Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

I have several copies of the Koran----I will do with them whatever I damn please----anyone can get that filthy book----the saudi embassy gives them out for FREE
I have several copies of the Koran----I will do with them whatever I damn please----anyone can get that filthy book----the saudi embassy gives them out for FREE

sure, denmark has errored -

no fan of that book either or the other two desert religion copies, ellen has one, the c-bible in the living room she actually reads, im suspicious as that being the source for her sometimes dowdy temperament.
sure, denmark has errored -

no fan of that book either or the other two desert religion copies, ellen has one, the c-bible in the living room she actually reads, im suspicious as that being the source for her sometimes dowdy temperament.
good----you can to anything you feel like doing with either of THEM BOOKS----
FEEL FREE ---no one cares (but don't to the koran in public)

Egyptian religious leader on TV explains that the conflict in the Middle East has nothing to do with territory, and everything to do with the existence of Jews. He says the Palestinians are simply Muslims who are fulfilling their religious obligation to fight the Jews. He claims that Muslims will always reject peace with Jews, because the Prophet Muhammad said that the war against Jews should continue until the end of time.

This rhetoric has no place in the twenty-first century!

This is how leaders in the Arab-Muslim world promote a religious war against Israel and the Jewish people.

Read the Likud Charter. It wants a Jewish state from the river to the sea..
so? YOU claimed that it describes KILLING ALL DA MUZZIES----you
FRIGGIN' LIED as usual. It is understandable since you have been INCULCATED

Egyptian religious leader on TV explains that the conflict in the Middle East has nothing to do with territory, and everything to do with the existence of Jews. He says the Palestinians are simply Muslims who are fulfilling their religious obligation to fight the Jews. He claims that Muslims will always reject peace with Jews, because the Prophet Muhammad said that the war against Jews should continue until the end of time.

This rhetoric has no place in the twenty-first century!

This is how leaders in the Arab-Muslim world promote a religious war against Israel and the Jewish people

FINALLY!!!!! <<<< an honest muzzie imam
good----you can to anything you feel like doing with either of THEM BOOKS----
FEEL FREE ---no one cares (but don't to the koran in public)

the trilogy, all three desert copies ... truth be told, remove all three books and their religions will disappear with them - not true for the heavenly religion of antiquity.
oh----where do I get your book?

the heavenly religion of antiquity is spoken not read to be passed from one generation to the next, six words in length - the triumph of good vs evil - granted a&e on the journey for self determination - to be qualified for judgement and admission to the everlasting.

sorry, no hereditary idolatry - or other nefarious gratuities or false heavenly personifications to circumvent the true path.

and will not disappear with the poof of the last copy in print.
the heavenly religion of antiquity is spoken not read to be passed from one generation to the next, six words in length - the triumph of good vs evil - granted a&e on the journey for self determination - to be qualified for judgement and admission to the everlasting.

sorry, no hereditary idolatry - or other nefarious gratuities or false heavenly personifications to circumvent the true path.

and will not disappear with the poof of the last copy in print.
how do you say that in aramaic?
how do you say that in aramaic?

presumably using your vocal chords - are you a mute.

the religion of antiquity is timeless and the same in any language ... for all living beings especially for those that may prefer to persist than just perish.
presumably using your vocal chords - are you a mute.

the religion of antiquity is timeless and the same in any language ... for all living beings especially for those that may prefer to persist than just perish.
with that line you could have your own TV show

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