Israeli citizens are barred

You know I have a short fuse for stupidity. :death:

There is no 'hypocrisy' --- WE ARE NOT SIXTEEN NATIONS. We didn't do that. THEY did.

"We" --- "They" --- know the difference. :disbelief:

Guess I'll have to start posting about my discontent with that new traffic light they put up in Rekjavik and the unreasonable dearth of Mexican restaurants in Sri Freaking Lanka :cuckoo:

"Guess I'll have to start posting about my discontent with that new traffic light they put up in Rekjavik and the unreasonable dearth of Mexican restaurants in Sri Freaking Lanka :cuckoo:"

Huh? :confused-84:

Two (imaginary) things I had nothing to do with but somehow by the OP logic become my responsibility, otherwise it's somehow "hypocrisy" :cuckoo:

The hypocrisy lies in the fact that an act taken to shore up our ability to prevent terrorists from infiltrating our country you consider an outrage. Countries barring Jews from entering and it's nothing but crickets.

......with the ENTIRE contingent of useful idiot leftists such as yourself, too.

Exactly what part of "that is not our doing" flies blissfully over your pointy little head here?

When Rump signs his bigotry EO, that's done in our name.

Whatever these sixteen countries do or did ---- IS NOT.

I am a citizen of exactly Zero of these countries. I have no say in what they do.

Those nations have banned me, a US citizen from entry, so I'm happy to see Trump take some action finally.

It's funny how it is the same idiots who have absolutely no problem with the policies of Judenfrei are the very same who like to call other people the Nazis.

It's a crazy, mixed up world we live in these days.
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

  • 23px-Flag_of_Algeria.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Bangladesh.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Brunei.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Iran.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Iraq.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Kuwait.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Lebanon.svg.png
  • 23px-Flag_of_Libya.svg.png
Israeli passport - Wikipedia
Not only that, but having an Israeli stamp inside my US Passport prevents me from entering most of those nations.

Weatherman I'm also banned from entering eight of those nations, this because I've visited friends in Haifa.

The eight nations that discriminate against me, a Christian, are Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen none of them allow entry to anyone with evidence of having travelled to Israel.

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Why am I being discriminated against and why are you Weatherman being discriminated against.

Where is the International Leftist outrage against people like us being discriminated against by Muslim nations?

I'm gonna type this r e a l s l o w so you can follow it............

.*WE* -- the United States -- are in charge of OUR OWN border. We are *NOT* in charge of sixteen other countries' borders.


Oosie, I love ya but this is surely the most retarded thread I've ever seen you post.

SMFH :banghead:
Hello there spinmeister, You will get dizzy if you continue spinning so fast and so long. The thread is about the hypocrisy of the left and not border control.

And we circle right back to the same question --- WHERE is this "hypocrisy"?


That means "in what place". That means show what the fuck you're talking about.
Think you can handle it?

I don't.
Here is the condescending Academia Elitist loosing his shit. Then, hypocrisy is self explanatory for those who do not want to justify their own stupidity. Intellect is not necessarily metered by education. The left is screaming about a temporary (remember the word "temporary") halt on entry from certain countries of concern to the U.S. yet is silent about the permanent ban to enter the same countries from Israel (note the religious discrimination) Calm down, relax....Mr. Trump has been in office for 11.5 days only. Save the raminder of your sanity for the long haul.
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"Guess I'll have to start posting about my discontent with that new traffic light they put up in Rekjavik and the unreasonable dearth of Mexican restaurants in Sri Freaking Lanka :cuckoo:"

Huh? :confused-84:

Two (imaginary) things I had nothing to do with but somehow by the OP logic become my responsibility, otherwise it's somehow "hypocrisy" :cuckoo:

The hypocrisy lies in the fact that an act taken to shore up our ability to prevent terrorists from infiltrating our country you consider an outrage. Countries barring Jews from entering and it's nothing but crickets.

......with the ENTIRE contingent of useful idiot leftists such as yourself, too.

Exactly what part of "that is not our doing" flies blissfully over your pointy little head here?

When Rump signs his bigotry EO, that's done in our name.

Whatever these sixteen countries do or did ---- IS NOT.

I am a citizen of exactly Zero of these countries. I have no say in what they do.

Those nations have banned me, a US citizen from entry, so I'm happy to see Trump take some action finally.

It's funny how it is the same idiots who have absolutely no problem with the policies of Judenfrei are the very same who like to call other people the Nazis.

It's a crazy, mixed up world we live in these days.
Every Republican for the last 36 years has been Hitler until the next Republican steps in who immediately gets the title.
Ahh the old Everything is like everything else ploy.
No, illegal immigration is always and only about illegal immigration.

