Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

Let them have at it. Not our fight. Bout time Israel decides to fight its own damn battles and stop having American boys and girls die for their interests.
Every fight Israel has been in it has been in its own. This one will not be any different.

The OP is correct. Obama = Jimmy Carter on steroids.
The chickens have come home to roost, kiddies.

Israel 'cannot depend on U.S. in fight against Iran's nuclear program' | Mail Online

Watch and see. Israel will attack Iran. Watch. Iran will try to retaliate and the spam is gonna hit the fan. Big time. In a Big Big Way. Maybe Nuclear War in that Region but..... I doubt it. It will however be VERY messy.

China is gonna take those Islands from Japan. Japan will then re-militarize. Japan has been getting its people ready psychologically to re-arm. The new Japanese leadership is getting tougher and tougher and for the first since the end of WWII, Japan's leader made a trip to some War Shrine, which is a VERY symbolic gesture, to honor thw Japanese WWII dead. China's pretty upset about it.

North Korea just launched several missiles in a VERY provocative manner the other day. South Korea is not happy about it.

These are just a couple of the bigger events that are either happening now or will happen...

Why? Because we have THE worst president in our history in office.

People.... You're gonna pay for electing this guy.

You're gonna pay.

And I think it's too late. I don't believe there's anything anybody can do to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Oh.... And Putin IS gonna invade and annex Eastern Ukraine. I'm thinking after September when the G7 meets

Putin OWNS obama.

Oh, one other thing....

It's personal.

Remember when I said that obama was making a mistake by sending all those openly gay butt rangers to Sochi? remember? Of course not.

I said it. I was right... As usual. All the Western powers (except Germany, I think) were thrilled that obama the community organizer in chief was giving Putin the old 'What For' and showing him up.

Putin is pissed. It's personal. He wants personal revenge and he's gonna get it.

obama is a retarded child compared to Putin. Putin is gonna bend him over

Strange how the bible thumping goyim love Israel and hates America, don't look now but Israel really doesn't like the goyim and is using the goyim

How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel | Alternet
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If Israel wants to act unilaterally, we should cut off any funding or support for them.

I'm sure that we have some agreements with Japan regarding their defense and as a nation they should be able to have a standing Army and militarize themselves, Germany and Italy certainly have their own military.

North Korea and South Korea need to settle their differences. If North Korea is suicidal, they will attack South Korea, last time I heard, we do have a military base or bases there.

How are we "going to pay"?

Putin made a few good points in his last speech regarding NATO recruiting countries right on there "doorstep". We should have stayed out of Russia's immediate sphere of influence. It seems like everything was going ok until we started meddling in their region. This Administration has continued the same policy as the previous Administration that you probably voted for.

It seems like you really like Putin...............If so, why are you complaining about what he's doing in his region?


I sure did enjoy this exchange. It is classic Churchill v. Chamberlain---which is the most famous because it is the most recent...and maybe because Churchill was so absolutely right, and Chamberlain was so abominably wrong. Time will tell.

But this is by no means the first time a strong leader with little has cowed a weak leader with much. It is common in history.

Who won this exchange?

The original poster, by the way is bold. Not afraid to say what he thinks. I like it. Some are put off, even if they would like to agree.

But, look at the response. It is a series of partially rational conclusions, with no factual ass at all to back them up...only the unstated presumption that a liberal is just naturally smarter than a Heartland hayseed, so his opinion must prevail without any need to defend it.

Obama's defenders on this board necessarily look as foolish as he does.

You silly conservatives can't get on the same page. Half of you call Obama a war mongerer due to Libya, Syria and drone strikes. The other half calls him an appeaser.
Let's put it another way, he's made all the wrong moves at the wrong times. When he needed to be strong he wasn't, and when he needed to butt his nose out he didn't. As a result all the evil in the world has become emboldened and is gathering strength contemplating their next move against this weak paper tiger of a president and an embarrassment to this country.

As John Mc Cain put it eloquently in 2008: "this is no time for a president that requires on the job training". How true those words ring today.
The chickens have come home to roost, kiddies.

