ISIS is not a huge power that can pose great risks to us

Indeed. All carpet bombing would achieve is the mass slaughter of a hostage civilian population, and would serve to strengthen ISISBOOMBAH.

This is what the pants shitters want to do.

Are you SERIOUSLY THAT STUPID to think that there have been no civilian casualties from Obama's bombing campaigns, his personal war in Libya, his proxy war against Assad, his personal drone assassination strikes...?

Pants shitter.

Christ it's like all the lefties never made it past 4th grade with these super in depth articulate talking points
I call it like I see it. You're a bunch of cowering fools, blowing the threat of ISIS way out of proportion, and then demanding action based on your illusions.

Out to lunch permanently.
Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"

Link to that 15 BS please. The great majority of bombing is still by the US. ISIS is tiny compared to the civilian population they're dominating and terrorizing. Carpet bombing them is nuts, of course.

Indeed. All carpet bombing would achieve is the mass slaughter of a hostage civilian population, and would serve to strengthen ISISBOOMBAH.

This is what the pants shitters want to do.

If you keep calling me pants shitter I'm going to tell your mommy.
Indeed. All carpet bombing would achieve is the mass slaughter of a hostage civilian population, and would serve to strengthen ISISBOOMBAH.

This is what the pants shitters want to do.

Are you SERIOUSLY THAT STUPID to think that there have been no civilian casualties from Obama's bombing campaigns, his personal war in Libya, his proxy war against Assad, his personal drone assassination strikes...?

Of course there have been civilian casualties. But there is absolutely no point in DELIBERATELY causing far, far, far more. It would be entirely counterproductive.
Look at g5000 desperately trying to defend & deflect for the chosen one.

A real conservative I tell ya! Doing the hard work other so called conservatives won't do!
It is always amusing when a retard conflates facts with liberalism. Do you fools not realize how you are shooting yourselves in the mouth with this kind of stupidity? :lol:
Who mentioned anything about liberalism? Oh, that's right, YOU. A bit of self reflection I presume

Gramps does it again, accuses someone of something in a slick way then when called out says "Who said liberalism?" after questioning his conservative bonafides.

Gramps: You take it like a woman
Person: Are you calling me gay?
Gramps: You're the only person who said anything about being gay har har

Out to lunch permanently.
Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"

Of course, it isn't.

But the War Party needs a bogeyman.

War profiteers make money

The powers-that-be get to convince "patriotic" Americans that they have too many "unnecessary" rights

And so it fucking goes.


Out to lunch permanently.
Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"

Link to that 15 BS please. The great majority of bombing is still by the US. ISIS is tiny compared to the civilian population they're dominating and terrorizing. Carpet bombing them is nuts, of course.

Indeed. All carpet bombing would achieve is the mass slaughter of a hostage civilian population, and would serve to strengthen ISISBOOMBAH.

This is what the pants shitters want to do.

If you keep calling me pants shitter I'm going to tell your mommy.

She'll change your diaper for you. You need it.
Wow you can literally smell the fear with this one.

How is pointing out your and Obama's despicable minimalizing of American citizens' valid fears, the needless death and suffering caused by Obama's failures, and the almost guarantee there will be more due to Obama's arrogance and ignorain gthe problem a sign or 'smell' of fear?! Your comment is a DEMONSTRATION of insensitivity, ignorance, and shamelessness.
Pants shitter.

Christ it's like all the lefties never made it past 4th grade with these super in depth articulate talking points
I call it like I see it. You're a bunch of cowering fools, blowing the threat of ISIS way out of proportion, and then demanding action based on your illusions.
Youre not calling it like you see it. You're calling it like your intellect allows. From a 4th grade mentality.

You're pathetic
Wow you can literally smell the fear with this one.

How is pointing out your and Obama's despicable minimalizing of American citizens' valid fears,

Your pants shitting fear, and the actions you want based on that fear, are not valid in any way.

Trump has spoon fed you fear.

