Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

Your propaganda isn't fooling anyone, Hasbara

"A few anti-Semitic fliers in eastern Ukraine made global news after the U.S. Secretary of State spoke out against them. But on the evidence on display in Donetsk, the Jews of eastern Ukraine are in little danger"

Ukraine?s ?Jew Register? Either a Hoax or a Crude Extortion Scheme - TIME
Listen, buster, any time a government hate program is directed against Jews, they are in mortal danger. It would serve the Rooskies and other countries right if Israel would go into their countries to protect the Jews living there and extract a head for an eye. Am I not correct, Little Georgie Jew-hater?
Not even close, Killer.
Why don't you explain what makes a Jew life worth more than a Russian or American or Ukrainian life? There's no proof of a "government hate program" in eastern Ukraine, unlike the "Muslim hate program" you and your government endorse.

What a retarded comparison. There are Americans and Ukrainians and Russians who ARE Jews.
Tell us exactly what you mean by "organized" and "methodical."
Don't be afraid to use credible links.
Here's a link from your Kiss Obama's Boots Network. Kerry sez it's real. Who's lying here?

Jewish residents of one city in east Ukraine were issued a flier instructing them to identify themselves, Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday, signaling that Russia’s growing military presence in the region could spark a new wave of anti-Semitism in the former Soviet bloc.

“Just in the last couple of days, notices were sent to Jews in one city, indicating that they had to identify themselves as Jews and obviously the accompanying threat implied, is or threatened or suffer the consequences, one way or the other,” Kerry said during a press conference in Geneva, following a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ukrainian and EU representatives.

THE REID REPORT, 4/17/14, 3:03 PM ET
John Kerry: Jews targeted in Ukraine

The leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic has denied any connection with the flier, which bared his name as the signature, according to a statement from the Anti-Defamation League.

Jews in Ukraine told to identify themselves, Kerry says | MSNBC
I don't think John Forbes Kerry has forgotten the business of America is war.
I'm guessing those fliers are a crude extortion attempt on the part of local thugs.
What's yours?
Tinmore, I am a Patton clone. Ever since V-E Day I have been saying that Russia is an evil we'll eventually have to get rid of. The Islamists not so much because they'll inbreed themselves out of existance.
Here's a link from your Kiss Obama's Boots Network. Kerry sez it's real. Who's lying here?

Jewish residents of one city in east Ukraine were issued a flier instructing them to identify themselves, Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday, signaling that Russia’s growing military presence in the region could spark a new wave of anti-Semitism in the former Soviet bloc.

“Just in the last couple of days, notices were sent to Jews in one city, indicating that they had to identify themselves as Jews and obviously the accompanying threat implied, is or threatened or suffer the consequences, one way or the other,” Kerry said during a press conference in Geneva, following a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ukrainian and EU representatives.

THE REID REPORT, 4/17/14, 3:03 PM ET
John Kerry: Jews targeted in Ukraine

The leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic has denied any connection with the flier, which bared his name as the signature, according to a statement from the Anti-Defamation League.

Jews in Ukraine told to identify themselves, Kerry says | MSNBC
I don't think John Forbes Kerry has forgotten the business of America is war.
I'm guessing those fliers are a crude extortion attempt on the part of local thugs.
What's yours?
Tinmore, I am a Patton clone. Ever since V-E Day I have been saying that Russia is an evil we'll eventually have to get rid of. The Islamists not so much because they'll inbreed themselves out of existance.
Hoss, this ain't 1945.
Are you worried about the collateral damage in your hometown?
I don't think John Forbes Kerry has forgotten the business of America is war.
I'm guessing those fliers are a crude extortion attempt on the part of local thugs.
What's yours?
Tinmore, I am a Patton clone. Ever since V-E Day I have been saying that Russia is an evil we'll eventually have to get rid of. The Islamists not so much because they'll inbreed themselves out of existance.
Hoss, this ain't 1945.
Are you worried about the collateral damage in your hometown?
Did I say I am still living in 1945?
Tinmore, I am a Patton clone. Ever since V-E Day I have been saying that Russia is an evil we'll eventually have to get rid of. The Islamists not so much because they'll inbreed themselves out of existance.
Hoss, this ain't 1945.
Are you worried about the collateral damage in your hometown?
Did I say I am still living in 1945?
You said: "Ever since VE Day I have been saying that Russia is an evil we'll eventually have to get rid of." Putting aside the Evil we've inflicted on the world since 1945, how do you plan to get rid off a nuclear superpower without exposing the US homeland to the same level of devastation the Nazis inflicted on Russia during WWII?
Listen, buster, any time a government hate program is directed against Jews, they are in mortal danger. It would serve the Rooskies and other countries right if Israel would go into their countries to protect the Jews living there and extract a head for an eye. Am I not correct, Little Georgie Jew-hater?
Not even close, Killer.
Why don't you explain what makes a Jew life worth more than a Russian or American or Ukrainian life? There's no proof of a "government hate program" in eastern Ukraine, unlike the "Muslim hate program" you and your government endorse.

