Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama


Last I checked Georgie, Israel is still growing and thriving with an excellent economy and no end in sight.
Wake us up when Israel comes close to what South Africa became
Declaring it thus does not render it thus, George.

Wake me up with your boycotting ambitions intersect with Reality.
Those who snooze...

"A landmark victory was achieved today in South Africa for the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign of Israel. Setting a worldwide precedent for the academic boycott of Israel, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) has decided to sever ties with Israel’s Ben-Gurion University (BGU)."

University of Johannesburg ends Israeli links |
It's a flea, George...

Although I can understand why you-and-yours need to 'fluff it up' to look bigger than it is...

But it's still a flea...
UK Universities Minister Rejects Academic Boycott of Israel

In a visit to Hebrew U., Minister of State for Universities and Science seeks to dispel 'misperceptions' about UK hostility to Israel.

By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 3/25/2014, 3:17 PM

Britain's Minister of State for Universities and Science has sought to dispel misconceptions that UK universities were boycotting their Israeli counterparts, or that the UK is an "unfriendly or hostile place" for Israeli students.

During a visit yesterday to Jerusalem's Hebrew University, David Willetts said that such perceptions were to blame for a marked decline in the number of Israelis choosing to study in the UK.

Meeting at the Hebrew University’s Mount Scopus campus with leaders of UK and Israeli academia, Willetts "emphatically" clarified "that there are no boycotts of Israeli academics, or Israeli students, or British-Israel academic exchanges. Those would be completely wrong, and there is no [UK] university that is boycotting Israel."

"When I try to make sense of the decline of numbers of Israeli students coming to study in Britain, I worry that part of it is the perception in Israel that Britain is an unfriendly or hostile place."

Yet in fact, he explained, the reality is very different.

UK Minister Rejects Academic Boycott of Israel - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News
Declaring it thus does not render it thus, George.

Wake me up with your boycotting ambitions intersect with Reality.
Those who snooze...

"A landmark victory was achieved today in South Africa for the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign of Israel. Setting a worldwide precedent for the academic boycott of Israel, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) has decided to sever ties with Israel’s Ben-Gurion University (BGU)."

University of Johannesburg ends Israeli links |

and you justify the movements call to "kill the jews"????

Providing jobs for palestinians vs calls to "kill the jews"
Which is worse?
Declaring it thus does not render it thus, George.

Wake me up with your boycotting ambitions intersect with Reality.
Those who snooze...

"A landmark victory was achieved today in South Africa for the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign of Israel. Setting a worldwide precedent for the academic boycott of Israel, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) has decided to sever ties with Israel’s Ben-Gurion University (BGU)."

University of Johannesburg ends Israeli links |

and you justify the movements call to "kill the jews"????

Providing jobs for palestinians vs calls to "kill the jews"
Which is worse?
Not to mention that all this shit about the University of Johannesburg is three year old news, and we can see what a whopping-big impact that it has had...
Declaring it thus does not render it thus, George.

Wake me up with your boycotting ambitions intersect with Reality.
Those who snooze...

"A landmark victory was achieved today in South Africa for the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign of Israel. Setting a worldwide precedent for the academic boycott of Israel, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) has decided to sever ties with Israel’s Ben-Gurion University (BGU)."

University of Johannesburg ends Israeli links |
It's a flea, George...

Although I can understand why you-and-yours need to 'fluff it up' to look bigger than it is...

But it's still a flea...
It's all relative, isn't it?

"Little fleas have lesser fleas upon their backs to bite ’em. And lesser fleas, still lesser fleas and so, ad infinitum.
- a variation on Garstang
The idea of living inside another species, or intimately attached to it, may seem strange to you — it might even make you think 'yuck'. But it will interest you to know that there are probably more species of parasites living on earth, then there are species of "free-living" organisms. Parasitism is a dominant way of life."

The Jewish state is just another parasite existing on the blood (and treasure) of free living organisms. The sooner it vanishes from the page of time, the better.
Those who snooze...

"A landmark victory was achieved today in South Africa for the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign of Israel. Setting a worldwide precedent for the academic boycott of Israel, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) has decided to sever ties with Israel’s Ben-Gurion University (BGU)."

University of Johannesburg ends Israeli links |
It's a flea, George...

Although I can understand why you-and-yours need to 'fluff it up' to look bigger than it is...

But it's still a flea...
It's all relative, isn't it?

"Little fleas have lesser fleas upon their backs to bite ’em. And lesser fleas, still lesser fleas and so, ad infinitum.
- a variation on Garstang
The idea of living inside another species, or intimately attached to it, may seem strange to you — it might even make you think 'yuck'. But it will interest you to know that there are probably more species of parasites living on earth, then there are species of "free-living" organisms. Parasitism is a dominant way of life."

The Jewish state is just another parasite existing on the blood (and treasure) of free living organisms. The sooner it vanishes from the page of time, the better.[/QUOTE

This shows the viewers how Herr George has come to really hate his scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, a parasite is actually a grown man who has to depend on subsidized housing instead of looking out for himself earlier on so that he wouldn't have to depend on that. Come to think of it, the parasites also depend on MediAid to pay for what Medicare doesn't pay for.