Israel 'cannot depend on U.S. in fight against Iran's nuclear program' | Mail Online

Watch and see. Israel will attack Iran. Watch. Iran will try to retaliate and the spam is gonna hit the fan. Big time. In a Big Big Way. Maybe Nuclear War in that Region but..... I doubt it. It will however be VERY messy.

China is gonna take those Islands from Japan. Japan will then re-militarize. Japan has been getting its people ready psychologically to re-arm. The new Japanese leadership is getting tougher and tougher and for the first since the end of WWII, Japan's leader made a trip to some War Shrine, which is a VERY symbolic gesture, to honor thw Japanese WWII dead. China's pretty upset about it.

North Korea just launched several missiles in a VERY provocative manner the other day. South Korea is not happy about it.

These are just a couple of the bigger events that are either happening now or will happen...

Why? Because we have THE worst president in our history in office.

People.... You're gonna pay for electing this guy.

You're gonna pay.

And I think it's too late. I don't believe there's anything anybody can do to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Oh.... And Putin IS gonna invade and annex Eastern Ukraine. I'm thinking after September when the G7 meets

Putin OWNS obama.

Oh, one other thing....

It's personal.

Remember when I said that obama was making a mistake by sending all those openly gay butt rangers to Sochi? remember? Of course not.

I said it. I was right... As usual. All the Western powers (except Germany, I think) were thrilled that obama the community organizer in chief was giving Putin the old 'What For' and showing him up.

Putin is pissed. It's personal. He wants personal revenge and he's gonna get it.

obama is a retarded child compared to Putin. Putin is gonna bend him over

Strange how the bible thumping goyim love Israel and hates America, don't look now but Israel really doesn't like the goyim and is using the goyim

How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel | Alternet
Where did you find that article, Internet
All the killing started with the slaughter of the Palestinians, and as OBL put it, his revenge of 9-11. Keep up the pretend game and unfortunately those with short memories will believe you though

Link to slaughter of Palestinians?

From the time, they became a nation, Israel has been practicing ethnic cleansing through pillaging and slaughter.

Palestinian terrorized by massacres
The massacre of Baldat al-Shaikh - 31.01.1947
The massacre of Deir Yasin - 09.04.1948
The massacre of Qibya - 14.10.1953
The massacre of Kufr Qasim - 29.10.1956
The massacre of Sabra and Shatila Camps - 16.09.1982
The massacre of Al-Aqsa Mosque - 08.10.1990
The massacre of Ebrahimi Mosque - 25.02.1994
The massacre of Qana - 18.04.1996
The massacre of Jenine refugees camp - 12.04.2002
The massacre of Qana 2 - 29.07.2006
The massacre of Beit Hanoun - 08.11.2006

Massacres - Palestine - Home of history

Following an argument which broke out between Palestinian workers and Jewish workers in the Haifa Petroleum Refinery, leading to the deaths of a number of Palestinians and wounding and killing approximately sixty Jews. The Zionest ganges planned to take revenge on behalf of fellow Jews who had been killed by attacking Baldat al-Shaikh and Hawasa where most of the workers live.

On the night of January 30-31, 1947, a mixed force composed of the First Battalion of Palmakh and the Carmelie brigade (estimated at approximately 150 to 200 terrorists) launched a raid against the two towns under the leadership of Hayim Afinuam. Taking the homes by surprise as their inhabitants slept, they pelted them with hand grenades, then went inside, firing their machine guns. The terrorist attack led to the deaths of approximately sixty citizens inside their homes, most of them women, elderly and children.
Ha ha ha ha. Palestinian population has multiplied six fold. Here let me refresh your memory at Arab animals are capable of, it all started with them, after all they've been committing ethnic cleansing and mass sting non Muslims since the 7th century:

