Israel propaganda exposed: "Al Rantisi Hospital in Gaza was used for military purposes"

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
Video footage depicts Israeli forces alleging that Al Rantisi Hospital in Gaza served Hamas militarily. In the video, a soldier misinterprets a calendar, claiming it's an operation list against Israel. However, closer inspection reveals Arabic week names and dates, debunking the assertion.

The soldier mistakenly identifies the days as a 'terrorist guardian list.'

This led to social media mockery, with many highlighting it as Israeli propaganda, as reported by Al Quds News Network.

As part of an Israeli claim that Al Rantisi Hospital in #Gaza was used by Hamas for military purposes, this soldier says that a calendar, with crossed-out days, is a "list that says we are in an operation. The operation against Israel."

He also points to the days of the week claiming that they are "a guardian list where every terrorist writes his name and every terrorist has his own shift."

The video where the IOF clown points to the days of the week claiming that they are "a guardian list where every terrorist writes his name and every terrorist has his own shift." :cool::cool: :

Video footage depicts Israeli forces alleging that Al Rantisi Hospital in Gaza served Hamas militarily. In the video, a soldier misinterprets a calendar, claiming it's an operation list against Israel. However, closer inspection reveals Arabic week names and dates, debunking the assertion.

The soldier mistakenly identifies the days as a 'terrorist guardian list.'

This led to social media mockery, with many highlighting it as Israeli propaganda, as reported by Al Quds News Network.

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The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released a video on Monday showing a tunnel belonging to the terrorist group Hamas that was located right next to the Rantisi Hospital inside Gaza.

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari showed how the covert tunnel, buried approximately 60 feet below ground, had blast proof doors and is believed to run directly underneath the hospital, which constitutes a war crime. The tunnels were powered by solar panels placed on top of the hospital.

Hagari then showed viewers the basement of the hospital and the evidence that was present that indicated that hostages were being held there.

The IDF found large quantities of explosives, grenades, RPGs, ammunition, firearms, suicide vests, and more in the basement of the hospital. They even found what they believed was one of the motorcycles that Hamas terrorists rode into Israel during their October 7 attack.


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