I am sure some of the readers must find it strange that here, on a Middle East forum, Herr George has nothing to say regarding what is happening in other Middle East countries -- no matter how many innocent people are killed. If it doesn't involve the Jews, he has no interest all all.
It's a flea, George...

Although I can understand why you-and-yours need to 'fluff it up' to look bigger than it is...

But it's still a flea...
It's all relative, isn't it?

"Little fleas have lesser fleas upon their backs to bite ’em. And lesser fleas, still lesser fleas and so, ad infinitum.
- a variation on Garstang
The idea of living inside another species, or intimately attached to it, may seem strange to you — it might even make you think 'yuck'. But it will interest you to know that there are probably more species of parasites living on earth, then there are species of "free-living" organisms. Parasitism is a dominant way of life."

The Jewish state is just another parasite existing on the blood (and treasure) of free living organisms. The sooner it vanishes from the page of time, the better.[/QUOTE

This shows the viewers how Herr George has come to really hate his scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, a parasite is actually a grown man who has to depend on subsidized housing instead of looking out for himself earlier on so that he wouldn't have to depend on that. Come to think of it, the parasites also depend on MediAid to pay for what Medicare doesn't pay for.

I am sure some of the readers must find it strange that here, on a Middle East forum, Herr George has nothing to say regarding what is happening in other Middle East countries -- no matter how many innocent people are killed. If it doesn't involve the Jews, he has no interest all all.
Except I never said anything about Jews; the Jewish state is a parasite existing on the blood and treasure of the US, and the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East is a big reason why millions of innocent Muslims are dying and displacing in Iraq and Syria, not that hasbara whores (like Sally) would care.
It's all relative, isn't it?

"Little fleas have lesser fleas upon their backs to bite ’em. And lesser fleas, still lesser fleas and so, ad infinitum.
- a variation on Garstang
The idea of living inside another species, or intimately attached to it, may seem strange to you — it might even make you think 'yuck'. But it will interest you to know that there are probably more species of parasites living on earth, then there are species of "free-living" organisms. Parasitism is a dominant way of life."

The Jewish state is just another parasite existing on the blood (and treasure) of free living organisms. The sooner it vanishes from the page of time, the better.[/QUOTE

This shows the viewers how Herr George has come to really hate his scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, a parasite is actually a grown man who has to depend on subsidized housing instead of looking out for himself earlier on so that he wouldn't have to depend on that. Come to think of it, the parasites also depend on MediAid to pay for what Medicare doesn't pay for.

I am sure some of the readers must find it strange that here, on a Middle East forum, Herr George has nothing to say regarding what is happening in other Middle East countries -- no matter how many innocent people are killed. If it doesn't involve the Jews, he has no interest all all.
Except I never said anything about Jews; the Jewish state is a parasite existing on the blood and treasure of the US, and the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East is a big reason why millions of innocent Muslims are dying and displacing in Iraq and Syria, not that hasbara whores (like Sally) would care.
Is a State a living thing? That's about the most stupid and irresponsible statement I ever read. Fail.
Those who snooze...

"A landmark victory was achieved today in South Africa for the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign of Israel. Setting a worldwide precedent for the academic boycott of Israel, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) has decided to sever ties with Israel’s Ben-Gurion University (BGU)."

University of Johannesburg ends Israeli links |
It's a flea, George...

Although I can understand why you-and-yours need to 'fluff it up' to look bigger than it is...

But it's still a flea...
It's all relative, isn't it?

"Little fleas have lesser fleas upon their backs to bite ’em. And lesser fleas, still lesser fleas and so, ad infinitum.
- a variation on Garstang
The idea of living inside another species, or intimately attached to it, may seem strange to you — it might even make you think 'yuck'. But it will interest you to know that there are probably more species of parasites living on earth, then there are species of "free-living" organisms. Parasitism is a dominant way of life."

The Jewish state is just another parasite existing on the blood (and treasure) of free living organisms. The sooner it vanishes from the page of time, the better.

Israel exists on the blood and sweat of the soldiers who fought for independence, Nazi scumbag.

Only a miserable and hateful piece of shit like yourself would say something like 'it would be better if Israel vanishes from the pages of time'

Speaking of parasites, you Georgie, are living off the backs if hard working Americans while you receive your welfare check every month. Talk about blood sucking.
The sooner you and your worthless ilk vanish from the pages of time, the better.

And btw, Israel isn't going anywhere, so get used to it Nazi scum
It's all relative, isn't it?

"Little fleas have lesser fleas upon their backs to bite ’em. And lesser fleas, still lesser fleas and so, ad infinitum.
- a variation on Garstang
The idea of living inside another species, or intimately attached to it, may seem strange to you — it might even make you think 'yuck'. But it will interest you to know that there are probably more species of parasites living on earth, then there are species of "free-living" organisms. Parasitism is a dominant way of life."

The Jewish state is just another parasite existing on the blood (and treasure) of free living organisms. The sooner it vanishes from the page of time, the better.[/QUOTE

This shows the viewers how Herr George has come to really hate his scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, a parasite is actually a grown man who has to depend on subsidized housing instead of looking out for himself earlier on so that he wouldn't have to depend on that. Come to think of it, the parasites also depend on MediAid to pay for what Medicare doesn't pay for.