I thought this was about the travel ban

It is. They ban US citizens, we ban theirs.
Very simple and effective technique.

Also childish and stupid.

Whatever. Diplomatic strategy thousands of years old that has proven to be effective thousands of times.
I've been to Israel a few times and they always kindly offer to not stamp your passport because of how that little stamp will curtail future travel to so many (Muslim majority) countries. Never heard a leftard have an issue with this EVER.
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Ahh the old Everything is like everything else ploy.
No, illegal immigration is always and only about illegal immigration.

I thought this was about the travel ban

It is. They ban US citizens, we ban theirs.
Very simple and effective technique.

So this has nothing to do with protecting anything. Just tit for tat as a global policy. Sounds good
Ahh the old Everything is like everything else ploy.
No, illegal immigration is always and only about illegal immigration.

I thought this was about the travel ban

It is. They ban US citizens, we ban theirs.
Very simple and effective technique.

Also childish and stupid.

Force must be met with force, else one is overrun. Quid Pro Quo is the diplomatic norm for that very reason.
Ahh the old Everything is like everything else ploy.
No, illegal immigration is always and only about illegal immigration.

I thought this was about the travel ban

It is. They ban US citizens, we ban theirs.
Very simple and effective technique.

So this has nothing to do with protecting anything. Just tit for tat as a global policy. Sounds good

Yeah, no terrorists in those nations wishing to murder Americans, it's just about tit for tat.
Ahh the old Everything is like everything else ploy.
No, illegal immigration is always and only about illegal immigration.

I thought this was about the travel ban

It is. They ban US citizens, we ban theirs.
Very simple and effective technique.

So this has nothing to do with protecting anything. Just tit for tat as a global policy. Sounds good

Yeah, no terrorists in those nations wishing to murder Americans, it's just about tit for tat.

I dont know but thats not what you stated. You stated revenge. Would you like to revise it now?
I've been to Israel a few times and they always offer to not stamp your passport because of how that little stamp will curtail future travel to so many (Muslim majority) countries. Never heard a leftard have an issue with this ever.

How many actually know about it?

My mother's job involved travel between USSR, Israel, China and Pakistan at one point. She had to be careful with the passport stamps between Pakistan and Israel and USSR and Israel.
No, illegal immigration is always and only about illegal immigration.

I thought this was about the travel ban

It is. They ban US citizens, we ban theirs.
Very simple and effective technique.

So this has nothing to do with protecting anything. Just tit for tat as a global policy. Sounds good

Yeah, no terrorists in those nations wishing to murder Americans, it's just about tit for tat.

I dont know but thats not what you stated. You stated revenge. Would you like to revise it now?

Just revenge. Trump said Weatherman2020 is not allowed into those nations, so screw them and bingo, we have a new EO.
Not only that, but having an Israeli stamp inside my US Passport prevents me from entering most of those nations.

Weatherman I'm also banned from entering eight of those nations, this because I've visited friends in Haifa.

The eight nations that discriminate against me, a Christian, are Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen none of them allow entry to anyone with evidence of having travelled to Israel.

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Why am I being discriminated against and why are you Weatherman being discriminated against.

Where is the International Leftist outrage against people like us being discriminated against by Muslim nations?

I'm gonna type this r e a l s l o w so you can follow it............

.*WE* -- the United States -- are in charge of OUR OWN border. We are *NOT* in charge of sixteen other countries' borders.


SMFH :banghead:
why do we have military in Germany?

Germany wants us there.

No they don't, the majority of people want US bases closed and US troops on the next plane out.

Maybe some people do but the gov. wants them there, we are allies, or were before Trump. Do you want to go it alone?
Not only that, but having an Israeli stamp inside my US Passport prevents me from entering most of those nations.

Weatherman I'm also banned from entering eight of those nations, this because I've visited friends in Haifa.

The eight nations that discriminate against me, a Christian, are Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen none of them allow entry to anyone with evidence of having travelled to Israel.

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Why am I being discriminated against and why are you Weatherman being discriminated against.

Where is the International Leftist outrage against people like us being discriminated against by Muslim nations?

I'm gonna type this r e a l s l o w so you can follow it............

.*WE* -- the United States -- are in charge of OUR OWN border. We are *NOT* in charge of sixteen other countries' borders.


Oosie, I love ya but this is surely the most retarded thread I've ever seen you post.

SMFH :banghead:
Hello there spinmeister, You will get dizzy if you continue spinning so fast and so long. The thread is about the hypocrisy of the left and not border control.

