Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15

please provide proof it is Israeli policy to directly target civilians
so a sniper shot a civilian---this does not show Israeli policy

From the guys doing the shooting...

Rank: First Sergeant
unit: Armored Corps
area: Deir al-Balah area
period: 2014

“Anything you see in the neighborhoods you’re in, anything within a reasonable distance, say between zero and 200 meters – is dead on the spot. No authorization needed.” We asked him: “I see someone walking in the street, do I shoot him?” He said yes. “Why do I shoot him?” “Because he isn’t supposed to be there.

"...anyone located in an IDF area, in areas the IDF took over – is not [considered] a civilian."

"The instructions are to shoot right away. Whoever you spot – be they armed or unarmed, no matter what. The instructions are very clear. Any person you run into, that you see with your eyes – shoot to kill. It’s an explicit instruction."

Here's another one...

(Gaza) – Israeli forces in the southern Gaza town of Khuza’a fired on and killed civilians in apparent violation of the laws of war in several incidents between July 23 and 25, 2014. Deliberate attacks on civilians who are not participating in the fighting are war crimes.
And another...

There is so much out there, that you have to be deliberately not wanting to see any of this.
this proves nothing
..where is the POLICY!! ? the Pals kidnap civilians then kill them/etc --NO DOUBT about it
..these excerpts do not make sense---there is no context--no overall story..... there is an area where no civilians are not supposed to be--just like in the Vietnam War--if civilians are not supposed to be there, and they get killed--it's the civilians fault!!!
from your link:
“leave your homes, or else,”
the US did this in WW2 !!! same thing
Through much of World War II, Allied bombers would sometimes drop leaflets warning of impending bombing of a city.
Warning Leaflets
Gaza protests: Will Israel stop using deadly force?

Where is the video Mahdi is talking about??!!

I haven't seen one clearly showing Israelis targeting unarmed civilians who were merely protesting.
Everyone has got a big mouth... no one dares to talk about the armed militants or the publically stated goal to murder Jews.

2 against one and ZERO facts. Try to sprinkle a Swastika with glitter - that's what You get.
Hypocrite liars.
That is counter to You own logic, was there ever a war against Egyptian occupation?
Because Egypt doesn't occupy Palestinian land. That's why.

Yet they shoot rockets at us and not Egypt
they send their kids to explode in Israel and not Egypt.
The answer is simple - they consider Egyptians muslim brothers and Jews sworn enemies , and they know full well that Egypt will give them the Arab treatment they receive all around in the countries where they start their suicidal wars (Jordan, Lebanon)
They shoot rockets at Israel in response to the brutal occupation Israel has maintained for almost a half century. The occupation is the cause of all the violence.

Yeah they didn't migrate, those Arabian tribes just came into existence out of nowhere, this one for example is the tribe of their latest "Stab 'em all" poster child Ahed Tamimi, her tribe owns Qatar:

Arabian tribes: Tamimi tribe

The tribe of Banu Tamim (Arabic: بـنـو تـمـيـم‎) or Bani Tamim (Arabic: بـني تـمـيـم‎) is one of the main tribes of Arabia.

Today, descendants from the tribe live in the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia,[1][2] India, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Lebanon and Palestine. The word Tamim in Arabic means strong and solid. It can also mean perfection.[3]


Arabian tribes: tribe of Abbas

Banu Abbas (Arabic: بنو عباس‎) are an Arabian tribe, descendants of Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib. The caliphs of the Banu Abbas served as heads of the Muslim community for a period of five centuries (from 750 until the sack of Baghdad in 1258).[2] This was the Abbasid caliphate.
Listen jerkoff, there is no denying that Arabs were the majority population in the area. And Zionists were the racist pricks who immigrated there.

Half the Arabs who whine about Jews have their huge ancestral lands, and whole countries under the control in Arabia, and the other half are Egyptians. And I didn't count the Kurdish families of soldiers of Saldin.

The war started when Arabs saw that Jews began raising their heads and organizing a movement to protect them from Arab pogroms in Syria- Palestine.
Modern Zionism sparked as an answer to the Damascus affair and the waves of Arab pogroms at the time.
Wrong. The war started when Zionists started treating the indigenous residents like garbage, enacting racist, apartheid policies in regards land ownership and finally resulting to violence and driving out over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes.

