Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15

What I think "collective punishment " is (like lining people up against the wall and shooting them) and what you think "collective punishment" is, are different things.

That's quite a skewed idea of "collective punishment" you have there...

The first image is YOUR idea of "collective punishment"....

The second two images are MY idea of "collective punishment"...



Then why don't they start wars with Egypt?
A population under occupation can't do anything until the occupation is over. And they didn't start a war with Israel, you started the war with them.

You're the ones who migrated here, not them.
That is counter to You own logic, was there ever a war against Egyptian occupation?

Yet they shoot rockets at us and not Egypt
they send their kids to explode in Israel and not Egypt.
The answer is simple - they consider Egyptians muslim brothers and Jews sworn enemies , and they know full well that Egypt will give them the Arab treatment they receive all around in the countries where they start their suicidal wars (Jordan, Lebanon)

Yeah they didn't migrate, those Arabian tribes just came into existence out of nowhere, this one for example is the tribe of their latest "Stab 'em all" poster child Ahed Tamimi, her tribe owns Qatar:

Arabian tribes: Tamimi tribe

The tribe of Banu Tamim (Arabic: بـنـو تـمـيـم‎) or Bani Tamim (Arabic: بـني تـمـيـم‎) is one of the main tribes of Arabia.

Today, descendants from the tribe live in the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia,[1][2] India, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Lebanon and Palestine. The word Tamim in Arabic means strong and solid. It can also mean perfection.[3]


Arabian tribes: tribe of Abbas

Banu Abbas (Arabic: بنو عباس‎) are an Arabian tribe, descendants of Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib. The caliphs of the Banu Abbas served as heads of the Muslim community for a period of five centuries (from 750 until the sack of Baghdad in 1258).[2] This was the Abbasid caliphate.

Half the Arabs who whine about Jews have their huge ancestral lands, and whole countries under the control in Arabia, and the other half are Egyptians. And I didn't count the Kurdish families of soldiers of Saldin.

The war started when Arabs saw that Jews began raising their heads and organizing a movement to protect them from Arab pogroms in Syria- Palestine.
Modern Zionism sparked as an answer to the Damascus affair and the waves of Arab pogroms at the time.

Their choice their consequences. The caliph may go whine and demand Spain as well...
I'll make the popcorn.
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"RE: Israeli forces shoot unarmed protesters from across Gaza security fence, killing at least 15
※→ Humanity et al,

Yes, I'm thinking you and I are thinking differently if you cannot tell the difference between "collective punishment" and:

1) A military execution by firing squad. (Execution of General - may be - Anton Dostler>)
2) An indication of mass murder on the order of genocide. (Photo - may be - of an extermination camp.)
3) Children if fear of something outside the view of the camera. (Photo w/o context.)​

What I think "collective punishment " is (like lining people up against the wall and shooting them) and what you think "collective punishment" is, are different things.

That's quite a skewed idea of "collective punishment" you have there...

The first image is YOUR idea of "collective punishment"....

The second two images are MY idea of "collective punishment"...

My point exactly. It is possible for people to have a different view of the phrase: "collective punishment."

During WWII, it was not uncommon for the Waffen SS to demand the surrender of the Maquis or the SS would executed 10 civilians every half an hour. This, as well, is an example of collective punishment.

Most Respectfully,
Israel hasn't proposed jack shit, asshole!

I'm sorry sweetheart - I left the only sentence that made some sense in all that ignorant idiocy.

Yes it has, along with Egypt and other neighbors. Here's just one Hamas refused...
don't think they ever asked the people though:

I hope no more proposition directly from Israel in the next 20 years, until they prove they came to senses and deserve anything. Go talk to Your Arab fellows...convince them You're no longer Iranian traitors.

Then again if they don't make any progress, Egypt has a clear plan to install their police and clear the enclave from the suicidal Islamists. Apparently as long as there're no Jews around, occupation doesn't seem to be a problem for them.

At the end of the day, Egypt occupied it for years without any whining and kitten faced Gazans practically navigate towards this themselves.
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Israel hasn't proposed jack shit, asshole!

I'm sorry sweetheart - I left the only sentence that made some sense in all that ignorant idiocy.

Yes it has, along with Egypt and other neighbors. Here's just one Hamas refused...
don't think they ever asked the people though:

I hope no more proposition directly from Israel in the next 20 years, until they prove they came to senses and deserve anything. Go talk to Your Arab fellows...convince them You're no longer Iranian traitors.

Then again if they don't make any progress, Egypt has a clear plan to install their police and clear the enclave from the suicidal Islamists. Apparently as long as there're no Jews around, occupation doesn't seem to be a problem for them.

At the end of the day, Egypt occupied it for years without any whining and kitten faced Gazans practically navigate towards this themselves.

Here's just one Hamas refused...
What would be better than now?
Israel hasn't proposed jack shit, asshole!

I'm sorry sweetheart - I left the only sentence that made some sense in all that ignorant idiocy.

Yes it has, along with Egypt and other neighbors. Here's just one Hamas refused...
don't think they ever asked the people though:

I hope no more proposition directly from Israel in the next 20 years, until they prove they came to senses and deserve anything. Go talk to Your Arab fellows...convince them You're no longer Iranian traitors.

Then again if they don't make any progress, Egypt has a clear plan to install their police and clear the enclave from the suicidal Islamists. Apparently as long as there're no Jews around, occupation doesn't seem to be a problem for them.

At the end of the day, Egypt occupied it for years without any whining and kitten faced Gazans practically navigate towards this themselves.

Here's just one Hamas refused...
What would be better than now?

Economy, security, prosperity, fusion into the bigger Arab and western worlds as viable partners rather than needy children.

Hamas doesn't want that? Show 'em the door or explain in their language. But it has to be either done by the people within or with the help of Arab leaders who will empower them and give an opportunity to see that Hamas way is not the only way.

They just need to raise their own voice and look at available options - not through Islamist suicidal lenses, but from a perspective of becoming a grown up member of the neighborhood.

Everything will be better for them once they realize that prosperity is better that suicidal war, and that Jews are home and here to stay until the end, and if not - none will.
That is counter to You own logic, was there ever a war against Egyptian occupation?
The Egyptian occupation did not kick them out of their homes and steal their land.

Give me a break they bomb 'em when they want, expell their leaders as they wish, and take their homes when they want...but there's no Jew to blame so no one asks questions. Arab treatment that is.

Should Israel go the Egyptian or Jordanian way...I mean all this march would be "solved" in less than a day. Is this what You're saying?

Because it sure seems Gazans themselves signal towards this...You know like Pavlov dog?
Jordan treated them in no time and silence ever since, Egypt occupation - silence all dandy.
But once we disengage - here's a war for You.

One can take this insistence on self-abuse as a hint to the only solution they seem to have no objections to. Should Israelis learn to speak the "language of the Arab man"?
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Islamics behaving like savages.

Another of your "slime the Pal'istanians", YouTube videos.

Wait a sec so the vest is INDEED bulletproof... wow and You don't realize how this puts the whole claim about "targeting" into garbage.

Do You have ANY proof Hamas didn't kill him for propaganda purposes to deflect from the IED's, rifles and the Swastika flag? ANY?

And.. what are we supposed to see here? The causes of tire burning?...Yeah we told 'em bout that. But Gazans are Gazans...they'll even complain that they have no more tires left and blame Israel

I guess You deflect to this silly video because there's no proof that an Israeli killed him, or even targeted.
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