Israel to pay students to defend it online

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Show me where it says they need permission from Palestinians for those border agreements to be valid

They are Palestine's borders. Who else has the authority?

Again, show me where it says the Israels borders are not valid because of what you say.
I have read many articles discussing Israels borders with Egypt and Jordan. Not ONE of them suggest what you are saying. So surely you can show me some article that suggests what you are saying. In the mean time, I'll believe what I read on Wiki and other sites over what a rabid anti - Israeli says.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Who gave the Palestinians any authority over what? Who are Palestinians anyway?

Show me where it says they need permission from Palestinians for those border agreements to be valid

They are Palestine's borders. Who else has the authority?

Palestinians, like the inhabitants of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait were subject of the Empire. And the Empire handed the control to the Allied Powers. Where does the Palestinian (an invention of the Allied Powers) assume any control. Not until 1988 when the PLO declared the Independence of Palestine, and then the power was illusionary.

There are many people that are --- all about the borders. That is strictly a matter of control. One can pretend that they have some sort of "right" that makes them relevant. But the reality is, who has control? You are irrelevant if you have no control.

Most Respectfully,
Border with Jordan

The Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace was signed on October 26, 1994. The treaty resolved territorial and border issues that were ongoing since the 1948 war. The treaty specified and fully recognized the international border between Israel and Jordan

Border with Egypt

The Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty, signed on March 26, 1979 created an officially recognized international border along the 1906 line, with Egypt renouncing all claims to the Gaza Strip.

Borders of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why should I believe you Tinmore over this article ?
Ah, you don't agree with the UN partition plan of 1922. Well, that is up to you. You just go ahead and pick and choose what to believe. The rest of us will go with what the Mandate of 1922 at San Remo agreed.
And this was part of that agreement...

“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
-Arthur James Balfour [Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs]
Why do you keep ignoring that?

You can't cherry-pick the parts of a law you like and throw out the rest.

And just how has Israel reneged on that?
RoccoR said:
Palestinians, like the inhabitants of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait were subject of the Empire. And the Empire handed the control to the Allied Powers.

How many people from those countries were removed from their homes to make room for foreign settlers like the Palestinians?
RoccoR said:
Palestinians, like the inhabitants of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait were subject of the Empire. And the Empire handed the control to the Allied Powers.

How many people from those countries were removed from their homes to make room for foreign settlers like the Palestinians?

Well, none of them. But that's the point. The Arabs shouldn't be so greedy. It's not fair that the Arabs should get everything, and the Jews nothing.
Sweet_Caroline, Billo_Really; et al,

This is all illusion and perception.

Ah, you don't agree with the UN partition plan of 1922. Well, that is up to you. You just go ahead and pick and choose what to believe. The rest of us will go with what the Mandate of 1922 at San Remo agreed.
And this was part of that agreement...

“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
-Arthur James Balfour [Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs]
Why do you keep ignoring that?

You can't cherry-pick the parts of a law you like and throw out the rest.

And just how has Israel reneged on that?

The Arab Palestinian alienated themselves by adopting a hostile, depraved, and vicious profile.

Arab Higher Committee Delegation: said:
“The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child."

SOURCE: A/AC.21/9 S/676 16 February 1948

The Partition was a UN Plan, a passed UN Resolution, and a cooperative offer. And this was the Arab Palestinian answer.

When we talk of "civil and religious" rights --- what are we talking about? Rights for the Arab Palestinian and death for the Jewish Immigrant.

I'm an American, but I can tell you, that is a deal breaker for anyone with half a brain and a survival instinct. Most Americans, and indeed, most of the world, don't understand the attitude the Arab Palestinian had then, and in 1967, had in 1973, had in 1988, and still has today. It has not changed. And the policy of the Palestinian needs to be firmly understood if we are to clearly understand the cause and situation that exists today.

The Way of the Palestinian Then and now! said:

The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.​
“The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child."


Article 13 HAMAS Covenant: There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
Article 9 Palestine National Charter: Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.​

The Arab Palestinian has stated its case; having not denied it --- and still promotes it today. Once the world understands the scope and true nature of the Hostile Arab Palestinian, they will understand the need for containment; and that corrective action is not a denial of Humanitarian Rights or Civil Liberties, but the necessary action taken to quarantine a culture that has no other foundation than that built on violence. They are self-proclaimed "Jihadist" of the First Order! and Greatest Magnitude! - They neither challenge this nor deny it.

Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts.
.............................................................................UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Most Respectfully,
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Sweet_Caroline, Billo_Really; et al,

This is all illusion and perception.

And this was part of that agreement...

Why do you keep ignoring that?

You can't cherry-pick the parts of a law you like and throw out the rest.

And just how has Israel reneged on that?

The Arab Palestinian alienated themselves by adopting a hostile, depraved, and vicious profile.

Arab Higher Committee Delegation: said:
“The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child."

SOURCE: A/AC.21/9 S/676 16 February 1948

The Partition was a UN Plan, a passed UN Resolution, and a cooperative offer. And this was the Arab Palestinian answer.

When we talk of "civil and religious" rights --- what are we talking about? Rights for the Arab Palestinian and death for the Jewish Immigrant.

I'm an American, but I can tell you, that is a deal breaker for anyone with half a brain and a survival instinct. Most Americans, and indeed, most of the world, don't understand the attitude the Arab Palestinian had then, and in 1967, had in 1973, had in 1988, and still has today. It has not changed. And the policy of the Palestinian needs to be firmly understood if we are to clearly understand the cause and situation that exists today.

The Way of the Palestinian Then and now! said:

The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.​
“The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child."


