Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

Saddam had a quran written in his blood, the house of Saud had more an a ton of the books thrown in the sewers by government officials.


They have both tarnished Islam. Both have been the cause and intentionally perpetrated wars on their fellow muslims. Both have denied rights to and brutalized their own people. Both have had a profound effect on how muslims are seen and treated today by the world.

I think the poll would have been quite different if the outside insurgents (who of course didn't want to see a democracy) came flooding into Iraq. Right after the war, there were many interviews of the Iraqi people, and they said they were happy, among other things, to be able to have their own newspapers and to put on their own plays. Even the Business Section of the newspaper said they were now going out and buying big ticket items and even having plastic surgery. I think we all remember the stories about how happy the Iraqis were to be able to go out and vote, and we certainly should remember how the Iraqis living here drove hundreds of miles to a polling place to cast their votes. They even took camcorders with him to record the historic event of them being able to vote for their choice.
Why don't you link to some of those stories and then ask their authors how they feel about their lives today?

"For example, when asked about political freedom, 53% of Shias and 54% of Sunni Arabs say that things are worse now, and less than a third of each group believes that things have improved.

"As for personal security and safety, there is an overwhelming consensus among both groups (81% of Shias, 88% of Sunni Arabs) that it is worse than before, which is hardly surprising.

"The responses on economic development/employment are almost as lopsided and negative: 74% of Shias and 80% of Sunni Arabs say that things are worse.

"In every category except religious freedom, Shia and Sunni Arabs are in agreement that things have become worse since the U.S. invaded.

How Do Iraqis View the Effects of the Iraq War? | The American Conservative

Why don't you go over there, Herr George, and ask these people if they feel there lives would be better if the outside insurgents didn't come in and start all that trouble. Evidently you weren't reading the newspaper reports coming from that country right afterSaddam was toppled and don't realize how the people felt about being free at last after so many years of living under a tyrant.
I think the poll would have been quite different if the outside insurgents (who of course didn't want to see a democracy) came flooding into Iraq. Right after the war, there were many interviews of the Iraqi people, and they said they were happy, among other things, to be able to have their own newspapers and to put on their own plays. Even the Business Section of the newspaper said they were now going out and buying big ticket items and even having plastic surgery. I think we all remember the stories about how happy the Iraqis were to be able to go out and vote, and we certainly should remember how the Iraqis living here drove hundreds of miles to a polling place to cast their votes. They even took camcorders with him to record the historic event of them being able to vote for their choice.
Why don't you link to some of those stories and then ask their authors how they feel about their lives today?

"For example, when asked about political freedom, 53% of Shias and 54% of Sunni Arabs say that things are worse now, and less than a third of each group believes that things have improved.

"As for personal security and safety, there is an overwhelming consensus among both groups (81% of Shias, 88% of Sunni Arabs) that it is worse than before, which is hardly surprising.

"The responses on economic development/employment are almost as lopsided and negative: 74% of Shias and 80% of Sunni Arabs say that things are worse.

"In every category except religious freedom, Shia and Sunni Arabs are in agreement that things have become worse since the U.S. invaded.

How Do Iraqis View the Effects of the Iraq War? | The American Conservative

Why don't you go over there, Herr George, and ask these people if they feel there lives would be better if the outside insurgents didn't come in and start all that trouble. Evidently you weren't reading the newspaper reports coming from that country right afterSaddam was toppled and don't realize how the people felt about being free at last after so many years of living under a tyrant.

Baghdad, Iraq: 10 years after Saddam | World news | The Observer
Why don't you link to some of those stories and then ask their authors how they feel about their lives today?

"For example, when asked about political freedom, 53% of Shias and 54% of Sunni Arabs say that things are worse now, and less than a third of each group believes that things have improved.

"As for personal security and safety, there is an overwhelming consensus among both groups (81% of Shias, 88% of Sunni Arabs) that it is worse than before, which is hardly surprising.

"The responses on economic development/employment are almost as lopsided and negative: 74% of Shias and 80% of Sunni Arabs say that things are worse.

"In every category except religious freedom, Shia and Sunni Arabs are in agreement that things have become worse since the U.S. invaded.

