Islamic Animal Rapes, Tortures, Murders His 5 yr, admits to it and is Let Free!!! WTF

I read a detailed report on that. What was done to the child's body by her father is said to be rather sickening. It's the anathema of Muslim women who are unfairly humiliated and murdered by male family members.

Yet, we have people here who would like to proscribe to Sharia law. They obviously have no idea what that means for women.
Domestic violence against women in America is the worst of any nation in the world.

But what the heck, let's point fingers at muslim countries, and ignore the problem in our own back yard.......... :cuckoo:
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People in Israel are supposed to stone cheating women to death.
In america a cheating woman takes your home, children and most of your money.
The sheer quantity of nonsense in this thread boggles the mind.

Using anecdotes to paint 1.5 billion people with the same brush is nothing more than an attempt to justify prejudice.

It's pathetic.

it fuels the rw hate meme for anybody different than them. As long as he fills up his F-150, he's funding their governments too ;)
sharia law does allow these types of crimes to go unpunished !! and it is spreading with your dear leaders arab spring.
The sheer quantity of nonsense in this thread boggles the mind.

Using anecdotes to paint 1.5 billion people with the same brush is nothing more than an attempt to justify prejudice.

It's pathetic.

it fuels the rw hate meme for anybody different than them. As long as he fills up his F-150, he's funding their governments too ;)
i agree so lets drill baby drill !! oh wait ,you people will not let us.
Charlie Fuqua, Arkansas Legislative Candidate, Endorses Death Penalty For Rebellious Children In Book

Charlie Fuqua, the Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives who called for expelling Muslims from the United States in his book, also wrote in support for instituting the death penalty for "rebellious children."

In "God's Law," Fuqua's 2012 book, the candidate wrote that while parents love their children, a process could be set up to allow for the institution of the death penalty for "rebellious children," according to the Arkansas Times. Fuqua, who is anti-abortion, points out that the course of action involved in sentencing a child to death is described in the Bible and would involve judicial approval. While it is unlikely that many parents would seek to have their children killed by the government, Fuqua wrote, such power would serve as a way to stop rebellious children.
Charlie Fuqua, Arkansas Legislative Candidate, Endorses Death Penalty For Rebellious Children In Book

Charlie Fuqua, the Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives who called for expelling Muslims from the United States in his book, also wrote in support for instituting the death penalty for "rebellious children."

In "God's Law," Fuqua's 2012 book, the candidate wrote that while parents love their children, a process could be set up to allow for the institution of the death penalty for "rebellious children," according to the Arkansas Times. Fuqua, who is anti-abortion, points out that the course of action involved in sentencing a child to death is described in the Bible and would involve judicial approval. While it is unlikely that many parents would seek to have their children killed by the government, Fuqua wrote, such power would serve as a way to stop rebellious children.
if he said this he will not get any republican votes !! his career in politics is over if this is true !! you see unlike the left we do not go lock step with every politician that claims to be a republican ..if a leftists had said those things the left would say he was taken out of context .
Charlie Fuqua, Arkansas Legislative Candidate, Endorses Death Penalty For Rebellious Children In Book

Charlie Fuqua, the Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives who called for expelling Muslims from the United States in his book, also wrote in support for instituting the death penalty for "rebellious children."

In "God's Law," Fuqua's 2012 book, the candidate wrote that while parents love their children, a process could be set up to allow for the institution of the death penalty for "rebellious children," according to the Arkansas Times. Fuqua, who is anti-abortion, points out that the course of action involved in sentencing a child to death is described in the Bible and would involve judicial approval. While it is unlikely that many parents would seek to have their children killed by the government, Fuqua wrote, such power would serve as a way to stop rebellious children.
if he said this he will not get any republican votes !! his career in politics is over if this is true !! you see unlike the left we do not go lock step with every politician that claims to be a republican ..if a leftists had said those things the left would say he was taken out of context .
Funny, I see Cons saying things were taken out of context, a lot.
I see this as a Conservative thing.
Charlie Fuqua, Arkansas Legislative Candidate, Endorses Death Penalty For Rebellious Children In Book

Charlie Fuqua, the Republican candidate for the Arkansas House of Representatives who called for expelling Muslims from the United States in his book, also wrote in support for instituting the death penalty for "rebellious children."

In "God's Law," Fuqua's 2012 book, the candidate wrote that while parents love their children, a process could be set up to allow for the institution of the death penalty for "rebellious children," according to the Arkansas Times. Fuqua, who is anti-abortion, points out that the course of action involved in sentencing a child to death is described in the Bible and would involve judicial approval. While it is unlikely that many parents would seek to have their children killed by the government, Fuqua wrote, such power would serve as a way to stop rebellious children.

We have our crackpots too. At least Arkansas voters only gave him 30% of the vote, so 70% of voters were intelligent enough to reject this idiots thinking.
The sheer quantity of nonsense in this thread boggles the mind.

Using anecdotes to paint 1.5 billion people with the same brush is nothing more than an attempt to justify prejudice.

It's pathetic.

it fuels the rw hate meme for anybody different than them. As long as he fills up his F-150, he's funding their governments too ;)
i agree so lets drill baby drill !! oh wait ,you people will not let us.

You just don't get it.

As long as oil is the fuel of choice in this world, countries in the Middle East will continue to earn large amounts of money whether the US is buying their oil or not. If you really wanted to cripple those countries, you'd be better off encouraging alternative fuels which every country can produce easily and cheaply and in doing so, completely dry up the demand for oil and the Middle East's primary income source.
Here's what he confessed to:

Ghamdi told Saudi officials he used cables and a cane on his five-year-old daughter, leaving her with multiple injuries, including a crushed skull, broken ribs and left arm, extensive bruising and burns. In addition, one of Lama’s fingernails had been torn off.