1929 Hebron massacre

The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by false rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places. The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed. Jewish homes were pillaged and synagogues were ransacked. Soon after, all Hebron's Jews were evacuated by the British authorities. Many returned in 1931, but almost all were evacuated at the outbreak of the 1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine. The massacre formed part of the 1929 Palestine riots, in which a total of 133 Jews were killed by Arabs, and brought the centuries-old Jewish presence in Hebron to an end.
The massacre, together with that of Jews in Safed, sent shock waves through Jewish communities in Palestine and around the world. It led to the re-organization and development of the Jewish paramilitary organization, the Haganah, which later became the nucleus of the Israel Defense Forces. In the metanarrative of Zionism, according to Michelle Campos, the event became 'a central symbol of Jewish persecution at the hands of bloodthirsty Arabs' and was 'engraved in the national psyche of Israeli Jews', particularly those who settled in Hebron after 1967. Hillel Cohen regards the massacre as marking a point-of-no-return in Arab-Jewish relations, and forcing the Mizrahi Jews to join forces with Zionism.


At about 8.30 am Saturday morning, the first attacks began to be launched against houses were Jews resided,[7] after a crowd of Arabs armed with staves, axes and knives appeared in the streets. The first location to be attacked was a large Jewish house on the main road. Two young boys were immediately killed, whereupon the mob entered the house and beat or stabbed the other occupants to death.

Cafferata appeared on the scene, gave orders to his constables to fire on the crowd and personally shot dead two of the attacking Arabs. While some dispersed, the rest managed to break through the pickets, shouting "on to the ghetto!" Requested reinforcements had not arrived in time. This later became the source of considerable acrimony.
According to a survivor, Aharon Reuven Bernzweig, "right after eight o'clock in the morning we heard screams. Arabs had begun breaking into Jewish homes. The screams pierced the heart of the heavens. We didn't know what to do… They were going from door to door, slaughtering everyone who was inside. The screams and the moans were terrible. People were crying Help! Help! But what could we do?" Soon after news of the first victim had spread, forty people assembled in the house of Eliezer Dan Slonim. Slonim, the son of the Rabbi of Hebron, was a member on the city council and a director of the Anglo-Palestine Bank. He had excellent relations with the British and the Arabs and those seeking refuge with him were confident they would come to no harm. When the mob approached his door, they offered to spare the Sephardi community if he would hand over all the Ashkenazi yeshiva students. He refused, saying "we are all one people," whereupon he was shot dead along with his wife and 4-year-old son.[24] From the contemporary Hebrew press it appears that the rioters targeted the Zionist community for their massacre. Four-fifths of the victims were Ashkenazi Jews, though some had deep roots in the town, yet a dozen Jews of eastern origin, Sephardim and Maghrebi, were also killed. Gershon Ben-Zion, for example, the Beit Hadassah Clinic pharmacist, a cripple who had served both Jews and Arabs for 4 decades, was killed together with his family: his daughter was raped and then murdered, and his wife's hands were cut off.


The attack was accompanied by wanton destruction and looting. A Jewish hospital, which had provided treatment for Arabs, was attacked and ransacked. Numerous Jewish synagogues were vandalised and desecrated. According to one account, Torah scrolls in casings of silver and gold were looted from the synagogues and manuscripts of great antiquity were pilfered from the library of Rabbi Judah Bibas. The library, founded in 1852, was partly burned and destroyed. In one instance, a rabbi who had saved a Torah scroll from a blazing synagogue, later died from his burns.

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Let them have at it. Not our fight. Bout time Israel decides to fight its own damn battles and stop having American boys and girls die for their interests.
Every fight Israel has been in it has been in its own. This one will not be any different.

The OP is correct. Obama = Jimmy Carter on steroids.

I think it's more like Obama = Carter on Quaaludes...... but the general idea is accurate : ))
"The Jewish community was divided between recent Ashkenazi immigrants and an older population of descendants of Sephardim who had inhabited the town for centuries. Ashkenazi Jews had been established in the town for at least a century.[9]

"The two communities, Sephardim and Ashkenazi, maintained separate schools, worshipped in separate synagogues, and did not intermarry.

