Israel Shares 43 Minutes of Gruesome Hamas Attacks

It really seems to me that America has become known as the country that is known for nearly all of the evils in the world, or if not then supports the state this is.

It's turned out that all criticism of China and Russia is just US fabricated hate propaganda.

Take responsibility for your lying claims Frank.

If you desire further discussion with me on the matter then you're going to have to keep it polite and adult in nature. Otherwise, to me you're just another Marvin or it's ilk.

Go back to Canada boards if you don't like the truth posted in here. About 95% of your postings are not understandable//
Go back to Canada boards if you don't like the truth posted in here. About 95% of your postings are not understandable//
I'm trying to dumb down the remaining 5% to your level Ralph. Improve your behaviour or be ignored. It's time for some of us to try to bring this board back up to a reasonable standard of decency.
It really seems to me that America has become known as the country that is known for nearly all of the evils in the world, or if not then supports the state this is.

It's turned out that all criticism of China and Russia is just US fabricated hate propaganda.

Take responsibility for your lying claims Frank.

If you desire further discussion with me on the matter then you're going to have to keep it polite and adult in nature. Otherwise, to me you're just another Marvin or it's ilk.
Are you stating that China is not a huge denier of human rights?
I'm trying to dumb down the remaining 5% to your level Ralph. Improve your behaviour or be ignored. It's time for some of us to try to bring this board back up to a reasonable standard of decency.
Is this the type of politeness you are talking about? Keep it
Is this the type of politeness you are talking about? Keep it

In his defense, I attack first and often. I despise the Commee puke on this board. He seems to be another one trying to walk the center line. Got some Candian Blackgatermac in him apparently, EH?
As opposed to the years of brutal occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. Or the Concentration Camps Israel created for Palestinians.
Exactly! Zionists/ Israelis stole the jewish Identity to commit crimes and reap as much souls and fortunes as they can as per hundreds Jewish Rabbis stated! They didn’t even comply to the oppression international laws and kept stealing Palestinian lands and turning it to Israeli settlements! Israeli’s are barbaric and arrogant, They used to come to Egypt and provoke us saying it’s their land.. Also they bombed an Egyptian primary school called Bahr El-baqar KILLED and BURNED hundreds of CHILDREN! Israel oppressed and humiliated Palestinians for 75 years whilst spreading how civilized and democratic they are and it’s far from the truth! They can listen to fair jewish rabbis saying how they’re oppressed in Israel as they don’t agree with their crimes towards the Palestinians, stealing their lands, resources and lives! This is insane watching people supporting children murderers! So far we haven’t seen 1 photo for a beheaded child! Also hamas raped woman? Seriously as if they had time!!! Why didn’t they rape the hostages who came out saying Hamas treated them very nicely, fed them from their food and kept them clean and healthy!! While Israeli’s are mercilessly bombarding Gaza flattening it!!!

If Israel wanna save the hostages how come they’re bombarding Gaza killing 50 hostages by their rockets as Hamas announced??? What’s their fuckin logic????
Zionists r same as Nazis bruh! Don’t make’em fool u…
Thanks for showing us pictures of Oct 7. Wait a minute…. Can’t be Didn’t see any beheaded babies, a grandmother and grandchild burned beyond recognition, pregnant women’s uterus ripped out with the stabbed fetus attached to the umbilical cord, etc etc
Exactly! Zionists/ Israelis stole the jewish Identity to commit crimes and reap as much souls and fortunes as they can as per hundreds Jewish Rabbis stated! They didn’t even comply to the oppression international laws and kept stealing Palestinian lands and turning it to Israeli settlements! Israeli’s are barbaric and arrogant, They used to come to Egypt and provoke us saying it’s their land.. Also they bombed an Egyptian primary school called Bahr El-baqar KILLED and BURNED hundreds of CHILDREN! Israel oppressed and humiliated Palestinians for 75 years whilst spreading how civilized and democratic they are and it’s far from the truth! They can listen to fair jewish rabbis saying how they’re oppressed in Israel as they don’t agree with their crimes towards the Palestinians, stealing their lands, resources and lives! This is insane watching people supporting children murderers! So far we haven’t seen 1 photo for a beheaded child! Also hamas raped woman? Seriously as if they had time!!! Why didn’t they rape the hostages who came out saying Hamas treated them very nicely, fed them from their food and kept them clean and healthy!! While Israeli’s are mercilessly bombarding Gaza flattening it!!!

If Israel wanna save the hostages how come they’re bombarding Gaza killing 50 hostages by their rockets as Hamas announced??? What’s their fuckin logic????