I am sure some of the readers must find it strange that here, on a Middle East forum, Herr George has nothing to say regarding what is happening in other Middle East countries -- no matter how many innocent people are killed. If it doesn't involve the Jews, he has no interest all all.
Except I never said anything about Jews; the Jewish state is a parasite existing on the blood and treasure of the US, and the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East is a big reason why millions of innocent Muslims are dying and displacing in Iraq and Syria, not that hasbara whores (like Sally) would care.

Millions if people are dying in the ME because of Israel??? HAHAHAHA

George, I feel so bad for you, I wod actually pay for you to see a private therapist.
You truly are a pathetic Nazi scumbag
Ok George, lets hear how Israel is responsible for millions being killed and displaced in Syria..
Explain to me how Israel is reaponsible for millions dying and being displaced in Syria and Iraq.
Except I never said anything about Jews; the Jewish state is a parasite existing on the blood and treasure of the US, and the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East is a big reason why millions of innocent Muslims are dying and displacing in Iraq and Syria, not that hasbara whores (like Sally) would care.
Is a State a living thing? That's about the most stupid and irresponsible statement I ever read. Fail.
Two national groups currently live between the River and the sea, yet only one provides all its citizens with a right to vote for those writing the laws they live under. Do you find that stupid, irresponsible, or the fruits of imperialist foreign policy?
George, all of Israels citizens are allowed to vote. Why should Palestinians in the West Bank who ARE NOT citizens be allowed to vote?
"The only realistic political settlement, for the time being, in the past ten or twelve years, that would satisfy the right of self-determination for both national groups is a two-state settlement.

"Everybody knows what it would have to be: Israel within approximately the pre-June 1967 borders and a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and a return of the Golan Heights to Syria, or maybe some other arrangement.

"This would be associated with maybe demilitarized zones and international guarantees of some sort or another, but that's the framework of a possible political settlement.

"As I say, I don't think it's the best one, but that's the realistic one, very realistic. It's supported by most of the world.

"It's supported by Europe, by the Soviet Union, has been for a long time, by almost all the non-aligned countries, it's supported by all the major Arab states and has been for a long time, supported by the mainstream of the PLO and, again, has been for a long time, it's supported even by the American population, by about two to one according to the polls.

"But there are also people who oppose it.

"It's opposed by the rejection front in the Arab world, the minority elements of the PLO, Libya, a few others, minority rejectionist elements, but crucially it's opposed by the leaders of the rejection front, namely the United States and Israel.

"The United States and Israel adamantly oppose it. The United States will not consider it.

"Both political groupings in Israel reject it totally.

"They reject any right of national self-determination for the indigenous popula- tion in the former Palestine.

"They can have Jordan if they want, or the former Syria, or something, but not the area that they now hold under military occupation.

"In fact they're explicit about it."

Israel, the Holocaust, and Anti-Semitism, by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Chronicles of Dissent)
Explain to me how Israel is reaponsible for millions dying and being displaced in Syria and Iraq.

Listen, Toastman, the readers are smart enough to realize that Herr George is not interested in anything happening in the rest of the Middle East unless he can somehow drag in the Jews, his favorite scapegoats. So let Herr George get his jollies (there is not much else in his life) thinking that he is pulling one over on the readers that he really cares about the Arabs. Most of us know that he is just using the Palestinians as his pawns so that he can blame his favorite scapegoats.
Explain to me how Israel is reaponsible for millions dying and being displaced in Syria and Iraq.

Listen, Toastman, the readers are smart enough to realize that Herr George is not interested in anything happening in the rest of the Middle East unless he can somehow drag in the Jews, his favorite scapegoats. So let Herr George get his jollies (there is not much else in his life) thinking that he is pulling one over on the readers that he really cares about the Arabs. Most of us know that he is just using the Palestinians as his pawns so that he can blame his favorite scapegoats.
I've found that to be the case with a fair number of pro-Palestinian posters, here and elsewhere, over time.

It doesn't take much to 'out' them, either; give 'em a few weeks of board-exposure and a sufficiently heated exchange, and the hate eventually comes rushing-forth to the surface, regardless of how well they keep it concealed on a day-to-day basis.

There are also a fair number of folks who are pro-Palestinian who are not consumed by hate - nolo contendere - and, out of ignorance or one-sided accounts - come to believe that Israel is the Bad Guy in all of this. Some of those eventually snap out of that or grow out of that, but many don't.

And, sometimes, for long periods, it's difficult to tell the two apart - but, at some point, the Haters work themselves up to a point where they can't help themselves, and the poison comes rushing to surface, for all to see.

There is also a third kind of critter - the one who genuinely believes he's on the Right Side - for good and true reasons of his-or-her own - although it's been my personal experience that those are fewer and further-between than we might otherwise hope.

I'm not making any particular personal judgments in saying all of this, but it is up to each of us to decide whether (1) such divisions exist and are substantive, and (2) which colleagues fall under which categories.

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