How Do Iraqis View the Effects of the Iraq War? | The American Conservative

Why don't you go over there, Herr George, and ask these people if they feel there lives would be better if the outside insurgents didn't come in and start all that trouble. Evidently you weren't reading the newspaper reports coming from that country right afterSaddam was toppled and don't realize how the people felt about being free at last after so many years of living under a tyrant.

Baghdad, Iraq: 10 years after Saddam | World news | The Observer

Great post, from your article:
Zubaidi talks without bitterness. He tells me he is happier these days and hated his time in the army. "Under Saddam, the state intervened in everything. We were ruled with an iron fist. In those days, I couldn't afford fruit and didn't have a car. Now everything's reversed. We have freedom. We can buy what we like.:clap2: :eusa_whistle:

Makes you wonder who's side George is really on. Certainly not the people of Iraq.
Why don't you go over there, Herr George, and ask these people if they feel there lives would be better if the outside insurgents didn't come in and start all that trouble. Evidently you weren't reading the newspaper reports coming from that country right afterSaddam was toppled and don't realize how the people felt about being free at last after so many years of living under a tyrant.

Baghdad, Iraq: 10 years after Saddam | World news | The Observer

Great post, from your article:
Zubaidi talks without bitterness. He tells me he is happier these days and hated his time in the army. "Under Saddam, the state intervened in everything. We were ruled with an iron fist. In those days, I couldn't afford fruit and didn't have a car. Now everything's reversed. We have freedom. We can buy what we like.:clap2: :eusa_whistle:

Makes you wonder who's side George is really on. Certainly not the people of Iraq.
Nor the U.S. That leaves..................Hamas?

Great post, from your article:
Zubaidi talks without bitterness. He tells me he is happier these days and hated his time in the army. "Under Saddam, the state intervened in everything. We were ruled with an iron fist. In those days, I couldn't afford fruit and didn't have a car. Now everything's reversed. We have freedom. We can buy what we like.:clap2: :eusa_whistle:

Makes you wonder who's side George is really on. Certainly not the people of Iraq.
Nor the U.S. That leaves..................Hamas?
Hamas and any entity currently at war with the US, Israel, and the West in general.
I think the poll would have been quite different if the outside insurgents (who of course didn't want to see a democracy) came flooding into Iraq. Right after the war, there were many interviews of the Iraqi people, and they said they were happy, among other things, to be able to have their own newspapers and to put on their own plays. Even the Business Section of the newspaper said they were now going out and buying big ticket items and even having plastic surgery. I think we all remember the stories about how happy the Iraqis were to be able to go out and vote, and we certainly should remember how the Iraqis living here drove hundreds of miles to a polling place to cast their votes. They even took camcorders with him to record the historic event of them being able to vote for their choice.
Why don't you link to some of those stories and then ask their authors how they feel about their lives today?

"For example, when asked about political freedom, 53% of Shias and 54% of Sunni Arabs say that things are worse now, and less than a third of each group believes that things have improved.

"As for personal security and safety, there is an overwhelming consensus among both groups (81% of Shias, 88% of Sunni Arabs) that it is worse than before, which is hardly surprising.

"The responses on economic development/employment are almost as lopsided and negative: 74% of Shias and 80% of Sunni Arabs say that things are worse.

"In every category except religious freedom, Shia and Sunni Arabs are in agreement that things have become worse since the U.S. invaded.

How Do Iraqis View the Effects of the Iraq War? | The American Conservative

Why don't you go over there, Herr George, and ask these people if they feel there lives would be better if the outside insurgents didn't come in and start all that trouble. Evidently you weren't reading the newspaper reports coming from that country right afterSaddam was toppled and don't realize how the people felt about being free at last after so many years of living under a tyrant.
Obviously, $ally $wallows every load:

"We should also note the American responses to the same question.

The difference is remarkable, and it shows what a huge gap in perceptions and understanding there is between Americans and Iraqis. 48% of Iraqis overall believe that political freedom has worsened since the invasion, but 50% of Americans believe it has improved.

"In fairness to the American respondents, the American public has been routinely deceived and misled about the nature of the new Iraqi government and political conditions in 'democratic' Iraq, so it would be easy for a casual observer to conclude that conditions are greatly improved.