And we circle right back to the same question --- WHERE is this "hypocrisy"?


That means "in what place". That means show what the fuck you're talking about.
Think you can handle it?

I don't.
Here is the condescending Academia Elitist loosing his shit. Then, hypocrisy is self explanatory for those who do not want to justify their own stupidity. Intellect is not necessarily metered by education. The left is screaming about a temporary (remember the word "temporary") halt on entry from certain countries of concern to the U.S. yet is silent about the permanent ban to enter the same countries from Israel (note the religious discrimination) Calm down, relax....Mr. Trump has been in office for 11.5 days only. Save the raminder of your sanity for the long haul.

So STILL no answer. You've had all day too.

What's it gonna take? A week? A year?
Israeli citizens are barred from travelling to and also entering the following below sixteen nations, all of which are either completely Muslim or predominantly Muslim.

Where is the International Leftist Screaming Brigades uproar about this?

Israel being majority Jewish (I take into account that there are some Arab-Israeli's) isn't this barring people from entering nations based purely on religion?

Why aren't the International Leftist Screaming Brigades out on the streets protesting or is it just Muslims getting barred from Western nations that they worry about?

Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:

Israeli passport - Wikipedia
Not only that, but having an Israeli stamp inside my US Passport prevents me from entering most of those nations.

The one nation that the International Leftists hate, Israel, is the one nation that Western nations should look to for how to deal with the fundamental threat we all now face.

Israel has been dealing with the mortal threat of Islamism for nearly 70 years, decades of attempting to be moderate and relatively civil with Islam got Israel nothing but daily suicide bomber attacks and Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad attacking at will.

Israel then to much International Bedwetting from everyone from The UN to Human Rights Groups, decided to drastically limit access to Israel from Islamists and also they built a mega wall and since those measures were adopted there has been a radical reduction in attacks within Israel's borders.

The West either adopts Israel's approach or the West will regret forever not adopting Israel's approach.

I add that Bibi has thrown his support to President Trump regarding The Wall.

Netanyahu backs Trump's Mexico wall, touts similar one on Egypt border as 'great idea'

"Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday expressed his support for President Trump’s controversial plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, saying the barrier he built along his country’s southern border “stopped all illegal immigration” and was a “great idea.”

Trump on Wednesday signed executive actions to start the construction of a continuous, “physical” wall, making good on a campaign promise to keep out illegal immigrants from Mexico, particularly “rapists” and drug dealers.

"Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders," Trump declared. "We are going to save lives on both sides of the border."

Trump has forged ahead on the wall promise, despite Mexico refusing to pay the bill, as Trump said it would."

Here's the rest of the article.

Netanyahu backs Trump's Mexico wall, touts similar one on Egypt border as 'great idea'
I've been thru the wall in Israel, very impressive and very effective. I hope Trump hires Israel as consultants in the completion of the southern wall here.
They have offered :beer:
Weatherman I'm also banned from entering eight of those nations, this because I've visited friends in Haifa.

The eight nations that discriminate against me, a Christian, are Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen none of them allow entry to anyone with evidence of having travelled to Israel.

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Why am I being discriminated against and why are you Weatherman being discriminated against.

Where is the International Leftist outrage against people like us being discriminated against by Muslim nations?

I'm gonna type this r e a l s l o w so you can follow it............

.*WE* -- the United States -- are in charge of OUR OWN border. We are *NOT* in charge of sixteen other countries' borders.


SMFH :banghead:
why do we have military in Germany?

Germany wants us there.

No they don't, the majority of people want US bases closed and US troops on the next plane out.

Maybe some people do but the gov. wants them there, we are allies, or were before Trump. Do you want to go it alone?
then why don't they pay us to have them there?
Weatherman I'm also banned from entering eight of those nations, this because I've visited friends in Haifa.

The eight nations that discriminate against me, a Christian, are Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen none of them allow entry to anyone with evidence of having travelled to Israel.

Israeli passport - Wikipedia

Why am I being discriminated against and why are you Weatherman being discriminated against.

Where is the International Leftist outrage against people like us being discriminated against by Muslim nations?

I'm gonna type this r e a l s l o w so you can follow it............

.*WE* -- the United States -- are in charge of OUR OWN border. We are *NOT* in charge of sixteen other countries' borders.


SMFH :banghead:
why do we have military in Germany?

Germany wants us there.

No they don't, the majority of people want US bases closed and US troops on the next plane out.

Maybe some people do but the gov. wants them there, we are allies, or were before Trump. Do you want to go it alone?
No, it's because we kicked their asses and our troops are in Germany and Japan until we feel like leaving.

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