Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

Hey, Rothschild...Arab and Christian "animals" were part of Palestine's non-Jewish community, and they, too, had "civil and religious rights" early Zionists ignored:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blah blah blah. The British offered the Arabs an Arab Palestine in Jordan. Arabs wanted the whole place to themselves and that's why they attacked the Jews.

Arabs still want the whole of Israel destroyed so they can turn the place into another Islamic cesspool of hatred and violence.

Too bad for you that they can't and never will, Mohomod. Ha ha.
"After the war (to end all war), the area came under British rule as the British Mandate of Palestine.

"The area mandated to the British in 1923 included what is today Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"Transjordan eventually was carved into a separate British protectorate – the Emirate of Transjordan, which gained an autonomous status in 1928 and achieved complete independence in 1946 with the approval by the United Nations of the end of the British Mandate."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how did "Jews" from bum-fuck Moldavia become entitled to land Arabs have lived on for generations?

Because the British, who ruled the land, said they could. They not only encouraged them to immigrate, but fasclitated their immigration as well.

The Jews legally declared independence after cessation of the mandate because they had their shit together while the Arabs didn't.

Georgie, imagine the 5 Arab states didn't attack Israel in 1948? The Palestinian Arabs would even more land then just the West Bank and Gaza on which they declared independence on in 1988.
The Palestinians are paying the mistakes of their Arab neighbours. This is a fact that you anti Zionists can't comprehend.

Now, it's too late for any do-overs .

Worked out pretty damn well for Israel though ! :D :D
Last edited:
Blah blah blah. The British offered the Arabs an Arab Palestine in Jordan. Arabs wanted the whole place to themselves and that's why they attacked the Jews.

Arabs still want the whole of Israel destroyed so they can turn the place into another Islamic cesspool of hatred and violence.

Too bad for you that they can't and never will, Mohomod. Ha ha.
"After the war (to end all war), the area came under British rule as the British Mandate of Palestine.

"The area mandated to the British in 1923 included what is today Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"Transjordan eventually was carved into a separate British protectorate – the Emirate of Transjordan, which gained an autonomous status in 1928 and achieved complete independence in 1946 with the approval by the United Nations of the end of the British Mandate."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how did "Jews" from bum-fuck Moldavia become entitled to land Arabs have lived on for generations?

Because the British, who ruled the land, said they could. They not only encouraged them to immigrate, but fasclitated their immigration as well.

The Jews legally declared independence after cessation of the mandate because they had their shit together while the Arabs didn't.

Georgie, imagine the 5 Arab states didn't attack Israel in 1948? The Palestinian Arabs would even more land then just the West Bank and Gaza on which they declared independence on in 1988.
The Palestinians are paying the mistakes of their Arab neighbours. This is a fact that you anti Zionists can't comprehend.

Now, it's too late for any do-overs .

Worked out pretty damn well for Israel though ! :D :D
Think so, Toastie?
Currently there are equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, and every single individual residing there lives under laws written, interpreted, and enforced by Jews, for Jews, and for the benefit of Jews at the expense of non-Jews.

Jewish state or Democratic state or official Apartheid state?
"After the war (to end all war), the area came under British rule as the British Mandate of Palestine.

"The area mandated to the British in 1923 included what is today Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"Transjordan eventually was carved into a separate British protectorate – the Emirate of Transjordan, which gained an autonomous status in 1928 and achieved complete independence in 1946 with the approval by the United Nations of the end of the British Mandate."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how did "Jews" from bum-fuck Moldavia become entitled to land Arabs have lived on for generations?

Because the British, who ruled the land, said they could. They not only encouraged them to immigrate, but fasclitated their immigration as well.

The Jews legally declared independence after cessation of the mandate because they had their shit together while the Arabs didn't.

