Israel Ain't Fooling Around Anymore

I'm not really upset at all. You're the emotional one here.
Well, sure - 1400 of my people were intentionally tortured to death, and we now have indoctrinated leftists screaming ”Death to Jews!!” on Ivy campuses, and the brainwashed presidents refusing to condemn it. So yeah, I’m upset as we head into Germany, 1940.
Yes - the most important thing is that Israel defeat the enemy and keep them from committing another Oct 7, and Israel knows it.

I met a young lady a few nights ago whose sister was intentionally at the music festival. Her anguish over the loss is compounded by the suffering her sister endured in her last minutes. What type of subhuman savages go on a rampage to rape and kill hundreds of young people out for a fun evening at at a music festival?
Or, they're human enough... the very worst and most truly evil humans... deserving of death without mercy.
Where did I say I want ALL jews killed?

This is nothing but emotional hyperbole on your part.

You think any criticism of any Jew is tantamount to wanting to kill ALL Jews.
And where did I say I want all Gazans killed? I’m just doing to you what you did to me.

Are you so driven by your antisemitism that you couldn’t even recognize that? Not too smart, are you?
Well, sure - 1400 of my people were intentionally tortured to death, and we now have indoctrinated leftists screaming ”Death to Jews!!” on Ivy campuses, and the brainwashed presidents refusing to condemn it. So yeah, I’m upset as we head into Germany, 1940.

It already is.

The OP is right that Israel isn't fooling around about their mission to Genocide the Palestinians.

They're just not hiding from it any more.

If you got a pack of wolves (living outside your property line) but getting thru the fence, eating your livestock and killing your puppies and Children? Knock them out. Eliminate the threat. That is the ONLY way to ensure peace and tranquility. They will keep coming for food.
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No you are playing it up into another Holocaust.

People get tortured and killed every day in the world it's just what people do
So why are you making a fuss about the Jew-hating Gazans who have been killed? It’s just what happens every day in the world. No big deal. it’s just what people do.

Or….is it just no big deal when it is Jews who are tortured and killed?

And yes, having thousands of America’s future leaders march around calling for the genocide of Jews is eerily reminiscent of the hostility and hate that preceded the concentration camps.
So why are you making a fuss about the Jew-hating Gazans who have been killed? It’s just what happens every day in the world. No big deal. it’s just what people do.

Or….is it just no big deal when it is Jews who are tortured and killed?

And yes, having thousands of America’s future leaders march around calling for the genocide of Jews is eerily reminiscent of the hostility and hate that preceded the concentration camps.

Maybe because I don't think there is any good reason to kill women and children who have little or no choice where they were born.

But it's OK with you because a few or "your" people got killed.
Maybe because I don't think there is any good reason to kill women and children who have little or no choice where they were born.

But it's OK with you because a few or "your" people got killed.
Oh….a “few of my people got killed.” Is that it?

You mean the Muslim monsters hunted to find 1,400 innocent Jews to torture to death, including putting babies in ovens and cutting off their heads, and setting children on fire.

Your attempt to downplay the deliberate torture of 1,400 Jews, for no reason than they were Jewish, tells me you are a roaring antisemite. I hope you burn in hell.
Oh….a “few of my people got killed.” Is that it?

You mean the Muslim monsters hunted to find 1,400 innocent Jews to torture to death, including putting babies in ovens and cutting off their heads, and setting children on fire.

Your attempt to downplay the deliberate torture of 1,400 Jews, for no reason than they were Jewish, tells me you are a roaring antisemite. I hope you burn in hell.

I see little difference in killing a baby with a bomb or with a rifle, or a boot heel or by setting it on fire.

But you obviously think killing a Jewish baby is worse than killing any other baby.
I see little difference in killing a baby with a bomb or with a rifle, or a boot heel or by setting it on fire.

But you obviously think killing a Jewish baby is worse than killing any other baby.
Goodbye and good riddance, you obvious antisemite.
Yes heaven forbid I don't place the lives of Jews over the lives of every other person on the planet
You are taking the tack of antisemitic liberals, right down to the dripping condescension and the accusations that aren’t true.
You are taking the tack of antisemitic liberals, right down to the dripping condescension and the accusations that aren’t true.
No I am actually saying that all innocent lives are equal but you don't want to hear that.
No I am actually saying that all innocent lives are equal but you don't want to hear that.
A propaganda line no one believes. Just are these people innocent of? A recent poll, taken during the pause to exchanges hostages, showed 72% if Palestinians support the Oct 7 attack, meaning they support the rape, torture and murder of Israeli civilians, so while many of the so called Palestinians may fairly be called noncombatants, few can be called innocent.

A propaganda line no one believes. Just are these people innocent of? A recent poll, taken during the pause to exchanges hostages, showed 72% if Palestinians support the Oct 7 attack, meaning they support the rape, torture and murder of Israeli civilians, so while many of the so called Palestinians may fairly be called noncombatants, few can be called innocent.

Blues Man doesn’t want to hear that. He thinks the inadvertent death of a child being used as a shield by HAMAS is the same as HAMAS baking a baby to death in an oven while violently raping his mother to death.
If you got a pack of wolves (living outside your property line) but getting thru the fence, eating your livestock and killing your puppies and Children? Knock them out. Eliminate the threat. That is the ONLY way to ensure peace and tranquility. They will keep coming for food.
Thank you for agreeing w/me.
A propaganda line no one believes. Just are these people innocent of? A recent poll, taken during the pause to exchanges hostages, showed 72% if Palestinians support the Oct 7 attack, meaning they support the rape, torture and murder of Israeli civilians, so while many of the so called Palestinians may fairly be called noncombatants, few can be called innocent.

So it's OK to kill kids in Gaza got it.
So it's OK to kill kids in Gaza got it.
The overwhelming majority of the Palestinians you call innocent believe it is ok to kill kids in Israel, as apparently you do, too.

Every one of the conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians has been initiated by the Palestinians, who recognize no moral boundaries and every one of the complaints the so called Palestinians have are the result of their own efforts to destroy Jews/Israel. Got it?

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