Their choice their consequences. The caliph may go whine and demand Spain as well...
I'll make the popcorn.
You are not keeping that land. For the world to allow you to keep what you took in the '67 war, would be like saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland and that's not going to happen, asshole.
That is counter to You own logic, was there ever a war against Egyptian occupation?
Because Egypt doesn't occupy Palestinian land. That's why.

Yet they shoot rockets at us and not Egypt
they send their kids to explode in Israel and not Egypt.
The answer is simple - they consider Egyptians muslim brothers and Jews sworn enemies , and they know full well that Egypt will give them the Arab treatment they receive all around in the countries where they start their suicidal wars (Jordan, Lebanon)
They shoot rockets at Israel in response to the brutal occupation Israel has maintained for almost a half century. The occupation is the cause of all the violence.

Yeah they didn't migrate, those Arabian tribes just came into existence out of nowhere, this one for example is the tribe of their latest "Stab 'em all" poster child Ahed Tamimi, her tribe owns Qatar:

Arabian tribes: Tamimi tribe

The tribe of Banu Tamim (Arabic: بـنـو تـمـيـم‎) or Bani Tamim (Arabic: بـني تـمـيـم‎) is one of the main tribes of Arabia.

Today, descendants from the tribe live in the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia,[1][2] India, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Lebanon and Palestine. The word Tamim in Arabic means strong and solid. It can also mean perfection.[3]


Arabian tribes: tribe of Abbas

Banu Abbas (Arabic: بنو عباس‎) are an Arabian tribe, descendants of Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib. The caliphs of the Banu Abbas served as heads of the Muslim community for a period of five centuries (from 750 until the sack of Baghdad in 1258).[2] This was the Abbasid caliphate.
Listen jerkoff, there is no denying that Arabs were the majority population in the area. And Zionists were the racist pricks who immigrated there.

Half the Arabs who whine about Jews have their huge ancestral lands, and whole countries under the control in Arabia, and the other half are Egyptians. And I didn't count the Kurdish families of soldiers of Saldin.

The war started when Arabs saw that Jews began raising their heads and organizing a movement to protect them from Arab pogroms in Syria- Palestine.
Modern Zionism sparked as an answer to the Damascus affair and the waves of Arab pogroms at the time.
Wrong. The war started when Zionists started treating the indigenous residents like garbage, enacting racist, apartheid policies in regards land ownership and finally resulting to violence and driving out over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes.

Their choice their consequences. The caliph may go whine and demand Spain as well...
I'll make the popcorn.
You are not keeping that land. For the world to allow you to keep what you took in the '67 war, would be like saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland and that's not going to happen, asshole.

Oh boy so much slogans so little interest...You're rehashing sentences form the 60's.

Try to be more relevant to reality.

BTW by Your own category Egypt does "occupy" Gaza - as they control the border and the sea. And they occupied it effectively from 48 until when? Who closed them in camps?
But the problem appears only when Jews are around - which was clearly explained to us at the beginning of the hostilities You call "peaceful" march.

So go stick Your heated head in a refrigerator. Maybe some sense might show up.
Or go sell Your bs to some western gullible idiot who thinks Gazans protest with soap bubbles.

Nobody is responsible for the stupid wars these suicidal maniacs start.
If You don't understand go ask a Jordanian.
Last edited:
I'm sorry sweetheart - I left the only sentence that made some sense in all that ignorant idiocy.

Yes it has, along with Egypt and other neighbors.
Like that bullshit ceasefire agreement between Israel and Egypt speaking on behalf of the Palestinians?

Here's just one Hamas refused...
don't think they ever asked the people though:

That ain't no offer. It's complete bullshit. Israel controls the sea around the island. And if the port is for Gaza, why is there a checkpoint in between Gaza and Gaza? Israel needs to get the fuck out of the Pals daily lives. Israel needs to give up control of that area and get their fucking asses out of the West Bank. And they have offered no offer, along those lines.

I hope no more proposition directly from Israel in the next 20 years, until they prove they came to senses and deserve anything. Go talk to Your Arab fellows...convince them You're no longer Iranian traitors.

Then again if they don't make any progress, Egypt has a clear plan to install their police and clear the enclave from the suicidal Islamists. Apparently as long as there're no Jews around, occupation doesn't seem to be a problem for them.