Georgie, imagine the 5 Arab states didn't attack Israel in 1948? The Palestinian Arabs would even more land then just the West Bank and Gaza on which they declared independence on in 1988.
The Palestinians are paying the mistakes of their Arab neighbours. This is a fact that you anti Zionists can't comprehend.

Now, it's too late for any do-overs .

Worked out pretty damn well for Israel though ! :D :D
Think so, Toastie?
Currently there are equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, and every single individual residing there lives under laws written, interpreted, and enforced by Jews, for Jews, and for the benefit of Jews at the expense of non-Jews.

Jewish state or Democratic state or official Apartheid state?

Say, does anyone think that Mr. George is going to give up his favorite scapegoats for a while and tell us some of the other news coming out of the Middle East. I am sure he realizes this is the Middle East forum, and it is very telling of him to only concentrate on the Jews who do make a good scapegoat sincer they are small in number in comparison to the other groups in the world. And, naturally, we know that innocent people are being murdered right and left in other Middle East countries so one would think that Mr. George, who must consider himself a civilized man, would be concerned with this instead of parroting out ad nauseam that same old stuff he has posted about before.
So how does Mr. George know that Iran doesn't have a nuclear program?
They have a nuclear program, but so far, no one has shown any evidence the program has been weaponized.

Is he close friends with Ayatollah Khomeini.
That would be hard to do, since Khomeini died several years ago.

Moreover, has Israel ever used any nukes in all the years that country has had them.
Did you know, Israel is the country that sold Iran its first nuclear reactor, not too long after the hostage crisis ended?

In fact, those nukes have been a deterrent for, as we all know, there are Muslim countries who would like to see Israel destroyed.
I like to see myself on the beach with a blonde this tall, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get it.

I hope all the readers note that Mr. George is now getting his news from the World Socialist Web.
I hope you know ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

I guess that is not unusual for someone who thinks like a Commie and can't stand people who have some money.
How do you know how he thinks?

Do you live in his brain? Are you a brain-liver?
"After the war (to end all war), the area came under British rule as the British Mandate of Palestine.

"The area mandated to the British in 1923 included what is today Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"Transjordan eventually was carved into a separate British protectorate – the Emirate of Transjordan, which gained an autonomous status in 1928 and achieved complete independence in 1946 with the approval by the United Nations of the end of the British Mandate."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how did "Jews" from bum-fuck Moldavia become entitled to land Arabs have lived on for generations?

Because the British, who ruled the land, said they could. They not only encouraged them to immigrate, but fasclitated their immigration as well.

The Jews legally declared independence after cessation of the mandate because they had their shit together while the Arabs didn't.

Georgie, imagine the 5 Arab states didn't attack Israel in 1948? The Palestinian Arabs would even more land then just the West Bank and Gaza on which they declared independence on in 1988.
The Palestinians are paying the mistakes of their Arab neighbours. This is a fact that you anti Zionists can't comprehend.

Now, it's too late for any do-overs .

Worked out pretty damn well for Israel though ! :D :D
Think so, Toastie?
Currently there are equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, and every single individual residing there lives under laws written, interpreted, and enforced by Jews, for Jews, and for the benefit of Jews at the expense of non-Jews.

Jewish state or Democratic state or official Apartheid state?

What does this lie have to do with my post??
Blah blah blah. The British offered the Arabs an Arab Palestine in Jordan. Arabs wanted the whole place to themselves and that's why they attacked the Jews.

Arabs still want the whole of Israel destroyed so they can turn the place into another Islamic cesspool of hatred and violence.

Too bad for you that they can't and never will, Mohomod. Ha ha.
"After the war (to end all war), the area came under British rule as the British Mandate of Palestine.

