ISIS is not a huge power that can pose great risks to us

You have no clue what "great risk" is.

Death score for 2015 so far:

Lightning: 80

Muslim terrorists: 19

Christian terrrorists: 18

Killer husbands, boyfriends, coworkers, acquaintances, and complete stranger Americans: 16,313.

The killer Americans have added another 270 murders to their score since I last posted this information last Tuesday! Lighting has taken another TWO lives since last Tuesday!

So let's talk about "great risk" without all the hyperbole, shall we?

The evidence shows you pants shitters are living in fear of Muslims WAY, WAY, WAY, WAY out of proportion to reality.

If you experienced fear in a proportionate amount to the other dangers out there, with your demonstrated fear of Muslims as the baseline, you should be shitting your pants every thirty seconds.

Instead, your ignorant bigotry makes you very selective.

Eek! A Mexican!

Eek! A homo!

Eek! A negro!

Eek! A Muslim!

Turn off your Propaganda Ministry. Just turn it off. Seriously.

Wow, the GREAT lengths you will go to distract from Obama's failures, the needless loss of American lives because of them, and to justify and defend Obama is impressive....

What great lengths you go to avoid facts.

Get out of the fetal position and man up.
Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"
We've used 20,000 bombs and missiles in 15 months. We're actually going to run out at some point, munitions are fucking expensive.
That averages out to around 44 bombs a day in two countries. So what 2 or 3 planes running a few sorties a day is "pounding"?

Get real

Again, you keep avoiding making a point. It doesnt matter what you think is a pounding but what ddoes matter is that you are spreading fear to a group who doesnt have the capability to do anything significant.

What does matter is your explanation of why youre peeing your pants about Isis and so far you cant even describe what you're peeing about.

Every answer is just a remix of "Pppbbbbtt"
Look at g5000 desperately trying to defend & deflect for the chosen one.

A real conservative I tell ya! Doing the hard work other so called conservatives won't do!

At least he has a point, you think just laughing is a point all by itself.

Why are you so afraid of Isis and what capabilities do they have to significantly harm us Gramps?
You have no clue what "great risk" is.

...and there ya go again, failing to try to speak for me and my experience. After spending 30 years around the world serving, fighting, and defending your stupid ass so you can keep that right to say whatever stupid thought comes into your fat ignorant head...after standing beside the graves of good friends and comrades. watching folded flags be handed to grieving families I think I have a VERY good idea what 'great risk' is.

But you go ahead and tell us all what WE know, what WE have been through, what WE think, feel, believe, etc...

and I will laugh at your ass, continue to recommend that you stick to speaking for yourself, and point out how much you SUCK at speaking for others...
Funny the OP didnt disagree with Obama because the OP even knows that Isis is some rag tag of people with Champagne tastes and beer money.

They WANT to rule the world but do they have the ability too? Hypothetically? Sure...anything is possible.

Realitistcally? Nope but the OP cant admit Obama is right on anything, even if he said Christmas was this month the OP would just go "Can you believe him?" :dance:
Beer budget?

The wealthiest terrorist organization in the history of the world is on a beer budget?

See? You think that asking questions is making a point but your too scared or smart to make yourself look like a total idiot...So you hide behind leading questions.

Are you saying they have the capability to take over America or not?

Watch this guys...tee hee
I never implied they did fool.

Then what are you saying? This is the 3rd time I'm asking you and you keep delivering nothing just like I said you would.

You hide behind questions to avoid making a point because you dont have one
I said all that needed to be said in the first sentence of the op. Obama said the rest so take it up with him
AHAHAHAHA Look at the Fear Merchant! Cant even tell you why he fears but wants to sell more of it to the RW'ers who fear their own shadow and other dark things :rofl:
Look at g5000 desperately trying to defend & deflect for the chosen one.

A real conservative I tell ya! Doing the hard work other so called conservatives won't do!
It is always amusing when a retard conflates facts with liberalism. Do you fools not realize how you are shooting yourselves in the mouth with this kind of stupidity? :lol:
He's right . ISIS can't do shit to us . They are a big threat to the countries in the Mid East , and that's why those countries should be taking lead wh troops on the ground .
PANTS SHITTER: ISIS! EEK! They are a huge risk!

