Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

Link to slaughter of Palestinians?

From the time, they became a nation, Israel has been practicing ethnic cleansing through pillaging and slaughter.

Palestinian terrorized by massacres
The massacre of Baldat al-Shaikh - 31.01.1947
The massacre of Deir Yasin - 09.04.1948
The massacre of Qibya - 14.10.1953
The massacre of Kufr Qasim - 29.10.1956
The massacre of Sabra and Shatila Camps - 16.09.1982
The massacre of Al-Aqsa Mosque - 08.10.1990
The massacre of Ebrahimi Mosque - 25.02.1994
The massacre of Qana - 18.04.1996
The massacre of Jenine refugees camp - 12.04.2002
The massacre of Qana 2 - 29.07.2006
The massacre of Beit Hanoun - 08.11.2006

Massacres - Palestine - Home of history

Following an argument which broke out between Palestinian workers and Jewish workers in the Haifa Petroleum Refinery, leading to the deaths of a number of Palestinians and wounding and killing approximately sixty Jews. The Zionest ganges planned to take revenge on behalf of fellow Jews who had been killed by attacking Baldat al-Shaikh and Hawasa where most of the workers live.

On the night of January 30-31, 1947, a mixed force composed of the First Battalion of Palmakh and the Carmelie brigade (estimated at approximately 150 to 200 terrorists) launched a raid against the two towns under the leadership of Hayim Afinuam. Taking the homes by surprise as their inhabitants slept, they pelted them with hand grenades, then went inside, firing their machine guns. The terrorist attack led to the deaths of approximately sixty citizens inside their homes, most of them women, elderly and children.

Yeah...then how come Israel has arab citizens, arab soldiers, and arab representatives in it's parliament?

They must have missed a whole bunch.

The rest of your "stuff" is more nonsense.

They have been assimilated just like every foreigner that comes to the United States becomes assimilated.
Amazing how a thread like this brings out the jew-haters and Israel bashers. But I repeat myself.

The minister is voicing the government's opinion: Obama is not a trustworthy ally. The Saudis have already said as much. The world alliances are shifting with the retreat of America and the diminution in American power. It's almost like Obama planned it that way.

Dewd, dimocrap scum are equal opportunity haters. They hate ANYbody that disagrees with them....

Let a Black Man leave the dimocrap plantation and watch and see.

Let a Woman speak up against the REAL misogynists (dimocrap scum) in this world.

Let --

dimocraps are haters. Always have been, always will be.

The worst that can be said about Conservatives is that we just don't give a fuck.
All the killing started with the slaughter of the Palestinians, and as OBL put it, his revenge of 9-11. Keep up the pretend game and unfortunately those with short memories will believe you though

Link to slaughter of Palestinians?

From the time, they became a nation, Israel has been practicing ethnic cleansing through pillaging and slaughter.

Palestinian terrorized by massacres
The massacre of Baldat al-Shaikh - 31.01.1947
The massacre of Deir Yasin - 09.04.1948
The massacre of Qibya - 14.10.1953
The massacre of Kufr Qasim - 29.10.1956
The massacre of Sabra and Shatila Camps - 16.09.1982
The massacre of Al-Aqsa Mosque - 08.10.1990
The massacre of Ebrahimi Mosque - 25.02.1994
The massacre of Qana - 18.04.1996
The massacre of Jenine refugees camp - 12.04.2002
The massacre of Qana 2 - 29.07.2006
The massacre of Beit Hanoun - 08.11.2006

Massacres - Palestine - Home of history

Following an argument which broke out between Palestinian workers and Jewish workers in the Haifa Petroleum Refinery, leading to the deaths of a number of Palestinians and wounding and killing approximately sixty Jews. The Zionest ganges planned to take revenge on behalf of fellow Jews who had been killed by attacking Baldat al-Shaikh and Hawasa where most of the workers live.