"The Sephardim were Arab-speakers, wore Arab-dress and were well-integrated, whereas many of the Ashkenazi community were yeshiva students who maintained 'foreign' ways, and had difficulties and misunderstandings with the Arab population.[10]

"Since the Balfour Declaration of 1917, tensions had been growing between the Arab and Jewish communities in Palestine."

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The chickens have come home to roost, kiddies.

Israel 'cannot depend on U.S. in fight against Iran's nuclear program' | Mail Online

Watch and see. Israel will attack Iran. Watch. Iran will try to retaliate and the spam is gonna hit the fan. Big time. In a Big Big Way. Maybe Nuclear War in that Region but..... I doubt it. It will however be VERY messy.

China is gonna take those Islands from Japan. Japan will then re-militarize. Japan has been getting its people ready psychologically to re-arm. The new Japanese leadership is getting tougher and tougher and for the first since the end of WWII, Japan's leader made a trip to some War Shrine, which is a VERY symbolic gesture, to honor thw Japanese WWII dead. China's pretty upset about it.

North Korea just launched several missiles in a VERY provocative manner the other day. South Korea is not happy about it.

These are just a couple of the bigger events that are either happening now or will happen...

Why? Because we have THE worst president in our history in office.

People.... You're gonna pay for electing this guy.

You're gonna pay.

And I think it's too late. I don't believe there's anything anybody can do to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Oh.... And Putin IS gonna invade and annex Eastern Ukraine. I'm thinking after September when the G7 meets

Putin OWNS obama.

Oh, one other thing....

It's personal.

Remember when I said that obama was making a mistake by sending all those openly gay butt rangers to Sochi? remember? Of course not.

I said it. I was right... As usual. All the Western powers (except Germany, I think) were thrilled that obama the community organizer in chief was giving Putin the old 'What For' and showing him up.

Putin is pissed. It's personal. He wants personal revenge and he's gonna get it.

obama is a retarded child compared to Putin. Putin is gonna bend him over

Strange how the bible thumping goyim love Israel and hates America, don't look now but Israel really doesn't like the goyim and is using the goyim

How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel | Alternet

LOL you obviously didn't read the article, or you would not have posted it hahahaha!
"The Jewish community was divided between recent Ashkenazi immigrants and an older population of descendants of Sephardim who had inhabited the town for centuries. Ashkenazi Jews had been established in the town for at least a century.[9]

"The two communities, Sephardim and Ashkenazi, maintained separate schools, worshipped in separate synagogues, and did not intermarry.

"The Sephardim were Arab-speakers, wore Arab-dress and were well-integrated, whereas many of the Ashkenazi community were yeshiva students who maintained 'foreign' ways, and had difficulties and misunderstandings with the Arab population.[10]

"Since the Balfour Declaration of 1917, tensions had been growing between the Arab and Jewish communities in Palestine."

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And that justified Muslim animals savagely massacring Jews who had been living there for centuries? Why don't the Arab invading animals leave Hebron?
Israel did America's job when it bombed the nuclear facilities of



and hopefully soon Iran

Why is it America's job to bomb another nation? They have done nothing wrong. Oh and are you gonna join the rest of the israel firsters in going to sign up for the IDF?

Since the US invaded Iraq-twice, it kinda helped that they no longer had a nuclear facility when the american military was there genius. :eusa_whistle:

You sound like an arab terrorist firster. Are you part of Al Qaida?
The chickens have come home to roost, kiddies.

Israel 'cannot depend on U.S. in fight against Iran's nuclear program' | Mail Online

Watch and see. Israel will attack Iran. Watch. Iran will try to retaliate and the spam is gonna hit the fan. Big time. In a Big Big Way. Maybe Nuclear War in that Region but..... I doubt it. It will however be VERY messy.

China is gonna take those Islands from Japan. Japan will then re-militarize. Japan has been getting its people ready psychologically to re-arm. The new Japanese leadership is getting tougher and tougher and for the first since the end of WWII, Japan's leader made a trip to some War Shrine, which is a VERY symbolic gesture, to honor thw Japanese WWII dead. China's pretty upset about it.