G5000: You are literally four times more likely to get killed by lightning than killed by a Muslim terrorist in America.

PANTS SHITTER: Look at that G5000, defending Obama!

The best ISIS operator is inferior to anything coming off the assembly line in Fort Stewart or Camp Pendleton. Yet the righties here are scared shitless of a these retards because they are Muslim and are willing to die for their sick cause.

Just how much training does one need to walk into a mall and start gunning down unarmed civilians?

I dont give a damn if you're Bruce Lee and Rambo all rolled into one...
If you dont see it coming you're dead.
He's right . ISIS can't do shit to us . They are a big threat to the countries in the Mid East , and that's why those countries should be taking lead wh troops on the ground .
They won't take the lead until we leave the field. They are more than happy to let us do all the dying.
Why are you so afraid of Isis and what capabilities do they have to significantly harm us Gramps?

They killed 154 in Paris, to include 1 American, and wounded almost as many more.
They killed 14 Americans in Ca.
Terrorists killed approx. 13 at Ft hood.
Terrorists killed 3 and wounded 260 more at the Boston Marathon Bombing.
4 were killed in Tenn

How MANY does it take before YOU consider the number 'significant? Is it going to take another 9/11? Or is 10-12 here and there over and over going to be enough?

Perspective. As I pointed out, 12...15 all seem to be 'acceptable' in defense of Obama, who has allowed 4 successful terrorist attacks on US soil since taking over. You, g, and others claim these numbers do not reflect any 'great risk'. As I pointed out, ask the grieving family members if they think their family member's murder counts as a 'great risk'. I know you guys who love to politicize a mass shooting every time one happens scramble to minimize such an attack perpetrated by terrorists. I think that's called being 'selectively delicate'....or being a 'politically motivated conditional pu$$y'...
The best ISIS operator is inferior to anything coming off the assembly line in Fort Stewart or Camp Pendleton. Yet the righties here are scared shitless of a these retards because they are Muslim and are willing to die for their sick cause.

Just how much training does one need to walk into a mall and start gunning down unarmed civilians?

At a minimum, you need to know how to load and shoot a weapon. That's takes some practice.

And you need to know where to find a gun show where you can arm yourself to the teeth without showing ID. Or else you need a strawman.
Look at g5000 desperately trying to defend & deflect for the chosen one.

A real conservative I tell ya! Doing the hard work other so called conservatives won't do!
It is always amusing when a retard conflates facts with liberalism. Do you fools not realize how you are shooting yourselves in the mouth with this kind of stupidity? :lol:
Who mentioned anything about liberalism? Oh, that's right, YOU. A bit of self reflection I presume
The best ISIS operator is inferior to anything coming off the assembly line in Fort Stewart or Camp Pendleton. Yet the righties here are scared shitless of a these retards because they are Muslim and are willing to die for their sick cause.

Just how much training does one need to walk into a mall and start gunning down unarmed civilians?

At a minimum, you need to know how to load and shoot a weapon. That's takes some practice.

And you need to know where to find a gun show where you can arm yourself to the teeth without showing ID. Or else you need a strawman.

So a day at the range would do it....
How MANY does it take before YOU consider the number 'significant?

Killing more than lightning would be a good start. You haven't reached even that benchmark. Not even close.

Man up, pants shittter.
"I have balls. I don't mind importing problems into our country because we have our own"
Can you say RETARD?
Al Qaeda was killing people in Madrid and London and all over the planet. I didn't hear you pants shitters claiming Bush was losing the war against AQ.


You are far more likely to be killed by a relative over the holidays than by ISIS. Okay? That's a simple fact. By your own standards, your Uncle Bob is a "significant risk".

So maybe you pants shitters better spend Christmas alone. Just to be safe.
How MANY does it take before YOU consider the number 'significant?

Killing more than lightning would be a good start. You haven't reached the benchmark. Not even close.

Man up, pants shittter.
That would be a great consolation speech to a grieving family for Hillary...

'Yeah, we failed to protect your husband from being killed by terrorists....but on the bright side. Lightning kills more people each year than terrorists do, proving our biggest threat is not terrorism but global warming. Have a nice day...'

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