Israel: Envy or Emulate?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
George Gilder's "Israel Test"

A distinguishing characteristic of Liberals and Leftists is an aversion to recognizing or acknowledging evil and its permutations, i.e., communism. On another level, it explains the Left’s dislike for capitalism, a system which produces winners and losers, a painful fact that the Left would rather not see.

And on an international level, it largely explains the Left's antipathy toward Israel.....

1." How do you respond to people who excel you in invention, creativity, and wealth? Do you envy them? Do you feel their success somehow diminishes you? Or do you admire what they've achieved and try to emulate it? [That is] what I call "The Israel Test."

2. ... Jews settled in mandate Palestine and wrought an agricultural miracle..... Jewish settlers drained malarial swamps, leached salt from the soils, terraced the barren hills, and planted millions of trees. They massively expanded the capacity of the land and enabled it to support a substantial Arab population.

3. Crucial to Israel's accomplishments were world leading technological advances in the recovery of water through desalinization, drip irrigation, and sewage recycling.

4. .... between 1921 and 1943, Jews quadrupled the number of enterprises, multiplied the number of jobs by a factor of 10, and increased the level of capital investment a hundredfold. Far from displacing Arabs, they provided the capital for a major expansion of Arab farms and enabled a sevenfold rise in Arab population by 1948, to a level of 1.35 million, the largest in the long history of Palestine. In other words, the Arabs came to what would be soon be the State of Israel because of the Jews

5. By comparison, Trans-Jordan, now known as Jordan, with the same geological endowment and four times the land but no Jews was able to sustain a population density only one tenth of the population density of Palestine.

6. Over the past fifty years, Israel has increased its population tenfold, its agricultural production sixteen fold and its industrial production fifty-fold while actually reducing net water consumption by ten percent since 1948 [enabling] the land to support not only more Jews, but also millions more Arabs.

7. ... Israel with its astonishing achievements in computer science and other high tech fields distills both the genius of the Jews and the misdirected anger of the failed states that surround her.

8. The great divide in the Middle East is .... between admiration of achievement, along with a desire to replicate it, and envy accompanied by violent resentment.

9. People who admire success, who pass the Israel Test, tend to be wealthy and peaceful. People who resent achievement, who fail the Israel Test, tend to become poor and violent.

10. The Israel Test is the central divide in the world today.

How you answer it as an individual and ultimately how we answer it as a nation is a test of our own will to triumph over enemies who hate us, as they hate Israel, for what is best within us."
Do You Pass the Israel Test? - Prager University
Israel is not a capitalistic only nation, they also have socialism involved. But try to put liberals down and lie about their true shows your true nature of hate and bigotry...

I owned a business and ran it for 37 years....Have an Israeli friend in Israel and an Israeli flag flying on the flag pole in the front yard. I love to make people eat their hate...
Israel is not a capitalistic only nation, they also have socialism involved. But try to put liberals down and lie about their true shows your true nature of hate and bigotry...

I owned a business and ran it for 37 years....Have an Israeli friend in Israel and an Israeli flag flying on the flag pole in the front yard. I love to make people eat their hate...

So are you denying the left's disproportionate disdain for Israel or are you saying there are other causes?
Israel is not a capitalistic only nation, they also have socialism involved. But try to put liberals down and lie about their true shows your true nature of hate and bigotry...

I owned a business and ran it for 37 years....Have an Israeli friend in Israel and an Israeli flag flying on the flag pole in the front yard. I love to make people eat their hate...

So are you denying the left's disproportionate disdain for Israel or are you saying there are other causes?

There are people on the right which have disdain for Israel also..Why are they continuously overlooked?
Israel is not a capitalistic only nation, they also have socialism involved. But try to put liberals down and lie about their true shows your true nature of hate and bigotry...

I owned a business and ran it for 37 years....Have an Israeli friend in Israel and an Israeli flag flying on the flag pole in the front yard. I love to make people eat their hate...

You must eat a lot of it then, what, every few minutes or so. :lol:
Israel is not a capitalistic only nation, they also have socialism involved. But try to put liberals down and lie about their true shows your true nature of hate and bigotry...

