Isn't Obama now an "Armchair, Weekend Warrior"?

He didn't inherit a damn thing. He chased all of the problems he is facing and he claimed to be able to solve them. He hasn't done a fucking thing but recycle the bush admin's approach. He is a warmonger and armchair warrior. Unless he's willing to put on some WEB gear, grab a rifle, and stand post in afghanistan or iraq, he will always be an armchair warrior.

When you guys constantly blame Dubya you are repeating the same exact method Bush's supporters did by blaming Clinton for 9E. Actually, it makes perfect sense. Obama mirrors bush and your camp mirrors bush supporters.

Are you living in some sort of bizarro world?

Are you saying that Obama didn't come into office while two wars were going on?

Seriously? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

He has the Ability and the Congress to STOP them... They and he are NOT...

Wake up... You were Played by a Playa and his Crew...

And behind Closed Doors, Barry and Reid both talk about what they don't like about the "Negros"... ;)


He has the Ability and the Congress to STOP them... They and he are NOT...

Wake up... You were Played by a Playa and his Crew...

And behind Closed Doors, Barry and Reid both talk about what they don't like about the "Negros"... ;)



Oh, I see.

So the fact that the president is trying to clean up the situations in both arenas, rather than responding with a possilbly harmful sudden pullout, makes him a "warmonger" and an "armchair warrior".

Wow. I guess that would make the Bush administration a bunch of Viking-style "Beserkers" then. At least when it comes to risking other people's lives that is.
He didn't inherit a damn thing. He chased all of the problems he is facing and he claimed to be able to solve them. He hasn't done a fucking thing but recycle the bush admin's approach. He is a warmonger and armchair warrior. Unless he's willing to put on some WEB gear, grab a rifle, and stand post in afghanistan or iraq, he will always be an armchair warrior.

When you guys constantly blame Dubya you are repeating the same exact method Bush's supporters did by blaming Clinton for 9E. Actually, it makes perfect sense. Obama mirrors bush and your camp mirrors bush supporters.

Are you living in some sort of bizarro world?

Are you saying that Obama didn't come into office while two wars were going on?

Seriously? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

He has the Ability and the Congress to STOP them... They and he are NOT...

Wake up... You were Played by a Playa and his Crew...

And behind Closed Doors, Barry and Reid both talk about what they don't like about the "Negros"... ;)



"And behind Closed Doors, Barry and Reid both talk about what they don't like about the "Negros"..."

Oh no, you di'nt just go there!

"And behind Closed Doors, Barry and Reid both talk about what they don't like about the "Negros"..."

Oh no, you di'nt just go there!


Whereas the Republicans just make sure black people don't hold elected office, and have no representation.

Now, which one is really racist? The person who occasionally makes a racist comment, or the people who are attempting to institutionally shut black people out of government?

I know which one i'd choose.

As I just said in the other thread devoted to this subject, until you have ONE black member of congress, you seriously need to STFU about racism. K?
Now that that's been said and done, and another tangent dealt with...

Who can come up with an effective argument to support the OP?

I'll wait.
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"And behind Closed Doors, Barry and Reid both talk about what they don't like about the "Negros"..."

Oh no, you di'nt just go there!


Whereas the Republicans just make sure black people don't hold elected office, and have no representation.

Libtards never seem to grasp the fact that when they lie, as Vastly Stupid ^ just did, they lose any hope of ever making a worthwhile or convincing point.

The standard and typically dishonest liberal Democrat Parody ploy of attempting to paint the opposition as "racists" will never fly again.

Like Vastly Stupid, those in the liberal Democrat parody tend to be all too comfortable with lying.
Libtards never seem to grasp the fact that when they lie, as Vastly Stupid ^ just did, they lose any hope of ever making a worthwhile or convincing point.

The standard and typically dishonest liberal Democrat Parody ploy of attempting to paint the opposition as "racists" will never fly again.

Like Vastly Stupid, those in the liberal Democrat parody tend to be all too comfortable with lying.

Yes, this little scenario plays out well in the heads of the radical right...

But yet no black people EVER seem to vote for them.

I guess in your minds, black people are just too dumb to "see the truth" though, right? That the Democrats are actually the "racists"? Even though every single black elected representative is a Democrat.

Libtards never seem to grasp the fact that when they lie, as Vastly Stupid ^ just did, they lose any hope of ever making a worthwhile or convincing point.

The standard and typically dishonest liberal Democrat Parody ploy of attempting to paint the opposition as "racists" will never fly again.

Like Vastly Stupid, those in the liberal Democrat parody tend to be all too comfortable with lying.

