Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

do you guys even have a brain?
Well, at least you asked the question.

That little dishrag whore Sally, would just go on and act like she knew the answer.

You fuckers all have the exact same response to anyone criticizing Israel.

You all attack the person doing the criticizing, never addressing what the criticism is about.

And for that, all you fuckers can go fuck your fucking selves.

Attaboy Billo, let it all out !!!!!
Who are you trying to fool?? You brought up the video as a response to me saying : 'let me know when Israel gasses thousands of Palestinians' , followed by the words 'you were saying' ?

Yet somehow its my comparison??? LOL

That's some logic you got there :rolleyes:
I posted a video of the IDF using tear gas on an innocent civilian.

You're the one trying to compare it to the Holocaust.
do you guys even have a brain?
Well, at least you asked the question.

That little dishrag whore Sally, would just go on and act like she knew the answer.

You fuckers all have the exact same response to anyone criticizing Israel.

You all attack the person doing the criticizing, never addressing what the criticism is about.

And for that, all you fuckers can go fuck your fucking selves.
That's why we like you, Bilbo. You're so open and down to earth.
Don't bother trying to reason with Bilbo about such things.

We had an exchange a couple of months ago that cured me of that.

In contemplating the 1967 SIx Day War, and in counterpoint to his kvetching about Israel's preemptive airstrike on Egyptian air assets, etc...

I asked him what he would have done if he were Israeli Prime Minister at that time...

He said that he would forego the preemptive strike and that he would have waited until Egyptian bombers had crossed over into Israeli airspace before firing a shot...

When I asked to the effect...

'Even with your own bases and cities only seconds or minutes away, and even if it meant hundreds or thousands of civilian casualties and the destruction of strategic targets and war-assets and personnel formations, and at risk of being overwhelmed by the enemy?'...

...he answered 'yes'.

I stopped paying Bilbo any serious attention on that very day, at that very moment.

He/she/it resides in an Alternate Universe.

One which would have a Nation (Israel, anyway) choose Literal Adherence to Law over actual Survival.

You can't use Common Sense to argue the wisdom of not allowing a theocracy's nuclear program to reach a 'weaponizing' state in the first place, rather than naively trusting that they will not.
And no one can predict the future and say for certain, a hundred thousand civilians would die in such an attack.

You posed a hypothetical and acted like it was historical.
No, I posed a hypothetical as a test of common sense and manly character.

The results told me all that I'll ever need to know.
No, I posed a hypothetical as a test of common sense and manly character.

The results told me all that I'll ever need to know.
You're free to believe whatever you want to believe, but the minute you try to act like a hypothetical is a fact, I'm gonna call you out on it.
Who are you trying to fool?? You brought up the video as a response to me saying : 'let me know when Israel gasses thousands of Palestinians' , followed by the words 'you were saying' ?

Yet somehow its my comparison??? LOL

That's some logic you got there :rolleyes:
I posted a video of the IDF using tear gas on an innocent civilian.

You're the one trying to compare it to the Holocaust.

And you posted it in response to my comment 'let me know when Israel gassed thousands of Palestinians to death'
After posting the video you said 'you were saying?'
And you posted it in response to my comment 'let me know when Israel gassed thousands of Palestinians to death'
After posting the video you said 'you were saying?'
That's right. But it doesn't mean I intended for it to be a comparison, that's just how you're trying to spin it.
No, I posed a hypothetical as a test of common sense and manly character.

The results told me all that I'll ever need to know.
You're free to believe whatever you want to believe, but the minute you try to act like a hypothetical is a fact, I'm gonna call you out on it.

And the moment you try to compare thousands of Jews being gassed to death to the IDF using tear gas as a riot dispersal means, I will call you out on it, like I did.

You can deny it all you want, but it wont change what you posted
No, I posed a hypothetical as a test of common sense and manly character.

The results told me all that I'll ever need to know.
You're free to believe whatever you want to believe, but the minute you try to act like a hypothetical is a fact, I'm gonna call you out on it.
Allowing the Egyptians and Syrians to amass troops on the Israeli borders in 1967 was a fact...

Nassar publicly declaring, the week before, that the Arabs were preparing to annihilate Israel, was a fact...

The Egyptian Air Force making preparations to bomb Israeli cities and military bases, was a fact...

Israeli preemptive strikes against the Arabs in order to neutralize those assets before they could inflict the harm that Nassar promised was a fact...

You decrying those preemptive strikes was a fact...

You stating that you would have waited until the Egyptian Air Force had crossed into Israeli airspace was a fact...

Me confirming that by asking you if you would do so even if it cost the lives of hundred or thousands of your own civilians and the destruction of important targets and irreplaceable war assets and troop formations - just so that you could say you had abided-by the strict letter of international law - was a fact...

Your affirmative response to that confirmation-prompt was a fact...

My resultant assessment of your common sense and manly character is a fact...

I'll let you know when I've run out of facts, boy...
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No, I posed a hypothetical as a test of common sense and manly character.

The results told me all that I'll ever need to know.
You're free to believe whatever you want to believe, but the minute you try to act like a hypothetical is a fact, I'm gonna call you out on it.
Allowing the Egyptians and Syrians to amass troops on the Israeli borders in 1967 was a fact...

Nassar publicly declaring, the week before, that the Arabs were preparing to annihilate Israel, was a fact...

