Israel defends itself?

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Yeah, Israel doesn't dig tunnels. Know why? Because they have sophistocated military planes and helicopters that control the skies.

Maybe you might benefit from doing some research. Look up how many Israelis have been killed (and wounded) from years of rocket launches. The number is surprising low mostly because those rockets aren't very sophistocated to begin with. I'm not defending it. I'm just saying that there's a lightyear's worth of difference between the weapons both sides use.

As far as Israel's so-called warnings are concerned, I'd like to see one or hear one. Regardless, it's the height of insanity to try to blame the Palestinians for the deaths of their own children simply because they just so happened to be where the bombs or artillery landed.

So it's OK to try to murder someone if you lack fighting skills.
Are you really that stupid or are you working at it?

What amazes me is the right's willingness to accept the deaths of innocent women and children just because they're Palestinians. Where's your moral outrage at the deaths of innocents at the hands of a superior military force, regardless of who's pulling the trigger?

So, you would rather that we allow Hamas to continue firing rockets at Israel then? Do you accept Israel's right to independence?

What amazes me is your willingness not to accept the fact that Hamas brings any and everything it brings upon itself. Your moral compass is broken. You cannot see how little Hamas cares for the civilians in Gaza. Your disproportionate force argument is bunk. If you use a slingshot to attack a man with a gun, expect to be filled full of lead. Don't whine because he had a better weapon than you.

Yeah, Israel doesn't dig tunnels. Know why? Because they have sophistocated military planes and helicopters that control the skies.

Maybe you might benefit from doing some research. Look up how many Israelis have been killed (and wounded) from years of rocket launches. The number is surprising low mostly because those rockets aren't very sophistocated to begin with. I'm not defending it. I'm just saying that there's a lightyear's worth of difference between the weapons both sides use.

As far as Israel's so-called warnings are concerned, I'd like to see one or hear one. Regardless, it's the height of insanity to try to blame the Palestinians for the deaths of their own children simply because they just so happened to be where the bombs or artillery landed.

If the dumbass Palestinians would cease attempting to kill Iraelis, they would need not fear any of Israel's super weapons.

Any parent who keeps their children in a war zone, likely to be bombed, is fully responsible for the safety of those children. Those children didn't just happen to be there, they were kept their by their parents, or possibly by Hamas fighters. There are large sections of Gaza that are not being targeted, or invaded.

You must be a fool. Where do you think these people are supposed to go? They live crowded into areas with no options of jumping into an SUV to stay in some motel somewhere.

One of the things I hear conservatives constantly say is that they have hard and fast principles, and that they believe in moral absolutes.

Consequently, what >I< want to know is where the hell is the moral outrage at IDF forces targeting and killing innocent civilians including women and children? Why aren't conservatives condemning this despite the fact that they support Israel? Or am I supposed to believe that the only way to support Israel is to defend this kind of military action as well?

Interestingly enough, Israel actually evacuated the Gazans themselves. Geez. And where is the moral outrage when we have documented footage of Hamas militants using hospitals as bases of operation and children as human shields? Where are you, O champion of morality?
Your jackboots fit Nazirella. That's not my fault. I just call 'em like I see 'em.
You are a mouthbreathing idiot. You see nothing except what your Aryan masters want you to see.

LOL! YOU are the fascist, dude!

Just the fact you are calling him a fascist means he successfully debunked your argument. You spout anti-Israeli propaganda incessantly. As such you reap the consequences of your blatant ignorance of the facts.
If Israel is fasist, so are Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE who are supporting Israel in their current eradication of Hamas; I don't hear ANY of the three entities complaining.
Israel has to stop fighting this gay style war of announcing when and where they are going to hit an area. What the fuck is that about? That's a limpwrister strategy!!! We'd all be speaking German if WWII was fought with limpwrister lefty rules of engagement.

Also wtf........if they identify an area where a missile came from, they need to be using one of THESE in response >>>

[ame=]100 Ton MOAB - YouTube[/ame]

PS....turn up volume to get an idea of full effect:D:D:badgrin: HOLY FUCK.....30 seconds after detonation, you can hear fragments moving at supersonic speeds across the grouond!!
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By all means let's be fair. The Israelis should shut down their iron dome system so their dead can equal the raghead dead.

Your post is nonsensical.

To begin with the Iron Dome system is TRULY a defensive weapons, unlike the weapon systems used to attack Gaza. Secondly, Iron Dome can NOT be used AS an offensive weapon. So, it's not even relevant to this thread.

