ISIS is not a huge power that can pose great risks to us

Then why did Obama give Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of guns,
You've been using that phony scandal for too long without a rebuttal. Under AZ lax gun laws anyone over 21 can purchase any number of weapons. The AZ office of the ATF decided to watch who was purchasing these weapons as straw buyers who would later resell them to couriers for the cartels. The AZ District Attorney declined to prosecute any of them. President Obama was never informed of this process until it had been ended. Yet some how you RWNJ's are convinced that the President gave guns away hoping that the increase in violence would cause Americans to demand gun control?

Then why did Obama NEEDLESSLY drag the country into war in Libya
We joined the NATO coalition to prevent the wholesale slaughter of civilians by Qaddafi.
Then why did Obama give Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of guns,
You've been using that phony scandal for too long without a rebuttal. Under AZ lax .

And you're continuing to lie your ass off about something that has not only been proven and documented but is STILL continuing to this day, as Obama continues to try to drag it out until he leaves office. SUCH massive propaganda and lies get's you put on the 'no longer credible' list....

If there is no ISIS, there are no more Paris attacks. Get it, rube?

And if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass every time he hopped.

You want to delve into an illusion where Paris never did. I want to go back to a time when Obama was not President....too late - already happened.
Of course there have been civilian casualties. But there is absolutely no point in DELIBERATELY causing far, far, far more. It would be entirely counterproductive.
Then why did Obama give Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of guns, resulting in the deaths of over 500 innocent people, to include 2 US citizens?

Then why did Obama NEEDLESSLY drag the country into war in Libya to help Al Qaeda take over their own country, using our military and bypassing Congress to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 do so?

Then why did Obama supply, arm, protect, and even train some of ISIS fighters?

Then why did Obama continue a bombing campaign in Syria NOT designed to get rid of ISIS (he wanted them 'contained' remember) but to fuel his obsession with ousting Assad?
The head of the ATF in AZ testified that neither the Bush nor Obama administrations knew about the gun walking, hater dupe.

The rest is TOTAL bs. Change the channel.
If there is no ISIS, there are no more Paris attacks. Get it, rube?

And if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass every time he hopped.

You want to delve into an illusion where Paris never did. I want to go back to a time when Obama was not President....too late - already happened.
Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest REAL wars ever, AND a World Depression, brainwashed functional MORON. Change the channel, everything you know is wrong.
Then why did Obama give Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of guns,
You've been using that phony scandal for too long without a rebuttal. Under AZ lax .

And you're continuing to lie your ass off about something that has not only been proven and documented but is STILL continuing to this day, as Obama continues to try to drag it out until he leaves office. SUCH massive propaganda and lies get's you put on the 'no longer credible' list....


If it were proven that the President gave away guns to the Mexican Drug Cartels that would be an impeachable scandal and it would have been front page news. However, AZ still has those same lax gun laws so, I'm sure the practice of straw buyers and smuggling continue.....
If there is no ISIS, there are no more Paris attacks. Get it, rube?

And if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass every time he hopped.

You want to delve into an illusion where Paris never did. I want to go back to a time when Obama was not President....too late - already happened.

Paris is not america .
The little creeps at ISISBOOMBAH want Americans to walk in fear. Looks like a lot of people on this forum are doing their bidding.
Who's walking in fear? we are talking about walking in ignorance,just so an idiot can take an opposing view thought to have come from the right,thats what this thread is about,pissing for distance,and some of the best piss drinkers,a term used by a rather stupid poster often,are displaying their piss guzzling abilities.
If there is no ISIS, there are no more Paris attacks. Get it, rube?

And if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass every time he hopped.

You want to delve into an illusion where Paris never did. I want to go back to a time when Obama was not President....too late - already happened.

Paris is not america .[/QU
So those 14 killed and how many more wounder in Cal,just don't count?
Are you proud of your stupidity?
What does the Cali shooting have to do wh ISIS ?

Yeah the guy is a Muslim extremist . So what . We've had those for along time and we also have all kinds of crazies out to kill.

