ISIS is not a huge power that can pose great risks to us

if Obama spent as much time trying to take guns from ISIS as he does trying to take guns from law-abiding citizens, ISIS would be powerless.

Hussein hates White Folk. That's pretty obvious. He hates White Communists/Progressives a little less, but he does despise White Folk. He'd much rather kill and disarm American White Folk than kill and disarm ISIS. So your point is actually a valid one. Thanks.
you dont understand what is obama said
problem isnt isis kalafi
problem is radical people.
if usa or other country destroy isis kalafi.will problem solved?
real problem is people that opening city door for isis.
isis is child of al qaede .isnt it?
"in early june 2014, a thousand ISIS fighters converged on Mosul, the 2nd largest city in Iraq. With them were their Sunni allies - disgruntled tribesmen & former Saddam loyalists. They faced little resistance. The Iraqi troops & police guarding the city fled, having seen videos of what happened to anyone who opposed the black-clad fighters. Days later, ISIS raised its flag over the city's government buildings. It now dominated land stretching from Mosul to the outskirts of Aleppo in Syria, roughly the distance between Washington, DC & Cleveland."
Cruz tells Iowans about reports of ISIS setting up a "jihadist university." "Why isn't that building a pile of rubble right now?"
The best ISIS operator is inferior to anything coming off the assembly line in Fort Stewart or Camp Pendleton. Yet the righties here are scared shitless of a these retards because they are Muslim and are willing to die for their sick cause.
So Marines are stationed in our malls, schools and Christmas parties now?

You've already just won the Dumbest statement of the week award.
The best ISIS operator is inferior to anything coming off the assembly line in Fort Stewart or Camp Pendleton. Yet the righties here are scared shitless of a these retards because they are Muslim and are willing to die for their sick cause.
So Marines are stationed in our malls, schools and Christmas parties now?

You've already just won the Dumbest statement of the week award.

Apparently you're under the influence of some hallucinogenic mushroom or something.
ISIS has gained affiliates faster than Al Qaeda ever did. From nothing a year ago there are now militant groups in 20 countries that have sworn allegiance to ISIS.
Funny the OP didnt disagree with Obama because the OP even knows that Isis is some rag tag of people with Champagne tastes and beer money.

They WANT to rule the world but do they have the ability too? Hypothetically? Sure...anything is possible.

Realitistcally? Nope but the OP cant admit Obama is right on anything, even if he said Christmas was this month the OP would just go "Can you believe him?" :dance:

Oh. My. Word. ISIS is barely 2 years old and already they control an area the size of Indiana; they have millions in oil revenues; they have terrorist groups all over the globe pledging allegiance to them; they have terrorized France and cost France millions in added security costs; they have shut down some European cities for a day or two just with the threat of terrorist activity; they have downed a Russian airliner; etc., etc., etc. But, nah, they're no big deal.

Well now that you put it like that. We need to bring back the draft dont you think? to be prepared.

You know how many Muslims there are in the world.

Bring back the US military draft. We must be prepared for the most viscious threat we have ever faced.

Im scared. Are you scared too?
On the campaign bus, Rubio says ISIS trying to infiltrate US and posing as doctors, students, refugees.
Of course it isn't. But it's a good excuse to drag us into more war. And when that Boogeyman is gone, you can bet the Perpetual War-pushers will invent a new one. When are Americans gonna wake up? When will they demand peace?

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