"The area mandated to the British in 1923 included what is today Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"Transjordan eventually was carved into a separate British protectorate – the Emirate of Transjordan, which gained an autonomous status in 1928 and achieved complete independence in 1946 with the approval by the United Nations of the end of the British Mandate."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how did "Jews" from bum-fuck Moldavia become entitled to land Arabs have lived on for generations?
Nope nope nope. Jordan is Arab Palestine. How did Arab invaders from Egypt, Jordan and Syria become "Palestinians"? Ha ha


"The Churchill White Paper (also known as The British White Paper of 1922) of 3 June 1922 clarified how Britain viewed the Balfour Declaration, 1917. That Declaration announced the British intent to aid the 'establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.' It took its name from Winston Churchill, the then-Secretary of State for the Colonies..."

"'Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become 'as Jewish as England is English.' His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded 'in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development"'.

Churchill White Paper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your "Jordan is Palestine" pig won't fly, Bigot.
It must be hard when all your arguments are lies.
"After the war (to end all war), the area came under British rule as the British Mandate of Palestine.

"The area mandated to the British in 1923 included what is today Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"Transjordan eventually was carved into a separate British protectorate – the Emirate of Transjordan, which gained an autonomous status in 1928 and achieved complete independence in 1946 with the approval by the United Nations of the end of the British Mandate."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how did "Jews" from bum-fuck Moldavia become entitled to land Arabs have lived on for generations?

Because the British, who ruled the land, said they could. They not only encouraged them to immigrate, but fasclitated their immigration as well.

The Jews legally declared independence after cessation of the mandate because they had their shit together while the Arabs didn't.

Georgie, imagine the 5 Arab states didn't attack Israel in 1948? The Palestinian Arabs would even more land then just the West Bank and Gaza on which they declared independence on in 1988.
The Palestinians are paying the mistakes of their Arab neighbours. This is a fact that you anti Zionists can't comprehend.

Now, it's too late for any do-overs .

Worked out pretty damn well for Israel though ! :D :D
Think so, Toastie?
Currently there are equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, and every single individual residing there lives under laws written, interpreted, and enforced by Jews, for Jews, and for the benefit of Jews at the expense of non-Jews.

Jewish state or Democratic state or official Apartheid state?

For Israelis, not just for jews.
Palestinians have their own laws. But this is the first article

"Palestine is part of the larger Arab world, and the Palestinian people are part of the Arab nation. Arab unity is an objective that the Palestinian people shall work to achieve"
So how does Mr. George know that Iran doesn't have a nuclear program?
They have a nuclear program, but so far, no one has shown any evidence the program has been weaponized.

Is he close friends with Ayatollah Khomeini.
That would be hard to do, since Khomeini died several years ago.

Did you know, Israel is the country that sold Iran its first nuclear reactor, not too long after the hostage crisis ended?

I like to see myself on the beach with a blonde this tall, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get it.

I hope all the readers note that Mr. George is now getting his news from the World Socialist Web.
I hope you know ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

I guess that is not unusual for someone who thinks like a Commie and can't stand people who have some money.
How do you know how he thinks?

Do you live in his brain? Are you a brain-liver?