Which leads me to the following question: Why do conservatives post so much irrelevant BS?

My final point is this: Your post is not only silly, it's racist, as well.

This post has me wondering.

How much do really know about the Israeli Palestinians conflict? First of all the Iron Dome system is purely defensive. It shoots down incoming rockets from Palestine and Gaza. So, I guess we should ask them to shut it down so the two sides can be on a level playing field eh? Perhaps you should read the post before commenting on it.

And why do you liberals post so much Palestinian propaganda? And yes, Hamas is a collective of rag heads. Cry racism all you wish, but it doesn't change the fact that Israel is defending itself, and Hamas is defending itself by standing innocent civilians in the line of fire.

Please feel free to debate me on the conflict. I have more material in my room on the subject than you could ever hope to find in a Google search.

What the hell did I say? Do you even read before you write?

Your post is nonsensical.

To begin with the Iron Dome system is TRULY a defensive weapons, unlike the weapon systems used to attack Gaza. Secondly, Iron Dome can NOT be used AS an offensive weapon. So, it's not even relevant to this thread.

Which leads me to the following question: Why do conservatives post so much irrelevant BS?

My final point is this: Your post is not only silly, it's racist, as well.

This post has me wondering.

How much do really know about the Israeli Palestinian conflict? First of all the Iron Dome system is purely defensive. It shoots down incoming rockets from Palestine and Gaza. So, I guess we should ask them to shut it down so the two sides can be on a level playing field eh? Perhaps you should read the post before commenting on it.

And why do you liberals post so much Palestinian propaganda? And yes, Hamas is a collective of rag heads. Cry racism all you wish, but it doesn't change the fact that Israel is defending itself, and Hamas is defending itself by standing innocent civilians in the line of fire.

Please feel free to debate me on the conflict. I have more material in my room on the subject than you could ever hope to find in a Google search.

What the hell did I say? Do you even read before you write?

You thought he implied Israel could use the Iron Dome to attack Gaza. Perhaps the dumbest thing you could possibly delineate from his post. Your argument was a strawman. Because he never made the suggestion that Israel could attack Gaza with the Iron Dome system. Nice try, but no.
Answer my question.

Do you have any idea of whom you are defending? Hamas uses human shields. Those civilian casualties were human shields. The IDF is not some twisted form of the Shutzstaffel who goes out at night to brutally execute Gazans just because they are Gazans.
Answer my question.

Do you have any idea of whom you are defending? Hamas uses human shields. Those civilian casualties were human shields. The IDF is not some twisted form of the Shutzstaffel who goes out at night to brutally execute Gazans just because they are Gazans.

I haven't defended Hamas.

Then why this thread? Why point out the civilian deaths while ignoring how Hamas causes those civilian deaths by using them as shields? Too busy holding Israel to a higher standard, are we?
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Besides, what was this?

Mustang said:
When a militarily far more powerful foe launches a military assault on a weaker opponent in the name of self-defense, it better be careful regarding its targets and the scale of its assault, or it's going to look like plain old brutality.

So tell me, who is this 'weaker opponent' you are referring to?
What difference does it make when the terrorism began? Does murder have a statute of limitations?

Why is it irrelevant to you how the zionists carved out the Jewish state?


Jews were there before Mohammed invented Allah.

If ancient ancestral claims were valid, the Indians would get America back.

Oh, so you are going to give your home up to a native American? No, just like you will not give up one of your rooms to an illegal.

As usual, me pointing out to the liberal hypocrites, how they are hypocritical about every so called stance they take.

Which is no stance at all.

I also am laughing to myself thinking how I just complimented this loser by insinuating he has his own house.
Well, the liberal thread fail is complete. They start one, they think they are making a point, they get the thanks from the usual gaggle of liberal losers, rational thinkers then refute their claims with facts, liberals then obfuscate and use red herrings and eventually go to the nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in doo doo retort.

This thread has been over since Carbineer posted for the first time in this thread.
You libtards live in lala land.

LOL! That's rich coming from the end of the political spectrum that thinks climate change is some kind of a massive scientific hoax.

And what does climate change have to do with with your thread, exactly?

Non Sequitur.

I think it can also be classified as a red herring.

Yes, the cycle of the liberal is that predictable.

Funny how the puppets go right along with the change in terminology isn't it? Climate change. I do not think he got the memo. It is now being called climate disruption, since man made global warming clearly did not make sense, and climate change did not imply human activity enough.
You libtards live in lala land.

