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Israel starts War with Syria

Sherri, you are beyond demented . You are living in a fantasy world and it appears you might have been brainwashed. Please don't procreate, if you havent already .

Twisting stories and distorting reality just expose you for the anti semite that you really are.

Also, you didnt answer two of my simple questions from earlier:

Why does every map i look at have Israel on it

Who was the first king of 'Palestine'

1) Because Israel is a country. When ppl say "Greater Israel" (referring to Israel with the West Bank) you'd think Israel was the size of an empire. On a map or globe though, Israel is the size of a dot.
2) "Palestine" never had a king, emir, sheikh, etc. because it never really existed as an independent country. The name referred, at most, to a designated area.

However, I will say this, to be fair. South Sudan also never existed as an independent country until last year. If tomorrow, Israel withdrew its troops from the West Bank, and an independent "Palestine" was declared and recognized by Israel, the new Palestine would then be a country.
Jesus was a circumcised, bartmitvah'd, yamaka wearing Jewish rabbi, born to Jewish parents and raised as a Jew who preached Judaism and loved the Jewish people and Israel, NOT a fucked up Jew hating piece of shit witch like you. You can make up all the SHIT you want, it's not going to change anything, other than the fact that you are a miserable, disgusting creature filled with hate and bigotry.

Leave sherri alone------she teaches her sunday school kids that Mary cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast
Nothing like gentile blood with some Matzos at Passover. LOL

The intelligent christian who reads the New Testament-----SHOULD learn a bit about Judaism----and the history of the life and times of the PHARISEE jews during the time of Jesus------Jesus was a pharisee My theory as to how Pharisees became the "bad guys" in parts of the New Testament and ---far worse in the minds of christians relates
to the fact that the pharisees the erstwhile kin of Jesus-----rejected the christian version of jesus. Quite an insult since those people lauding him in Jerusalem WERE PHARISEES -------even the crypt where he was placed after execution was donated by a PHARISEE FRIEND ----but then it was the pharisees who rejected PAUL and his mishegos. Hang onto your wig ----sherri-------Paul hated the pharisees for rejecting PAUL's theology. I do not with to impugn Paul----his obvious goal was JUDAISM FOR EVERYONE_--------a kind of ancient JUDAISM FOR DUMMIES thing.

getting back to the very ethical statements attributed to Jesus------not one is new-----even the turn the cheek thing precedes jesus---------- Jesus did lots of Hillel-----but then again he also did lots of JEREMIAH----------at least their stuff gets attributed to him by the gospel writers
According to your own article, it was Syria firing first, so how was Israel starting the war?

They defended themselves when they should have just let the Jews be killed.


The Golan Heights belongs to Syria, Israel illegally occupies it, so fuck you and your lame defense argument, that goes nowhere for illegal Nazi Jewish Occupiers in the Occupied Golan Heights!

I am sure this is all about Israel wanting to steal more Arab land, that is one thing Zionists are always ready to do, always looking for an excuse to steal and killing Gentiles is like drinking water for them!


Have you petitioned the US to give back the SW to Mexico? How about all of the US to Indian tribes? Did you support Yugoslavia when those damn pesky republics broke away?

Sorry to break it to you dear but conquest is a legit means to gain territory.
for sherri------the very first muslim who EXPLAINED islam to me------was a shiite from india He told me that -----in ISLAM-----the purpose of war is for the attainment of Land, gold and women. He also lauded the great CONQUORORS OF ISLAM ------being but a young thing----I was horrified at the litany of atrocities which seemed to excite the young surgeon. ---I did expree my horror with an occassional "OH HOW AWFUL" well-----I have to admit-----he did seem to expect me, as a jew, to consider the murder of hindus a------not so bad idea. after all-----abraham busted up the idols in his father's grocery store. but---still-----I did express some negative emotion at the more gory details at which point my informant -----angry ---shouted "YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE BEAUTY OF ISLAM" ------no kidding
Sgt----in order to understand sherri's POV-----you have to know something about islamic law in fact even JUSTINIAN LAW. In both systems----Jews (not jews exclusively but this is true for jews in BOTH systems) are not
permitted to use any weapons at all ----or own them In those countries in which muslims customarily decorated themselves with large knives stuck into their waist bands------that decoration was entirely forbidden to jews -------uhm----like it or believe it or not--------proscriptions on weapons for jews also were the rule in christian europe for centuries In the country of my husband's birth-----muslim men STILL decorate themselves with big daggers but lately threw in pistols, machine guns and----a lovely little array of handgrenades at the waist ------