On the night of January 30-31, 1947, a mixed force composed of the First Battalion of Palmakh and the Carmelie brigade (estimated at approximately 150 to 200 terrorists) launched a raid against the two towns under the leadership of Hayim Afinuam. Taking the homes by surprise as their inhabitants slept, they pelted them with hand grenades, then went inside, firing their machine guns. The terrorist attack led to the deaths of approximately sixty citizens inside their homes, most of them women, elderly and children.

Some dubious 'massacres' there. :cuckoo:
Link to slaughter of Palestinians?

From the time, they became a nation, Israel has been practicing ethnic cleansing through pillaging and slaughter.

Palestinian terrorized by massacres
The massacre of Baldat al-Shaikh - 31.01.1947
The massacre of Deir Yasin - 09.04.1948
The massacre of Qibya - 14.10.1953
The massacre of Kufr Qasim - 29.10.1956
The massacre of Sabra and Shatila Camps - 16.09.1982
The massacre of Al-Aqsa Mosque - 08.10.1990
The massacre of Ebrahimi Mosque - 25.02.1994
The massacre of Qana - 18.04.1996
The massacre of Jenine refugees camp - 12.04.2002
The massacre of Qana 2 - 29.07.2006
The massacre of Beit Hanoun - 08.11.2006

Massacres - Palestine - Home of history

Following an argument which broke out between Palestinian workers and Jewish workers in the Haifa Petroleum Refinery, leading to the deaths of a number of Palestinians and wounding and killing approximately sixty Jews. The Zionest ganges planned to take revenge on behalf of fellow Jews who had been killed by attacking Baldat al-Shaikh and Hawasa where most of the workers live.

On the night of January 30-31, 1947, a mixed force composed of the First Battalion of Palmakh and the Carmelie brigade (estimated at approximately 150 to 200 terrorists) launched a raid against the two towns under the leadership of Hayim Afinuam. Taking the homes by surprise as their inhabitants slept, they pelted them with hand grenades, then went inside, firing their machine guns. The terrorist attack led to the deaths of approximately sixty citizens inside their homes, most of them women, elderly and children.

Some dubious 'massacres' there. :cuckoo:

Many sprees of the wholesale murder of women and children is "dubious"?
Here's a look at the scum our dimocrap scum LOVE to defend......

Palestinians Graduate From Throwing Rocks At Israeli Soldiers To Throwing Puppies…



Via Israellycool:

Horror: Arab residents of Abu Dis Arab threw four puppies at a border police patrol, causing them deaths A heartbreaking action near the separation barrier in Abu Dis, East of Jerusalem. Arabs threw four bags with live puppies from behind the high walls at a border police patrol while on activity. The stunned police were still able hear the puppies whimpering. They opened the bags and found three puppies had died on the spot, and another puppy dying. The cub was transferred immediately to a vet, but died a short time later. The policemen were horrified by the brutality against the pups, and the talk of the day amongst their company dealt with the incident. These are exclusive images of the puppies in the bags, and after they removed the dead puppies.

Why do dimocrap scum defend murdering psychopaths?

They're the same people. They think alike.

I could have posted about the 9 year old boy dimocrap scum's fellow travelers (mooslim scum) beheaded in Thailand....

But what's the point? If you haven't figured out by now that dimocraps are the scum of the earth, it's too late to worry about it now
"The Jewish community was divided between recent Ashkenazi immigrants and an older population of descendants of Sephardim who had inhabited the town for centuries. Ashkenazi Jews had been established in the town for at least a century.[9]

"The two communities, Sephardim and Ashkenazi, maintained separate schools, worshipped in separate synagogues, and did not intermarry.

"The Sephardim were Arab-speakers, wore Arab-dress and were well-integrated, whereas many of the Ashkenazi community were yeshiva students who maintained 'foreign' ways, and had difficulties and misunderstandings with the Arab population.[10]

"Since the Balfour Declaration of 1917, tensions had been growing between the Arab and Jewish communities in Palestine."

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And that justified Muslim animals savagely massacring Jews who had been living there for centuries? Why don't the Arab invading animals leave Hebron?
Hey, Rothschild...Arab and Christian "animals" were part of Palestine's non-Jewish community, and they, too, had "civil and religious rights" early Zionists ignored:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blah blah blah. The British offered the Arabs an Arab Palestine in Jordan. Arabs wanted the whole place to themselves and that's why they attacked the Jews.