I owned a business and ran it for 37 years....Have an Israeli friend in Israel and an Israeli flag flying on the flag pole in the front yard. I love to make people eat their hate...

So are you denying the left's disproportionate disdain for Israel or are you saying there are other causes?

There are people on the right which have disdain for Israel also..Why are they continuously overlooked?

With this I completely agree! And I ask the same.

Many on the right, cloak themselves as so-called Christians, while hating Jews or African-Americans. At least most of the left who hate Israel don't try to pretend to be Christian while doing it.
George Gilder's "Israel Test"

A distinguishing characteristic of Liberals and Leftists is an aversion to recognizing or acknowledging evil and its permutations, i.e., communism. On another level, it explains the Left’s dislike for capitalism, a system which produces winners and losers, a painful fact that the Left would rather not see.

And on an international level, it largely explains the Left's antipathy toward Israel.....

1." How do you respond to people who excel you in invention, creativity, and wealth? Do you envy them? Do you feel their success somehow diminishes you? Or do you admire what they've achieved and try to emulate it? [That is] what I call "The Israel Test."

2. ... Jews settled in mandate Palestine and wrought an agricultural miracle..... Jewish settlers drained malarial swamps, leached salt from the soils, terraced the barren hills, and planted millions of trees. They massively expanded the capacity of the land and enabled it to support a substantial Arab population.

3. Crucial to Israel's accomplishments were world leading technological advances in the recovery of water through desalinization, drip irrigation, and sewage recycling.

4. .... between 1921 and 1943, Jews quadrupled the number of enterprises, multiplied the number of jobs by a factor of 10, and increased the level of capital investment a hundredfold. Far from displacing Arabs, they provided the capital for a major expansion of Arab farms and enabled a sevenfold rise in Arab population by 1948, to a level of 1.35 million, the largest in the long history of Palestine. In other words, the Arabs came to what would be soon be the State of Israel because of the Jews

5. By comparison, Trans-Jordan, now known as Jordan, with the same geological endowment and four times the land but no Jews was able to sustain a population density only one tenth of the population density of Palestine.

6. Over the past fifty years, Israel has increased its population tenfold, its agricultural production sixteen fold and its industrial production fifty-fold while actually reducing net water consumption by ten percent since 1948 [enabling] the land to support not only more Jews, but also millions more Arabs.

7. ... Israel with its astonishing achievements in computer science and other high tech fields distills both the genius of the Jews and the misdirected anger of the failed states that surround her.

8. The great divide in the Middle East is .... between admiration of achievement, along with a desire to replicate it, and envy accompanied by violent resentment.

9. People who admire success, who pass the Israel Test, tend to be wealthy and peaceful. People who resent achievement, who fail the Israel Test, tend to become poor and violent.

10. The Israel Test is the central divide in the world today.

How you answer it as an individual and ultimately how we answer it as a nation is a test of our own will to triumph over enemies who hate us, as they hate Israel, for what is best within us."
Do You Pass the Israel Test? - Prager University

I'm 'poor and peaceful.' :) I didn't grow up affluent and so never became addicted to money as a source of my happiness. As I like to say it's more important to be able to be happy alone and in an empty room. If you can be happy with nothing and no one, then anything up the ladder from that will see you still happy. But when people start off higher on the ladder I think more than anything else they fear descending rungs. Whereas the poor are happy with what little they have while looking up. Rich people look down instead.

The more you have, the more you fear loosing it. Why we must learn to 'let go.' ;)
The OP presents a false dichotomy. .. :eusa_hand:

The arab people had lived and farmed the land for centuries before the land was stolen and named Israel. The land had large olive tree orchards and farms which produced plenty of food for the population. After the jews drove the arab farmers off their land in 1948. The jews would claim they were the people who turn the land into an agricultural paradise. Which is a bare faced lie.

The only reason the Israeli jews were able to increase their wealth and economy was due to 3 things.

1) The jews kicked the arab owners off their land and then paid them crap wages to work the farms for them.

2) The jews were given billions by jews from other countries, mainly America, to build their racist apartheid state.

3) European countries gave additional "guilt" billions to the jews because of the so called holocaust.

Not quite the jewish "miracle" the Israeli PR machine tries to present to the world.