"Of course, this result is heavily influenced by the 67% of Republicans who believe that political freedom has improved since the invasion. I’m sure most Republicans genuinely believe that, because this is what their leaders and pundits have been telling them for years.

"It speaks volumes that this view is wildly at odds with the views of the Iraqis who have lived through the invasion and occupation years."

Maybe $he's Republican and ha$bara?

How Do Iraqis View the Effects of the Iraq War? | The American Conservative
George likes to run away from the truth.

Zubaidi talks without bitterness. He tells me he is happier these days and hated his time in the army. "Under Saddam, the state intervened in everything. We were ruled with an iron fist. In those days, I couldn't afford fruit and didn't have a car. Now everything's reversed. We have freedom. We can buy what we like.:clap2: :eusa_whistle:

Again, who's side George is really on. Certainly not the people of Iraq.
Why don't you link to some of those stories and then ask their authors how they feel about their lives today?

"For example, when asked about political freedom, 53% of Shias and 54% of Sunni Arabs say that things are worse now, and less than a third of each group believes that things have improved.

"As for personal security and safety, there is an overwhelming consensus among both groups (81% of Shias, 88% of Sunni Arabs) that it is worse than before, which is hardly surprising.

"The responses on economic development/employment are almost as lopsided and negative: 74% of Shias and 80% of Sunni Arabs say that things are worse.

"In every category except religious freedom, Shia and Sunni Arabs are in agreement that things have become worse since the U.S. invaded.

How Do Iraqis View the Effects of the Iraq War? | The American Conservative

Why don't you go over there, Herr George, and ask these people if they feel there lives would be better if the outside insurgents didn't come in and start all that trouble. Evidently you weren't reading the newspaper reports coming from that country right afterSaddam was toppled and don't realize how the people felt about being free at last after so many years of living under a tyrant.
Obviously, $ally $wallows every load:

"We should also note the American responses to the same question.

The difference is remarkable, and it shows what a huge gap in perceptions and understanding there is between Americans and Iraqis. 48% of Iraqis overall believe that political freedom has worsened since the invasion, but 50% of Americans believe it has improved.

"In fairness to the American respondents, the American public has been routinely deceived and misled about the nature of the new Iraqi government and political conditions in 'democratic' Iraq, so it would be easy for a casual observer to conclude that conditions are greatly improved.

"Of course, this result is heavily influenced by the 67% of Republicans who believe that political freedom has improved since the invasion. I’m sure most Republicans genuinely believe that, because this is what their leaders and pundits have been telling them for years.

"It speaks volumes that this view is wildly at odds with the views of the Iraqis who have lived through the invasion and occupation years."

Maybe $he's Republican and ha$bara?

How Do Iraqis View the Effects of the Iraq War? | The American Conservative

Notice Herr George's dollar signs in his posts. We know he is a poor slob, but does he always constantly have to advertise i?. For the life of me, I don't know why Herri George still lives here since he has shown that he hates this country. There has to be another country on this planet where he will feel more comfortable.
George likes to run away from the truth.

Zubaidi talks without bitterness. He tells me he is happier these days and hated his time in the army. "Under Saddam, the state intervened in everything. We were ruled with an iron fist. In those days, I couldn't afford fruit and didn't have a car. Now everything's reversed. We have freedom. We can buy what we like.:clap2: :eusa_whistle:

Again, who's side George is really on. Certainly not the people of Iraq.

Actually, Herr George doesn't care for anyone but his sorry old self.
How do you know that?
Because even the most overly-generous and condemnatory figures from semi-believable sources such as Lancet fall far short of such a mark...
Maybe from where you sit...

"The number of displaced persons, both internal (within Iraq) and external (refugees, mainly in Jordan and Syria) ranged from estimates of 3.5 million to 5 million or more, which were directly attributable to the war.

"Virtually all first-hand accounts blamed violence as the cause of moving, or threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods.

"The ravages of displacement, which remains at about 3 million, are bad enough. But it is also another indicator of the scale of mortality.

All wars since 1945 have ratios of displaced to fatalities of 10:1 or less, typically more in the range of 5:1.

