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Israeli Ethiopian boy's future in balance, as community stuggles Israeli court

Get it right for once, crazy Sherri, Israel SAVED the Ethiopian Jews. Which Arab / Muslim shithole has stepped in to save fellow Muslims? That NEVER happens. What have they done for the people of Syria so far? <JACKSHIT> What did they do for the Bosnians? <JACKSHIT AGAIN> Other than wait for the US to bomb the Serbs. For that matter, what do Muslims do for anybody? Oh sorry, they are so busy figuring out new and improved ways to KILL and TERRORIZE.

As far as Israeli "racism"...If Israelis were racists they wouldn't be voting an ETHIOPIAN MISS ISRAEL 2013, you freakin' idiot!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiqvELZHn8I]Miss Israel 2013- Yityish Aynaw becomes first ever Ethiopian-Israeli winner of beauty crown - YouTube[/ame]
Lipush I was born in the USA----as were my parents-----and even my maternal grand-
mother ------very USA person. ----and----secular. My parents were HARDCORE
secular democrats. WAY BACK ----some 50 years ago I came into contact with
muslims -----from muslim countries. From THEM I learned that jews are racist
against EACH OTHER. I was amazed. By that time I knew about ----jews of "sephardic" background.---------my older brother was "in love" with a
sephardi girl (well----at age 15) I learned that "sephardi jews and ashkenazi 'jews
are KILLING each other" ?????? from a PAKISTANI!!!!!!!

I learned all kinds of things about jews------from muslims and from the nazi literature
that lay around town in dusty heaps -------I learned that a jew must never be surprised
at that which islamo nazis invent about jews. -------just laugh
"Believing that all Jews were their brothers, and that Israel was the paradise they yearned for, they wanted to be Israeli.* But, coming from Ethiopia that had never been dominated by a white country, they were not prepared for being black in a white society.* Nor had they expected being looked down upon as primitive in a technologically advanced society.Grieving for the family members who never made it to Israel, struggling with a strange language that they were expected to learn instantly, being unwanted and unliked, they defended themselves by throwing stones at their attackers.* Even in the more harmonious boarding schools,* these proud, dignified Ethiopians began to understand that Jewish or not, there was a difference between black and white.*

And black wasn’t as good.* They eventually confided in me that they wanted to be white too.* It was heartbreaking.I have followed their immigration in Israel over the years enough to know that theirs has not been a happy story.* Although the government tried to provide what the Ethiopian families needed for a healthy transition, the Ethiopians sank to the bottom of Israeli society.* The only place where Ethiopians have excelled in Israel is in the army where their natural physical attributes make them outstanding.* A few are crawling into law and politics, but the number of success stories is still low.* One movie I saw of an Ethiopian child struggling with the emotional conflicts of being Ethiopian in Israel was agonizing to watch.* A few painful books have been written by older Ethiopian survivors of coming to Israel.The teenagers I took care of lost the innocence of having no color line when they came to Israel.* They could “see” black and white, but they didn’t “feel” it.* Now their children are chanting too, but these are angry slogans in demonstrations against what they are calling Apartheid in Israel.* The* racism that turns couples away from buying homes, segregates Ethiopian children in schools and neighborhoods, and keeps Ethiopians in low paying jobs is being challenged as never before."

Apartheid in Israel against Ethiopian Jews « Follow the Senior Hummingbird

You honestly must be illiterate, you have no idea what the word apartheid means. If Israel was really like that they would never let in Ethiopians in the first place loser.
"Executive summary of the &#64257;ndings of the third session of the RToPFollowing the hearings and the deliberations of the jury, the &#64257;* ndings of the third session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine are summarised as follows:I.*ApartheidThe Tribunal finds that Israel subjects the Palestinian people to an institutionalised regime of domination amounting to apartheid as defined under international law. This discriminatory regime manifests in varying intensity and forms against different categories of Palestinians depending on their location. The Palestinians living under colonial military rule in the Occupied Palestinian Territory are subject to a particularly aggravated form of apartheid. Palestinian citizens of Israel, while entitled to vote, are not part of the Jewish nation as defined by Israeli law and are therefore excluded from the benefits of Jewish nationality and subject to systematic discrimination across the broad spectrum of recognised human rights. Irrespective of such differences, the Tribunal concludes that Israel&#8217;s rule over the Palestinian people, wherever they reside, collectively amounts to a single integrated regime of apartheid.The state of Israel is legally obliged to respect the prohibition of apartheid contained in international law. In addition to being considered a crime against humanity, the practice of apartheid is universally prohibited. The Tribunal has considered Israel&#8217;s rule over the Palestinian people under its jurisdiction in the light of the legal definition of apartheid. Apartheid is prohibited by international law because of the experience of apartheid in southern Africa, which had its own unique attributes. The legal definition of apartheid, however, applies to any situation anywhere in the world where the following three core elements exist: (i) that two distinct racial groups can be identified; (ii) that &#8216;inhuman acts&#8217; are committed against the subordinate group; and (iii) that such acts are committed systematically in the context of an institutionalised regime of domination by one group over the other."

Cape Town Session: summary of conclusions (ENG) | Russell Tribunal on Palestine
Apartheid is prohibited by international law because of the experience of apartheid in southern Africa, which had its own unique attributes. The legal definition of apartheid, however, applies to any situation anywhere in the world where the following three core elements exist: (i) that two distinct racial groups can be identified; (ii) that ‘inhuman acts’ are committed against the subordinate group; and (iii) that such acts are committed systematically in the context of an institutionalised regime of domination by one group over the other."