Arabs still want the whole of Israel destroyed so they can turn the place into another Islamic cesspool of hatred and violence.

Too bad for you that they can't and never will, Mohomod. Ha ha.
We only have the word of Israeli's that they didn't instigate the upheaval that they then claim warrants retaliation. In any case, when there is a mutual fight, it is one of the greatest war crimes to then go afterwards and destroy whole towns and murder scores of innocent women and children as happened after the Haifa Refinery fight.

Also, we don't know how many Israeli's were killed and how many were just wounded at Haifa. It could have been only one or two deaths and light injuries to the rest of them, for all we know.

Massacres - Palestine - Home of history

The facts and information about the massacres are plastered all over the internet. It is never warranted to murder innocent men, women and children. There is nothing twisted about the history of the Israeli massacres except the minds of those committing the atrocities and those who support murdering children.

During a massacre, there will always be someone among the victims who will try in vain to defend their lives. Wouldn't you if a mob of attackers came into your city to obviously murder everyone?

It was all carefully coordinated and done, at a slow and steady pace over the years, to move and scare Palestinians off their lands, one area at a time. Who in their right mind would stay where massacres are taking place?

Why didn't you also upload the Wikipedia link of Arab massacres against Jews??

There were thousands of Palestinians massacred and what a handful of Jews? Why don't you post it?

All that counts is who always started it and who committed the atrocities. There were many isolated killings by the Arabs, but they were done by isolated individuals and groups, while the massacres were coordinated by deep-rooted Israeli mobs.

Even in the last two decades, suicide bombings have been done by individuals tied to Hamas, but no organization has control of every group within it.

The dates of attacks against Arabs that you posted took place during the Mandatory Palestine Civil War and the Arab Israeli war. So like I said, both sides were trying to push eachother, but the Jews pushed harder and won.

I did not post all the massacres. There were many more, before and after that time.

And if Israel wanted, they could have expelled EVERY LAST ARAB from the land after winning the wars in 1948, 1967 and 1973, so stop whining about ethnic cleansing. The goal of the country committing the ethnic cleansing is to ultimately get rid of a certain people. The population of the Palestinians has been INCREASING , not decreasing.

After a war, peace and autonomous borders are virtually always restored. Just look at Western Europe. Those countries fought often during the Middle Ages, but not much changed nationally.

When you say I should stop complaining about ethnic cleansing, you are admitting that it is going on. Right? Of course, it is. The Palestinians have been locked away in the prisons of the West Bank and Gaza for decades, and there is no end in sight to their captivity. What better clandestine way to control and cleanse a people than holding them in prison. And at the same time, settle in their lands with the ultimate goal to take every last square inch of it.
Nope. Once the Arabs conducted their bloody massacres such as the Hebron massacre of 1929. Jews decided to bear arms and protect themselves from the savages. In fact the Haganah and Irgun were formed exactly after 1929.
Here's a look at the scum our dimocrap scum LOVE to defend......

Palestinians Graduate From Throwing Rocks At Israeli Soldiers To Throwing Puppies…



Via Israellycool:

Horror: Arab residents of Abu Dis Arab threw four puppies at a border police patrol, causing them deaths A heartbreaking action near the separation barrier in Abu Dis, East of Jerusalem. Arabs threw four bags with live puppies from behind the high walls at a border police patrol while on activity. The stunned police were still able hear the puppies whimpering. They opened the bags and found three puppies had died on the spot, and another puppy dying. The cub was transferred immediately to a vet, but died a short time later. The policemen were horrified by the brutality against the pups, and the talk of the day amongst their company dealt with the incident. These are exclusive images of the puppies in the bags, and after they removed the dead puppies.

Why do dimocrap scum defend murdering psychopaths?

They're the same people. They think alike.

I could have posted about the 9 year old boy dimocrap scum's fellow travelers (mooslim scum) beheaded in Thailand....