"If this typical ratio holds for the Iraq War, that indicates mortality of about one million Iraqis."

The Human Cost of the War in Iraq
Phase 1 of the Iraq War was the Invasion.

Phase 2 of the Iraq War was the Insurgency / Civil War

Figures need to be divided between the two phases.

Phase 1 was beyond the control of the Iraqis.

Phase 2 was their choice, and they killed far more of their own than we did.
George likes to run away from the truth.

Zubaidi talks without bitterness. He tells me he is happier these days and hated his time in the army. "Under Saddam, the state intervened in everything. We were ruled with an iron fist. In those days, I couldn't afford fruit and didn't have a car. Now everything's reversed. We have freedom. We can buy what we like.:clap2: :eusa_whistle:

Again, who's side George is really on. Certainly not the people of Iraq.

Actually, Herr George doesn't care for anyone but his sorry old self.
He seems to have mastered the art of Jew hate quite well. A week ago he posted crap about Jews being responsible for what is happening between Russia and Ukraine. Funny part is today in the news they mentioned that the Russians are now sending Nazi style letters to Ukrainian Jews and synagogues asking them to identify themselves as Jews, and list all the property and assets and cars they own. Jews have always been the canary in the coal mine. Every time evil rises, the Jews immediately become the first targets. And so it is with IslamoNazis as well.
George likes to run away from the truth.

Again, who's side George is really on. Certainly not the people of Iraq.

Actually, Herr George doesn't care for anyone but his sorry old self.
He seems to have mastered the art of Jew hate quite well. A week ago he posted crap about Jews being responsible for what is happening between Russia and Ukraine. Funny part is today in the news they mentioned that the Russians are now sending Nazi style letters to Ukrainian Jews and synagogues asking them to identify themselves as Jews, and list all the property and assets and cars they own. Jews have always been the canary in the coal mine. Every time evil rises, the Jews immediately become the first targets. And so it is with IslamoNazis as well.
Your propaganda isn't fooling anyone, Hasbara

"A few anti-Semitic fliers in eastern Ukraine made global news after the U.S. Secretary of State spoke out against them. But on the evidence on display in Donetsk, the Jews of eastern Ukraine are in little danger"

Ukraine?s ?Jew Register? Either a Hoax or a Crude Extortion Scheme - TIME
Because even the most overly-generous and condemnatory figures from semi-believable sources such as Lancet fall far short of such a mark...
Maybe from where you sit...

"The number of displaced persons, both internal (within Iraq) and external (refugees, mainly in Jordan and Syria) ranged from estimates of 3.5 million to 5 million or more, which were directly attributable to the war.

"Virtually all first-hand accounts blamed violence as the cause of moving, or threats of ethnic or sectarian cleansing of neighborhoods.

"The ravages of displacement, which remains at about 3 million, are bad enough. But it is also another indicator of the scale of mortality.

All wars since 1945 have ratios of displaced to fatalities of 10:1 or less, typically more in the range of 5:1.

"If this typical ratio holds for the Iraq War, that indicates mortality of about one million Iraqis."

The Human Cost of the War in Iraq
Phase 1 of the Iraq War was the Invasion.

Phase 2 of the Iraq War was the Insurgency / Civil War

Figures need to be divided between the two phases.

Phase 1 was beyond the control of the Iraqis.

Phase 2 was their choice, and they killed far more of their own than we did.
Phase 2 would never have happened absent an illegal, immoral US invasion.
You're trying to separate cause and effect, and it won't fly.
Actually, Herr George doesn't care for anyone but his sorry old self.
He seems to have mastered the art of Jew hate quite well. A week ago he posted crap about Jews being responsible for what is happening between Russia and Ukraine. Funny part is today in the news they mentioned that the Russians are now sending Nazi style letters to Ukrainian Jews and synagogues asking them to identify themselves as Jews, and list all the property and assets and cars they own. Jews have always been the canary in the coal mine. Every time evil rises, the Jews immediately become the first targets. And so it is with IslamoNazis as well.
Your propaganda isn't fooling anyone, Hasbara