Man up. There's a right way and a wrong way to deal with ISISBOOMBAH.
Of course there have been civilian casualties. But there is absolutely no point in DELIBERATELY causing far, far, far more. It would be entirely counterproductive.
Then why did Obama give Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of guns, resulting in the deaths of over 500 innocent people, to include 2 US citizens?

Then why did Obama NEEDLESSLY drag the country into war in Libya to help Al Qaeda take over their own country, using our military and bypassing Congress to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 do so?

Then why did Obama supply, arm, protect, and even train some of ISIS fighters?

Then why did Obama continue a bombing campaign in Syria NOT designed to get rid of ISIS (he wanted them 'contained' remember) but to fuel his obsession with ousting Assad?

Out to lunch permanently.
Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"

Link to that 15 BS please. The great majority of bombing is still by the US. ISIS is tiny compared to the civilian population they're dominating and terrorizing. Carpet bombing them is nuts, of course.

Indeed. All carpet bombing would achieve is the mass slaughter of a hostage civilian population, and would serve to strengthen ISISBOOMBAH.

This is what the pants shitters want to do.

If you keep calling me pants shitter I'm going to tell your mommy.

She'll change your diaper for you. You need it.

Will your dad beat up my dad too?
Forgetting the past seems to be a terrible malady for some people in the US. 19 people killed 3000 on 9/11. It doesn't take much to cause a lot of harm.
The best way to deal with ISIS is to let the Arab nations deal with ISIS. They would do a much better job.

But the Arab nations are not going to do shit until we leave the field. As long as we are there, they will believe that we will take the whole load, and they will be right.

Saudi Arabia's priority right now is Yemen and Al Qaeda. They are not going to jump into the fight against ISIS as long as we are doing the heavy lifting in Syria and Iraq.

If we leave, Iran will probably do most of the work, with some by Saudi Arabia.

The last thing ISIS wants is for us to leave. They cannot achieve any legitimacy unless we go after them and they survive.

And they will survive if we go after them. Here's why:

If we stay, then we have to commit to a minimum ten year occupation. We're talking the next two or three presidents being war presidents. With a normal cycle recession due sometime in the next two years.

There is no politician with any balls who will say that out loud, even though they all know this to be a fact.

That means they also know the American people are in no way prepared to make that kind of commitment, which means we will abandon the job prematurely, which means ISIS will sprout right back up, meaner and sexier than before.

The only way America will commit to a ten year war is if we suffer a big attack inside the US. A big one.

I think a lot of pants shitters secretly harbor a desire to see such an attack, just so they can unleash their inner Nazi.

Even then, America will go after ISIS with a rage which will quickly burn out, and then we will abandon the job prematurely, and then along will come Son of ISIS.

No, the only sane course is to leave the field and force the Arabs to solve their own problems.
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13 soldiers killed in Ft Hood Terrorist Attacks
Barry: 'It's a case of 'workplace violence'.

What ever happen to the guy who radicalized Nidal Hasan anyway? Oh I remember, President Obama Droned him out of existence didn't he? Of course at that time ISIS was still al Qaeda in Iraq.
Al Qaeida is NOT ISIS. Just recently the news reported that Al Qaeida perpetrated a suicide bombing attack against ISIS, killing several of ISIS leaders.... Good grief...

'Severe blow': Al Qaeda suicide bomber takes out leadership of key ISIS brigade
'Severe blow': Al Qaeda suicide bomber takes out leadership of key ISIS brigade | Fox News

There was no ISIS in 2009.

Al Qaeda fighters are defecting to ISIS. The pay is better.

Out to lunch permanently.
Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"

Link to that 15 BS please. The great majority of bombing is still by the US. ISIS is tiny compared to the civilian population they're dominating and terrorizing. Carpet bombing them is nuts, of course.

Indeed. All carpet bombing would achieve is the mass slaughter of a hostage civilian population, and would serve to strengthen ISISBOOMBAH.

This is what the pants shitters want to do.

If you keep calling me pants shitter I'm going to tell your mommy.

Okay. How about the Nugent Brigade?

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