Hospital staff reports the child’s rectum had been torn open and the abuser had attempted to burn it closed.

Saudi Arabia: Islamic cleric rapes, tortures, kills daughter, pays fine - National Humanist |

Let's put a face on this crime.

So the OP is a lie and the man is still in prison, where he should be.

I might have guessed.

Even the BBC is reporting that he has been absolved of the crime. Basically what we have are conflicting reports.

But the bottom line is that under Saudi Law he's able to pay for the ability to off his kid. Little daughters are half price as compared to whacking your son.

The girl, Lama, was the daughter of Fayhan al-Ghamdi, an Islamic preacher who made regular appearances on TV.

He was arrested after Lama's death in November but was reportedly absolved by the judge in the case.

The verdict has sparked an online campaign calling for punishment for violence against women and children.

Saudi media reports said that Ghamdi had paid 200,000 riyals ($50,000; £31,500) in "blood money" - a sum that can be paid to relatives of a murder victim and which, if accepted, can replace a death sentence.

The amount is half what would have been necessary if Lama had been male.

BBC News - Anger over death of Saudi girl after father's 'beating'
Daily Mail has him freed as well.

Randa al-Kaleeb, a social worker from the hospital where Lama was admitted, said the girl's back was broken and that she had been repeatedly raped.

Her injuries were then burned.

Rather than the death penalty or a long prison sentence, the judge in the case ruled the prosecution could only seek 'blood money', according to activists.

The money is compensation for the next of kin under Islamic law
Activists said the judge ruled the few months al-Ghamdi spent in prison since his arrest in November was sufficient punishment.

He has reportedly agreed to pay £31,000 ($50,000), which is believed to have gone to Lama's mother.

The amount is half that would have been paid if Lama had been a boy.

Activists say under Islamic laws a father cannot be executed for murdering his children. Husbands can also not be executed for murdering their wives, the group say.

Fayhan al-Ghamdi who 'raped' and tortured daughter, 5, to death escapes with light sentence | Mail Online
The sheer quantity of nonsense in this thread boggles the mind.

Using anecdotes to paint 1.5 billion people with the same brush is nothing more than an attempt to justify prejudice.

It's pathetic.

Before you color me with your sanctimonious paint brush a few facts are in order:

In Saudi Arabia "the primary source of law is the Islamic Sharia derived from the teachings of the Qu'ran and the Sunnah (the traditions of the Prophet)". According to the European Court of Human Rights it found "that sharia was incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy... It considered that “sharia, which faithfully reflects the dogmas and divine rules laid down by religion, is stable and invariable. Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it". According to the Court, it was difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on sharia, which clearly diverged from Convention values, particularly with regard to its criminal law and criminal procedure, its rules on the legal status of women and the way it intervened in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts."

This situation is a reflection of a country who abides and is controlled by sharia law. Sharia law is backward, barbaric and inhumane.
The sheer quantity of nonsense in this thread boggles the mind.

Using anecdotes to paint 1.5 billion people with the same brush is nothing more than an attempt to justify prejudice.

It's pathetic.

Before you color me with your sanctimonious paint brush a few facts are in order:

In Saudi Arabia "the primary source of law is the Islamic Sharia derived from the teachings of the Qu'ran and the Sunnah (the traditions of the Prophet)". According to the European Court of Human Rights it found "that sharia was incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy... It considered that “sharia, which faithfully reflects the dogmas and divine rules laid down by religion, is stable and invariable. Principles such as pluralism in the political sphere or the constant evolution of public freedoms have no place in it". According to the Court, it was difficult to declare one’s respect for democracy and human rights while at the same time supporting a regime based on sharia, which clearly diverged from Convention values, particularly with regard to its criminal law and criminal procedure, its rules on the legal status of women and the way it intervened in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts."

This situation is a reflection of a country who abides and is controlled by sharia law. Sharia law is backward, barbaric and inhumane.

Thank you for this post.

Whether one agrees with Sharia law or not, I detest when someone tries to twist the argument into something it isn't.

In two posts I have put up the Saudi law of blood money. This is not opinion. This is not anecdotal evidence.

This is Islamic law. Agree or disagree with it; fine and dandy. But the fact remains that this man is getting a half price deal on killing a daughter rather than a son and this is whether anyone likes it or not the law in Saudi Arabia.
The sheer quantity of nonsense in this thread boggles the mind.

Using anecdotes to paint 1.5 billion people with the same brush is nothing more than an attempt to justify prejudice.

It's pathetic.

This situation is not a fabrication. Reputable news outlets have reported on it and Human Rights activists have a petition up.

It is the law of Saudi Arabia. Now you can agree with Islamic law or disagree with the law, but it's not anecdotal.

It's very, very real. It's called Diyya.

Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, when a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the prescribed blood money rates are as follows:

300,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man
150,000 riyals if a Muslim woman
150,000 riyals if a Christian or Jewish man
75,000 riyals if a Christian or Jewish woman
6,666 riyals if a man of any other religion
3,333 riyals if a woman of any other religion

The amount of compensation is based on the percentage of responsibility. Blood money is to be paid not only for murder, but also in case of unnatural death, interpreted to mean death in a fire, industrial or road accident, for instance, as long as the responsibility for it falls on the causer.

Diyya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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