the question could by WHY? the answer is easy----in both systems BEING A WARRIOR was (and in islamo lands still is ) the HIGHEST CALLING----therefore denied to "unbelievers" Things being what they are ----a jew-----is clearly prohibited from self defense in the islamic system. Sherri cannot tolerate the idea In the islamo land of my husband's birth-----punching a jew in the head on passing is legal---for a muslim----a "RETURN" by the jew punch is a capital crime

be not horrified-----the fact is that there were times in the southern USA when blacks were treated something like that----not quite----but sorta a bit like that-----at least in an kind of essence

Laws like that have an effect on action and thinking------my hubby was rescued from the shariah shit hole in infancy------but-----he will not TOUCH a KORAN-----and if approaches a mosque while on foot----he will cross the street to get away from it,

For sherri----the idea of jews SHOOTING back-----just does not register----it is just NOT DONE on her planet
The Golan Heights belongs to Syria, Israel illegally occupies it, so fuck you and your lame defense argument, that goes nowhere for illegal Nazi Jewish Occupiers in the Occupied Golan Heights!

The Golan Heights belong to Syria? In your dreams!

After Syria incited the war, Israel defeated Syria so now the Golan Heights is part of Israel!

That's what happens when you lose a war!!!! Why should different conditions apply to Syria?
"How Do You Like Jesus Words In Matthew 23, As True Today As They Were 2000 Years Ago?"

Using words from the Gospel as a taunt like that is an excellent example of fllouting the commandment to 'not use GOD's name in vain'.

By trying to fashion Jesus' rebuke to SOME Pharisees of that time who were hypocrites into a club to use as a weapon, Sherri is trying to use the GOD Who is LOVE as the cover and excuse and weapon of her very human hatred.
Jesus confronted Injustice, and He spoke boldly. And there is a reason the Bible is called a living Bible. It speaks today, just like it spoke to its readers 2000 yea rs ago. And I am always amazed, standing amazed, at how as true the words spoken about Palestine then are equally as true about PALESTINE today.

The voices you are hearing aren't from the bible and they aren't from Jesus :eusa_shhh:.
Go get that help you recommended to Rosie. She doesn't need it but you clearly do.
G-d bless.
sherri----two thousand years ago----the new testament did not exist yet. In order to read it intelligently-----it is very important to know the poetic styles and symbols and even colloquialisms in hebrew and aramaic poetry-----you don't stand a chance ----but you can get a tiny bit of an improvement in your understanding by actually READING the poetry of people like Jeremiah and Amos------with a level of understanding which you might attain by reading commentaries not written by your fellow islamo nazis. Try to keep in mind the FACT that Jesus was a pharisee chances are so was Mathew It is not your fault, Sherri. I have heard actual sermons by some christian theologians who HAD NO IDEA -------and----in the course of my life I have spoken to several students of the catholic priesthood------and former students thereof -----who did learn some really silly things My all time fave sermon involved the TITHING OF CUMIN in which some jerk quoted a passage about people who TITHE CUMIN------the jerk claimed---"that's what the jews did ----COUNT CUMIN SEEDS -----and take one of ten as a tithe"---"the pharisees were SUCH NUTTY LEGALISTIC CREEPS" --------The interesting reality is cumin is exempted from tithing and at the time of jesus a popular way of saying someone is a neurotic nut -----was "oh him----he tithes cumin"

the person who delivered this bit of intellect that would no doubt delight you was a PRIZE WINNING THEOLOGIAN-----and his brilliance was broadcast over the radio. You remind me so much of that "theologian" I cannot recall his name but I do recall his incessant stupidity. Try not to INTERPRET what jews said 2000 years ago------you simply do not know. To be sure-----they were not talking to you--------"cast not your pearls before swine". (its an adage taken from the talmud-----I have no idea what the person in the new testament meant-----maybe he did not have you in mind)
The Golan Heights belongs to Syria, Israel illegally occupies it, so fuck you and your lame defense argument, that goes nowhere for illegal Nazi Jewish Occupiers in the Occupied Golan Heights!

The Golan Heights belong to Syria? In your dreams!

After Syria incited the war, Israel defeated Syria so now the Golan Heights is part of Israel!

That's what happens when you lose a war!!!! Why should different conditions apply to Syria?


