sneak them in on his ipad between rounds of golf and critical world-saving non-binding Climate Change conferences...?!

you're so far behind you're about to lap yourself ..

Why don't you ask any of the surviving members of the thousands of Christians who have been slaughtered by ISIS if they are 'a huge power that can pose great risks'...

Why don't you ask the grieving family of the American citizen who died in the Paris attacks if ISIS is a huge power that can pose great risks to us....

Why don't you ask the grieving families of the 14 American citizens who were murdered by the terrorist Obama's 'thorough vetting process' failed to stop, who pledged her allegiance to ISIS before gunning down her victims, if ISIS is a huge power that can pose great risks to us?

'not a huge power' and 'great risks' are two measures easily seen differently by different people, especially when they are trying to defend themselves and push a certain agenda. Obama says they aren't a huge power and pose no great risk to us.

- ANY enemy that can infiltrate into the US and kill even 1, let alone 14, Americans is what I call a 'great risk'.

- If it were MY daughter, son, husband, wife, etc who had been killed in the Ca terrorist attack...or the Boston Marathon attack...or the Tenn terrorist attack ... or the Ft Hood Terrorist attack...or the Paris attack...or the Benghazi terrorist attack I would think quite differently than the President. (Perhaps if HE lost one of his daughters in an attack HE would think differently.)
Why don't you ask any of the surviving members of the thousands of Christians who have been slaughtered by ISIS if they are 'a huge power that can pose great risks'...

Why don't you ask the grieving family of the American citizen who died in the Paris attacks if ISIS is a huge power that can pose great risks to us....

Why don't you ask the grieving families of the 14 American citizens who were murdered by the terrorist Obama's 'thorough vetting process' failed to stop, who pledged her allegiance to ISIS before gunning down her victims, if ISIS is a huge power that can pose great risks to us?

'not a huge power' and 'great risks' are two measures easily seen differently by different people, especially when they are trying to defend themselves and push a certain agenda. Obama says they aren't a huge power and pose no great risk to us.

- ANY enemy that can infiltrate into the US and kill even 1, let alone 14, Americans is what I call a 'great risk'.

- If it were MY daughter, son, husband, wife, etc who had been killed in the Ca terrorist attack...or the Boston Marathon attack...or the Tenn terrorist attack ... or the Ft Hood Terrorist attack...or the Paris attack...or the Benghazi terrorist attack I would think quite differently than the President. (Perhaps if HE lost one of his daughters in an attack HE would think differently.)
One gigantic Appeal to Emotion logical fallacy.

The second to last refuge of a scoundrel.
Funny the OP didnt disagree with Obama because the OP even knows that Isis is some rag tag of people with Champagne tastes and beer money.

They WANT to rule the world but do they have the ability too? Hypothetically? Sure...anything is possible.

Realitistcally? Nope but the OP cant admit Obama is right on anything, even if he said Christmas was this month the OP would just go "Can you believe him?" :dance:
Beer budget?

The wealthiest terrorist organization in the history of the world is on a beer budget?

See? You think that asking questions is making a point but your too scared or smart to make yourself look like a total idiot...So you hide behind leading questions.

Are you saying they have the capability to take over America or not?

Watch this guys...tee hee
I never implied they did fool.
No planes, no ships, and they have to buy their vehicles (formerly owned by plumbers) on the used car market.

Yeah, they're a real threat.

This administration has supplied, armed, even trained some of ISIS' troops. It has protected it's black market oil industry that funds 50% of it's operations, to include terrorist attacks such as that carried out in Paris. ISIS shot down a Russian helicopter using a US anti-aircraft missile system. But you're right - they don't have to be high tech to accomplish their goals. In Paris they used illegal weapons and home-made suicide vests.

They killed over 150 in Paris and wounded almost as many more. Another killed 14 people here in the US - Ca. I DARE you to go up to one of the grieving family members and MOCK them like you did above...
Funny the OP didnt disagree with Obama because the OP even knows that Isis is some rag tag of people with Champagne tastes and beer money.

They WANT to rule the world but do they have the ability too? Hypothetically? Sure...anything is possible.

Realitistcally? Nope but the OP cant admit Obama is right on anything, even if he said Christmas was this month the OP would just go "Can you believe him?" :dance:
Beer budget?