Look at that lady in Vegas yesterday . But since she's not a Muslim it's no big deal, right ?
If it were proven that the President gave away guns to the Mexican Drug Cartels that would be an impeachable scandal .....
I agree - he should have been impeached.

End If.

Prove it.
You have got to be the most ignorant person on this board if you have not heard of the Obama Fast and Furious Gun Walking Scandal or the biggest liar for claiming you have no idea.

Look up Obama Scandals
Look up Obama Fast and Furious Gun Walking Scandal

When you catch up to the rest of the American people regarding what has been going on and is going on then talk to me about it. I don't have time to spoon feed you to bring you up to speed on 7 years of an Obama scandal everyone in the world (except you) knows about.

Good grief...
If it were proven that the President gave away guns to the Mexican Drug Cartels that would be an impeachable scandal .....
I agree - he should have been impeached.

End If.

Prove it.
You have got to be the most ignorant person on this board if you have not heard of the Obama Fast and Furious Gun Walking Scandal or the biggest liar for claiming you have no idea.

Look up Obama Scandals
Look up Obama Fast and Furious Gun Walking Scandal

When you catch up to the rest of the American people regarding what has been going on and is going on then talk to me about it. I don't have time to spoon feed you to bring you up to speed on 7 years of an Obama scandal everyone in the world (except you) knows about.

Good grief...

Prove that the President gave the Drug Cartels weapons. Just one link


The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

Customers can legally buy as many weapons as they want in Arizona as long as they’re 18 or older and pass a criminal background check. There are no waiting periods and no need for permits, and buyers are allowed to resell the guns. “In Arizona,” says Voth, “someone buying three guns is like someone buying a sandwich.”

By 2009 the Sinaloa drug cartel had made Phoenix its gun supermarket and recruited young Americans as its designated shoppers or straw purchasers. Voth and his agents began investigating a group of buyers, some not even old enough to buy beer, whose members were plunking down as much as $20,000 in cash to purchase up to 20 semiautomatics at a time, and then delivering the weapons to others.

Quite simply, there’s a fundamental misconception at the heart of the Fast and Furious scandal. Nobody disputes that suspected straw purchasers under surveillance by the ATF repeatedly bought guns that eventually fell into criminal hands. Issa and others charge that the ATF intentionally allowed guns to walk as an operational tactic. But five law-enforcement agents directly involved in Fast and Furious tell Fortune that the ATF had no such tactic. They insist they never purposefully allowed guns to be illegally trafficked. Just the opposite: They say they seized weapons whenever they could but were hamstrung by prosecutors and weak laws, which stymied them at every turn.
it's pretty clear from what hillary rodham clinton said that she thinks things are just fine. this illustrates that the election of hillary clinton would be a third term of barack obama's foreign policy. we know what the american people think of the president's foreign policy. let me quote jimmy carter: "i can't think of single place in the world that's better off since obama took office." that's jimmy carter.

barack obama's foreign policy has been a disaster. we need leadership. we need trump.
If there is no ISIS, there are no more Paris attacks. Get it, rube?

And if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass every time he hopped.

You want to delve into an illusion where Paris never did. I want to go back to a time when Obama was not President....too late - already happened.
What part of "no more" do you not understand, pants shitter?
The best ISIS operator is inferior to anything coming off the assembly line in Fort Stewart or Camp Pendleton. Yet the righties here are scared shitless of a these retards because they are Muslim and are willing to die for their sick cause.

Just how much training does one need to walk into a mall and start gunning down unarmed civilians?

I dont give a damn if you're Bruce Lee and Rambo all rolled into one...
If you dont see it coming you're dead.

None at all. The attacks in paris were exactly what Kleibold and Harris pulled off in Colorado. Two guys with access to guns is all it takes.
And thanks to our 2nd Amendment, anyone here with devious intent can get as many guns as they can afford. How do you stop it? You can't. Simply put, you cannot stop it outside of limiting the firepower because we all know the 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere regardless of how many people try to drag the gun nuts into the modern world.

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