But what's the point? If you haven't figured out by now that dimocraps are the scum of the earth, it's too late to worry about it now
This doesn't surprise me, because Muslims consider dogs filthy and worthy of killing. It's in the Koran.
Whats your point George?
Massacres involving Arab and Jew in Palestine increased greatly after 1917.
No actually Arab animals started killing Jews in the homeland of their ancient ancestors, like they have done throughout history all over the Middle East.
How did the rise of Zionism affect relations between Jews and Arabs in Palestine after 1917?

"The roots of the modern Arab-Israeli conflict lie in the rise of Zionism and Arab nationalism towards the end of the 19th century..."

"In 1917, Palestine was conquered by the British forces (including the Jewish Legion).

"The British government issued the Balfour Declaration, which stated that the government viewed favourably 'the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people' but 'that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'.

"The Declaration was issued as a result of the belief of key members of the government, including Prime Minister David Lloyd George, that Jewish support was essential to winning the war; however, the declaration caused great disquiet in the Arab world."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Massacres involving Arab and Jew in Palestine increased greatly after 1917.
No actually Arab animals started killing Jews in the homeland of their ancient ancestors, like they have done throughout history all over the Middle East.
How did the rise of Zionism affect relations between Jews and Arabs in Palestine after 1917?

"The roots of the modern Arab-Israeli conflict lie in the rise of Zionism and Arab nationalism towards the end of the 19th century..."

"In 1917, Palestine was conquered by the British forces (including the Jewish Legion).

"The British government issued the Balfour Declaration, which stated that the government viewed favourably 'the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people' but 'that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'.

"The Declaration was issued as a result of the belief of key members of the government, including Prime Minister David Lloyd George, that Jewish support was essential to winning the war; however, the declaration caused great disquiet in the Arab world."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe if Mr. George was not so obsessed with his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, he could tell us about the relationship the Muslim Arabs have with those of other religions in the Middle East. After all, this is the Middle East forum, and Mr. George should be interested in what is going on in the entire Middle East, not just one little piece of land there. However, it is quite obvious that Mr. George enjoys pulling up and posting the same old stuff all the time. How many times have we seen Mr. George pull this up from Wikipedia?
From the time, they became a nation, Israel has been practicing ethnic cleansing through pillaging and slaughter.

Palestinian terrorized by massacres
The massacre of Baldat al-Shaikh - 31.01.1947
The massacre of Deir Yasin - 09.04.1948
The massacre of Qibya - 14.10.1953
The massacre of Kufr Qasim - 29.10.1956
The massacre of Sabra and Shatila Camps - 16.09.1982
The massacre of Al-Aqsa Mosque - 08.10.1990
The massacre of Ebrahimi Mosque - 25.02.1994
The massacre of Qana - 18.04.1996
The massacre of Jenine refugees camp - 12.04.2002
The massacre of Qana 2 - 29.07.2006
The massacre of Beit Hanoun - 08.11.2006

Massacres - Palestine - Home of history

Some dubious 'massacres' there. :cuckoo:

Many sprees of the wholesale murder of women and children is "dubious"?

Get your facts straight before you accuse Israel of the above 'massacres'.
And that justified Muslim animals savagely massacring Jews who had been living there for centuries? Why don't the Arab invading animals leave Hebron?
Hey, Rothschild...Arab and Christian "animals" were part of Palestine's non-Jewish community, and they, too, had "civil and religious rights" early Zionists ignored:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blah blah blah. The British offered the Arabs an Arab Palestine in Jordan. Arabs wanted the whole place to themselves and that's why they attacked the Jews.

Arabs still want the whole of Israel destroyed so they can turn the place into another Islamic cesspool of hatred and violence.

Too bad for you that they can't and never will, Mohomod. Ha ha.
"After the war (to end all war), the area came under British rule as the British Mandate of Palestine.