Under intl law, territorial acquisition of land by military conquest is unlawful. Nations agree to recognize territorial boundaries of others. Under intl law, The Golan Heights remains Occupied by Israel.

May you have sweet dreams, and I guess just keep on believing in fairy tales, where brutal Occupiers are your knights in shining armour and the ones you bow down to and worship and revere!

Yuck, worshipping and admiring Occupations and Occupiers the way you do and dreaming of them every night, how disgusting a way to live!

The Golan Heights belongs to Syria, Israel illegally occupies it, so fuck you and your lame defense argument, that goes nowhere for illegal Nazi Jewish Occupiers in the Occupied Golan Heights!

The Golan Heights belong to Syria? In your dreams!

After Syria incited the war, Israel defeated Syria so now the Golan Heights is part of Israel!

That's what happens when you lose a war!!!! Why should different conditions apply to Syria?


Under intl law, territorial acquisition of land by military conquest is unlawful. Nations agree to recognize territorial boundaries of others. Under intl law, The Golan Heights remains Occupied by Israel.

May you have sweet dreams, and I guess just keep on believing in fairy tales, where brutal Occupiers are your knights in shining armour and the ones you bow down to and worship and revere!

Yuck, worshipping and admiring Occupations and Occupiers the way you do and dreaming of them every night, how disgusting a way to live!


They are not occupiers!!!!

Why can't you get that into your mind???

They won a war! It's their territory.
"How Do You Like Jesus Words In Matthew 23, As True Today As They Were 2000 Years Ago?"

Using words from the Gospel as a taunt like that is an excellent example of fllouting the commandment to 'not use GOD's name in vain'.

By trying to fashion Jesus' rebuke to SOME Pharisees of that time who were hypocrites into a club to use as a weapon, Sherri is trying to use the GOD Who is LOVE as the cover and excuse and weapon of her very human hatred.
Jesus confronted Injustice, and He spoke boldly. And there is a reason the Bible is called a living Bible. It speaks today, just like it spoke to its readers 2000 yea rs ago. And I am always amazed, standing amazed, at how as true the words spoken about Palestine then are equally as true about PALESTINE today.

The voices you are hearing aren't from the bible and they aren't from Jesus :eusa_shhh:.
Go get that help you recommended to Rosie. She doesn't need it but you clearly do.
G-d bless.


In my post, I wrote of reading the words Jesus spoke and seeing them speaking to us, at least to believers in Christ, I should say, in the world we live in. The words speak to us, they are alive, with ever changing meanings, wherever we live, Palestine or elsewhere, and whereever we are in our lives.

I find it really sad to see a person incapable of reading the words Jesus spoke and seeing the Life in His words.

May God open your eyes to Truth, as long as we have even a moment of life left to us, it is not too late for us to turn to God and know Him and believe in His Son!

God Bless you!

The Word Is Alive!

The Golan Heights belong to Syria? In your dreams!

After Syria incited the war, Israel defeated Syria so now the Golan Heights is part of Israel!

That's what happens when you lose a war!!!! Why should different conditions apply to Syria?


Under intl law, territorial acquisition of land by military conquest is unlawful. Nations agree to recognize territorial boundaries of others. Under intl law, The Golan Heights remains Occupied by Israel.

May you have sweet dreams, and I guess just keep on believing in fairy tales, where brutal Occupiers are your knights in shining armour and the ones you bow down to and worship and revere!

Yuck, worshipping and admiring Occupations and Occupiers the way you do and dreaming of them every night, how disgusting a way to live!


They are not occupiers!!!!

Why can't you get that into your mind???

They won a war! It's their territory.


These are words of the UN Secretary General, speaking of the Occupied Golan Heights, just one day ago.

One day ago, Israel was an Occupier of The Golan Heights, and that Occupation has not ended in the past day, either.

"The Secretary-General is concerned by reports of clashes between the armed opposition and Syrian security forces in the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF)-supervised area of separation, in which Syrian small arms fire and one artillery round reportedly landed in the Israeli-occupied Golan today and prompted a response by Israel. No injuries to civilians or United Nations personnel in either instance were reported."

Secretary-General Urges ‘Utmost Restraint’, Upholding of Disengagement Agreement in Golan Heights Clashes

The Golan Heights belongs to Syria, Israel illegally occupies it, so fuck you and your lame defense argument, that goes nowhere for illegal Nazi Jewish Occupiers in the Occupied Golan Heights!

The Golan Heights belong to Syria? In your dreams!

