Islam Is The Enemy

Is Islam evil?

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    Votes: 16 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 50.0%

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As I pointed out to the other rube, despite one of the Paris terrorists coming in as a refugee, France is still taking the refugees in, thus proving even socialist surrender monkeys have more courage then you pants shitters.

It takes "courage" to bow to the Islamic hoard who are murdering innocent people?

You have some fucked up views, Dhimmicrat.
The ignorance, fear, hate, stupidity, and bigotry practiced by you and most other craven conservatives represents a victory for the terrorist, and serves only to foster further acts of terror.
Religion is no damn good and the worst are the Abrahamic faiths and the worst of them is Islam. Mudslime who crawled out of their self-made hell holes in the Middle East just killed 30 people in Brussels and injured 100 more. Chalk up another deadly attack by the religion of peace.

The Republicans will be screaming BOMB BOMB BOMB when all that will do is kill innocent people in the Middle East who have no choice but to be Muslims or die. An idea cannot be defeated with guns and bombs alone. Islam is simple one bad idea after another and it is about as evil as any philosophy to ever come down the pike.

There are people who hate to think and love their own ignorance so much that they will gravitate to something like is Islam and certainly exterminating those sort of psychopaths is the only humane thing we can do for humanity but more than that we must piss all over bad ideas and never give those ideas rights. Rights are for people not religions.

When it come to religion we need to drop the political correctness and call Islam what it is. EVIL!
Nope because American Muslims will tell you that's not Islam just like most Christians distance themselves from people who shoot up abortion clinics.

So it's not all Muslims. It's radical crazy Muslims and we need to find them and get rid of them.

There are very few American born Muslims that sympathise with Isis. Any of them caught should be sentenced to death just like any other traitor.

So mostly I worry about naturalized American Muslims. They probably sympathize more with Isis. I think we need to spy on these people and quietly and quickly deport or imprison any enemies.

Brussels has a huge Muslim population and many sympathizers. They need to round em up and ship them out. If you weren't born here it's time to go home. Go fight or join Isis.

Don't make us do what we have to do. Don't force our hand.
Hassan Rouhani "firmly condemns" Brussels terror attacks

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has "firmly condemned" terrorist bomb explosions in the Belgian capital city of Brussels, Press TV reported.

Posting a message on his Twitter account on Tuesday, the Iranian president offered his deepest condolences to the Belgian government and people, particularly those who lost their loved ones.

Earlier in the day, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, also condemned the twin blasts in Brussels, stressing the importance of adopting all-embracing efforts to fight terrorism which is threatening the entire world.

"Repetition of terrorist operations in different parts of the world is an indicator of the common threat [posed] by terrorism and extremism to the entire world," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, said on Tuesday.

He added that such terrorist incidents highlight the necessity of "integrated and overarching" action against the ominous phenomenon of terrorism as well as centers of political, ideological and financial support for terrorism.

A series of blasts hit Brussels' Zaventem airport and a city metro station, killing at least 34 people and injuring 230 others. The Belgian authorities are treating the explosions as part of a coordinated terrorist attack.


So are they now ready to take in refugees?
As I pointed out to the other rube, despite one of the Paris terrorists coming in as a refugee, France is still taking the refugees in, thus proving even socialist surrender monkeys have more courage then you pants shitters.

It takes "courage" to bow to the Islamic hoard who are murdering innocent people?
It takes courage to bring in the innocent refugees. The terrorists have murdered more innocent Muslims than they have Westerners, retard.

You are a gutless coward who would send those tens of thousands of innocents back to be slaughtered. Stand up and be a man.
Give them guns and let them take back their land. The more of them leave the easier for Isis to move in.

There are thousands of Muslim men in America and Brussels and all over Europe. An army if you put em all together
As I pointed out to the other rube, despite one of the Paris terrorists coming in as a refugee, France is still taking the refugees in, thus proving even socialist surrender monkeys have more courage then you pants shitters.