"The area mandated to the British in 1923 included what is today Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"Transjordan eventually was carved into a separate British protectorate – the Emirate of Transjordan, which gained an autonomous status in 1928 and achieved complete independence in 1946 with the approval by the United Nations of the end of the British Mandate."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how did "Jews" from bum-fuck Moldavia become entitled to land Arabs have lived on for generations?
Hey, Rothschild...Arab and Christian "animals" were part of Palestine's non-Jewish community, and they, too, had "civil and religious rights" early Zionists ignored:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blah blah blah. The British offered the Arabs an Arab Palestine in Jordan. Arabs wanted the whole place to themselves and that's why they attacked the Jews.

Arabs still want the whole of Israel destroyed so they can turn the place into another Islamic cesspool of hatred and violence.

Too bad for you that they can't and never will, Mohomod. Ha ha.
"After the war (to end all war), the area came under British rule as the British Mandate of Palestine.

"The area mandated to the British in 1923 included what is today Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"Transjordan eventually was carved into a separate British protectorate – the Emirate of Transjordan, which gained an autonomous status in 1928 and achieved complete independence in 1946 with the approval by the United Nations of the end of the British Mandate."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how did "Jews" from bum-fuck Moldavia become entitled to land Arabs have lived on for generations?

I wonder if Mr. George can prove to us from a legitimate source, like the Encyclopedia Britanica that all these Arabs lived in the area for generations and generations. No one is denying that there were some Arabs living there as visitors to the Holy Land mainly saw a few Bedouin. I wonder if Mr. George can tell that Egypt official that he is wrong when he is telling those Gazans to come back to Egypt where they belong. He can also tell tthose in charge in Britain to change their archives which state that the Arabs came flooding in when the Jews had jobs for them. Mr. George, when don't you leave your little apartment and tell the immigrants in your area "Why don't you dumb-fucks go back to the country of your origin?" Oh, I forget, those immigrants in your area are not Jews so you would never say that to them.
No actually Arab animals started killing Jews in the homeland of their ancient ancestors, like they have done throughout history all over the Middle East.
How did the rise of Zionism affect relations between Jews and Arabs in Palestine after 1917?

"The roots of the modern Arab-Israeli conflict lie in the rise of Zionism and Arab nationalism towards the end of the 19th century..."

"In 1917, Palestine was conquered by the British forces (including the Jewish Legion).

"The British government issued the Balfour Declaration, which stated that the government viewed favourably 'the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people' but 'that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'.

"The Declaration was issued as a result of the belief of key members of the government, including Prime Minister David Lloyd George, that Jewish support was essential to winning the war; however, the declaration caused great disquiet in the Arab world."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe if Mr. George was not so obsessed with his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, he could tell us about the relationship the Muslim Arabs have with those of other religions in the Middle East. After all, this is the Middle East forum, and Mr. George should be interested in what is going on in the entire Middle East, not just one little piece of land there. However, it is quite obvious that Mr. George enjoys pulling up and posting the same old stuff all the time. How many times have we seen Mr. George pull this up from Wikipedia?
Ha$bara $ally can't answer this simple question: Why are Jews entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea today when there were ten times more Arabs in Palestine before the Balfour Declaration?

"Sectarian conflict in Mandatory Palestine refers to political and armed struggle between Palestinian Arabs and Jewish Yishuv during the period of British rule (1929-1948).

"The conflict started as a fallout of the Franco-Syrian War of 1920, during which Arab nationalists staged an anti-Jewish riot in Jerusalem and later attack by Arab pro-Syrian paramilitaries on the Jewish community of Tel Hai in Northern Galilee.

"The return of several hard-line Palestinian Arab nationalists, under the emerging leadership of Haj Amin al-Husseini, from Damascus to Mandatory Palestine marked the beginning of Palestinian Arab nationalist struggle towards establishment of a national home for Arabs of Palestine.[1]

"Amin al-Husseini, the architect of the Palestinian Arab national movement, immediately marked Jewish national movement and Jewish immigration to Palestine as the sole enemy to his cause,[2] initiating large-scale riots against the Jews as early as 1920 in Jerusalem and in 1921 in Jaffa.

"Among the results of the violence was the establishment of Jewish paramilitary force of Haganah. In 1929, a series of violent anti-Jewish riots was initiated by the Arab leadership.