"A few anti-Semitic fliers in eastern Ukraine made global news after the U.S. Secretary of State spoke out against them. But on the evidence on display in Donetsk, the Jews of eastern Ukraine are in little danger"

Ukraine?s ?Jew Register? Either a Hoax or a Crude Extortion Scheme - TIME
Listen, buster, any time a government hate program is directed against Jews, they are in mortal danger. It would serve the Rooskies and other countries right if Israel would go into their countries to protect the Jews living there and extract a head for an eye. Am I not correct, Little Georgie Jew-hater?
He seems to have mastered the art of Jew hate quite well. A week ago he posted crap about Jews being responsible for what is happening between Russia and Ukraine. Funny part is today in the news they mentioned that the Russians are now sending Nazi style letters to Ukrainian Jews and synagogues asking them to identify themselves as Jews, and list all the property and assets and cars they own. Jews have always been the canary in the coal mine. Every time evil rises, the Jews immediately become the first targets. And so it is with IslamoNazis as well.
Your propaganda isn't fooling anyone, Hasbara

"A few anti-Semitic fliers in eastern Ukraine made global news after the U.S. Secretary of State spoke out against them. But on the evidence on display in Donetsk, the Jews of eastern Ukraine are in little danger"

Ukraine?s ?Jew Register? Either a Hoax or a Crude Extortion Scheme - TIME
Listen, buster, any time a government hate program is directed against Jews, they are in mortal danger. It would serve the Rooskies and other countries right if Israel would go into their countries to protect the Jews living there and extract a head for an eye. Am I not correct, Little Georgie Jew-hater?

Let's face it, Herr George would love to see a pogrom taking place in the Ukraine or Russia against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
He seems to have mastered the art of Jew hate quite well. A week ago he posted crap about Jews being responsible for what is happening between Russia and Ukraine. Funny part is today in the news they mentioned that the Russians are now sending Nazi style letters to Ukrainian Jews and synagogues asking them to identify themselves as Jews, and list all the property and assets and cars they own. Jews have always been the canary in the coal mine. Every time evil rises, the Jews immediately become the first targets. And so it is with IslamoNazis as well.
Your propaganda isn't fooling anyone, Hasbara

"A few anti-Semitic fliers in eastern Ukraine made global news after the U.S. Secretary of State spoke out against them. But on the evidence on display in Donetsk, the Jews of eastern Ukraine are in little danger"

Ukraine?s ?Jew Register? Either a Hoax or a Crude Extortion Scheme - TIME
Listen, buster, any time a government hate program is directed against Jews, they are in mortal danger. It would serve the Rooskies and other countries right if Israel would go into their countries to protect the Jews living there and extract a head for an eye. Am I not correct, Little Georgie Jew-hater?

Trying to instill fear in the jews to leave or pay for the "privilege" of staying as less than equal. The publishing and distribution of the flyers was organized and methodical.
It was targeting jews, be it government or some group claiming to speaking on behalf of the government.
It amounts to progrom trying to wreak havoc on the jewish community. It is an attack, psychological or physical, on the jews.
He seems to have mastered the art of Jew hate quite well. A week ago he posted crap about Jews being responsible for what is happening between Russia and Ukraine. Funny part is today in the news they mentioned that the Russians are now sending Nazi style letters to Ukrainian Jews and synagogues asking them to identify themselves as Jews, and list all the property and assets and cars they own. Jews have always been the canary in the coal mine. Every time evil rises, the Jews immediately become the first targets. And so it is with IslamoNazis as well.
Your propaganda isn't fooling anyone, Hasbara

"A few anti-Semitic fliers in eastern Ukraine made global news after the U.S. Secretary of State spoke out against them. But on the evidence on display in Donetsk, the Jews of eastern Ukraine are in little danger"

Ukraine?s ?Jew Register? Either a Hoax or a Crude Extortion Scheme - TIME
Listen, buster, any time a government hate program is directed against Jews, they are in mortal danger. It would serve the Rooskies and other countries right if Israel would go into their countries to protect the Jews living there and extract a head for an eye. Am I not correct, Little Georgie Jew-hater?
Not even close, Killer.
Why don't you explain what makes a Jew life worth more than a Russian or American or Ukrainian life? There's no proof of a "government hate program" in eastern Ukraine, unlike the "Muslim hate program" you and your government endorse.
Your propaganda isn't fooling anyone, Hasbara