At the end of the day, Egypt occupied it for years without any whining and kitten faced Gazans practically navigate towards this themselves.
You're the reason for the violence. You're the big evil in the area. And you're fucking going down, asshole, it's only a matter of time.
I'm sorry sweetheart - I left the only sentence that made some sense in all that ignorant idiocy.

Yes it has, along with Egypt and other neighbors.
Like that bullshit ceasefire agreement between Israel and Egypt speaking on behalf of the Palestinians?

Here's just one Hamas refused...
don't think they ever asked the people though:

That ain't no offer. It's complete bullshit. Israel controls the sea around the island. And if the port is for Gaza, why is there a checkpoint in between Gaza and Gaza? Israel needs to get the fuck out of the Pals daily lives. Israel needs to give up control of that area and get their fucking asses out of the West Bank. And they have offered no offer, along those lines.

I hope no more proposition directly from Israel in the next 20 years, until they prove they came to senses and deserve anything. Go talk to Your Arab fellows...convince them You're no longer Iranian traitors.

Then again if they don't make any progress, Egypt has a clear plan to install their police and clear the enclave from the suicidal Islamists. Apparently as long as there're no Jews around, occupation doesn't seem to be a problem for them.

At the end of the day, Egypt occupied it for years without any whining and kitten faced Gazans practically navigate towards this themselves.
You're the reason for the violence. You're the big evil in the area. And you're fucking going down, asshole, it's only a matter of time.

I'm sorry sweetheart - I left the only sentence that made some sense in all that ignorant idiocy.

Yes it has, along with Egypt and other neighbors.
Like that bullshit ceasefire agreement between Israel and Egypt speaking on behalf of the Palestinians?

Here's just one Hamas refused...
don't think they ever asked the people though:

That ain't no offer. It's complete bullshit. Israel controls the sea around the island. And if the port is for Gaza, why is there a checkpoint in between Gaza and Gaza? Israel needs to get the fuck out of the Pals daily lives. Israel needs to give up control of that area and get their fucking asses out of the West Bank. And they have offered no offer, along those lines.

I hope no more proposition directly from Israel in the next 20 years, until they prove they came to senses and deserve anything. Go talk to Your Arab fellows...convince them You're no longer Iranian traitors.

Then again if they don't make any progress, Egypt has a clear plan to install their police and clear the enclave from the suicidal Islamists. Apparently as long as there're no Jews around, occupation doesn't seem to be a problem for them.

At the end of the day, Egypt occupied it for years without any whining and kitten faced Gazans practically navigate towards this themselves.
You're the reason for the violence. You're the big evil in the area. And you're fucking going down, asshole, it's only a matter of time.


Dude talk to someone else..
When You start making some sense I might respond. Be well, fly away.

Israil iilaa alabad!
Kishta Ya Amlak bin hmar.
Last edited:

this proves nothing
..where is the POLICY!! ? the Pals kidnap civilians then kill them/etc --NO DOUBT about it
..these excerpts do not make sense---there is no context--no overall story..... there is an area where no civilians are not supposed to be--just like in the Vietnam War--if civilians are not supposed to be there, and they get killed--it's the civilians fault!!!
from your link:

the US did this in WW2 !!! same thing
Through much of World War II, Allied bombers would sometimes drop leaflets warning of impending bombing of a city.
Warning Leaflets
The area where no civilians are supposed to be, is Gaza. Where the fuck are they supposed to go? And just because you drop leaflets, doesn't change the fact that it is illegal to target civilians who play no role in the hostilities. Targets must be of a military nature. Treating the entire population as the enemy, is a war crime.

this proves nothing
..where is the POLICY!! ? the Pals kidnap civilians then kill them/etc --NO DOUBT about it
..these excerpts do not make sense---there is no context--no overall story..... there is an area where no civilians are not supposed to be--just like in the Vietnam War--if civilians are not supposed to be there, and they get killed--it's the civilians fault!!!
from your link:

the US did this in WW2 !!! same thing
Through much of World War II, Allied bombers would sometimes drop leaflets warning of impending bombing of a city.
Warning Leaflets
The area where no civilians are supposed to be, is Gaza. Where the fuck are they supposed to go? And just because you drop leaflets, doesn't change the fact that it is illegal to target civilians who play no role in the hostilities. Targets must be of a military nature. Treating the entire population as the enemy, is a war crime.

doesn't change the fact that it is illegal to target civilians who play no role in the hostilities.