It takes "courage" to bow to the Islamic hoard who are murdering innocent people?
It takes courage to bring in the innocent refugees. The terrorists have murdered more innocent Muslims than they have Westerners, retard.

You are a gutless coward who would send those tens of thousands of innocents back to be slaughtered. Stand up and be a man.
Give them guns and let them take back their land. The more of them leave the easier for Isis to move in.

There are thousands of Muslim men in America and Brussels and all over Europe. An army if you put em all together
The rubes shit their pants at the idea of giving Muslims guns. I guarantee if Obama gave guns to the refugees, the pants shitters would scream, "OBAMAZ ARMING ISIS!"
Hassan Rouhani "firmly condemns" Brussels terror attacks

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has "firmly condemned" terrorist bomb explosions in the Belgian capital city of Brussels, Press TV reported.

Posting a message on his Twitter account on Tuesday, the Iranian president offered his deepest condolences to the Belgian government and people, particularly those who lost their loved ones.

Earlier in the day, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, also condemned the twin blasts in Brussels, stressing the importance of adopting all-embracing efforts to fight terrorism which is threatening the entire world.

"Repetition of terrorist operations in different parts of the world is an indicator of the common threat [posed] by terrorism and extremism to the entire world," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, said on Tuesday.

He added that such terrorist incidents highlight the necessity of "integrated and overarching" action against the ominous phenomenon of terrorism as well as centers of political, ideological and financial support for terrorism.

A series of blasts hit Brussels' Zaventem airport and a city metro station, killing at least 34 people and injuring 230 others. The Belgian authorities are treating the explosions as part of a coordinated terrorist attack.


So are they now ready to take in refugees?

no.we have enough refugees because of usa-afghanistan war .(more than 8 million afghan and paki )+ iran have just 80 million citizen
"Islam Is The Enemy"


The notion is ignorant, ridiculous bigotry.

To blame an entire religion and its adherents for the acts of the non-representative few fails as a composition fallacy.

False coward.

Islam is a creed. Look, you're stupid and don't have a complete grasp of the language. A creed is more than a religion in that if covers the civil side of life as well as the spiritual.

You are a coward and if you are even brave enough to read this will simply go hide in a corner and piss yourself. You lack the wits to engage in a debate, or even a conversation. It is good that you recognize your mental limitations.

But your idiocy still needs to be crushed, lest someone fail to grasp what a simpering fucktard you are.

Nazism, particularly through the book "Mein Kampf" was a creed of evil. It wasn't "misinterpreted" or "perverted by fanatics." It was evil. What Hitler taught about Jews and about how to conduct a government was evil.

Likewise Islam is a creed of evil. Particularly through the book "The Koran" is the evil spelled out. It isn't "misinterpreted" or "perverted by fanatics." It is evil. What Muhammad taught about Jews and about how to conduct a government was evil.

That you are a prison convert to Islam only confirms the evil of it.
Hassan Rouhani "firmly condemns" Brussels terror attacks

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has "firmly condemned" terrorist bomb explosions in the Belgian capital city of Brussels, Press TV reported.

Posting a message on his Twitter account on Tuesday, the Iranian president offered his deepest condolences to the Belgian government and people, particularly those who lost their loved ones.

Earlier in the day, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, also condemned the twin blasts in Brussels, stressing the importance of adopting all-embracing efforts to fight terrorism which is threatening the entire world.

"Repetition of terrorist operations in different parts of the world is an indicator of the common threat [posed] by terrorism and extremism to the entire world," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, said on Tuesday.

He added that such terrorist incidents highlight the necessity of "integrated and overarching" action against the ominous phenomenon of terrorism as well as centers of political, ideological and financial support for terrorism.

A series of blasts hit Brussels' Zaventem airport and a city metro station, killing at least 34 people and injuring 230 others. The Belgian authorities are treating the explosions as part of a coordinated terrorist attack.