"A few anti-Semitic fliers in eastern Ukraine made global news after the U.S. Secretary of State spoke out against them. But on the evidence on display in Donetsk, the Jews of eastern Ukraine are in little danger"

Ukraine?s ?Jew Register? Either a Hoax or a Crude Extortion Scheme - TIME
Listen, buster, any time a government hate program is directed against Jews, they are in mortal danger. It would serve the Rooskies and other countries right if Israel would go into their countries to protect the Jews living there and extract a head for an eye. Am I not correct, Little Georgie Jew-hater?

Trying to instill fear in the jews to leave or pay for the "privilege" of staying as less than equal. The publishing and distribution of the flyers was organized and methodical.
It was targeting jews, be it government or some group claiming to speaking on behalf of the government.
It amounts to progrom trying to wreak havoc on the jewish community. It is an attack, psychological or physical, on the jews.
Tell us exactly what you mean by "organized" and "methodical."
Don't be afraid to use credible links.
Listen, buster, any time a government hate program is directed against Jews, they are in mortal danger. It would serve the Rooskies and other countries right if Israel would go into their countries to protect the Jews living there and extract a head for an eye. Am I not correct, Little Georgie Jew-hater?

Trying to instill fear in the jews to leave or pay for the "privilege" of staying as less than equal. The publishing and distribution of the flyers was organized and methodical.
It was targeting jews, be it government or some group claiming to speaking on behalf of the government.
It amounts to progrom trying to wreak havoc on the jewish community. It is an attack, psychological or physical, on the jews.
Tell us exactly what you mean by "organized" and "methodical."
Don't be afraid to use credible links.
Here's a link from your Kiss Obama's Boots Network. Kerry sez it's real. Who's lying here?

Jewish residents of one city in east Ukraine were issued a flier instructing them to identify themselves, Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday, signaling that Russia’s growing military presence in the region could spark a new wave of anti-Semitism in the former Soviet bloc.

“Just in the last couple of days, notices were sent to Jews in one city, indicating that they had to identify themselves as Jews and obviously the accompanying threat implied, is or threatened or suffer the consequences, one way or the other,” Kerry said during a press conference in Geneva, following a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ukrainian and EU representatives.

THE REID REPORT, 4/17/14, 3:03 PM ET
John Kerry: Jews targeted in Ukraine

The leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic has denied any connection with the flier, which bared his name as the signature, according to a statement from the Anti-Defamation League.

Jews in Ukraine told to identify themselves, Kerry says | MSNBC
Trying to instill fear in the jews to leave or pay for the "privilege" of staying as less than equal. The publishing and distribution of the flyers was organized and methodical.
It was targeting jews, be it government or some group claiming to speaking on behalf of the government.
It amounts to progrom trying to wreak havoc on the jewish community. It is an attack, psychological or physical, on the jews.
Tell us exactly what you mean by "organized" and "methodical."
Don't be afraid to use credible links.
Here's a link from your Kiss Obama's Boots Network. Kerry sez it's real. Who's lying here?

Jewish residents of one city in east Ukraine were issued a flier instructing them to identify themselves, Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday, signaling that Russia’s growing military presence in the region could spark a new wave of anti-Semitism in the former Soviet bloc.

“Just in the last couple of days, notices were sent to Jews in one city, indicating that they had to identify themselves as Jews and obviously the accompanying threat implied, is or threatened or suffer the consequences, one way or the other,” Kerry said during a press conference in Geneva, following a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ukrainian and EU representatives.

THE REID REPORT, 4/17/14, 3:03 PM ET
John Kerry: Jews targeted in Ukraine

The leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic has denied any connection with the flier, which bared his name as the signature, according to a statement from the Anti-Defamation League.

Jews in Ukraine told to identify themselves, Kerry says | MSNBC
I don't think John Forbes Kerry has forgotten the business of America is war.
I'm guessing those fliers are a crude extortion attempt on the part of local thugs.
What's yours?

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