LOL! That's rich coming from the end of the political spectrum that thinks climate change is some kind of a massive scientific hoax.

And what does climate change have to do with with your thread, exactly?

Non Sequitur.

You're the one who brought up lala land.

However, to answer your question, there's nothing loopier than denying the effect of increasing greenhouse gases on a planet that's only warm in the first place because of greenhouse gases. Even that nutcase, Mark Levin, readily acknowledges that the Earth is only warm BECAUSE of gases like CO2. So, don't ask me how he goes from that admission to denying that increasing CO2 could lead to even more heat.

Aside from the simple scientific reality of how greenhouses gases interact with the Earth's environment, the idea that tens of thousands of scientists would participate in a massive conspiracy is laughable in and of itself. That's lala territory if there ever was such a place.
LOL! That's rich coming from the end of the political spectrum that thinks climate change is some kind of a massive scientific hoax.

And what does climate change have to do with with your thread, exactly?

Non Sequitur.

You're the one who brought up lala land.

However, to answer your question, there's nothing loopier than denying the effect of increasing greenhouse gases on a planet that's only warm in the first place because of greenhouse gases. Even that nutcase, Mark Levin, readily acknowledges that the Earth is only warm BECAUSE of gases like CO2. So, don't ask me how he goes from that admission to denying that increasing CO2 could lead to even more heat.

Aside from the simple scientific reality of how greenhouses gases interact with the Earth's environment, the idea that tens of thousands of scientists would participate in a massive conspiracy is laughable in and of itself. That's lala territory if there ever was such a place.

No, AmericanFirst brought up lala land. You brought up climate change. I told you this thread was going bye bye. Nice how you toasted your own thread by bringing up a completely irrelevant argument.
The Dementedness Destroying Israel

By William A. Cook
The PR campaign Livni had to resort to cannot cover the reality of the demented that have voices in the Knesset, in the rants of right wing Rabbis, or in the gangs that control the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Nor can the New York Times reporters carry on as they have and here described by Blumenthal:

Jodi Rudoren and Isabel Kershner and the rest of the reporters at the New York Times Jerusalem bureau actually have to devote endless stores of energy to avoid reporting on all of the outrages unfolding all around them. Instead of reporting on the Prawer Plan to ethnically cleanse Bedouin citizens of Israel, for example, or the anti-African race riots in Tel Aviv—pivotal events in the history of the state of Israel—Rudoren covers a beauty contest for Holocaust survivors or takes to Facebook to complain about how she missed her spinning class but made up for it by scaling the steps of a building in Gaza destroyed by Israeli bombing. And when Kershner covers the national campaign to expel non-Jewish Africans, she focuses the story on the liberal Israelis and their anguished souls, rather than on the Africans who are being rounded up and placed in camps for the crime of not being Jewish. Just imagine if they went out and covered what was actually happening on the ground and clinically detailed the logic and planning behind it.

Even more ironic of course is the recent need for the Washington Post to run a story from Tel Aviv by William Booth, Jerusalem bureau chief, about the killing of four young boys playing on the beach, killed by missile fire from a ship off the coast. Reporters in the sea side beach hotel witnessed the carnage and grasped its implications as destructive to the Israeli contention of controlled intervention. How could the paper not report this incident?

We could smell the charge. I wondered: Did Hamas just fire a rocket? But it was the sound of an incoming round. We saw a small fisherman’s shack on the quay, churning with gray smoke.

Then we saw a gang of kids running from the shack, down the breakwater and onto the sand, hurtling toward al-Deira. A couple of waiters, the cook and a few journalists started waving at them. Run here! Then a second strike landed right behind them.

The staff were yelling, “They’re hurt!”

A half-dozen kids made it to the hotel. A young man also reached safety and fainted. He was bleeding from the abdomen. He was scooped up and carried to a taxi by a big, friendly bear of a bellman, room cleaner and night watchman named Mahmoud Abu Zbaidah.


Israel as a state embodies the weaknesses of all states over the centuries as it contains within it the infection of its own demise. Confidence nourishes it for a time, arrogance becomes its mantra, expectation of immortality feeds its greed and its lust for on-going power, and in its glory it forgets that others witness and others suffer the bloated ferociousness of its beliefs in its own “exceptionalism,” its ordained purpose in its G-d’s anointment of His chosen. But that G-d is their invention, a G-d of war according to their own book of Exodus, designed for another century when competing tribes roamed the middle east each with its own god, and they in time defeated the G-d of war forcing His chosen to roam the earth.
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