Since youare now on the Middle East forum, how about you giving us your opinion about all your fellow Catholics being killed in the Middle East? Naturally you don't want us to think you are a good little Commie like Mr. George. Surely your little old brain can also concentrate on what is happening to the Catholics there. After all, whatever is happening in one tiny little area of the Middle East has nothing to do with thousands of innocent people murdered elsehwere because of their religion. How about it, Billy? Tell us your opinion about what is happening to innocent Catholics in the Middle East? It is not like anyone is asking you what is happening to them in Africa or Southeast Asia, but just the Middle East. You must have something to say about this, or do you close you eyes to what is happening to your fellow Catholics because the Jews are not involved. My goodness, even the Pope is terribly worried about what is happening, and one would think you would join him in this.
Since youare now on the Middle East forum, how about you giving us your opinion about all your fellow Catholics being killed in the Middle East? Naturally you don't want us to think you are a good little Commie like Mr. George. Surely your little old brain can also concentrate on what is happening to the Catholics there. After all, whatever is happening in one tiny little area of the Middle East has nothing to do with thousands of innocent people murdered elsehwere because of their religion. How about it, Billy? Tell us your opinion about what is happening to innocent Catholics in the Middle East? It is not like anyone is asking you what is happening to them in Africa or Southeast Asia, but just the Middle East. You must have something to say about this, or do you close you eyes to what is happening to your fellow Catholics because the Jews are not involved. My goodness, even the Pope is terribly worried about what is happening, and one would think you would join him in this.
When are you going to join this thread?
Since youare now on the Middle East forum, how about you giving us your opinion about all your fellow Catholics being killed in the Middle East? Naturally you don't want us to think you are a good little Commie like Mr. George. Surely your little old brain can also concentrate on what is happening to the Catholics there. After all, whatever is happening in one tiny little area of the Middle East has nothing to do with thousands of innocent people murdered elsehwere because of their religion. How about it, Billy? Tell us your opinion about what is happening to innocent Catholics in the Middle East? It is not like anyone is asking you what is happening to them in Africa or Southeast Asia, but just the Middle East. You must have something to say about this, or do you close you eyes to what is happening to your fellow Catholics because the Jews are not involved. My goodness, even the Pope is terribly worried about what is happening, and one would think you would join him in this.
When are you going to join this thread?

This thread has followed the same old, same old nonsense from Mr. George that we have seen ad nauseam. When are you actually going to contribute to the Middle East forum by telling us what is happening in other Middle East countries, or don't dead bodies lying around bother you at all, not even when the dead bodies are innocent Catholics.
"After the war (to end all war), the area came under British rule as the British Mandate of Palestine.

"The area mandated to the British in 1923 included what is today Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"Transjordan eventually was carved into a separate British protectorate – the Emirate of Transjordan, which gained an autonomous status in 1928 and achieved complete independence in 1946 with the approval by the United Nations of the end of the British Mandate."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how did "Jews" from bum-fuck Moldavia become entitled to land Arabs have lived on for generations?
Nope nope nope. Jordan is Arab Palestine. How did Arab invaders from Egypt, Jordan and Syria become "Palestinians"? Ha ha


"The Churchill White Paper (also known as The British White Paper of 1922) of 3 June 1922 clarified how Britain viewed the Balfour Declaration, 1917. That Declaration announced the British intent to aid the 'establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.' It took its name from Winston Churchill, the then-Secretary of State for the Colonies..."

"'Unauthorized statements have been made to the effect that the purpose in view is to create a wholly Jewish Palestine. Phrases have been used such as that Palestine is to become 'as Jewish as England is English.' His Majesty's Government regard any such expectation as impracticable and have no such aim in view. They would draw attention to the fact that the terms of the Declaration referred to do not contemplate that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home, but that such a Home should be founded 'in Palestine.' In this connection it has been observed with satisfaction that at a meeting of the Zionist Congress, the supreme governing body of the Zionist Organization, held at Carlsbad in September, 1921, a resolution was passed expressing as the official statement of Zionist aims "the determination of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people on terms of unity and mutual respect, and together with them to make the common home into a flourishing community, the upbuilding of which may assure to each of its peoples an undisturbed national development"'.

Churchill White Paper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your "Jordan is Palestine" pig won't fly, Bigot.
It must be hard when all your arguments are lies.
Jordan was part of the Palestine mandate, the League of Nations gave Jordan to the Arab Muslims and eat of the Jordan River became Jewish Palestine aka Israel.

The fact that the Arabs couldn't handle it and decided to attack Israel to destroy it, was an unfortunate move for the Arabs.

You do know that all the Arab aggressions against the Jewish state wasn't to create a "Palestine" don't you, Mohommod?
So how does Mr. George know that Iran doesn't have a nuclear program?
They have a nuclear program, but so far, no one has shown any evidence the program has been weaponized.

it's close to being weaponized and that's why they have the sanctions in place by the West and most of the world. The Mullahs aren't fooling anybody.