What a retarded comparison. There are Americans and Ukrainians and Russians who ARE Jews.
Are you playing the race or religion card?
Not even close, Killer.
Why don't you explain what makes a Jew life worth more than a Russian or American or Ukrainian life? There's no proof of a "government hate program" in eastern Ukraine, unlike the "Muslim hate program" you and your government endorse.

What a retarded comparison. There are Americans and Ukrainians and Russians who ARE Jews.
Are you playing the race or religion card?
Somebody is going to have to explain to me, how requiring Jews to 'register' with the government, and protesting against such singular treatment, is in any way equivalent to assigning a higher value to their lives, than the value placed upon the lives of other Americans or Ukrainians.

Non sequitur, insofar as I can discern.

So-called 'race-cards' and 'religion-cards' imply an overreaction.

No such overreaction is operative here.

The concern is entirely warranted.
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Because even the most overly-generous and condemnatory figures from semi-believable sources such as Lancet fall far short of such a mark...
Are you an expert in epidemiology?

Then shut your mouth!

You're not even qualified to comment on their findings.
Blow it out your ass, you little wanker.

One need not be an expert in large-scale disease cause-and-effect to comment upon war casualties and related.

I cited a respected source (the Lancet reports, original and amended) rather than just putting wild, hairy-assed numbers out there.

And I called for subdividing casualties into US-Coalition -caused, and Iraqi-caused.

And I did so in a reasonable and respectful manner.

Unlike you.

What a retarded comparison. There are Americans and Ukrainians and Russians who ARE Jews.
Are you playing the race or religion card?
Somebody is going to have to explain to me, how requiring Jews to 'register' with the government, and protesting against such singular treatment, is in any way equivalent to assigning a higher value to their lives, than the value placed upon the lives of other Americans or Ukrainians.

Non sequitur, insofar as I can discern.

So-called 'race-cards' and 'religion-cards' imply an overreaction.

No such overreaction is operative here.

The concern is entirely warranted.
First, why don't you tell us which "government" is requiring Jews to register in Ukraine?
Are you playing the race or religion card?
Somebody is going to have to explain to me, how requiring Jews to 'register' with the government, and protesting against such singular treatment, is in any way equivalent to assigning a higher value to their lives, than the value placed upon the lives of other Americans or Ukrainians.

Non sequitur, insofar as I can discern.

So-called 'race-cards' and 'religion-cards' imply an overreaction.

No such overreaction is operative here.

The concern is entirely warranted.
First, why don't you tell us which "government" is requiring Jews to register in Ukraine?
You first, George.

But, as a friendly aside...

There have been reports of varying reliability, about the 'provisional' governments or councils of a couple of Eastern Ukrainian provinces or towns, distributing flyers calling for same.

I have also seen various reports which reinforce, disavow or reject as false, such reports.

Is that possibility not what is being discussed here?

Perhaps I'm wrong.
Somebody is going to have to explain to me, how requiring Jews to 'register' with the government, and protesting against such singular treatment, is in any way equivalent to assigning a higher value to their lives, than the value placed upon the lives of other Americans or Ukrainians.

Non sequitur, insofar as I can discern.

So-called 'race-cards' and 'religion-cards' imply an overreaction.

No such overreaction is operative here.

The concern is entirely warranted.
First, why don't you tell us which "government" is requiring Jews to register in Ukraine?
You first, George.