Yes, this little scenario plays out well in the heads of the radical right...

But yet no black people EVER seem to vote for them.

I guess in your minds, black people are just too dumb to "see the truth" though, right? That the Democrats are actually the "racists"? Even though every single black elected representative is a Democrat.


Your idiotic ploy comes in a number of standard formats.

The one you just used can be classified, I suppose, as "since the significant majority of blacks do not vote Republican, then to explain this you Republicans must think that the significant majority of blacks are stooooopid."

That dopey argument has been refuted so many times, I am not sure what utility there is in refuting it yet again.

It is beyond a doubt that the modern American libereral political ideology has successfully "sold" a product to Black Americans that only the Democrat Parody is 'for" Blacks. They have been engaged in this dishonest propaganda with the active assistance of the LIBERAL Main Stream Media for a long long time. And yes, that kind of thing has had an effect on black voters. But propaganda can be refuted. It may take some time, but the moronic socialist inclinations of the liberal Democrat Parody are already at work opening many eyes. Are you actually suggesting that you will be able to successfully shield this from Black American voters?

You liberoidals are truly quite racist.

By the way:

Which Party had the first Black Secretary of State? Which Party had the first Hispanic Attorney General? One would have to be intensely stupid or dreadfully dishonest to claim that the Bush Administration showed any inclination to worry about skin color in deciding who got positions in that Administration.
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Your idiotic ploy comes in a number of standard formats.

The one you just used can be classified, I suppose, as "since the significant majority of blacks do not vote Republican, then to explain this you Republicans must think that the significant majority of blacks are stooooopid."

That dopey argument has been refuted so many times, I am not sure what utility there is in refuting it yete again.

It is beyond a doubt that the modern American libereral political ideology has successfully "sold" a product to Black Americans that only the Democrat Parody is 'for" Blacks. They have been engaged in this dishonest propaganda with the active assistance of the LIBERAL Main Stream Media for a long long time. And yes, that kind of thing has had an effect on black voters. But propaganda can be refuted. It may take some time, but the moronic socialist inclinations of the liberal Democrat Parody are already at work opening many eyes. Are you actually suggesting that you will be able to successfully shield this from Black American voters?

You liberoidals are truly quite racist.

Buy the way:

Which Party had the first Black Secretary of State? Which Party had the first Hispanic Attorney General? One would have to be intensely stupid or dreadfully dishonest to claim that the Bush Administration showed any inclination to worry about skin color in deciding who got positions in that Administration.

A large portion of the Democratic Party is MADE UP OF BLACK PEOPLE, and it's leader at the moment is a black man. The Republican party has hardly any black members, and NO Black representatives.

So what right-wingers are saying essentially, when they say black folks are being "duped" by the Democrats (your standard format for this argument), is that black people are not able to govern themselves and that you know better about what's in their dest interests than they do.

And that sentiment is unbelievably racist, even though you idiots probably don't even realize it.

The fact that your party appointed a few token black folks, mainly because they couldn't get a black candidate elected, proves nothing at all, except that they're trying to save face. Appointed secretarial positions don't carry any power to represent the interests of the black community.
Your idiotic ploy comes in a number of standard formats.

The one you just used can be classified, I suppose, as "since the significant majority of blacks do not vote Republican, then to explain this you Republicans must think that the significant majority of blacks are stooooopid."

That dopey argument has been refuted so many times, I am not sure what utility there is in refuting it yete again.

It is beyond a doubt that the modern American libereral political ideology has successfully "sold" a product to Black Americans that only the Democrat Parody is 'for" Blacks. They have been engaged in this dishonest propaganda with the active assistance of the LIBERAL Main Stream Media for a long long time. And yes, that kind of thing has had an effect on black voters. But propaganda can be refuted. It may take some time, but the moronic socialist inclinations of the liberal Democrat Parody are already at work opening many eyes. Are you actually suggesting that you will be able to successfully shield this from Black American voters?

You liberoidals are truly quite racist.

Buy the way:

Which Party had the first Black Secretary of State? Which Party had the first Hispanic Attorney General? One would have to be intensely stupid or dreadfully dishonest to claim that the Bush Administration showed any inclination to worry about skin color in deciding who got positions in that Administration.

A large portion of the Democratic Party is MADE UP OF BLACK PEOPLE, and it's leader at the moment is a black man. The Republican party has hardly any black members, and NO Black representatives.

So what right-wingers are saying essentially, when they say black folks are being "duped" by the Democrats (your standard format for this argument), is that black people are not able to govern themselves and that you know better about what's in their dest interests than they do.