Is he close friends with Ayatollah Khomeini.
That would be hard to do, since Khomeini died several years ago.

ayatollah this ayatollah that. Same shit, different IslamoNazi.

Did you know, Israel is the country that sold Iran its first nuclear reactor, not too long after the hostage crisis ended?

ha ha ha! do you have a link for this bullshit? Oh I forgot you just like to bullshit and see if you get caught.

I like to see myself on the beach with a blonde this tall, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get it.

but you're a good IslamoTerrorist ass licking apologist and it looks like you do get something for it. LOL

I hope all the readers note that Mr. George is now getting his news from the World Socialist Web.
I hope you know ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

that wasn't an ad hominem it was an indication of the garbage sites you obtain your information from.

I guess that is not unusual for someone who thinks like a Commie and can't stand people who have some money.
How do you know how he thinks?

Do you live in his brain? Are you a brain-liver?

do you guys even have a brain?
Last edited:
Don't bother trying to reason with Bilbo about such things.

We had an exchange a couple of months ago that cured me of that.

In contemplating the 1967 SIx Day War, and in counterpoint to his kvetching about Israel's preemptive airstrike on Egyptian air assets, etc...

I asked him what he would have done if he were Israeli Prime Minister at that time...

He said that he would forego the preemptive strike and that he would have waited until Egyptian bombers had crossed over into Israeli airspace before firing a shot...

When I asked to the effect...

'Even with your own bases and cities only seconds or minutes away, and even if it meant hundreds or thousands of civilian casualties and the destruction of strategic targets and war-assets and personnel formations, and at risk of being overwhelmed by the enemy?'...

...he answered 'yes'.

I stopped paying Bilbo any serious attention on that very day, at that very moment.

He/she/it resides in an Alternate Universe.

One which would have a Nation (Israel, anyway) choose Literal Adherence to Law over actual Survival.

You can't use Common Sense to argue the wisdom of not allowing a theocracy's nuclear program to reach a 'weaponizing' state in the first place, rather than naively trusting that they will not.

So how does Mr. George know that Iran doesn't have a nuclear program?
They have a nuclear program, but so far, no one has shown any evidence the program has been weaponized.

it's close to being weaponized and that's why they have the sanctions in place by the West and most of the world. The Mullahs aren't fooling anybody.

That would be hard to do, since Khomeini died several years ago.

ayatollah this ayatollah that. Same shit, different IslamoNazi.

Did you know, Israel is the country that sold Iran its first nuclear reactor, not too long after the hostage crisis ended?

ha ha ha! do you have a link for this bullshit? Oh I forgot you just like to bullshit and see if you get caught.

I like to see myself on the beach with a blonde this tall, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get it.

but you're a good IslamoTerrorist ass licking apologist and it looks like you do get something for it. LOL

I hope you know ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

that wasn't an ad hominem it was an indication of the garbage sites you obtain your information from.

I guess that is not unusual for someone who thinks like a Commie and can't stand people who have some money.
How do you know how he thinks?

Do you live in his brain? Are you a brain-liver?

do you guys even have a brain?
Don't bother trying to reason with Bilbo about such things.

We had an exchange a couple of months ago that cured me of that.

In contemplating the 1967 SIx Day War, and in counterpoint to his kvetching about Israel's preemptive airstrike on Egyptian air assets, etc...

I asked him what he would have done if he were Israeli Prime Minister at that time...

He said that he would forego the preemptive strike and that he would have waited until Egyptian bombers had crossed over into Israeli airspace before firing a shot...

When I asked to the effect...

'Even with your own bases and cities only seconds or minutes away, and even if it meant hundreds or thousands of civilian casualties and the destruction of strategic targets and war-assets and personnel formations, and at risk of being overwhelmed by the enemy?'...

...he answered 'yes'.

I stopped paying Bilbo any serious attention on that very day, at that very moment.