North Korea just launched several missiles in a VERY provocative manner the other day. South Korea is not happy about it.

These are just a couple of the bigger events that are either happening now or will happen...

Why? Because we have THE worst president in our history in office.

People.... You're gonna pay for electing this guy.

You're gonna pay.

And I think it's too late. I don't believe there's anything anybody can do to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Oh.... And Putin IS gonna invade and annex Eastern Ukraine. I'm thinking after September when the G7 meets

Putin OWNS obama.

Oh, one other thing....

It's personal.

Remember when I said that obama was making a mistake by sending all those openly gay butt rangers to Sochi? remember? Of course not.

I said it. I was right... As usual. All the Western powers (except Germany, I think) were thrilled that obama the community organizer in chief was giving Putin the old 'What For' and showing him up.

Putin is pissed. It's personal. He wants personal revenge and he's gonna get it.

obama is a retarded child compared to Putin. Putin is gonna bend him over

Strange how the bible thumping goyim love Israel and hates America, don't look now but Israel really doesn't like the goyim and is using the goyim

How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel | Alternet

Israel doesn't like arab terrorists and especially arab terrorist supports who have nukes.

It seems that you do.
All the killing started with the slaughter of the Palestinians, and as OBL put it, his revenge of 9-11. Keep up the pretend game and unfortunately those with short memories will believe you though

Link to slaughter of Palestinians?

From the time, they became a nation, Israel has been practicing ethnic cleansing through pillaging and slaughter.

Palestinian terrorized by massacres
The massacre of Baldat al-Shaikh - 31.01.1947
The massacre of Deir Yasin - 09.04.1948
The massacre of Qibya - 14.10.1953
The massacre of Kufr Qasim - 29.10.1956
The massacre of Sabra and Shatila Camps - 16.09.1982
The massacre of Al-Aqsa Mosque - 08.10.1990
The massacre of Ebrahimi Mosque - 25.02.1994
The massacre of Qana - 18.04.1996
The massacre of Jenine refugees camp - 12.04.2002
The massacre of Qana 2 - 29.07.2006
The massacre of Beit Hanoun - 08.11.2006

Massacres - Palestine - Home of history

Following an argument which broke out between Palestinian workers and Jewish workers in the Haifa Petroleum Refinery, leading to the deaths of a number of Palestinians and wounding and killing approximately sixty Jews. The Zionest ganges planned to take revenge on behalf of fellow Jews who had been killed by attacking Baldat al-Shaikh and Hawasa where most of the workers live.

On the night of January 30-31, 1947, a mixed force composed of the First Battalion of Palmakh and the Carmelie brigade (estimated at approximately 150 to 200 terrorists) launched a raid against the two towns under the leadership of Hayim Afinuam. Taking the homes by surprise as their inhabitants slept, they pelted them with hand grenades, then went inside, firing their machine guns. The terrorist attack led to the deaths of approximately sixty citizens inside their homes, most of them women, elderly and children.

Yeah...then how come Israel has arab citizens, arab soldiers, and arab representatives in it's parliament?

They must have missed a whole bunch.

The rest of your "stuff" is more nonsense.
"The Jewish community was divided between recent Ashkenazi immigrants and an older population of descendants of Sephardim who had inhabited the town for centuries. Ashkenazi Jews had been established in the town for at least a century.[9]

"The two communities, Sephardim and Ashkenazi, maintained separate schools, worshipped in separate synagogues, and did not intermarry.

"The Sephardim were Arab-speakers, wore Arab-dress and were well-integrated, whereas many of the Ashkenazi community were yeshiva students who maintained 'foreign' ways, and had difficulties and misunderstandings with the Arab population.[10]

"Since the Balfour Declaration of 1917, tensions had been growing between the Arab and Jewish communities in Palestine."