Article 13 HAMAS Covenant: There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.
Article 9 Palestine National Charter: Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine.​

The Arab Palestinian has stated its case; having not denied it --- and still promotes it today. Once the world understands the scope and true nature of the Hostile Arab Palestinian, they will understand the need for containment; and that corrective action is not a denial of Humanitarian Rights or Civil Liberties, but the necessary action taken to quarantine a culture that has no other foundation than that built on violence. They are self-proclaimed "Jihadist" of the First Order! and Greatest Magnitude! - They neither challenge this nor deny it.

Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts.
.............................................................................UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Most Respectfully,

Exactly. Even though the UN Resolution to divide the land was illegal (as the San Remo Mandate was protected), the arabs still refused the land and even to this very day preach hate. That is what Israel has to deal with on a daily basis from the Palestinians' government spokespeople, the Palestinian media, random attacks on Jews (including today) every day, etc.

Israel does the best it can under the circumstances, and still cooperates with the Palestinian Authority even though the PA don't officially recognize Israel's right to the land.
Its disgusting and pathetic that Neo-Zionists feel they can't rely on the natural dispersion of truth to make their arguments. They actually have to recruit and pay people to spew their propaganda.

There are millions upon millions of English speaking Jews around the world, but Israel still has to PAY people to defend their views?

How very sad.

Indeed, openly admitting that they are recruiting and paying people to go into political discussion forums and spew Neo-Zionist and Judeo-Fascist propaganda, puts the integrity, honesty, and authenticity of ALL right-wing Zionists in these forums, into serious question.
"millions upon millions of English speaking Jews".... LOL!

I can only guess you're so terrified of 'da JOOOOOOS' that you've forgotten how to count.....there's only 14 million Jews in the entire world.
"millions upon millions of English speaking Jews".... LOL!

I can only guess you're so terrified of 'da JOOOOOOS' that you've forgotten how to count.....there's only 14 million Jews in the entire world.

5 million in the USA.

Hundreds of thousands in Canada and Britain.

more than 6 million in Israel.

Yet Israel is soo desperate to spread its propaganda, that it is forced to PAY people to defend her.

how sad. :(

This is either the seventh or eighth time of me posting this. Please take good note.​

Howard Grief - EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance - YouTube
And how many times do I have to tell you the Balfour Declaration had the caveat that a Jewish homeland could be created, provided the rights of the existing, non-jewish population of that area, was ensured.

But you didn't ensure those rights, you took them away. In contractual terms, you were in breech of the agreement and therefore, it could not be enforced.
Allowing 2 million Arab Muslims to live as Israeli citizens with the same rights as the Jews isn't enough? Ah well, too bad.
Umm, when Israel declared independence, it was recognized internationally, and by the U.N .
How can a country that is a member of the U.N not have land lol.

Post any article that suggests Israel has no land.

Cure song and dance...

More than half a century after independence, David Ben-Gurion’s “normal” country still lacks one of the fundamental attributes of a normal state: borders.
Israel has no borders? :cuckoo:

Uh okay. Try sneaking into it and tell me how that turns out. :rofl:
Allowing 2 million Arab Muslims to live as Israeli citizens with the same rights as the Jews isn't enough? Ah well, too bad.

They routinely discriminate against the rights of Arabs in the West Bank, contrary to the requirements of the Balfour Declaration and Mandate for Palestine.

If Israel wants the right to build in the West Bank, they have to first respect Palestinian human and civil rights.
Show me where it says they need permission from Palestinians for those border agreements to be valid

They are Palestine's borders. Who else has the authority?
There has never been an Arab Palestine. Israel became Jewish Palestine and Jordan became Arab Palestine...As planned by league of nations and administered by those who controlled the land. Arabs had no control or ownership of the land for 800 years.
Show me where it says they need permission from Palestinians for those border agreements to be valid

They are Palestine's borders. Who else has the authority?
There has never been an Arab Palestine. Israel became Jewish Palestine and Jordan became Arab Palestine...As planned by league of nations and administered by those who controlled the land. Arabs had no control or ownership of the land for 800 years.

Rocco and I have dismantled Tinnie's "Israel has no border' comments. I think the best thing to do is let him live in his fantasy world. He seems to be happy there anyway lol
Allowing 2 million Arab Muslims to live as Israeli citizens with the same rights as the Jews isn't enough? Ah well, too bad.

They routinely discriminate against the rights of Arabs in the West Bank, contrary to the requirements of the Balfour Declaration and Mandate for Palestine.

If Israel wants the right to build in the West Bank, they have to first respect Palestinian human and civil rights.
So to recap Israelis indeed treat about 2 million Arabs with equality, and those who are upset are the ones that aren't Israelis, but Arabs who are paying for the consequence of joining with 5 Arab countries in attacking and trying to destroy Israel?

Now that would be a ridiculous assertion, that even if Israel gets attacked it still has get permission t do what it wants for land it won in a defensive war. I bet the Arabs would have committed genocide on any Jew left in the land, had they been the victors in that same war.
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They are Palestine's borders. Who else has the authority?
There has never been an Arab Palestine. Israel became Jewish Palestine and Jordan became Arab Palestine...As planned by league of nations and administered by those who controlled the land. Arabs had no control or ownership of the land for 800 years.

Rocco and I have dismantled Tinnie's "Israel has no border' comments. I think the best thing to do is let him live in his fantasy world. He seems to be happy there anyway lol
Speaking of paid propagandists. What does it tell you when certain lies are constantly told and retold (such as Israel has no borders) even though they've been totally debunked and exposed as insanity and rubbish, many times?
There has never been an Arab Palestine. Israel became Jewish Palestine and Jordan became Arab Palestine...As planned by league of nations and administered by those who controlled the land. Arabs had no control or ownership of the land for 800 years.

Muslims ruled Palestine for more than 1,200 years, 300+ years more than the Jews.

Between 1949 and 1967, the United States considered the West Bank to be Arab Palestine.
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