And that's why Pallie rockets are war crimes.

Targets must be of a military nature.

Hamas military targets are placed in civilian areas. That's another war crime by Hamas.
IDF destroys Hamas tunnels, IED detonated on Gaza border

An improvised explosive device (IED) was detonated near the perimeter fence of the Gaza Strip on Saturday.

Israel Defence Force (IDF) personnel were not in the area and no one was injured. In response to the IED attack, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) bombed Hamas targets in Gaza on Saturday night and the IDF destroyed a Hamas observation post with artillery fire. Saturday’s IED explosion was the fifth in the last three months.
IDF destroys Hamas tunnels, IED detonated on Gaza border - BICOM

RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Oh, for heaven's sake...

That is counter to You own logic, was there ever a war against Egyptian occupation?
Because Egypt doesn't occupy Palestinian land. That's why.

OK, in 1948 did not place under occupation territory. The Israelis had sovereign territory, and territory under the Armistice Agreements.

At the conclusion of the 1967 War, Israel had:
  • Sovereign territory
  • Territory formerly under the sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Territory formwerly under the Military Governorship of Egypt.
  • Territorial fragments formerly under the Administration IAW the Armistice.
Today, let's see. Israel has:
  • Sovereign territory (including annexations; and territorial boundaries from the Treaties with Jordan and Egypt).
  • Territory formerly under the sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Territorial fragments formerly under the Administration of the Armistice.

Most Respectfully,
That is counter to You own logic, was there ever a war against Egyptian occupation?
Because Egypt doesn't occupy Palestinian land. That's why.

Yet they shoot rockets at us and not Egypt
they send their kids to explode in Israel and not Egypt.
The answer is simple - they consider Egyptians muslim brothers and Jews sworn enemies , and they know full well that Egypt will give them the Arab treatment they receive all around in the countries where they start their suicidal wars (Jordan, Lebanon)
They shoot rockets at Israel in response to the brutal occupation Israel has maintained for almost a half century. The occupation is the cause of all the violence.

Yeah they didn't migrate, those Arabian tribes just came into existence out of nowhere, this one for example is the tribe of their latest "Stab 'em all" poster child Ahed Tamimi, her tribe owns Qatar:

Arabian tribes: Tamimi tribe

The tribe of Banu Tamim (Arabic: بـنـو تـمـيـم‎) or Bani Tamim (Arabic: بـني تـمـيـم‎) is one of the main tribes of Arabia.

Today, descendants from the tribe live in the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia,[1][2] India, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Lebanon and Palestine. The word Tamim in Arabic means strong and solid. It can also mean perfection.[3]


Arabian tribes: tribe of Abbas

Banu Abbas (Arabic: بنو عباس‎) are an Arabian tribe, descendants of Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib. The caliphs of the Banu Abbas served as heads of the Muslim community for a period of five centuries (from 750 until the sack of Baghdad in 1258).[2] This was the Abbasid caliphate.
Listen jerkoff, there is no denying that Arabs were the majority population in the area. And Zionists were the racist pricks who immigrated there.

Half the Arabs who whine about Jews have their huge ancestral lands, and whole countries under the control in Arabia, and the other half are Egyptians. And I didn't count the Kurdish families of soldiers of Saldin.

The war started when Arabs saw that Jews began raising their heads and organizing a movement to protect them from Arab pogroms in Syria- Palestine.
Modern Zionism sparked as an answer to the Damascus affair and the waves of Arab pogroms at the time.
Wrong. The war started when Zionists started treating the indigenous residents like garbage, enacting racist, apartheid policies in regards land ownership and finally resulting to violence and driving out over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes.

Their choice their consequences. The caliph may go whine and demand Spain as well...
I'll make the popcorn.
You are not keeping that land. For the world to allow you to keep what you took in the '67 war, would be like saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland and that's not going to happen, asshole.
I see you do not know History AT ALL. The Arab Nations drove the Palestinians out of Israel with threats of murder and death if they stayed while Arab armies attacked Israel in 1948. That is the facts retard not your perverted spin on it.
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Oh, for heaven's sake...