The Egyptian Air Force making preparations to bomb Israeli cities and military bases, was a fact...

Israeli preemptive strikes against the Arabs in order to neutralize those assets before they could inflict the harm that Nassar promised was a fact...

You decrying those preemptive strikes was a fact...

You stating that you would have waited until the Egyptian Air Force had crossed into Isaeli airspace was a fact...

Me confirming that by asking you if you would do so even if it cost the lives of hundred or thousands of your own civilians and the destruction of important targets and irreplaceable war assets and troop formations - just so that you could say you had abided-by the strict letter of international law - was a fact...

Your affirmative response to that confirmation was a fact...

My resultant assessment of your common sense and manly character is a fact...

I'll let you know when I've run out of facts, boy...

Don't forget Egypt closing the Straits of Tiran, after Israel said that doing so would be a declaration of war
You're free to believe whatever you want to believe, but the minute you try to act like a hypothetical is a fact, I'm gonna call you out on it.
Allowing the Egyptians and Syrians to amass troops on the Israeli borders in 1967 was a fact...

Nassar publicly declaring, the week before, that the Arabs were preparing to annihilate Israel, was a fact...

The Egyptian Air Force making preparations to bomb Israeli cities and military bases, was a fact...

Israeli preemptive strikes against the Arabs in order to neutralize those assets before they could inflict the harm that Nassar promised was a fact...

You decrying those preemptive strikes was a fact...

You stating that you would have waited until the Egyptian Air Force had crossed into Isaeli airspace was a fact...

Me confirming that by asking you if you would do so even if it cost the lives of hundred or thousands of your own civilians and the destruction of important targets and irreplaceable war assets and troop formations - just so that you could say you had abided-by the strict letter of international law - was a fact...

Your affirmative response to that confirmation was a fact...

My resultant assessment of your common sense and manly character is a fact...

I'll let you know when I've run out of facts, boy...

Don't forget Egypt closing the Straits of Tiran, after Israel said that doing so would be a declaration of war
Good catch... yep... forgot that important point... thanks!
do you guys even have a brain?
Well, at least you asked the question.

That little dishrag whore Sally, would just go on and act like she knew the answer.

You fuckers all have the exact same response to anyone criticizing Israel.

You all attack the person doing the criticizing, never addressing what the criticism is about.

And for that, all you fuckers can go fuck your fucking selves.

That's why we like you, Bilbo. You're so open and down to earth.

You have to admit that the pimp for Hamas is very, very entertaining -- brainless but entertaining. You can tell that he never reads anything but the propaganda he picks up. You can tell it is the same line that others with the same mind set as he has parrot time and time again like a broken record. Does anyone think that Billy is actually aware of what is happening in the Middle East? If only he would get a new act, maybe we could get him a job in the Comedy Club. That filthy mouth of his might have the audience roaring.
do you guys even have a brain?
Well, at least you asked the question.

That little dishrag whore Sally, would just go on and act like she knew the answer.

You fuckers all have the exact same response to anyone criticizing Israel.

You all attack the person doing the criticizing, never addressing what the criticism is about.

And for that, all you fuckers can go fuck your fucking selves.
Awwww. Did terrorist ass licker flip his lid again? Why are you IslamoNazi worshippers always such whiners? Say one negative thing aka THE TRUTH about Muslims or Palestinians or their culture and Bobo starts putting on his suicide vest. Ha ha.
do you guys even have a brain?
Well, at least you asked the question.

That little dishrag whore Sally, would just go on and act like she knew the answer.

You fuckers all have the exact same response to anyone criticizing Israel.

You all attack the person doing the criticizing, never addressing what the criticism is about.

And for that, all you fuckers can go fuck your fucking selves.
That's why we like you, Bilbo. You're so open and down to earth.
Bottom of the barrel one might say.
Because the British, who ruled the land, said they could. They not only encouraged them to immigrate, but fasclitated their immigration as well.

The Jews legally declared independence after cessation of the mandate because they had their shit together while the Arabs didn't.

Georgie, imagine the 5 Arab states didn't attack Israel in 1948? The Palestinian Arabs would even more land then just the West Bank and Gaza on which they declared independence on in 1988.
The Palestinians are paying the mistakes of their Arab neighbours. This is a fact that you anti Zionists can't comprehend.

Now, it's too late for any do-overs .

Worked out pretty damn well for Israel though ! :D :D
Think so, Toastie?
Currently there are equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea, and every single individual residing there lives under laws written, interpreted, and enforced by Jews, for Jews, and for the benefit of Jews at the expense of non-Jews.

Jewish state or Democratic state or official Apartheid state?

What does this lie have to do with my post??

"The parliamentary election in South Africa on 26 May 1948 represented a turning point in the country's history. The United Party, which had led the government since its foundation in 1933, and its leader, incumbent Prime Minister Jan Smuts, were ousted by the Reunited National Party (Herenigde Nasionale Party in Afrikaans), led by Daniel Francois Malan, a Dutch Reformed cleric..."

"The HNP, realizing that many White South Africans felt threatened by black political aspirations, pledged to implement a policy of strict racial segregation in all spheres of living. The Nationalists labelled this new system of social organisation 'apartheid' ('apartness' or 'separation'), the name by which it became universally known."

Early Zionists would have felt at home, right Toastie?

South African general election, 1948 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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