The wealthiest terrorist organization in the history of the world is on a beer budget?

See? You think that asking questions is making a point but your too scared or smart to make yourself look like a total idiot...So you hide behind leading questions.

Are you saying they have the capability to take over America or not?

Watch this guys...tee hee
I never implied they did fool.

Then what are you saying? This is the 3rd time I'm asking you and you keep delivering nothing just like I said you would.

You hide behind questions to avoid making a point because you dont have one
Sounds like Bill Clinton after the first attempt on the WTC. There is a big difference between "a great risk" and a thousand little risks. That's what terrorism is all about.
- ANY enemy that can infiltrate into the US and kill even 1, let alone 14, Americans is what I call a 'great risk'.

You have no clue what "great risk" is.

Death score for 2015 so far:

Lightning: 80

Muslim terrorists: 19

Christian terrrorists: 18

Killer husbands, boyfriends, coworkers, acquaintances, and complete stranger Americans: 16,313.

The killer Americans have added another 270 murders to their score since I last posted this information last Tuesday! Lighting has taken another TWO lives since last Tuesday!

So let's talk about "great risk" without all the hyperbole, shall we?

The evidence shows you pants shitters are living in fear of Muslims WAY, WAY, WAY, WAY out of proportion to reality.

If you experienced fear in a proportionate amount to the other dangers out there, with your demonstrated fear of Muslims as the baseline, you should be shitting your pants every thirty seconds.

Instead, your ignorant bigotry makes you very selective.

Eek! A Mexican!

Eek! A homo!

Eek! A negro!

Eek! A Muslim!

Turn off your Propaganda Ministry. Just turn it off. Seriously.
One gigantic Appeal to Emotion logical fallacy.

The second to last refuge of a scoundrel.
'smatter, g..... It's okay when Liberals use emotion after a 'mass shooting' here in the US to try to sway Americans to allow them to go after guns, but pointing out Obama's failures, the NEEDLEES wasted / destroyed lies as a result of them is suddenly 'wrong / not acceptable'?

Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"
We've used 20,000 bombs and missiles in 15 months. We're actually going to run out at some point, munitions are fucking expensive.
That averages out to around 44 bombs a day in two countries. So what 2 or 3 planes running a few sorties a day is "pounding"?

Get real
Every time you pants shitters shriek in fear over ISISBOOMBAH, you build them up into something they aren't.

ISISBOOMBAH thanks you. From the bottoms of their black hearts.
You have no clue what "great risk" is.

Death score for 2015 so far:

Lightning: 80

Muslim terrorists: 19

Christian terrrorists: 18

Killer husbands, boyfriends, coworkers, acquaintances, and complete stranger Americans: 16,313.

The killer Americans have added another 270 murders to their score since I last posted this information last Tuesday! Lighting has taken another TWO lives since last Tuesday!

So let's talk about "great risk" without all the hyperbole, shall we?

The evidence shows you pants shitters are living in fear of Muslims WAY, WAY, WAY, WAY out of proportion to reality.

If you experienced fear in a proportionate amount to the other dangers out there, with your demonstrated fear of Muslims as the baseline, you should be shitting your pants every thirty seconds.

Instead, your ignorant bigotry makes you very selective.

Eek! A Mexican!

Eek! A homo!

Eek! A negro!

Eek! A Muslim!

Turn off your Propaganda Ministry. Just turn it off. Seriously.

Wow, the GREAT lengths you will go to distract from Obama's failures, the needless loss of American lives because of them, and to justify and defend Obama is impressive....

Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"
We've used 20,000 bombs and missiles in 15 months. We're actually going to run out at some point, munitions are fucking expensive.
That averages out to around 44 bombs a day in two countries.
That's a helluva lot more than what Trump's idol Putin has done.

Way, way, way, way more.
Every time you pants shitters shriek in fear over ISISBOOMBAH, you build them up into something they aren't.

ISISBOOMBAH thanks you. From the bottoms of their black hearts.
Ahhh, THERE it is...the 'Race Card'.......
Look at g5000 desperately trying to defend & deflect for the chosen one.

A real conservative I tell ya! Doing the hard work other so called conservatives won't do!

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