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And that justified Muslim animals savagely massacring Jews who had been living there for centuries? Why don't the Arab invading animals leave Hebron?
Hey, Rothschild...Arab and Christian "animals" were part of Palestine's non-Jewish community, and they, too, had "civil and religious rights" early Zionists ignored:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Whats your point George?
He never has a point he's either busy lying about Jews or Israel, or trying to justify Islamic barbarity.
Plus the Rothchilds and Rockefellers. Also anyone with money.
Anyone who earns a vast private fortune from war and debt isn't worth killing or dying for:

"'Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws.' ~Baron M.A. Rothschild (1)

“'The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our constitution… if the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.'
~ Thomas Jefferson (1)"
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OMG you have a twisted history.
For one thing Al Aqsa .....>>Under the law, there is to be freedom of access and religion, but all religious prayer except Muslim is banned<<
As for Sabra and Shatila, that was done by Hobeika in retaliation to massacres by palestinians in Lebanon.

We only have the word of Israeli's that they didn't instigate the upheaval that they then claim warrants retaliation. In any case, when there is a mutual fight, it is one of the greatest war crimes to then go afterwards and destroy whole towns and murder scores of innocent women and children as happened after the Haifa Refinery fight.

Also, we don't know how many Israeli's were killed and how many were just wounded at Haifa. It could have been only one or two deaths and light injuries to the rest of them, for all we know.

Massacres - Palestine - Home of history

The facts and information about the massacres are plastered all over the internet. It is never warranted to murder innocent men, women and children. There is nothing twisted about the history of the Israeli massacres except the minds of those committing the atrocities and those who support murdering children.

It was also used by the syrians, Hardane, as an opportunity to destroy three of it's enemies in one shot.
Some went on orders to remove the PLO fighter still in the camps and take them to the stadium so they could be shipped out. Other went for revenge.
Israel's only mistakes was expecting the shabab to act like soldiers, and underestimating the heightened passion of the men after the assasination of the president elect.
Palestinian fighters were well fortified around the hospital, expecting safety there as well as a good vantage to put a gun on the roof. It was not a massacre but a battle.
What happened later in the camps was two massacres carried out by amal and syria.

During a massacre, there will always be someone among the victims who will try in vain to defend their lives. Wouldn't you if a mob of attackers came into your city to obviously murder everyone?

It was all carefully coordinated and done, at a slow and steady pace over the years, to move and scare Palestinians off their lands, one area at a time. Who in their right mind would stay where massacres are taking place?

Why didn't you also upload the Wikipedia link of Arab massacres against Jews??

There were thousands of Palestinians massacred and what a handful of Jews? Why don't you post it?

Both sides were killing eachother and both sides were trying to push eachother out.

All that counts is who always started it and who committed the atrocities. There were many isolated killings by the Arabs, but they were done by isolated individuals and groups, while the massacres were coordinated by deep-rooted Israeli mobs.

Even in the last two decades, suicide bombings have been done by individuals tied to Hamas, but no organization has control of every group within it.

The dates of attacks against Arabs that you posted took place during the Mandatory Palestine Civil War and the Arab Israeli war. So like I said, both sides were trying to push eachother, but the Jews pushed harder and won.

I did not post all the massacres. There were many more, before and after that time.

And if Israel wanted, they could have expelled EVERY LAST ARAB from the land after winning the wars in 1948, 1967 and 1973, so stop whining about ethnic cleansing. The goal of the country committing the ethnic cleansing is to ultimately get rid of a certain people. The population of the Palestinians has been INCREASING , not decreasing.

After a war, peace and autonomous borders are virtually always restored. Just look at Western Europe. Those countries fought often during the Middle Ages, but not much changed nationally.

When you say I should stop complaining about ethnic cleansing, you are admitting that it is going on. Right? Of course, it is. The Palestinians have been locked away in the prisons of the West Bank and Gaza for decades, and there is no end in sight to their captivity. What better clandestine way to control and cleanse a people than holding them in prison. And at the same time, settle in their lands with the ultimate goal to take every last square inch of it.
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