There no logic, this killing for the sake of killing.
Go watch it: can't copy it. VIDEO: Hamas Documented Atrocities - FOOTAGE RELEASED by Israel of Barbaric Attack on Innocent Civilians ...WARNING ON CONTENT | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Intentional murder and torture of living human beings is not equivelant to HAMAS using human shields and the shields get accidentally hit. Pound sand. Israel has every right to go thru the entire region if they so choo
Thanks for showing us pictures of Oct 7. Wait a minute…. Can’t be Didn’t see any beheaded babies, a grandmother and grandchild burned beyond recognition, pregnant women’s uterus ripped out with the stabbed fetus attached to the umbilical cord, etc etc
I’d believe you when I see a photo and/or a video! Biden said he saw beheaded babies and raped women but they took it back when they were asked for professional resources/ proofs

AI photos and stolen photos from other incidents only works with naive folks not us .. we’re immune from Zionists propaganda.
I’d believe you when I see a photo and/or a video! Biden said he saw beheaded babies and raped women but they took it back when they were asked for professional resources/ proofs

AI photos and stolen photos from other incidents only works with naive folks not us .. we’re immune from Zionists propaganda.
Hmmmm? :rolleyes-41:Palistinians should not have elected a terrorist organization to do their bidding for them.
Just look what happened after the terrorists invaded Israel. Hamas should not have listened to Iran, neither give a crap
about the citizens of Palestine....nor do you.
I’d believe you when I see a photo and/or a video! Biden said he saw beheaded babies and raped women but they took it back when they were asked for professional resources/ proofs

AI photos and stolen photos from other incidents only works with naive folks not us .. we’re immune from Zionists propaganda.
Oh… So Biden lied Disappointed that you didn’t see a picture of a beheaded baby? Sorry 😞 it ruined your day
The other side's propagandists need to produce a film that covers over 75 years of cruelty to Palestinians, and the never ending policy of Zionist apartheid.

How can we enlighten Americans if they don't already know the facts that are leading to the beginning of a much wider war?

Apartheid and death to the Palestinians is simply no longer going to answer.

China has made it known that there is a much better way in which all people of the world can benefit!
Look at the bright side. When this is all over, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE! Free from all those years of Zionist peace offerings, land concessions & saving Palestinians lives in Israeli hospitals. And then Israel will treat the Palestinians with all the love, justice & respect that their own Arab brothers treat them with in surrounding Arab countries. And so well deserved.
Hmmmm? :rolleyes-41:Palistinians should not have elected a terrorist organization to do their bidding for them.
Just look what happened after the terrorists invaded Israel. Hamas should not have listened to Iran, neither give a crap
about the citizens of Palestine....nor do you.
I was against Hamas but after I saw and knew more about the Israeli atrocities I totally understand why they did it! They didn’t slaughter any Israelis, they didn’t rape anyone (such dumb allegation) otherwise they took hostages to exchange them for Palestinian hostages ( a lot of kids among them) Like they did when they took Galead Shalit in 2004 I believe and exchanged him for 1025 Palestinians! Also I read that Hamas are all orphanages whose families were humiliated and murdered by Israelis so Israel is to blame for creating what it called terrorism…
I was against Hamas but after I saw and knew more about the Israeli atrocities I totally understand why they did it! They didn’t slaughter any Israelis, they didn’t rape anyone (such dumb allegation) otherwise they took hostages to exchange them for Palestinian hostages ( a lot of kids among them) Like they did when they took Galead Shalit in 2004 I believe and exchanged him for 1025 Palestinians! Also I read that Hamas are all orphanages whose families were humiliated and murdered by Israelis so Israel is to blame for creating what it called terrorism…
Take these pills & call me in the morning if your delusions still persist.
Take these pills & call me in the morning if your delusions still persist.
Oh Mr. Know it all show us ur proofs for beheaded Israeli babies or any official resources about raped women, other than this bite ur bs dripping tongue and accept that Israel is war criminal not the 1st not the 5th time…go listen to Israeli jews who were pro Israel yet when they educated themselves they’re pro Palestine.. u only need to be a human with 1 functioning brain cell to admit that Israel is the atrocious war criminal occupier and Palestine is the oppressed landowners!

To all Humans of the world just listen and make ur judgement!

Ex Mossad admits carrying on false information campaigns aka propaganda

Very informative interview about what’s happening in Gaza

One of my favorite raised by Zionists jew who digged deep and studied the Israeli- Palestinian conflict (she’s also funny)

Gaza children who Zionists supporters are convincing u they need to be killed:

Guys holler if u need more videos..

Love u all and I believe in ur good hearts, plz watch and let’s discuss whatever confuses you..
But remember every minute Israeli’s Reap hundreds of souls
Palestinians are begging us all to help them and the media ( owned by zionists) is twisting everything to make u all pro- The killing machine and remember Karma doesn’t bite from the arm, it bites in the a$$!

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