But just another Zionist lie swallowed by the gullible. ... :cool:
must be so fulfilling to preach anti something on a daily basis instead of for something
Israel is not a capitalistic only nation, they also have socialism involved. But try to put liberals down and lie about their true shows your true nature of hate and bigotry...

I owned a business and ran it for 37 years....Have an Israeli friend in Israel and an Israeli flag flying on the flag pole in the front yard. I love to make people eat their hate...

So are you denying the left's disproportionate disdain for Israel or are you saying there are other causes?

There are people on the right which have disdain for Israel also..Why are they continuously overlooked?

Thus my use of the term "disproportionate" which, in this case, means that a far greater percentage of those on the left hate Israel than those on the right. So are you denying the left's disproportionate disdain for Israel or are you saying there are other causes?
The OP presents a false dichotomy. .. :eusa_hand:

The arab people had lived and farmed the land for centuries before the land was stolen and named Israel. The land had large olive tree orchards and farms which produced plenty of food for the population. After the jews drove the arab farmers off their land in 1948. The jews would claim they were the people who turn the land into an agricultural paradise. Which is a bare faced lie.

The only reason the Israeli jews were able to increase their wealth and economy was due to 3 things.

1) The jews kicked the arab owners off their land and then paid them crap wages to work the farms for them.

2) The jews were given billions by jews from other countries, mainly America, to build their racist apartheid state.

3) European countries gave additional "guilt" billions to the jews because of the so called holocaust.

Not quite the jewish "miracle" the Israeli PR machine tries to present to the world.

But just another Zionist lie swallowed by the gullible. ... :cool:

You're not serious....are you?

A refutation of your message can be found in this witticism...

Q: How many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. Arabs just sit in the dark and blame it on the jews.
How many ___ does it take to put in a light bulb? [Archive] - - Home of Australian Muslims
Israel is not a capitalistic only nation, they also have socialism involved. But try to put liberals down and lie about their true shows your true nature of hate and bigotry...

I owned a business and ran it for 37 years....Have an Israeli friend in Israel and an Israeli flag flying on the flag pole in the front yard. I love to make people eat their hate...

1. "Israel is not a capitalistic only nation,..."
The OP doesn't say it is....

2. "But try to put liberals down and lie about their true shows your true nature of hate and bigotry..."

I have no bias....I simply go where the facts take me.

3. These sort of facts....

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?
They have lived off of Germany since WWII and US money. And they still are depending on US money and the Zionist here use gentile money and give it to Israel, so look at the facts. There is nothing special about the Jews, as a matter of fact many got educated in Germany, you know the country they blamed for their demise. Also the are yet using that sympathy card.
2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.
Even rabid zionists have a hard time denying this item on your list. .. :cool:

I gotcha' now, Sunni...

'colonialism', a pejorative?

But I bet you agree with the following:

1. “ Having trouble understanding President Obama's "worldview"? Former speaker of the House of Representatives and possible Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich may be able to help! According to Newt, you can only understand Obama if you "understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior."
Newt Gingrich: 'Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior' Is Model for Obama'

a. In short, the President is motivated by a Third World, anti-American ideology.

2. “Anti-colonialism” is one of the most powerful political forces in the non-Western world in the last 100 years, and is both a cornerstone of Western liberalism, and, tied to anti-American views, a major direction of teaching at most leading colleges and universities.

3. The major tenets of anti-colonialism include the following: “The wealth of the imperial countries is our wealth too,” writes Franz Fanon in “The Wretched of the Earth.” Fanon fought in the Algerian revolution against he French; Obama says that in college he relished reading and quoting Fanon. “or in a very concrete way Europe has stuffed herself inordinately with the gold and raw materials of the colonial countries….Europe is literally the creation of the Third world….wealth stolen from the underdeveloped peoples.”
Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 11.
They have lived off of Germany since WWII and US money. And they still are depending on US money and the Zionist here use gentile money and give it to Israel, so look at the facts. There is nothing special about the Jews, as a matter of fact many got educated in Germany, you know the country they blamed for their demise. Also the are yet using that sympathy card.

"There is nothing special about the Jews,..."

You'd best have someone read the OP to you.....and explain it.

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