But, as a friendly aside...

There have been reports of varying reliability, about the 'provisional' governments or councils of a couple of Eastern Ukrainian provinces or towns, distributing flyers calling for same.

I have also seen various reports which reinforce, disavow or reject as false, such reports.

Is that possibility not what is being discussed here?

Perhaps I'm wrong.
I hope not, K3.

I don't see how it benefits the government in Kiev or the Russians to get smeared with being anti-Semitic, although it's obvious bigots abound on both sides.

Personally, I would rather know more details of the February 20th sniper killings in Kiev that forced Yanukovych to run for his greedy life.

The ICC has extended an offer to investigate; however, I'm thinking all sides in this conflict may not want the world to know the full extent of their involvement in mass murder.

I suppose it would also be interesting to know how many US officials from the State Department and CIA were helping fund and organize the ouster of a totally corrupt, yet legally elected, president of a sovereign state.

When do you expect we'll be having this same conversation about Venezuela?
First, why don't you tell us which "government" is requiring Jews to register in Ukraine?
You first, George.

But, as a friendly aside...

There have been reports of varying reliability, about the 'provisional' governments or councils of a couple of Eastern Ukrainian provinces or towns, distributing flyers calling for same.

I have also seen various reports which reinforce, disavow or reject as false, such reports.

Is that possibility not what is being discussed here?

Perhaps I'm wrong.
I hope not, K3.

I don't see how it benefits the government in Kiev or the Russians to get smeared with being anti-Semitic, although it's obvious bigots abound on both sides.

Personally, I would rather know more details of the February 20th sniper killings in Kiev that forced Yanukovych to run for his greedy life.

The ICC has extended an offer to investigate; however, I'm thinking all sides in this conflict may not want the world to know the full extent of their involvement in mass murder.

I suppose it would also be interesting to know how many US officials from the State Department and CIA were helping fund and organize the ouster of a totally corrupt, yet legally elected, president of a sovereign state.

When do you expect we'll be having this same conversation about Venezuela?

When it comes to his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, Herr George even has to drag what is happening in the Ukraine over to the Middle East forum. It isn't enough that he is blabbering about this on another forum. So tell us, Herr George, have you anything to say about what is going on in the Middle East that doesn't involve your favorite scapegoats. For all the times you have posted on this forum, I don't think anyone has seen you actually post anything that has happened in the Middle East which didn't involve the Jews, and we all know the Middle East is a huge piece of real estate where lots is happening.
Because even the most overly-generous and condemnatory figures from semi-believable sources such as Lancet fall far short of such a mark...
Are you an expert in epidemiology?

Then shut your mouth!

You're not even qualified to comment on their findings.
Pffft! The Lancet seems to be a magnet for fraudsters. They have lost all credibility. Nobody quotes them any longer, except for idiots like you.ø

Jon Sudbø (born May 3, 1961) is a Norwegian dentist, physician, and former medical researcher, who was exposed as a scientific fraudster in 2006. Over a period of several years, he fabricated results in the field of oncology which he published in leading medical journals. The article that led to his downfall, which was published in The Lancet, was based on 900 patients Sudbø had fabricated entirely. The editor of The Lancet described this as the biggest scientific fraud conducted by a single researcher ever.

The MMR vaccine and autism: Sensation, refutation, retraction, and fraud

In 1998, Andrew Wakefield and 12 of his colleagues[1] published a case series in the Lancet, which suggested that the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine may predispose to behavioral regression and pervasive developmental disorder in children. Despite the small sample size (n=12), the uncontrolled design, and the speculative nature of the conclusions, the paper received wide publicity, and MMR vaccination rates began to drop because parents were concerned about the risk of autism after vaccination.

The Lancet completely retracted the Wakefield et al.[1] paper in February 2010, admitting that several elements in the paper were incorrect, contrary to the findings of the earlier investigation.[7] Wakefield et al.[1] were held guilty of ethical violations (they had conducted invasive investigations on the children without obtaining the necessary ethical clearances) and scientific misrepresentation (they reported that their sampling was consecutive when, in fact, it was selective). This retraction was published as a small, anonymous paragraph in the journal, on behalf of the editors.