After Syria incited the war, Israel defeated Syria so now the Golan Heights is part of Israel!

That's what happens when you lose a war!!!! Why should different conditions apply to Syria?


Under intl law, territorial acquisition of land by military conquest is unlawful. Nations agree to recognize territorial boundaries of others. Under intl law, The Golan Heights remains Occupied by Israel.

May you have sweet dreams, and I guess just keep on believing in fairy tales, where brutal Occupiers are your knights in shining armour and the ones you bow down to and worship and revere!

Yuck, worshipping and admiring Occupations and Occupiers the way you do and dreaming of them every night, how disgusting a way to live!


Sherri Syria agreed to UN resolution 383 and by doing so agreed to Un resolution 242. "UN Resolutions 242 and 338 call for the peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict through territorial compromise. The acceptance of the Resolutions by Arab elements indicates their recognition of Israel."

Under intl law, territorial acquisition of land by military conquest is unlawful. Nations agree to recognize territorial boundaries of others. Under intl law, The Golan Heights remains Occupied by Israel.

May you have sweet dreams, and I guess just keep on believing in fairy tales, where brutal Occupiers are your knights in shining armour and the ones you bow down to and worship and revere!

Yuck, worshipping and admiring Occupations and Occupiers the way you do and dreaming of them every night, how disgusting a way to live!


They are not occupiers!!!!

Why can't you get that into your mind???

They won a war! It's their territory.


These are words of the UN Secretary General, speaking of the Occupied Golan Heights, just one day ago.

One day ago, Israel was an Occupier of The Golan Heights, and that Occupation has not ended in the past day, either.

"The Secretary-General is concerned by reports of clashes between the armed opposition and Syrian security forces in the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF)-supervised area of separation, in which Syrian small arms fire and one artillery round reportedly landed in the Israeli-occupied Golan today and prompted a response by Israel. No injuries to civilians or United Nations personnel in either instance were reported."

Secretary-General Urges ‘Utmost Restraint’, Upholding of Disengagement Agreement in Golan Heights Clashes


Look Sherri ... you can quote and paste all you want, it won't change the fact that when you lose a war YOU LOSE IT!

Shall America give back Texas?

Accept the fact that that's the way it is. And be at Peace! stop fighting your war!
Sherri knows that the Golan belongs to Israel. Her problem is her Jew hate !

and Sherri continues to avoid my questions on post 61

I thank you for your hate.

You inspired me to find these comforting words of Jesus, to read one more time, before I go to sleep tonight, to go to sleep meditating on, "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:22

God is so good!

Jesus was a circumcised, bartmitvah'd, yamaka wearing Jewish rabbi, born to Jewish parents and raised as a Jew who preached Judaism and loved the Jewish people and Israel, NOT a fucked up Jew hating piece of shit witch like you. You can make up all the SHIT you want, it's not going to change anything, other than the fact that you are a miserable, disgusting creature filled with hate and bigotry.

Leave sherri alone------she teaches her sunday school kids that Mary cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast


Where do you get this Nonsense you post?

It's like me saying you, irosie91, play a fiddle for your cat every night and you stay up with your cat and and watch the cow jump over the moon.

Actually, thinking about Nursery Rhymes and Mother Goose Rhymes takes me back to some really good memories of my childhood. Life was so simple then, or so it seemed, looking back on my memories of those times.

Jesus was a circumcised, bartmitvah'd, yamaka wearing Jewish rabbi, born to Jewish parents and raised as a Jew who preached Judaism and loved the Jewish people and Israel, NOT a fucked up Jew hating piece of shit witch like you. You can make up all the SHIT you want, it's not going to change anything, other than the fact that you are a miserable, disgusting creature filled with hate and bigotry.

Leave sherri alone------she teaches her sunday school kids that Mary cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast


Where do you get this Nonsense you post?

It's like me saying you, irosie91, play a fiddle for your cat every night and you stay up with your cat and and watch the cow jump over the moon.

Actually, thinking about Nursery Rhymes and Mother Goose Rhymes takes me back to some really good memories of my childhood. Life was so simple then, or so it seemed, looking back on my memories of those times.


So you were fortunate enough not to have a hate spewing propaganda peddling Sunday school teacher then? That's nice. Why don't you try to extend that courtesy to your charges too? Instead of filling their little heads with hate and anxiety, allow them to keep their innocence and simplicity for a while, like you were allowed to, eh?

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