So are they now ready to take in refugees?

no.we have enough refugees because of usa-afghanistan war .(more than 8 million afghan and paki )+ iran have just 80 million citizen

So they condemn the terrorists in Belgium as they support groups to overthrow Israel and Saudi Arabia?
As I pointed out to the other rube, despite one of the Paris terrorists coming in as a refugee, France is still taking the refugees in, thus proving even socialist surrender monkeys have more courage then you pants shitters.

It takes "courage" to bow to the Islamic hoard who are murdering innocent people?
It takes courage to bring in the innocent refugees. The terrorists have murdered more innocent Muslims than they have Westerners, retard.

You are a gutless coward who would send those tens of thousands of innocents back to be slaughtered. Stand up and be a man.
Give them guns and let them take back their land. The more of them leave the easier for Isis to move in.

There are thousands of Muslim men in America and Brussels and all over Europe. An army if you put em all together
The rubes shit their pants at the idea of giving Muslims guns. I guarantee if Obama gave guns to the refugees, the pants shitters would scream, "OBAMAZ ARMING ISIS!"
In fact why don't we arm and train every woman in every town how to shoot? Imagine Isis trying to take back a town and all the old women light them up. I am being serious.

I don't understand why America, Russia and England have all lost wars in Afghanistan.
It takes courage to bring in the innocent refugees. The terrorists have murdered more innocent Muslims than they have Westerners, retard.

You are a gutless coward who would send those tens of thousands of innocents back to be slaughtered. Stand up and be a man.

Dhimmicrat, what relevance is it that the Islamic allies of your filthy party have murdered more in their home country?

To your perverted and diseased "mind" that is an argument to bring them here?

THIS is why you will lose in November. No one will forget what the Muslims do, and your support even as they kill. So deep is your hatred of America and Americans.

The Dhimmicrat motto "Vote Hillary and we will bring terrorism to your town."
It takes courage to bring in the innocent refugees. The terrorists have murdered more innocent Muslims than they have Westerners, retard.

You are a gutless coward who would send those tens of thousands of innocents back to be slaughtered. Stand up and be a man.

Dhimmicrat, what relevance is it that the Islamic allies of your filthy party have murdered more in their home country?

To your perverted and diseased "mind" that is an argument to bring them here?
You deliberately conflate the refugees with the terrorists. What a disgusting and shameful tactic of a coward.
The ignorance, fear, hate, stupidity, and bigotry practiced by you and most other craven conservatives represents a victory for the terrorist, and serves only to foster further acts of terror.

What "ignorance, fear, hate, stupidity, and bigotry" is that C_Coward? Stating facts instead of lying to cover for the heinous acts of Islam as you do?

Ignorance is lack of knowledge. You are angry because your intended victims have knowledge. Fear, hate, and bigotry are your domain. You spew hatred at others because they don't want to subject their families and children to danger, just so you can satiate your lust to destroy the culture of the nation you despise. That is bigotry.
Hassan Rouhani "firmly condemns" Brussels terror attacks

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has "firmly condemned" terrorist bomb explosions in the Belgian capital city of Brussels, Press TV reported.

Posting a message on his Twitter account on Tuesday, the Iranian president offered his deepest condolences to the Belgian government and people, particularly those who lost their loved ones.

Earlier in the day, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, also condemned the twin blasts in Brussels, stressing the importance of adopting all-embracing efforts to fight terrorism which is threatening the entire world.

"Repetition of terrorist operations in different parts of the world is an indicator of the common threat [posed] by terrorism and extremism to the entire world," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, said on Tuesday.

He added that such terrorist incidents highlight the necessity of "integrated and overarching" action against the ominous phenomenon of terrorism as well as centers of political, ideological and financial support for terrorism.

A series of blasts hit Brussels' Zaventem airport and a city metro station, killing at least 34 people and injuring 230 others. The Belgian authorities are treating the explosions as part of a coordinated terrorist attack.


