ISIS is not a huge power that can pose great risks to us

I'm sure the dead in Paris and San Bernardino would disagree about risk.

No one is scared shitless of them. But some of us do recognize the risk.

Others? Well they don't appear to recognize anything.

You can't cure stupid.
ISIS was created and used as a weapon to kill Assad in Syria. And now that Syria has been reduced to rubble, those who created ISIS no longer have any use for it. They'll now engage in another fake war to eliminate it.

I'll have to let people decide for themselves who they feel created ISIS. But i suspect most won't bother. The truth is probably far too disturbing for them.
ISIS was created and used as a weapon to kill Assad in Syria. And now that Syria has been reduced to rubble, those who created ISIS no longer have any use for it. They'll now engage in another fake war to eliminate it.

I'll have to let people decide for themselves who they feel created ISIS. But i suspect most won't bother. The truth is probably far too disturbing for them.
GOP destroys country for no reason, blames the victims.
ISIS was created and used as a weapon to kill Assad in Syria. And now that Syria has been reduced to rubble, those who created ISIS no longer have any use for it. They'll now engage in another fake war to eliminate it.

I'll have to let people decide for themselves who they feel created ISIS. But i suspect most won't bother. The truth is probably far too disturbing for them.
GOP destroys country for no reason, blames the victims.

Well, your boy Hussein had a big hand in destroying Syria too. His CIA played the key role in creating horrific groups like ISIS. And he's dropped a whole lotta bombs on that country. He's also currently increasing troop levels in both Syria and Iraq. So there will be much more bloody carnage to come.

It's all about the 'Regime Change.' It's actually illegal. But the Globalist Elites who control the International Justice System, are the same folks doing most of the invading and plundering around the world. So don't hold your breath waiting for justice. ISIS is just their latest Boogeyman flavor of the week. There will be many others. Bet on that.

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