ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts

These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online
They should get in touch with a US tv channel and put together a reality show where every week they show the world what a pious and God-fearing family they are.
I'm sure Mick Huckabee could put a good word in for them.
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I agree, no bombs.

Nerve agents work much better, without as much messy cleanup work.

I have a bias against nerve agents-----they screw up DA NOIVES-------all kinds of messythings happen---salivation,
sweating, vomiting, "release of sphincters" ----even convulsions -----and treatment wastes lots of clean needles and syringes. How you don't see that as messy----mystifies me.
What treatment? Blanket the place with Sarin, go in in a month (after it has dissipated) and clean up the mess.
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women

Call you Zionist buddies, they can get right on that for us.

Meanwhile, I'll file this propaganda somewhere between "Kuwaiti babies taken out of incubators" and "Kim Jong Um Fed his Uncle to Dogs" in he Bullshit propaganda files.
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women

Call you Zionist buddies, they can get right on that for us.

Meanwhile, I'll file this propaganda somewhere between "Kuwaiti babies taken out of incubators" and "Kim Jong Um Fed his Uncle to Dogs" in he Bullshit propaganda files.

they are already on it and have been for quite a while now fighting the islamonazis:thup:
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online
They should get in touch with a US tv channel and put together a reality show where every week they show the world what a pious and God-fearing family they are.
I'm sure Mick Huckabee could put a good word in for them.

Maybe they should put you on the terrorist supporter watch list over there in New Zealand :eusa_think:
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online
They should get in touch with a US tv channel and put together a reality show where every week they show the world what a pious and God-fearing family they are.
I'm sure Mick Huckabee could put a good word in for them.

Maybe they should put you on the terrorist supporter watch list over there in New Zealand :eusa_think:
I've no doubt that the NSA already has my phone number.
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online
They should get in touch with a US tv channel and put together a reality show where every week they show the world what a pious and God-fearing family they are.
I'm sure Mick Huckabee could put a good word in for them.

Maybe they should put you on the terrorist supporter watch list over there in New Zealand :eusa_think:
I've no doubt that the NSA already has my phone number.
that'd be a good thing in your case
ISIS is quite the randy group of fellows. ...... :cool:

A few thousand kilotons and plenty of nerve gas should cool them off nicely.

have some compassion------they need deprogramming ----not bombs

You actually make a very good point. The vast majority of ISIS are just brainwashed idiots who never had much direction to begin with. The problem is that they are so dangerous that the only real option is to completely eliminate them. That does not mean I support the US doing the job. These people have been killing each other for 2000 years. Let them figure it out.
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online
They should get in touch with a US tv channel and put together a reality show where every week they show the world what a pious and God-fearing family they are.
I'm sure Mick Huckabee could put a good word in for them.

Truly a revolting post.
You must be proud.
Call you Zionist buddies, they can get right on that for us.

they are already on it and have been for quite a while now fighting the islamonazis:thup:

Oh, is that what you are calling it? It looks like "unnecessarily pissing people off by blowing up children" to the rest of the world.
To you who is out of touch with reality....So why does a anti religion bigot like your self, continually support islamonazis? Are you into the buying ,selling, and enslaving women?:dunno:
Call you Zionist buddies, they can get right on that for us.

they are already on it and have been for quite a while now fighting the islamonazis:thup:

Oh, is that what you are calling it? It looks like "unnecessarily pissing people off by blowing up children" to the rest of the world.
To you who is out of touch with reality....So why does a anti religion bigot like your self, continually support islamonazis? Are you into the buying ,selling, and enslaving women?:dunno:

I understand his mindset because I have interacted with Nazis in the USA (having lived as a child in a Nazi town) and I have interacted with muslims having worked in very large teaching hospitals with lots of
foreign housestaff for----uhm----almost 50 years
The bottom line is THEY CAN and JOOOS cannot respond. It was a big time crime in Nazi Germany
for a jew to refuse the order of a Nazi-----no matter what they order------like "go into that gas chamber over there" In the holy divine law of allah----to wit---shariah----it is legal for a muslim to spit at a jew---
pillage him and rape his daughter -----resistence is
a big time crime-----an "INSULT TO ALLAH" That
people die when DA JOOOOOS return fire as muslims toss bombs on the heads of jewish children----
expressing his "culture"
To you who is out of touch with reality....So why does a anti religion bigot like your self, continually support islamonazis? Are you into the buying ,selling, and enslaving women?

YOu Zionist slaughtered 2000 women and children last summer, don't tell me you suddenly care about women and children.

I don't support them, I just don't think we have to be involved in their - or your - shit. Cut off aid to the Zionist Entity, pull back our military, and re-invest the money we are pissing away playing hall monitor in energy independence and infrastructure. You can murder each other to your heart's content over whose sky pixie has a bigger dick, but since there are only six million of you and 300 million of them, I don't think that's going to work out for you in the long run.
I understand his mindset because I have interacted with Nazis in the USA (having lived as a child in a Nazi town) and I have interacted with muslims having worked in very large teaching hospitals with lots of
foreign housestaff for----uhm----almost 50 years
The bottom line is THEY CAN and JOOOS cannot respond. It was a big time crime in Nazi Germany
for a jew to refuse the order of a Nazi-----no matter what they order------like "go into that gas chamber over there" In the holy divine law of allah----to wit---shariah----it is legal for a muslim to spit at a jew---
pillage him and rape his daughter -----resistence is
a big time crime-----an "INSULT TO ALLAH" That
people die when DA JOOOOOS return fire as muslims toss bombs on the heads of jewish children----

Sweetie, you don't get to play the Nazi Card anymore. You're NaziCard has exceeded its limit and most of us are tired of hearing you whine about shit that happened 70 years ago.

The complaint the Islamic world has with you is that you stole their land. It has nothing to do with Nazis or Sharia law.

It is also not America's problem.
Did ISIS provide a Trigger Warning before burning her alive?
If ISIS guys only marry the prettiest virgins the we can be DAMN SURE Obama ain't isis".....
I understand his mindset because I have interacted with Nazis in the USA (having lived as a child in a Nazi town) and I have interacted with muslims having worked in very large teaching hospitals with lots of
foreign housestaff for----uhm----almost 50 years
The bottom line is THEY CAN and JOOOS cannot respond. It was a big time crime in Nazi Germany
for a jew to refuse the order of a Nazi-----no matter what they order------like "go into that gas chamber over there" In the holy divine law of allah----to wit---shariah----it is legal for a muslim to spit at a jew---
pillage him and rape his daughter -----resistence is
a big time crime-----an "INSULT TO ALLAH" That
people die when DA JOOOOOS return fire as muslims toss bombs on the heads of jewish children----

Sweetie, you don't get to play the Nazi Card anymore. You're NaziCard has exceeded its limit and most of us are tired of hearing you whine about shit that happened 70 years ago.

The complaint the Islamic world has with you is that you stole their land. It has nothing to do with Nazis or Sharia law.

It is also not America's problem.

Nazism and Shariah shit-----add up to islamo Nazi. If you imagine they are dead, then you are psychotic. Islamo Nazism is taking the lives of thousands right now----each week and the
USA is fighting a war against this filth of which you deny the
existence. Your denial is nothing new-----islamo Nazi pigs have
been DENYING ----not for 70 years but for centuries. They deny as they dance on the dead bodies of their victims

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