And that sentiment is unbelievably racist, even though you idiots probably don't even realize it.

The fact that your party appointed a few token black folks, mainly because they couldn't get a black candidate elected, proves nothing at all, except that they're trying to save face. Appointed secretarial positions don't carry any power to represent the interests of the black community.

Nominated and confirmed Secretaries of State sure as hell do have power. And "representation" is a slippery concept. Mayor Marion Barry of D.C. "represented" the residents of D.C. in a hyper-technical sense. But no matter what else you can say about him, it's difficult to believe that he TRULY "represented" DC residents in another (more honest) sense. Representative Charles "you mean I have to pay taxes, too?" Rangel nominally "represents" his constituents, but if you care to pretend that what that fucker does is actually representing the voters, then I would like a pow-wow with you to sell this bridge I own in Kings County, NYC.

And there have been Black people elected out of the GOP too. So, what you are presently arguing is the contention that since there are no black Republicans PRESENTLY serving in the House of Representin', therefore the GOP must be racist. :cuckoo:

You probably even now don't see how silly, stupid and fallacious your petty syllogism is.
Your idiotic ploy comes in a number of standard formats.

The one you just used can be classified, I suppose, as "since the significant majority of blacks do not vote Republican, then to explain this you Republicans must think that the significant majority of blacks are stooooopid."

That dopey argument has been refuted so many times, I am not sure what utility there is in refuting it yete again.

It is beyond a doubt that the modern American libereral political ideology has successfully "sold" a product to Black Americans that only the Democrat Parody is 'for" Blacks. They have been engaged in this dishonest propaganda with the active assistance of the LIBERAL Main Stream Media for a long long time. And yes, that kind of thing has had an effect on black voters. But propaganda can be refuted. It may take some time, but the moronic socialist inclinations of the liberal Democrat Parody are already at work opening many eyes. Are you actually suggesting that you will be able to successfully shield this from Black American voters?

You liberoidals are truly quite racist.

Buy the way:

Which Party had the first Black Secretary of State? Which Party had the first Hispanic Attorney General? One would have to be intensely stupid or dreadfully dishonest to claim that the Bush Administration showed any inclination to worry about skin color in deciding who got positions in that Administration.

A large portion of the Democratic Party is MADE UP OF BLACK PEOPLE, and it's leader at the moment is a black man. The Republican party has hardly any black members, and NO Black representatives.

So what right-wingers are saying essentially, when they say black folks are being "duped" by the Democrats (your standard format for this argument), is that black people are not able to govern themselves and that you know better about what's in their dest interests than they do.

And that sentiment is unbelievably racist, even though you idiots probably don't even realize it.

The fact that your party appointed a few token black folks, mainly because they couldn't get a black candidate elected, proves nothing at all, except that they're trying to save face. Appointed secretarial positions don't carry any power to represent the interests of the black community.

Obama is black like pee wee herman is masculine.
Nominated and confirmed Secretaries of State sure as hell do have power.

They don't have any power to affect internal governance, and certainly not representative power for individual black constituencies.

And "representation" is a slippery concept.

No it's not. This is a representative democracy. People choose representatives that they think will champion their viewpoints. That's not slippery at all.

An appointee of an elected representative that does not represent the viewpoints of a community is certainly not "representation" for said community.

Mayor Marion Barry of D.C. "represented" the residents of D.C. in a hyper-technical sense. But no matter what else you can say about him, it's difficult to believe that he TRULY "represented" DC residents in another (more honest) sense. Representative Charles "you mean I have to pay taxes, too?" Rangel nominally "represents" his constituents, but if you care to pretend that what that fucker does is actually representing the voters, then I would like a pow-wow with you to sell this bridge I own in Kings County, NYC.

The honesty and integrity of isolated individual representatives doesn't prove anything.

Senator Vitter represented Louisiana, and I'm sure using his paychecks to hire prostitutes illegally was not representative of the desires of his constituency.

Ted Stevens taking bribes certainly was not representing his constituency.

And there have been Black people elected out of the GOP too. So, what you are presently arguing is the contention that since there are no black Republicans PRESENTLY serving in the House of Representin', therefore the GOP must be racist. :cuckoo:

You probably even now don't see how silly, stupid and fallacious your petty syllogism is.

There are currently no GOP black representatives. Period.

There has been one black Republican Senator in the past 130 years, and he left office in 1979.

There have been two black Republican congressmen in the past 70 years, the last one left office in 2003.
Nominated and confirmed Secretaries of State sure as hell do have power.