So are they now ready to take in refugees?

no.we have enough refugees because of usa-afghanistan war .(more than 8 million afghan and paki )+ iran have just 80 million citizen

So they condemn the terrorists in Belgium as they support groups to overthrow Israel and Saudi Arabia?
hezbollah isnt isis .
hezbollah never killed 1 european and usa citizen in their land .

it is different between israel-palestine situation and killing european woman and children in paris and belgium

iran helped usa during afghan and iraq war.
iran helped and did give information about anothers attack after paris attack( you dont know but its true)

+ rouhani is reformist and left. he have very huge problem with khamenei and revolution guards.they are in soft-war now.
You deliberately conflate the refugees with the terrorists. What a disgusting and shameful tactic of a coward.

The terrorists are embedded in the refugees, you know this. Like C_Coward, you have such a lust to destroy American culture, that you will sacrifice anyone to bring in third world peasants so that the hated white Christians have less influence.

You don't really support terrorism, but you accept it gladly if that will help to end traditional America.

And we all know that is absolute fact, Dhimmicrat.
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".
Islam is a cancer in society. If Islam is a religion then Jeffrey Dahmer is a chef.

Christianity is the cancer in the country. Fuck Your Fucking God.
That would all religion. The built-in excuse for insanity, and therefore insane people doing insane things.
Religion is no damn good and the worst are the Abrahamic faiths and the worst of them is Islam. Mudslime who crawled out of their self-made hell holes in the Middle East just killed 30 people in Brussels and injured 100 more. Chalk up another deadly attack by the religion of peace.

The Republicans will be screaming BOMB BOMB BOMB when all that will do is kill innocent people in the Middle East who have no choice but to be Muslims or die. An idea cannot be defeated with guns and bombs alone. Islam is simple one bad idea after another and it is about as evil as any philosophy to ever come down the pike.

There are people who hate to think and love their own ignorance so much that they will gravitate to something like is Islam and certainly exterminating those sort of psychopaths is the only humane thing we can do for humanity but more than that we must piss all over bad ideas and never give those ideas rights. Rights are for people not religions.

When it come to religion we need to drop the political correctness and call Islam what it is. EVIL!

Typically , I would respond with a thread entitled "Zionism is the ROOT of all evil". I would also be able to support my assertion with historical facts and documents.

Unfortunately, that is frowned upon by the powers that be at USMB.

You and the "Reverend Hagee are stupid , low life scumbags.


Hey there you apologist for pedophile MoHamMad,

While I disagree with right wing Christers on most things they are correct when it comes to Islam. Leading atheist Sam Harris also agrees with them.

How about you come up with a few virtues of Islam? For instance, what has Islam contributed to humanity?

What has Islam done for human rights?

The fact is, Mohammad was a piece of shit.

There was actually a time in Islam when they sought knowledge and were very tolerant. Perhaps it was a time when their focus became seeking knowledge compared to trying to act like a second rate warlord like Mo.

Now Islam censors those who seek knowledge, and seeks to control them.

I don't know when that was. There was a time when the Middle East and Persia was enlightened but that was before Islam.
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".
Islam is a cancer in society. If Islam is a religion then Jeffrey Dahmer is a chef.

Christianity is the cancer in the country. Fuck Your Fucking God.
That would all religion. The built-in excuse for insanity, and therefore insane people doing insane things.

I would not say all religion but Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the world's trouble makers. Jehovah/Allah is an evil god.
Islam does not HAVE to be evil-
It isn't evil at all. Any more than Christianity is evil "because Westboro Baptist Church".
Islam is a cancer in society. If Islam is a religion then Jeffrey Dahmer is a chef.

Christianity is the cancer in the country. Fuck Your Fucking God.
That would all religion. The built-in excuse for insanity, and therefore insane people doing insane things.

I would not say all religion but Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the world's trouble makers. Jehovah/Allah is an evil god.
Ditheism fixes that. Don't fear Hell, you're already there...

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