That is counter to You own logic, was there ever a war against Egyptian occupation?
Because Egypt doesn't occupy Palestinian land. That's why.

OK, in 1948 did not place under occupation territory. The Israelis had sovereign territory, and territory under the Armistice Agreements.

At the conclusion of the 1967 War, Israel had:
  • Sovereign territory
  • Territory formerly under the sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Territory formwerly under the Military Governorship of Egypt.
  • Territorial fragments formerly under the Administration IAW the Armistice.
Today, let's see. Israel has:
  • Sovereign territory (including annexations; and territorial boundaries from the Treaties with Jordan and Egypt).
  • Territory formerly under the sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Territorial fragments formerly under the Administration of the Armistice.

Most Respectfully,
OK, in 1948 did not place under occupation territory. The Israelis had sovereign territory, and territory under the Armistice Agreements.
Israel had no territory under the armistice agreements.
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Oh, for heaven's sake...

That is counter to You own logic, was there ever a war against Egyptian occupation?
Because Egypt doesn't occupy Palestinian land. That's why.

OK, in 1948 did not place under occupation territory. The Israelis had sovereign territory, and territory under the Armistice Agreements.

At the conclusion of the 1967 War, Israel had:
  • Sovereign territory
  • Territory formerly under the sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Territory formwerly under the Military Governorship of Egypt.
  • Territorial fragments formerly under the Administration IAW the Armistice.
Today, let's see. Israel has:
  • Sovereign territory (including annexations; and territorial boundaries from the Treaties with Jordan and Egypt).
  • Territory formerly under the sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Territorial fragments formerly under the Administration of the Armistice.

Most Respectfully,
OK, in 1948 did not place under occupation territory. The Israelis had sovereign territory, and territory under the Armistice Agreements.
Israel had no territory under the armistice agreements.

Israel had no territory under the armistice agreements.

So who had the territory?
It wasn't the Arab "Palestinians".
RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Oh, for heaven's sake...

That is counter to You own logic, was there ever a war against Egyptian occupation?
Because Egypt doesn't occupy Palestinian land. That's why.

OK, in 1948 did not place under occupation territory. The Israelis had sovereign territory, and territory under the Armistice Agreements.

At the conclusion of the 1967 War, Israel had:
  • Sovereign territory
  • Territory formerly under the sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Territory formwerly under the Military Governorship of Egypt.
  • Territorial fragments formerly under the Administration IAW the Armistice.
Today, let's see. Israel has:
  • Sovereign territory (including annexations; and territorial boundaries from the Treaties with Jordan and Egypt).
  • Territory formerly under the sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Territorial fragments formerly under the Administration of the Armistice.

Most Respectfully,
OK, in 1948 did not place under occupation territory. The Israelis had sovereign territory, and territory under the Armistice Agreements.
Israel had no territory under the armistice agreements.

Israel had no territory under the armistice agreements.

So who had the territory?
It wasn't the Arab "Palestinians".

RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Oh, for heaven's sake...

That is counter to You own logic, was there ever a war against Egyptian occupation?
Because Egypt doesn't occupy Palestinian land. That's why.

OK, in 1948 did not place under occupation territory. The Israelis had sovereign territory, and territory under the Armistice Agreements.

At the conclusion of the 1967 War, Israel had:
  • Sovereign territory
  • Territory formerly under the sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Territory formwerly under the Military Governorship of Egypt.
  • Territorial fragments formerly under the Administration IAW the Armistice.
Today, let's see. Israel has:
  • Sovereign territory (including annexations; and territorial boundaries from the Treaties with Jordan and Egypt).
  • Territory formerly under the sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Territorial fragments formerly under the Administration of the Armistice.

Most Respectfully,
OK, in 1948 did not place under occupation territory. The Israelis had sovereign territory, and territory under the Armistice Agreements.
Israel had no territory under the armistice agreements.

Israel had no territory under the armistice agreements.

So who had the territory?
It wasn't the Arab "Palestinians".


PF is about to see his dreams smashed.

The dreams of ending Israel... while pretending to 'concern' for all lives.

His nightmare is about to begin.

The one where Jordan is the Palestinian State ... yet they are not in control of it due to the Jordanian/GCC controls.

And none of it has to do with Jews.

Yep, that's a nightmare for old PF.

Very few lives lost on either side.


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