ISIS is not a huge power that can pose great risks to us

Pants shitter.

Christ it's like all the lefties never made it past 4th grade with these super in depth articulate talking points
Al Qaeda was killing people in Madrid and London and all over the planet. I didn't hear you pants shitters claiming Bush was losing the war against AQ.


You are far more likely to be killed by a relative over the holidays than by ISIS. Okay? That's a simple fact. By your own standards, your Uncle Bob is a "significant risk".

So maybe you pants shitters better spend Christmas alone. Just to be safe.
The Buuuush ............................. WTF
"Sorry my policies lead to the death of your family while shopping. But hey, at least it wasn't lightning!"
13 soldiers killed in Ft Hood Terrorist Attacks
Barry: 'It's a case of 'workplace violence'.

From day 1 our goal has been to contain ISIS, and I gave done that.
- 24hr later 150+ Parisians dead, nearly as many injured from ISIS attack

My administration has a thorough vetting process that will ensure no terrorists make it into the US...Americans are cowards, afraid of widows and Orphans'
- His vetting failed vetting process allows a terrorist onto the US who kills 14 Americans

ISIS is not a huge power that can pose great risks to us.

He was talking about the size of the ISIS enclave in Iraq and Syria, dupe.
13 soldiers killed in Ft Hood Terrorist Attacks
Barry: 'It's a case of 'workplace violence'.

What ever happen to the guy who radicalized Nidal Hasan anyway? Oh I remember, President Obama Droned him out of existence didn't he? Of course at that time ISIS was still al Qaeda in Iraq.

The little creeps at ISISBOOMBAH want Americans to walk in fear. Looks like a lot of people on this forum are doing their bidding.
Why are you so afraid of Isis and what capabilities do they have to significantly harm us Gramps?

They killed 154 in Paris, to include 1 American, and wounded almost as many more.
They killed 14 Americans in Ca.
Terrorists killed approx. 13 at Ft hood.
Terrorists killed 3 and wounded 260 more at the Boston Marathon Bombing.
4 were killed in Tenn

How MANY does it take before YOU consider the number 'significant? Is it going to take another 9/11? Or is 10-12 here and there over and over going to be enough?

They killed less people than Mass Shooters in America. Why do you fear the lesser number with Isis and ignore the bigger number of mass shooters? And why are you obsessed with the definition of significant when we both know its subjective silly

Perspective. As I pointed out, 12...15 all seem to be 'acceptable' in defense of Obama, who has allowed 4 successful terrorist attacks on US soil since taking over. You, g, and others claim these numbers do not reflect any 'great risk'. As I pointed out, ask the grieving family members if they think their family member's murder counts as a 'great risk'. I know you guys who love to politicize a mass shooting every time one happens scramble to minimize such an attack perpetrated by terrorists. I think that's called being 'selectively delicate'....or being a 'politically motivated conditional pu$$y'...

Great risks arent determined by the victims family oh fearful piddle pants. Stop being a pussy and tell me what capabilities they have to significantly harm us?

So far you named shootings and 1 bomb. But shootings happen thats 1 bomb.
Just waiting on the tried but true liar liar pants on fire defense from the left now. Once that comes we're done. Done I tell you
Al Qaeda was killing people in Madrid and London and all over the planet. I didn't hear you pants shitters claiming Bush was losing the war against AQ.


You are far more likely to be killed by a relative over the holidays than by ISIS. Okay? That's a simple fact. By your own standards, your Uncle Bob is a "significant risk".

So maybe you pants shitters better spend Christmas alone. Just to be safe.
The Buuuush ............................. WTF
It sucks when your hypocrisy is pointed out, doesn't it?
The best ISIS operator is inferior to anything coming off the assembly line in Fort Stewart or Camp Pendleton. Yet the righties here are scared shitless of a these retards because they are Muslim and are willing to die for their sick cause.

Just how much training does one need to walk into a mall and start gunning down unarmed civilians?

At a minimum, you need to know how to load and shoot a weapon. That's takes some practice.

And you need to know where to find a gun show where you can arm yourself to the teeth without showing ID. Or else you need a strawman.
Ignorance on parade.
How MANY does it take before YOU consider the number 'significant?

Killing more than lightning would be a good start. You haven't reached the benchmark. Not even close.

Man up, pants shittter.
That would be a great consolation speech to a grieving family for Hillary...