"The riots resulted in massive Jewish casualties in Hebron and Safed, and the evacuation of Jews from Hebron and Gaza."

Sectarian conflict in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those massive Jewish casualties would not have occurred in 1929 had not the dominant empire of the day began flooding Palestine with (racist) European migrants a decade earlier.
When you say I should stop complaining about ethnic cleansing, you are admitting that it is going on. Right? Of course, it is. The Palestinians have been locked away in the prisons of the West Bank and Gaza for decades, and there is no end in sight to their captivity. What better clandestine way to control and cleanse a people than holding them in prison. And at the same time, settle in their lands with the ultimate goal to take every last square inch of it.

Palestinian camps are not prisons, but towns, only they get services from the UN instead of the PA.
They can come and go as they please. They have bus service, "palestinian only", to and from the camps.
How did the rise of Zionism affect relations between Jews and Arabs in Palestine after 1917?

"The roots of the modern Arab-Israeli conflict lie in the rise of Zionism and Arab nationalism towards the end of the 19th century..."

"In 1917, Palestine was conquered by the British forces (including the Jewish Legion).

"The British government issued the Balfour Declaration, which stated that the government viewed favourably 'the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people' but 'that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'.

"The Declaration was issued as a result of the belief of key members of the government, including Prime Minister David Lloyd George, that Jewish support was essential to winning the war; however, the declaration caused great disquiet in the Arab world."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe if Mr. George was not so obsessed with his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, he could tell us about the relationship the Muslim Arabs have with those of other religions in the Middle East. After all, this is the Middle East forum, and Mr. George should be interested in what is going on in the entire Middle East, not just one little piece of land there. However, it is quite obvious that Mr. George enjoys pulling up and posting the same old stuff all the time. How many times have we seen Mr. George pull this up from Wikipedia?

Ha$bara $ally can't answer this simple question: Why are Jews entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea today when there were ten times more Arabs in Palestine before the Balfour Declaration?

"Sectarian conflict in Mandatory Palestine refers to political and armed struggle between Palestinian Arabs and Jewish Yishuv during the period of British rule (1929-1948).

"The conflict started as a fallout of the Franco-Syrian War of 1920, during which Arab nationalists staged an anti-Jewish riot in Jerusalem and later attack by Arab pro-Syrian paramilitaries on the Jewish community of Tel Hai in Northern Galilee.

"The return of several hard-line Palestinian Arab nationalists, under the emerging leadership of Haj Amin al-Husseini, from Damascus to Mandatory Palestine marked the beginning of Palestinian Arab nationalist struggle towards establishment of a national home for Arabs of Palestine.[1]

"Amin al-Husseini, the architect of the Palestinian Arab national movement, immediately marked Jewish national movement and Jewish immigration to Palestine as the sole enemy to his cause,[2] initiating large-scale riots against the Jews as early as 1920 in Jerusalem and in 1921 in Jaffa.

"Among the results of the violence was the establishment of Jewish paramilitary force of Haganah. In 1929, a series of violent anti-Jewish riots was initiated by the Arab leadership.

"The riots resulted in massive Jewish casualties in Hebron and Safed, and the evacuation of Jews from Hebron and Gaza."

Sectarian conflict in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those massive Jewish casualties would not have occurred in 1929 had not the dominant empire of the day began flooding Palestine with (racist) European migrants a decade earlier.

Poor Herr George will not give us anything from a regular encyclopia, but he actually cannot prove that there were all these Arabs living there from generations and generations. So sad when someone needs to have a scapegoat like Mr. George. So, tell us, Herr George, since you are on the Middle East forum, have you anything to contribute what is going on in the rest of the Middle East these days. I realize that the events occurring there do not involved your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, but things are happening there. I guess Herr George has no concern for all the dead bodies piling up in the Middle East since he can't blame his favorite scapegoat, the Jews, for this. All Herr George seems able to do is constantly pull the same stuff up that he has pulled up numerous times before, and has no interest in anything other than his favorite scapegoats.
Notice Herr George's dollar sign in my name. Those who have nothing are always thinking about their lack of bucks.
Hey, Rothschild...Arab and Christian "animals" were part of Palestine's non-Jewish community, and they, too, had "civil and religious rights" early Zionists ignored:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blah blah blah. The British offered the Arabs an Arab Palestine in Jordan. Arabs wanted the whole place to themselves and that's why they attacked the Jews.

