Israel and the second amendment

a loss for words

VIP Member
Oct 20, 2017
I thought it would be instructive how they handle people carrying military hardware around

People carry guns. Not a problem
They are citizen Soldiers. must admit though that getting off of the Plane in Jerusalem and seeing all of the weapons openly carried about was disconcerting.
Posted a thread on this in the CDZ. The Israelis prove the NRA 's arguments are right. The claim they have stricter laws' is merely misleading.

Israel proves the NRA's arguments

In reality, Israel's gun policy is living proof of the arguments the American gun lobby has been making for years.


In the past, proponents of limiting civilian access to firearms have extolled Israel as having the proper approach to limiting mass shootings, pointing to the numerous legal hoops Israelis must jump through in order to be granted a gun license.


Erdan explained that "civilians well trained in the use of weapons provide reinforcement in the struggle against terrorism", while Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat called for every resident to carry a gun, and was even photographed traveling the city carrying a Glock 23.

In addition, the overwhelming majority of terror attacks in Israel are stopped by armed civilians, not law enforcement. For example, the terrorists in the 2016 Sarona market attack were stopped by armed passersby. A pistol-carrying tour guide put an end to the 2017 ramming attack in Arnona that left four soldiers dead.

In Israeli eyes, guns are a valuable deterrent against terrorism. In fact, terrorists have told the Shin Bet internal security service that they often target haredi Jews due to the high likelihood that they are unarmed.


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