He/she/it resides in an Alternate Universe.

One which would have a Nation (Israel, anyway) choose Literal Adherence to Law over actual Survival.

You can't use Common Sense to argue the wisdom of not allowing a theocracy's nuclear program to reach a 'weaponizing' state in the first place, rather than naively trusting that they will not.

They have a nuclear program, but so far, no one has shown any evidence the program has been weaponized.

it's close to being weaponized and that's why they have the sanctions in place by the West and most of the world. The Mullahs aren't fooling anybody.

That would be hard to do, since Khomeini died several years ago.

ayatollah this ayatollah that. Same shit, different IslamoNazi.

Did you know, Israel is the country that sold Iran its first nuclear reactor, not too long after the hostage crisis ended?

ha ha ha! do you have a link for this bullshit? Oh I forgot you just like to bullshit and see if you get caught.

I like to see myself on the beach with a blonde this tall, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get it.

but you're a good IslamoTerrorist ass licking apologist and it looks like you do get something for it. LOL

I hope you know ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

that wasn't an ad hominem it was an indication of the garbage sites you obtain your information from.

How do you know how he thinks?

Do you live in his brain? Are you a brain-liver?

do you guys even have a brain?
But I like playing with Bobo. He's such a macho internet tough guy. Ha ha.
I stopped trying to reason with him when he compared Jews getting gassed in the Holocaust to the IDF using tear gas as a means of riot dispersal.
It was then and there that I realized Bimbo is actually Sherri's brother
I stopped trying to reason with him when he compared Jews getting gassed in the Holocaust to the IDF using tear gas as a means of riot dispersal.
It was then and there that I realized Bimbo is actually Sherri's brother
Are you that irresponsible, that you cannot take ownership over the things you do?

That was "your" comparison, not mine.
do you guys even have a brain?
Well, at least you asked the question.

That little dishrag whore Sally, would just go on and act like she knew the answer.

You fuckers all have the exact same response to anyone criticizing Israel.

You all attack the person doing the criticizing, never addressing what the criticism is about.

And for that, all you fuckers can go fuck your fucking selves.
I stopped trying to reason with him when he compared Jews getting gassed in the Holocaust to the IDF using tear gas as a means of riot dispersal.
It was then and there that I realized Bimbo is actually Sherri's brother
Are you that irresponsible, that you cannot take ownership over the things you do?

That was "your" comparison, not mine.

Who are you trying to fool?? You brought up the video as a response to me saying : 'let me know when Israel gasses thousands of Palestinians' , followed by the words 'you were saying' ?

Yet somehow its my comparison??? LOL

That's some logic you got there :rolleyes:
Don't bother trying to reason with Bilbo about such things.

We had an exchange a couple of months ago that cured me of that.

In contemplating the 1967 SIx Day War, and in counterpoint to his kvetching about Israel's preemptive airstrike on Egyptian air assets, etc...

I asked him what he would have done if he were Israeli Prime Minister at that time...

He said that he would forego the preemptive strike and that he would have waited until Egyptian bombers had crossed over into Israeli airspace before firing a shot...

When I asked to the effect...

'Even with your own bases and cities only seconds or minutes away, and even if it meant hundreds or thousands of civilian casualties and the destruction of strategic targets and war-assets and personnel formations, and at risk of being overwhelmed by the enemy?'...

...he answered 'yes'.

I stopped paying Bilbo any serious attention on that very day, at that very moment.

He/she/it resides in an Alternate Universe.

One which would have a Nation (Israel, anyway) choose Literal Adherence to Law over actual Survival.

You can't use Common Sense to argue the wisdom of not allowing a theocracy's nuclear program to reach a 'weaponizing' state in the first place, rather than naively trusting that they will not.
And no one can predict the future and say for certain, a hundred thousand civilians would die in such an attack.

You posed a hypothetical and acted like it was historical.

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