They don't have any power to affect internal governance, and certainly not representative power for individual black constituencies.

And "representation" is a slippery concept.

No it's not. This is a representative democracy. People choose representatives that they think will champion their viewpoints. That's not slippery at all.

An appointee of an elected representative that does not represent the viewpoints of a community is certainly not "representation" for said community.

Mayor Marion Barry of D.C. "represented" the residents of D.C. in a hyper-technical sense. But no matter what else you can say about him, it's difficult to believe that he TRULY "represented" DC residents in another (more honest) sense. Representative Charles "you mean I have to pay taxes, too?" Rangel nominally "represents" his constituents, but if you care to pretend that what that fucker does is actually representing the voters, then I would like a pow-wow with you to sell this bridge I own in Kings County, NYC.

The honesty and integrity of isolated individual representatives doesn't prove anything.

Senator Vitter represented Louisiana, and I'm sure using his paychecks to hire prostitutes illegally was not representative of the desires of his constituency.

Ted Stevens taking bribes certainly was not representing his constituency.

And there have been Black people elected out of the GOP too. So, what you are presently arguing is the contention that since there are no black Republicans PRESENTLY serving in the House of Representin', therefore the GOP must be racist. :cuckoo:

You probably even now don't see how silly, stupid and fallacious your petty syllogism is.

There are currently no GOP black representatives. Period.

There has been one black Republican Senator in the past 130 years, and he left office in 1979.

There have been two black Republican congressmen in the past 70 years, the last one left office in 2003.

And those factoids still fail to substantiate your petty dishonest propagandistic pointless.

But feel free to keep swinging and missing.
And those factoids still fail to substantiate your petty dishonest propagandistic pointless.

But feel free to keep swinging and missing.

Sure, sure. You're calling Democrats racists, and I proved that Republicans are, if anything, more racist than Democrats, in a fully institutional way.

Now, I personally don't go calling people "racists" based on stupid nonsensical out-of-context quotes, like some people. Nor do I think that Republican in general are racist.

But if you people are going to be giant hypocrites by calling Democrats "racist", I'm certainly going to respond in kind.
Say what you will about (43)... He was Consistent.

Barry Running AGAINST almost Everything that (43) was and then Continuing and Expanding much of it once in Office, SHOULD be ALL that is Needed for ANY Self-Respecting Liberal to be Against Obama now...

But what the Average Liberal Lacks in Self-Respect, they make up for in Abject Dishonesty.


And those factoids still fail to substantiate your petty dishonest propagandistic pointless.

But feel free to keep swinging and missing.

Sure, sure. You're calling Democrats racists, and I proved that Republicans are, if anything, more racist than Democrats, in a fully institutional way.

Now, I personally don't go calling people "racists" based on stupid nonsensical out-of-context quotes, like some people. Nor do I think that Republican in general are racist.

But if you people are going to be giant hypocrites by calling Democrats "racist", I'm certainly going to respond in kind.

Your "fully institutional" argument is demonstrably false by the fact it was Republicans who voted in the Civil Rights Act. If it was up to Dems it wouldn't have had a chance.
And those factoids still fail to substantiate your petty dishonest propagandistic pointless.

But feel free to keep swinging and missing.

Sure, sure. You're calling Democrats racists, and I proved that Republicans are, if anything, more racist than Democrats, in a fully institutional way.

Now, I personally don't go calling people "racists" based on stupid nonsensical out-of-context quotes, like some people. Nor do I think that Republican in general are racist.

But if you people are going to be giant hypocrites by calling Democrats "racist", I'm certainly going to respond in kind.

Your "fully institutional" argument is demonstrably false by the fact it was Republicans who voted in the Civil Rights Act. If it was up to Dems it wouldn't have had a chance.

And one of the Leaders in the DemocRAT Party @ the Time in the Senate, Robert "There are White *******" Byrd (D-KKK), continues to be Racist some 50 Years AFTER Filibustering Against Civil Rights for Blacks...

Senator Byrd (D-KKK) is Lovingly Referred to as "the Conscience of the Senate" by his Party...

DemocRATS are Racist... Their Obsessive Fingerpointing and Claims of "Racism" by anybody and everybody on the Right is little More than Projection...

One of their Primary Racist Activities to this Day is to Assume Failure on the Very Minorities they Supposedly Represent and Support.

They don't Believe Blacks and Minorities can do ANYTHING without their Help or More Accurately, the Help of the Federal Government via the American Taxpayer.

It's the Worst kind of Racism.



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