Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

Convert to Islam massacre plot

Las Vegas police, FBI foil reported terror plot involving Islamic State
by David Charns and Justin Walker, KLAS, December 1, 2023



Netanyahu announces emergency gov’t​

“How staggering the atrocity. How great the pain,” he says in a televised address that Israel is now on the attack.

judaism has always been an aggressor disguised as their deception a religion by claiming heavenly personification that never existed, moses the liar - no different than the other equally pathetic desert - religions - they despise.

their conspired religious state is an egregious affront to the heavens, give them their temple and let them wallow in their own mire.
In glory of Islam...

Proposition: both sides compromise for 2 states,
of course, east Paris as the capital of "FreeCaliphate!"


Radical Islamists run the world. They decide who their target is, for whatever hoax reason, and their target ends up having to hide their identity out of fear of persecution and murder.

We CANNOT succumb to the fear of Islamic terrorism. It has taken over the Middle East, but we CANNOT let it take over the West. Non-Muslims and progressive Muslims all around the world need to come together and stand up against this frightening terror and tyranny before it is too late...
[ This is no different than runaways and others who join a cult thinking they are finding the answer ]

Last call for a 2-State Solution was 1948. It was soundly rejected by the major Muslim/Arab Nations of the region when they attacked Israel and sought to destroy that nation and the Jews. As they have done for 1400 years now, the Muslims retained their true intentions and agenda. They only solution will be when Israel is no longer threatened by Islam.

For that matter, the who;e world will be better off when their is no more Islam. I would suggest any Muslims that want to peacefully co-exist with we Infidels should reject Islam, become apostates and embrace any other religion than Islam. Islam's days as a accepted and viable religion are numbered, that inhuman and inhumane dogma is about to go into the trash can of history!

Hezbollah is the same Satan Span as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and most of the Muslim world. They seek to use Lebanon as a base for further attacks against Israel.

Jewish immigrants to Palestine came no where near to treating the Palestinians as bad as the Muslims have treated the Jews for 1400 years. They Arabs never did "like" the Jews. That's why they tried to block formation of Israel and then refused to abide by the United Nations 2-state solution/partition with the 1948 war to exterminate Israel and the Jews.

Islam picked up where the Nazis left off and hence Islamic Jihad and it's supporters like you can be classed as Neo-Nazi!
Arafat also rejected major concessions by Ehud Barak.

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