ISIS is not a huge power that can pose great risks to us

"JV team." "under control." "where we need to be." dems just don't get it. we need a better plan against ISIS.
.[/QUOTE said:
Maybe when those "refugees" you deny are ISIS influenced do something in this country, your family will be the victims.

Remember when you were terrfied of
this Harmless old fukken pissant


Would you quit shitting your pants if we invaded another innocent country?

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----
I see all the other 4th graders have picked up on the playground pants shitter insult.

Truly amazing how immature half the posters on this board are
"JV team." "under control." "where we need to be." dems just don't get it. we need a better plan against ISIS.

Grampa Murked U
I see all the other 4th graders have picked up on the playground pants shitter insult.

Would it make you guys feel better if we invaded Yugoslavia ?
For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----

- ANY enemy that can infiltrate into the US and kill even 1, let alone 14, Americans is what I call a 'great risk'.


That:s because your a coward.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----
Funny the OP didnt disagree with Obama because the OP even knows that Isis is some rag tag of people with Champagne tastes and beer money.

They WANT to rule the world but do they have the ability too? Hypothetically? Sure...anything is possible.

Realitistcally? Nope but the OP cant admit Obama is right on anything, even if he said Christmas was this month the OP would just go "Can you believe him?" :dance:

Oh. My. Word. ISIS is barely 2 years old and already they control an area the size of Indiana; they have millions in oil revenues; they have terrorist groups all over the globe pledging allegiance to them; they have terrorized France and cost France millions in added security costs; they have shut down some European cities for a day or two just with the threat of terrorist activity; they have downed a Russian airliner; etc., etc., etc. But, nah, they're no big deal.
the problem is if you militarily defeat ISIS they will slither off and another generation will arise. ultimately the defeat has to come from sunni muslims because they're not gonna accept americans there, they're not gonna accept even shiite muslims there, it ultimately has to be sunni islam rejecting this aberration....that's when you'll get an ultimate victory and a long-lasting peace.
the underpinnings of ISIS came into place when hillary rodham clinton was secretary of state. she allowed syria to devolve into chaos. she never empowered the non-radical jihadists in syria, & the only thing left was ISIS, then they poured over the border & took over iraq, now they've spread into libya, afghanistan, yemen, lebanon. this is all hillary rodham clinton's fault. this was her policy. her policy.
barack obama's a disaster, he has no strategy, all he cares about is spinning the american public with all these talking points rather than focusing on solving the problem. it's like a political campaign rather than a national security debate.
ISIS calls Baghdadi the "commander of the faithful" to encourage jihadists to think of him as the caliph without explicitly saying so. Historically, Muslims reserved that title for the early Islamic caliphs, the spiritual and temporal heads of a vast empire. Baghdadi's alleged descent from the Prophet's tribe, which many Muslims consider a prerequisite for the caliph, hinted at his entitlement for the position. Baghdadi even claims descent from one of the Prophet's grandsons, Husayn, in an attempt to appeal to those who would confine leadership of the Muslim world to descendants from Muhammad's family, just as medieval caliphs had done.
ISIS ends its explanation of its flag's design with a prayer: "We ask God, praised be He, to make this flag the flag for all Muslims. We are certain that it will be the flag of the people of Iraq when they go to aid the Mahdi at the holy house of God." The house of God is the Ka'ba in Mecca, the holiest shrine in Islam, and the Mahdi is the Muslim savior who will appear there in the years leading up to the apocalypse. ISIS was signaling that its flag was not only the symbol of its government in Iraq and the herald of a future caliphate, it was the harbinger of the final battle at the End of Days.
Love all the fearmongering. The U.S. always has a boogeyman to use in the never ending fear campaign. "Keep the people afraid and they will fall inline". It's funny because the bible teaches to let wisdom prevail over fear. This construct of bombing an ideology that is spread over many countries and killing untold numbers of innocent people is absurd and downright criminal. People often fail to broaden their thinking to imagine if THEIR cities were being bombed on a daily basis and having THEIR families torn apart. Don't believe what the overzealous press and political fearmongers are telling you about the latest boogeyman. Their goal is to get ratings, not to present the truth. ISIS will be gone in a relatively short time, only to be replaced by some other group du jour.
This all requires a long, steady, sustained, rational approach, which is primarily what the global community is doing.
"soon after Abu Khalid's death, the rebel offensive against ISIS stalled. the rebels had reached the limit of their power & stretched themselves too thin. over the ensuing months, ISIS consolidated its hold over eastern syria, becoming its undisputed master. its strategy of going it alone to capture & control territory may have alienated everyone, but it had paid off."
Ha, when are you Americans gonna wake up? ISIS is just the Global Elite Boogeyman flavor of the week. It's already yesterday's news. But don't worry, the Elites have lots more Boogeymen to invent for ya. Gotta keep that Permanent War rolling along. Time to wake up America. End the Permanent War.
The best ISIS operator is inferior to anything coming off the assembly line in Fort Stewart or Camp Pendleton. Yet the righties here are scared shitless of a these retards because they are Muslim and are willing to die for their sick cause.

They are scared shitless because it is convenient for them to get Nazis scapegoating Jews in Poland as destroying jobs in Germany.
"The Hour will not come until the Romans land in Dabiq. An army of the best people on earth at that time will come from Medina against them. When they arrange themselves in ranks, the Romans will say: 'Do not stand between us and those Muslims who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them.' The Muslims will say: 'Nay, by God, how can we withdraw between you and our brothers.' They will then fight and a third part of the army will run away, whom God will never forgive. A third part of the army, which will be constituted of excellent martyrs in the eye of God, will be killed and the third who will never be put to trial will win and they will be conquerors of Constantinople."

- The Dabiq Prophecy
if Obama spent as much time trying to take guns from ISIS as he does trying to take guns from law-abiding citizens, ISIS would be powerless.

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