The " christian" is against " apartheid" because it's against " International Law?" :lol: How come " International Law" only applies to Jews and not Muslims? Isn't that Racist? " jesus" :cuckoo: would not be happy :cool:

Muslim Persecution of Christians - Discover the Networks

Muslim Man Buries Wife And Children Alive For Reading The Bible - Religion - Nairaland

Christians Murdered Nonstop in Nigeria :: Gatestone Institute

JUST A FEW EXAMPLES ! :smiliehug:
Saying that a white family wishing to adopt a black infant is "stealing", is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard in my life.
You think Sherri ever had a child! Listen to her rants I doubt there is a man on that planet that would want to procreate with her.

She says it is steal because she has never had a child. Providing a warm and loving home is huge, but children also cost a ton of money. I remember when the wife and I would got out and get a bottle of wine and surf and turf. 4 kids later, we share a meal and salad, no bottle of win, she gets a soda and I get water! Children are expensive!

I have three children, so all those hateful Zionist fantasies of yours about me are all wasted Zionist hate.

And the thread addresses a case where a biolgical family's rights to raise a child are being violated. We have an aunt capable of and desiring to raise her biological nephew. But because Israel is an Apartheid State the righrs of black Ethiopian residents are being violated.
The aunt who desires to adopt her biological nephew is herself an IDF officer.

During the hearing, the aunt, an*IDF*officer, confronted the foster family's attorney and said: "You are ruining us. That's our child. You want to buy him with money." She made similar statements after the hearing: "He's our flesh and blood. God didn't give you (a child) so you buy children with money. That's our child, we'll gladly raise him. He has cousins that are waiting for him."

Ethiopians protest outside Supreme Court over adoption case - Israel News, Ynetnews
Anybody who wants to see real apartheid, check out any number of Islamic shitholes, including Gaza Hamas-istan currently imposing barbaric Shariah law.
The aunt who desires to adopt her biological nephew is herself an IDF officer.

During the hearing, the aunt, an*IDF*officer, confronted the foster family's attorney and said: "You are ruining us. That's our child. You want to buy him with money." She made similar statements after the hearing: "He's our flesh and blood. God didn't give you (a child) so you buy children with money. That's our child, we'll gladly raise him. He has cousins that are waiting for him."

Ethiopians protest outside Supreme Court over adoption case - Israel News, Ynetnews

How is her being in IDF relevant?
None of her crap is relevant. She just decided to spam the thread with bullshit once she / he / it realized that Israel just voted for an Ethiopian Beauty Queen this year. That kinda blows up her prior idiotic lies about Israel.
there is no culturally diverse country in the world in which there is
no ethnic strife. There is no culturally diverse town in the USA --
in which there is no-------ethnic crap. My little town was
100% pure white bread.......everyone was SNOW WHITE----
everyone spoke english...... everyone had a TV and a car. ----
and a lawn to mow. and some sidewalk from which to shovel
snow-------and just about everyone grew a few tomato plants in
the back yard (everyone had a back yard) The whole town
was "middle class" -------BUT STILL-----some people were called
"wops" some "yids" some 'spics"------and later on some
people were called "greasers" (it was never clear to me who
were the "greasers" ) I was six when I witness my first
WAR OVER RELIGION my protestant friends sally-----
accused my catholic friend lenore------of "PRAYING TO MARY"

The irish lady accused her "spanish" (actually puerto rican) neighbor
of using too much garlic--------and hanging clothing on the clothes line
on SUNDAY!!! ?????
The aunt who desires to adopt her biological nephew is herself an IDF officer.

During the hearing, the aunt, an*IDF*officer, confronted the foster family's attorney and said: "You are ruining us. That's our child. You want to buy him with money." She made similar statements after the hearing: "He's our flesh and blood. God didn't give you (a child) so you buy children with money. That's our child, we'll gladly raise him. He has cousins that are waiting for him."

Ethiopians protest outside Supreme Court over adoption case - Israel News, Ynetnews

How is her being in IDF relevant?

It is part of the facts of this case.

Why does she have inferior rights in Israel?

What justifies Apartheid?
Sherri knows less than zero about apartheid. Listen stupid, an apartheid state would never let a black child be placed with a white family. Its that simple.
The aunt who desires to adopt her biological nephew is herself an IDF officer.

During the hearing, the aunt, an*IDF*officer, confronted the foster family's attorney and said: "You are ruining us. That's our child. You want to buy him with money." She made similar statements after the hearing: "He's our flesh and blood. God didn't give you (a child) so you buy children with money. That's our child, we'll gladly raise him. He has cousins that are waiting for him."

Ethiopians protest outside Supreme Court over adoption case - Israel News, Ynetnews

Watch a movie calling Losting Isiah! There are no winners or losers in these types of battles! The current adoptive parents love and cherish their adoptive daughter and want to keep her, love her, provide for her and keep her save. The is just and moral.

The aunt also loves her neice. She has a valid and just claim also. You can't blame her for it.
Sherri knows less than zero about apartheid. Listen stupid, an apartheid state would never let a black child be placed with a white family. Its that simple.

she likes to use the word. she is demonstrating VOCABULARY.
It is a long word-----but not really all that good for scrabble-----no Q or
X Also---it is a "SPELLING WORD" the kind one would have
to write out five times------in the fourth grade

In the USA ----there are many cases of court battles over child
custody-----adoptive vs relative vs ----whatever----for whatever reason.
ALSO there are lots of cases in which parents ----thru a COURT----
LOSE PARENTAL RIGHTS --------for a lawyer---she is quite clueless---
for a lawyer she has a LOT OF TIME on her hands

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