'Yeah, we failed to protect your husband from being killed by terrorists....but on the bright side. Lightning kills more people each year than terrorists do, proving our biggest threat is not terrorism but global warming. Have a nice day...'
Still going with the Appeal to Emotion logical fallacy, eh?

He was talking about the size of the ISIS enclave in Iraq and Syria, dupe.
...intentionally omitting the fact that ISIS is now in Africa, Belgium, France, Iraq, Afghanistan, the US....? Copy...

Out to lunch permanently.
Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"

Link to that 15 BS please. The great majority of bombing is still by the US. ISIS is tiny compared to the civilian population they're dominating and terrorizing. Carpet bombing them is nuts, of course.
The best ISIS operator is inferior to anything coming off the assembly line in Fort Stewart or Camp Pendleton. Yet the righties here are scared shitless of a these retards because they are Muslim and are willing to die for their sick cause.

Just how much training does one need to walk into a mall and start gunning down unarmed civilians?

At a minimum, you need to know how to load and shoot a weapon. That's takes some practice.

And you need to know where to find a gun show where you can arm yourself to the teeth without showing ID. Or else you need a strawman.
Ignorance on parade.
Explain. It is entirely factual.

Out to lunch permanently.
Obama also says we're "pounding" isis in Syria. What Obama doesn't say is that he considers 15 bombs a day "pounding"

Link to that 15 BS please. The great majority of bombing is still by the US. ISIS is tiny compared to the civilian population they're dominating and terrorizing. Carpet bombing them is nuts, of course.

Indeed. All carpet bombing would achieve is the mass slaughter of a hostage civilian population, and would serve to strengthen ISISBOOMBAH.

This is what the pants shitters want to do.
Al Qaeda was killing people in Madrid and London and all over the planet. I didn't hear you pants shitters claiming Bush was losing the war against AQ.


You are far more likely to be killed by a relative over the holidays than by ISIS. Okay? That's a simple fact. By your own standards, your Uncle Bob is a "significant risk".

So maybe you pants shitters better spend Christmas alone. Just to be safe.
The Buuuush ............................. WTF
It sucks when your hypocrisy is pointed out, doesn't it?
Oh please show how and where my hypocrisy is showing,please go for it.
Ignorant people open mouth let shit flow out,good job!!
13 soldiers killed in Ft Hood Terrorist Attacks
Barry: 'It's a case of 'workplace violence'.

What ever happen to the guy who radicalized Nidal Hasan anyway? Oh I remember, President Obama Droned him out of existence didn't he? Of course at that time ISIS was still al Qaeda in Iraq.
Al Qaeida is NOT ISIS. Just recently the news reported that Al Qaeida perpetrated a suicide bombing attack against ISIS, killing several of ISIS leaders.... Good grief...

'Severe blow': Al Qaeda suicide bomber takes out leadership of key ISIS brigade
'Severe blow': Al Qaeda suicide bomber takes out leadership of key ISIS brigade | Fox News
He was talking about the size of the ISIS enclave in Iraq and Syria, dupe.
...intentionally omitting the fact that ISIS is now in Africa, Belgium, France, Iraq, Afghanistan, the US....? Copy...
Very scary, Thanks for wrecking Iraq for no reason, causing the Sunni outrages, AND the corrupt WORLD DEPRESSION that gives them so many hopeless soldiers. Great job! The adults are in charge now, whackjob hater dupe.
Why don't you ask any of the surviving members of the thousands of Christians who have been slaughtered by ISIS if they are 'a huge power that can pose great risks'...

Why don't you ask the grieving family of the American citizen who died in the Paris attacks if ISIS is a huge power that can pose great risks to us....

Why don't you ask the grieving families of the 14 American citizens who were murdered by the terrorist Obama's 'thorough vetting process' failed to stop, who pledged her allegiance to ISIS before gunning down her victims, if ISIS is a huge power that can pose great risks to us?

'not a huge power' and 'great risks' are two measures easily seen differently by different people, especially when they are trying to defend themselves and push a certain agenda. Obama says they aren't a huge power and pose no great risk to us.

- ANY enemy that can infiltrate into the US and kill even 1, let alone 14, Americans is what I call a 'great risk'.

- If it were MY daughter, son, husband, wife, etc who had been killed in the Ca terrorist attack...or the Boston Marathon attack...or the Tenn terrorist attack ... or the Ft Hood Terrorist attack...or the Paris attack...or the Benghazi terrorist attack I would think quite differently than the President. (Perhaps if HE lost one of his daughters in an attack HE would think differently.)

Wow you can literally smell the fear with this one.

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