Iraq War death toll controversy (2004)

The Lancet also published a controversial estimate of the Iraq War's Iraqi death toll—around 100,000—in 2004. In 2006 a follow-up study by the same team suggested that the violent death rate in Iraq was not only consistent with the earlier estimate, but had increased considerably in the intervening period (see Lancet surveys of casualties of the Iraq War). The second survey estimated that there had been 654,965 excess Iraqi deaths as a consequence of the war. The 95% confidence interval was 392,979 to 942,636. 1,849 households that contained 12,801 people were surveyed.[15]
The estimate provided in the second article are much higher than those published in other surveys from the same time. Most notably, the "Iraq Family Health Survey" published in the New England Journal of Medicine surveyed 9,345 households across Iraq and estimated 151,000 deaths due to violence (95% uncertainty range, 104,000 to 223,000) over the same period covered in the second Lancet survey by Burnham et al. The NEJM article stated that the second Lancet survey "considerably overestimated the number of violent deaths and said the Lancet results were, "highly improbable, given the internal and external consistency of the data and the much larger sample size and quality-control measures taken in the implementation of the IFHS."
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"Ukraine, like Russia, has a long history of violent anti-Semitism, that dates back to the 1648 Khmelnitsky pogroms and continues through the Beiliss blood libel – still an issue of contention among many Ukrainians – and the Russian Civil War, when tens of thousands of Jews were butchered.

"The existing Ukrainian Jewish community, estimated to be around 200,000, has good reason to be fearful.

"Since gaining independence in 1991, Ukraine has spawned thriving xenophobic rightwing parties which are alleged to have spearheaded the revolt against the corrupt President Viktor Yanukovich.

"Although only gaining 10 percent electoral support, these are genuine neo-Nazis who employ swastika symbols and are openly anti-Semitic.

"Successive Ukrainian governments have ignored or condoned their extremist activities and made no effort to prosecute them.

"Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of Svoboda, the largest right-wing extremist nationalist faction, which holds 37 seats in the government, has called for the liberation of Ukraine from the 'Muscovite-Jewish Mafia' and refers to his opponents as 'Zhids.'”

Candidly speaking: Putin, Ukraine and the Jews | JPost | Israel News

Six to ten million lives have been lost in the Democratic Republic of Congo on behalf of Western corporations and governments. Millions more have died in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon over the past three decades. That same war has now reached the borders of its ultimate target:

"Ukraine, like Russia, has a long history of violent anti-Semitism, that dates back to the 1648 Khmelnitsky pogroms and continues through the Beiliss blood libel – still an issue of contention among many Ukrainians – and the Russian Civil War, when tens of thousands of Jews were butchered.

"The existing Ukrainian Jewish community, estimated to be around 200,000, has good reason to be fearful.

"Since gaining independence in 1991, Ukraine has spawned thriving xenophobic rightwing parties which are alleged to have spearheaded the revolt against the corrupt President Viktor Yanukovich.

"Although only gaining 10 percent electoral support, these are genuine neo-Nazis who employ swastika symbols and are openly anti-Semitic.

"Successive Ukrainian governments have ignored or condoned their extremist activities and made no effort to prosecute them.

"Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of Svoboda, the largest right-wing extremist nationalist faction, which holds 37 seats in the government, has called for the liberation of Ukraine from the 'Muscovite-Jewish Mafia' and refers to his opponents as 'Zhids.'”

Candidly speaking: Putin, Ukraine and the Jews | JPost | Israel News

Six to ten million lives have been lost in the Democratic Republic of Congo on behalf of Western corporations and governments. Millions more have died in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon over the past three decades. That same war has now reached the borders of its ultimate target:


Naturally, Herr George, has to drag his favorite scapegoats the Jews over to a Middle East forum. so tell us, Herr George, when are you going to give your scapegoats a rest and tell us what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where you can't drag in the Jews. We all realize that many innocent people have been killed around the world by different groups, but the bottom line is that you have no compassion for these people and only use them in your agenda to attempt to show the U.S. and israel in a bad light.
The zionist jews and Israel are 99% of the problem in the Middle East. .. :cool:

You mean the raging Islamists are 110% of the problem.


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