Arabs still want the whole of Israel destroyed so they can turn the place into another Islamic cesspool of hatred and violence.

Too bad for you that they can't and never will, Mohomod. Ha ha.
"After the war (to end all war), the area came under British rule as the British Mandate of Palestine.

"The area mandated to the British in 1923 included what is today Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"Transjordan eventually was carved into a separate British protectorate – the Emirate of Transjordan, which gained an autonomous status in 1928 and achieved complete independence in 1946 with the approval by the United Nations of the end of the British Mandate."

Arab?Israeli conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how did "Jews" from bum-fuck Moldavia become entitled to land Arabs have lived on for generations?
Nope nope nope. Jordan is Arab Palestine. How did Arab invaders from Egypt, Jordan and Syria become "Palestinians"? Ha ha


Last edited:
When you say I should stop complaining about ethnic cleansing, you are admitting that it is going on. Right? Of course, it is. The Palestinians have been locked away in the prisons of the West Bank and Gaza for decades, and there is no end in sight to their captivity. What better clandestine way to control and cleanse a people than holding them in prison. And at the same time, settle in their lands with the ultimate goal to take every last square inch of it.

Palestinian camps are not prisons, but towns, only they get services from the UN instead of the PA.
They can come and go as they please. They have bus service, "palestinian only", to and from the camps.

The camps they are in is because the arab leaders want to keep them in the camps.
Here's a look at the scum our dimocrap scum LOVE to defend......

Palestinians Graduate From Throwing Rocks At Israeli Soldiers To Throwing Puppies…



Via Israellycool:

Horror: Arab residents of Abu Dis Arab threw four puppies at a border police patrol, causing them deaths A heartbreaking action near the separation barrier in Abu Dis, East of Jerusalem. Arabs threw four bags with live puppies from behind the high walls at a border police patrol while on activity. The stunned police were still able hear the puppies whimpering. They opened the bags and found three puppies had died on the spot, and another puppy dying. The cub was transferred immediately to a vet, but died a short time later. The policemen were horrified by the brutality against the pups, and the talk of the day amongst their company dealt with the incident. These are exclusive images of the puppies in the bags, and after they removed the dead puppies.

Why do dimocrap scum defend murdering psychopaths?

They're the same people. They think alike.

I could have posted about the 9 year old boy dimocrap scum's fellow travelers (mooslim scum) beheaded in Thailand....

But what's the point? If you haven't figured out by now that dimocraps are the scum of the earth, it's too late to worry about it now

A new level of depravity, even for them.
Here's a look at the scum our dimocrap scum LOVE to defend......

Palestinians Graduate From Throwing Rocks At Israeli Soldiers To Throwing Puppies…



Via Israellycool:

Horror: Arab residents of Abu Dis Arab threw four puppies at a border police patrol, causing them deaths A heartbreaking action near the separation barrier in Abu Dis, East of Jerusalem. Arabs threw four bags with live puppies from behind the high walls at a border police patrol while on activity. The stunned police were still able hear the puppies whimpering. They opened the bags and found three puppies had died on the spot, and another puppy dying. The cub was transferred immediately to a vet, but died a short time later. The policemen were horrified by the brutality against the pups, and the talk of the day amongst their company dealt with the incident. These are exclusive images of the puppies in the bags, and after they removed the dead puppies.

Why do dimocrap scum defend murdering psychopaths?

They're the same people. They think alike.

I could have posted about the 9 year old boy dimocrap scum's fellow travelers (mooslim scum) beheaded in Thailand....

But what's the point? If you haven't figured out by now that dimocraps are the scum of the earth, it's too late to worry about it now

A new level of depravity, even for them.

Unfortunately there is nothing new about their level of depravity.

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